The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 118: Lingdao vs. Yuan Zhuo Zhuo

"When the deity is a younger generation of Tianwang domain, you have not been born yet, and dare to speak out in front of me. I really don’t know how to live and die. You will know immediately, even if it is the same cultivation, I will kill you. It is still easy. ""

At the same time, Zhai Yuanzhuo displayed the sword and the sorcerer's seal, the double sword vibrated, the creaking, the green sword, and suddenly became gray, as if to make the battlefield of the big battle together, the rusted ancient sword, exudes decay The breath makes the trees wither and let the flowers wither and let the land run down.

Last time, Ling Dao scared away Yuan Yuanzhuo. It can be said that it was a shameful shame of Qi Yuanzhuo. Now there is a chance of revenge. Yuan Yuanzhuo is not only merciless, but even his mouth is not merciless. It is too cheap to kill Lingdao. It’s interesting to let Lingdao fear first and then torture the dead road.

"Yes, the last time I really lied to you, then I only killed you a younger brother, but now, your other younger brother, you are already dead." Lingdao stretched out his hands and slammed it, Cao Yang De's body appeared in front of him. "Do not believe, look."

Ling Dao threw Cao Yangde's body to Qi Yuanzhuo. Anyway, he had already taken away all the things in Cao Yangde's small Qiankun. He was so violent that he had nothing to do with Cao Yangde. He did not expect Cao Yangde to die in Lingdao. Qi Yuanzhuo was shocked and angry. The shock was that Ling Dao actually killed Cao Yangde. The anger was that Ling Dao used Cao Yangde’s body to resist his two swords.

Cao Yangde said that he is the younger brother of Zhai Yuanzhuo. If Zhai Yuanzhuo ruined the body of Cao Yangde, others still don’t know how to say it. Qi Yuanzhuo can’t wait to swear. He was still thinking about how Lingdao resisted his offensive. He did not expect Lingdao’s method. So rude.

Qi Yuanzhuo had to withdraw the two swords, and used the soft power to catch Cao Yangde’s body. He had just placed Cao Yangde’s body on the ground, and he felt that there was a flower in front of him. Lingdao had already appeared in front of him. Eight steps to chase the stars, one step seems to be able to cross from one star to another.

"I already knew that you would be like this, fight with me, you are still too tender, do you think I will be unprepared?"

Zhai Yuanzhuo with sneer, dry swords and sorcerer's seals erupt at the same time, so close attack, he believes that Lingdao can't escape, he has a lot of combat experience, and he uses Cao Yangde's body to resist from Lingdao. His two big swords, he guessed the current situation.

"True Dragon King Boxing."

Lingdao said nothing, that is, using the eighth turn of the nine-turn dragon dragon, the display of the real dragon king boxing, rushed to the Yuan Yuanzhuo, Dong Miaoyin, proud dragon, Qian Hui, butterfly dance and Qi Yuanzhuo decisive battle, Lingdao all look in the eyes, He knew that he was not an opponent of Yu Yuanzhuo.

Therefore, he must first take the lead, take the lead, step by step, step by step, he will be able to turn around, and use eight times his own strength when he comes up. He can definitely give Qian Yuanzhu a heavy blow. He uses the cleverness of Qi Yuanzhuo. Qi Yuanzhuo wanted to use two big swords at him at close range, which just jumped into his trap.


The huge dragon head, like the real one, the dragon horns, the dragon scorpion, like a real dragon roaring, in the void, picking up the waves of the sky, Lingdao's double fists, respectively on the two swords, green and green The long sword of the drop collapsed, and the rusted ancient sword exploded.

The two swords were smashed, and Lingdao not only did not relax the vigilance, but instead quickly displayed the true dragon illustrations, the huge real dragon shadows, surrounded by the Lingdao group, protected in the inside, one by one ancient text, like the city wall It is indestructible, and the broken sword is like the raindrops. It falls on the real dragon illustrations and splashes round and round.

"What are you guarding against? I still can't stop my double fists." Lingdao moved forward again. The double fists are like the ones created by Xianjin. They shine brightly. "You are still a tyrant, the apprentice of Duanmu Emperor, Zhentiangong." On the first day, I really don’t know how bad your Tianmu Emperor’s Tianzun strength is, or how to make you first.”

The vomiting blood of the Yuan Yuan Zhuo, Ling Dao not only humiliated him, but also humiliated all the Tianzun of the Tiantian Palace. Unfortunately, don’t look at the arrogance of Lingdao. In fact, he is step by step. From the beginning to the present, the rhythm of the battle will be completely Firmly in your own hands.

Even if Yuan Zhenzhuo’s real combat power is even worse than Lingdao, he is still always led by Lingdao, especially Lingdao’s first punch, which directly beats Yuen Yuanzhuo. Real Dragon King Boxing not only broke the two majors. The sword seal, also destroying all the swordsmanship, and finally squatting on the body of Qi Yuanzhuo.


Qi Yuanzhuo bowed his body, like a soft-footed prawn, with a big mouth hemoptysis, and his chest had two depressions. It was caused by the real dragon Wang Quan of Lingdao. If he was originally a tyrant, he feared that the sternum would be broken. Ling The punching power of the road is really scary.

Now, Yuan Yuanzhuo and Lingdao are the same as the peaks of the sky. However, the physical strength of Lingdao broke out far more than that of Yuan Yuanzhuo, so that Yuan Yuanzhuo was shocked. Qi Yuanzhuo still wondered if Lingdao had any means to The domain preserves the original realm, but it is still not right, because the predecessor of the king of war, there is no such great force.

Lingdao will not give Qian Yuanzhuo a breathing time, once again deceived himself, and together with Qi Yuanzhuo, Yu Yuanzhuo is not the sixth of the Xianyi Palace, even if the first confrontation is injured, still able to withstand the offensive of Lingdao, and, with As time went by, Yu Yuanzhuo gradually became evenly matched with Ling Dao.

"If you fight again, I am afraid that he is pressing me and must think of a way."

If Ruo Xue is shot, it will not only allow Yan Yuanzhuo to shoot, but also greatly reduce the strength of Qian Yuanzhuo. However, Lingdao does not want to use the hand of others to finally encounter such a powerful opponent. He sees Hunting heart is happy, you have to rely on your own combat power, and Yu Yuanzhuo is divided.

"Previously because of the general idea, you really thought that you are my opponent." Yan Yuanzhuo blinked and began to use the radical method on Lingdao. "There is a kind of you and I will fight alone. If you let others intervene, you can win me. What is the use, you should not rely on the white face of a woman's soft rice."

Lingdao is young and vigorous, and Yuan Yuanzhuo feels that Lingdao is very easy to be stimulated by him and makes a wrong decision. Unfortunately, what Yuan Yuanzhuo does not know is that even if he does not say, Lingdao will also fight with him and want to be in the same realm. Among the warriors, it is very difficult to find an opponent that is better than yourself.

Other geniuses, at most, and Lingdao are evenly matched. Unlike Yuan Yuanzhuo, he can win him. It is not important for the Yuanyuan Zhuo realm that is suppressed by Menghuangjie. As long as the realm of Yuanyuanzhuo is the same as that of Lingdao, the heavens are three thousand boundaries, and there is boundlessness. Tianfeng’s Fengwu military is as powerful as the current Yuanyuanzhuo.

If Yin Qingyi, Gu Hong, and Emperor Huang are the emperors or emperors, and look down on the genius of the whole world, then Lingdao must have a big loss sooner or later. Fortunately, Lingdao is not a arrogant person. He knows that heavenly genius is like a star. Yelang arrogance will only limit his achievements.

"You don't want to step in, I want to fight with him. It's not that he is dead, that is, I am dead."

Lingdao’s attitude is resolute, and he does not give the butterfly dance and other people a rebuttal opportunity. Only when he gambles on his life can he inspire potential power. After Levin’s retreat, Dong Miaoyin retreats, proud dragons retreat, Qian Hui and Butterfly Dance silence. For a moment, the same back, the battlefield was handed over to Lingdao and Qi Yuanzhuo.

"Well, I have aspirations. Even if you are killed by me, you can still laugh at Jiuquan. After all, I am a tyrant, and you are just a little king."

Even if standing in a hostile position, Qi Yuanzhuo still appreciates Ling Dao. Unfortunately, Ling Dao is not a disciple of Zhen Tiangong. Otherwise, Ling Dao can definitely become his younger brother. Of course, appreciation and appreciation, the battle can not stop, first kill Lingdao, and then kill the butterfly dance and other people, the purpose of Qi Yuanzhuo has not changed.

"Yuan Zhuojian."

In order to kill Lingdao, Qi Yuanzhuo took out the sword of the heavenly sword, and all the swords were displayed. He held the hilt with both hands, and the swords on both sides were like a meat grinder. Even if the shadows were flying, the palm prints were interlaced. It is still being retired by Zhai Yuanzhuo.

Lingdao clothing is broken, the body of the sword is wounded, more and more, the rhythm of the battle has been out of the control of Lingdao, the stronger the battle of Qianyuan, the sword light is like a fierce beast, biting the body of Lingdao, however, Lingdao became more and more frustrated, and his injuries not only did not weaken his strength, but made him stronger.

Yuan Zhuojian kills the Quartet. Whether it is boxing or palm print, it can't stop the mighty sword river. Even if it is a true dragon illustration, it can't stop the sword of the Yuan Zhenzhuo. As the first day of the Tiantian Temple, Yu Yuanzhuo can practice. The sword method is not only the sword of the heavenly sword, but also the sword of the saints, and even the sword of the Tao.

"Kid, you look at you well, now you can go back."

Zhai Yuanzhuo said with a smile, Ling Dao’s behind him is a cliff. With the strength of Ling Dao, even if he is through a mountain, there is still no problem. However, when he first shot, he was already behind Ling Dao, full of swords. Inexhaustible, now just in front of the cliff.

"I really don't know if I should marry you, or thank you, you let me realize the real dragon fist."

It’s a broken Lingdao. Not only does it not reveal a little bit of fear, but it laughs. There is a big fear between life and death. There is also a big chance between life and death. The dragon is really a dragon fist, but it is not created by him. It’s quite ridiculous.

Even if there are the foundations of Wu Peng and Zhen Long Wang Quan, Ling Dao still can't realize the real dragon fist. He feels that only one layer of window paper is from the last step. I didn't expect the excitement of Yu Yuanzhuo, and finally let him smash. Window paper, took the last step.

After Wutong Emperor really had a dragon fist, he had a feeling of suddenness and openness. His sleeves had already shattered, and on both arms, two dragons appeared slowly. The dragon fights the sky and the dragon head lifts slightly. The five-claw clenched, as if to catch the pulsation of the heavens and the earth, and seize the five elements of yin and yang.

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