The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 119: Emperor really dragon fist

Huangji Zhenlongquan is itself prepared for Fengfeng Tianjun. The arms are engraved with dragon patterns, and the double fists are used to distribute Longwei. People are like real dragons. If they are kings, they are imposing, and the former military practitioners who cultivated wild and ridiculous powers are in At the time of Tianjun, Wutong’s emperor’s real dragon fist, however, can be used in the early days of Lingdao.

On the qualifications, the former martial arts practitioners who were quite ridiculous and savvy were better than Lingdao. However, in terms of savvy, Lingdao was more powerful than the martial artists who had cultivated the ridiculous genius of the past. His past life was high, and this life is even supreme. Oh, understanding is far superior to the general genius.

"嗷~~ Ang."

Lingdao violently played the Huangji Zhenlongquan, and did not use the nine-turn dragon dragon strength. Because it was not needed, the Huangji Zhenlongquan was enough to let his boxing intentions get the most outburst, let his boxing force, crush the sword of Yuan Yuanzhuo. The potential, the Yuanyuan origin star violently trembled, a large number of sources, gathered on his double fist.

In the past, Ling Dao felt that the Dragon King Boxing was very powerful. However, compared with Huangji Zhenlong Boxing, after all, it was weaker than ever. It was quite ridiculous and the operation route of Xianjin was changed. When he was in his arms, he changed. The operation is quite ridiculous, but now all the forces are pouring into his fists.

A punch hit, the sky is full of swords and smoke, and Yuan Yuanzhuo's face changed. I didn't expect to push Lingdao to the dead end. Lingdao was able to display such a brilliant school, and Yuan Yuanzhuo quickly lifted Yuan Zhuojian and displayed his best saint. Sword method.

"A junior, how can he display such a powerful boxing method, what is his origin, not to say that he came from a small field of wilderness? Is it that he has another adventure, the chance to get the boxing method, or The corresponding exercises."

"Great silence swordsmanship."

The boxing method of Ling Dao’s practice brought the shock of Zhai Yuanzhuo so much that he had forgotten one thing, that is, now he only has the peak of the heavens, and he is the master of the sword, but he can let The power of the sacred swordsmanship blooms.

Only he is the best man in the world, and he uses the sword of the holy character. Weineng doesn’t know how much weak. If he is a tyrant, now he can make the grass turn into ashes, and the giant petrochemical is the powder. For the scorched earth, the law of killing the sword is to let all things be destroyed, let the heavens and the earth be destroyed, and let one world be destroyed.

The current Yuan Yuanzhuo is like a young boy who died. The place where the sword of the heavenly sword passes, the broken stone collapses, the dead air is filled, the decay is gorgeous, and the Lingdao is like a young war god, with boundless Wei Li, double boxing. When you are in the sky, you can smash the sky and open the stars.

Lingdao and Qianyuan Zhuo battle together, the former is like a king, overlooking the world, the latter is weak, just the murderous devil's head, it seems that there is a sword in the whine, there is a broken bone sound, the fist The swords are staggered, shining brightly, shining like the sun in the sky.

Heaven and earth are in the sky, and one young and one young warrior has pain in the ear bones. He can’t hear any voice. Their eyes can’t help but close up. It’s also the peak of the sky. They can’t play the battle like Lingdao and Qi Yuanzhuo. Force, people are more popular than people, they finally realized it again.

Huangji Zhenlongquan not only blocked the sword of the great silence, but also broke the sword of the great silence. Not only that, the dragon pattern on the arms of Lingdao actually rose into the sky and turned into two big dragons, hitting the ground. In the body of Zhai Yuanzhuo, don't say that Yuan Yuanzhuo did not think that even Lingdao did not think of it. After all, Lingdao was the first time to display Huangji Zhenlongquan.

"It's terrible. We are still thinking about killing Lingdao first. Now I know that what is called a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. We are the newborn calves. Lingdao is a tiger. If we fight with Lingdao, he only needs to Using the boxing method just now, you can kill us with a punch."

"What is not known to live and die, we are, wanting to kill the life of the road is equal to burying our lives, but we are cautious, from beginning to end, no hands-on, whether it is the peak of heaven or the king of heaven, we are not Lingdao Your opponent, or don't die."

"I decided, whether or not I can become an apprentice of Lingjia Dadi, I will not fight with Lingdao now. Compared with ordinary warriors, we are geniuses, but compared with Lingdao, we are mediocrity, perhaps He didn't put us at all, why should we take it for granted?"

There are no 12 young warriors in the distance who want to kill Lingdao. It’s not that they don’t want to kill Lingdao, but they don’t dare. Compared with being a disciple of Ling’s Emperor, it’s still important. As long as you don't die, you may still become an apprentice of the Ling family. If you die, you may not have anything.

"Do not,."

Qian Yuanzhuo was not willing to scream, but unfortunately, he had no time to shoot, two dragons, and the smashing Yuan Yuanzhuo tumbling in the air, even if the Yuan Yuanzhuo was physically strong, there was still a wound, and Huangji Zhenlongquan had an unknown power. Can pierce the body of Qi Yuanzhuo.

"You still have something to do, so great opportunity, not to kill him."

Lingdao bent over his waist, his hands on his knees, and his mouth was gasping. The Huangji Zhenlongquan seemed to have no bottom hole. He swallowed his origins. He hadn’t felt anything before. After he flew to Yuyuanzhuo, he felt powerless. The muscles are sore, a little moving, and it hurts everywhere.

With his current cultivation, the use of Huangji Zhenlongquan has exceeded the load of the body. Don’t look at Qi Yuanzhuo’s injury, but if he fights again, the winner will still be Yuan Yuanzhuo, because Lingdao’s current state, even the heyday’s Half of the combat power can't be played.

"Don't you tell us not to intervene? How can we ask us to kill him?"

Qianhui was bored and asked softly. The emperor’s real dragon fist, which was displayed by Ling Dao, brought her shock, which is also very big. If Lingdao is a few more times, it will be possible to make Yu Yuanzhuo a dead dog. I rolled my eyes and didn't expect Qianhui to be so real. I don't know if the plan can't keep up with the changes.

"I will let you not intervene and decide to live and die with him, just to stimulate yourself. I will realize the martial arts that I did not understand before, and now my purpose has been reached. There is no need to continue playing with him, and I also play. However, he will die if he fights again. Why should I fight?

Besides, now that he is injured, it is the best chance to kill him. If you don’t kill him now, when he recovers, not only will I die, but all of you will die. You used to hand over with him. I don't know how powerful he is.

Don't think about anything, he is a tyrant, he is a tyrant, we are just the king of heaven, we and him, it is unfair to us, he is a tyrant, do not face us, do we have to tell him what is wrong Can you not be so rigid? ”

Ling Dao hated iron and said that the heavens are not only strong, such as Lin, there are countless battles. If you are too real, too rigid, you must eat big losses. Fortunately, Qianhui has no rebuttal, but nodded. The sword was taken out of the sheath and killed to Yu Yuanzhuo.

Ao Long, Lei Wenyuan, Dong Miaoyin and Butterfly Dance have already been shot. They are not pedantic people. They are even attacking Cao Yangde and cutting Cao Yangde into eunuchs. Lei Wenyuan is a gambler. It’s normal, but Dong Miaoyin, the person in the Tianqin domain calls her a demon girl, often does not play cards according to common sense. The butterfly dance knows better that living is the most important thing. If it is dead, revenge Who does it.

Butterfly Dance, Aolong, Qianhui, Dong Miaoyin, and Lei Wenyuan all broke through on the stage of the Holy Class. They are better than other geniuses. Now they are hit by the squad, and they are simultaneously shot, of course, they are pressured. With Yuan Yuan Zhuo Da, both the dragon sword of the proud dragon and the golden sword of the butterfly dance can leave a sword wound on the body of Qi Yuanzhuo.

"A group of you are confusing, you have to do more bullying, and there is a kind of fight with me to ensure that you know what the gap is."

Yu Yuanzhuo screamed again and again, and the emperor was really strong. He was so strong that he had not recovered yet. The power of Huangji Zhenlongquan not only disturbed his gongs, but also entangled his origins and stars. Great loss, want to fully understand the power of the Emperor Dragon Dragon, at least a few hundred breathing time.

But the butterfly dance, the proud dragon, and the Levin far one shot more than one, one shot is faster than the one, they are dead, and Qian Hui can't open at first, but after being influenced by them, the big free sword is derived. All kinds of murderers, madly squatting on Yuan Yuanzhuo.

"Kill him, if he is to live, wait until he leaves the big dream, and we are not his opponent."

Lingdao squats, runs the exercises, starts healing, deals with Yuan Yuanzhuo, and gives it to the butterfly dance and other people. He is still assured that the butterfly dance and the dragon's weapons can cause enough damage to the Yuan Yuanzhuo and cannot restore the realm. The Yuan Zhen Zhuo, can not stop their killing.

"You are a tyrant, I am shouting and fighting alone. I am blushing for you. Do you really have no face and no skin?"

At the same time, the proud dragon tweeted Yuan Zhuo, but also manipulated the dragon sword, specializing in the sword of the lower body of Qi Yuanzhuo, and Yuan Yuanzhuo’s forehead was cold and sweaty. He had been injured and had to guard against the black hand of the proud dragon, making his sword Disorganized, no power at all.

Even if it is so passive, Qi Yuanzhuo is still at the last moment of the battle. It is not the butterfly dance and other people who killed him, but he is alive and exhausted. He has thousands of wounds on his body, the blood has already drained, the source is exhausted, his death, Let the butterfly dance and others breathe a sigh of relief, but their mood is still very heavy.

First, the wheel battle, and then Lingdao injured Chen Yuanzhuo, and then they went together, only spent the Yuan Yuanzhuo, replaced them with any one, and Yuan Yuanzhuo alone, they will die in the hands of Qi Yuanzhuo, they are depressed, but they do not know that Yuan Yuanzhuo is more depressed, soaring Ba Tianzun, actually died in the hands of a group of heavenly kings.

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