The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 131: Great emperor

"He is your father, you let me save him, you want to see your father, deliberately find an excuse, he can be dangerous."

After the Taikoo City Lord rushed to the Tianwang domain, he noticed the Xiaoyao Wang. Now he is in the middle of the Tiangong Palace. It is difficult to attract people's attention. The sword magic gave the Qinglian mask to Lingdao some time ago, and it has already recovered. Rong, he is the son of Happy King, and he looks like it.

What's more, the ancient city owner has long seen that the sword demon is the emperor. Previously, the sword demon said that his father was in danger. The ancient city owner thought his father was attacked by the immortal king. Who knows, it is actually the father of the sword demon. The trouble of actively looking for the Tiangong of the town, if not the fear of the swordsman is not loaded, he thought that the sword magic took him to find happiness.

"Sorry, the city owner, I really don't know that my father turned out to be the great emperor."

To say that Xiaoyao Wang claimed to be the Emperor, who is most surprised, it is definitely not Lingdao, Lingdao knows the most happy King, to know that Xiaoyao Wang came to heaven for a few years, even if others said that he is the blood of the Emperor, he I have never thought of the unforgettable Wang Huicheng emperor. In a few years, from the peak of the heavens to the emperor, it is simply impossible.

The sword magic stunned himself and confirmed that it was not after the dream that he slowly accepted the fact that Wang Xiaocheng was happy. It is no wonder that after the Yaowang went to heaven, his blood power suddenly surged, and Wang Chengdi, as his son, was sure. Will be affected.

"The city owner, you think that my father is awesome, or the Duanmu Emperor of Zhentiangong is very powerful."

Don't say that Duanmu Emperor hasn't appeared yet, even if Duanmu Emperor and Xiaoyao Wang stand together, the swordsman also doesn't know who is better. Fortunately, the Taikoo City Lord is next to it. At the beginning, the Taikoo City Lord defeated the chaos with an enemy three. The will of the three great emperors of the ancient domain, the eyesight of the ancient city masters, is certainly not comparable to the swordsmen.

"The time of Duanmu Emperor's emperor is earlier than your father. His realm is also higher than your father." The Taikoo City Lord indulged for a moment before continuing to say, "However, if you fight, your father will not only suffer, but even have May have the upper hand."

"That's good, the city owner, let's go back."

The swordsman is relieved, and the Taikoo City Lord feels that the Happy King is not in danger. The Happy King will certainly not have anything. The things that the father and the son recognize are still handed over to Lingdao. Anyway, Lingdao is still playing in the Lingjia. In the future, Lingdao is the Emperor. Zi, as the emperor, walking the world, others want to move him, must be measured one or two.

The Taikoo City Lord did not ask why, directly with the sword magic, left the king of the king, the sword and the Xiaoyao Wang in the end what is going on, the ancient city owner does not know, he is too lazy to manage, he has to do is to cultivate the sword Let the sword demon become a peerless sword repair, reinventing the glory of the demon emperor.

"Whoever dared to yell at the Tiangong in my town, don't you die?"

In the depths of the town Tiangong, there was a majestic voice. The Xiaoyao Wang made such a huge movement. The Duanmu Emperor wanted to know that it was difficult. The Emperor made trouble. The elders of the Tiantian Palace could not support the scene. Only Duanmu Emperor personally went out. Only then.

The dark clouds dissipated, the Thunder disappeared, and the sky above the Tiangong Palace, the Qingming, the elders and disciples of the Tiantian Palace, all breathed a sigh of relief, and the Duanmu Emperor appeared, they were relieved, the town Tiangong is the master of the Tianwang domain, Duanmu The emperor is the master of the town Tiangong.

"Duanmu Laofufu, you don't know the Emperor, why bother to pretend, how, the face sent an apprentice to kill the Emperor's son, no face to see the Emperor."

Xiaoyao Wang said unceremoniously that the reason why he killed Tianwang’s Tiangong was because his Duanmu Emperor’s actions touched his bottom line. Duanmu Emperor let the Tianwang of the Tiangong Temple deal with Lingdao, he would not have What opinions, however, Duanmu Emperor actually let Qi Yuanzhuo and Cao Yangde go out, the former is the first day of Zhentiangong, the latter is the first day of Zhentiangong.

"Hugh and bloody, when the Emperor sent an apprentice to kill your son."

Duanmu Emperor did not know that Lingdao was the son of Xiaoyao Wang. He thought that Xiaoyao Wang was deliberately looking for trouble. He only let Ye Xin, Cao Yangde and Qi Yuanzhuo kill and kill them, and did not send other disciples to kill the son of Xiaoyao Wang. Because he knows the son of Happy King, there are others.

"No, how did the owner go to the kingdom, who is in our family."

"Isn't the emperor always at home? The warriors of the Tiantian Temple are even more courageous and dare not kill us at home."

The voice of Xiaoyao Wang, of course, is familiar with the warriors of Lingjia, especially Ling Jianhao. A pair of eyes are bigger than the bull's eye. The owner of the Ling family once personally told him to do things. He will not even hear the mistake. The happy king is the owner of the Ling family. The way the owner looks, he has not seen it.

Since Xiaoyao Wang is the owner of the Ling family, then the owner of the Ling family on the martial arts field must have a problem. There is only one real Lingjia family. Ling Jianhao can conclude that the owner of Tianwang is true, and the family is fake because of the family. Unlike previous homeowners, their personality is different.

The owner of the Ling family on the martial arts field must have imitated the sound of the happy king. Lingdao did not hear it. It is no surprise that after the imperial Wang Cheng emperor, there was a great majesty in the voice, not to mention the Lingdao before. The Great Emperor and the Happy King were not linked together.

"My father is the owner of Lingjia. Isn't Lingjia already a homeowner?"

The more you know, the more confused Lingdao is. It’s only a few years before the king of heaven comes to heaven. However, Lingjia’s foothold in Tianling is not a few years, but thousands of years. It’s always impossible to be a happy king. After that, the original Lingjia family gave him the big name of the family.

"Lingdao is the emperor of my Ling family."

Ling Jianhao only feels that his mind is chaotic. Since Lingdao is the son of the owner, what kind of trial is he taking? Since Lingdao is the son of the owner, what happened to the previous incident, since Lingdao is the son of the owner, why? They didn't know it before.

The thirteen Taoist princes who had previously shot changed their faces. They finally knew what the reason for the Lingjia family to kill them. If Lingdao is really the son of the Lingjia family, then the Lingjia family can completely kill them on the spot, even if It is the emperor's power behind them, and there is nothing to say.

"Pit, the owner of the Ling family clearly deliberately hangs us, let us take the shot to deal with Lingdao, just to order our lives."

They finally understood why Lingjia’s family had to pay a lot of money to show them to them. They knew that Lingdao was the son of Ling’s family. Even if they gave them a hundred courage, they would not dare to deal with Lingdao’s owners. Their previous actions were enough to let the Lingjia family kill them thousands of times 10,000 times.

"No wonder I want to personally go to the world of Swords to protect the Lingdao. It turns out that Lingdao is the son of the owner."

The doubts in Qianhui’s heart have finally been solved. Lingdao is the emperor. Lingjia’s top executives let her go to the world of Jianshen. It is completely understandable. It’s no wonder that the importance of protecting Lingdao is more than that of competing people. The son of the Ling family is not important.

Butterfly Dance, Ao Long, Dong Miaoyin, and Lei Wenyuan also did not think that Ling Dao was the son of Lingjia’s owner. They felt that Ling Dao and Ling Jia’s family were all acting artists, and they would be Ling Xiao Ge, Nan Tian Shi Jia and other emperors. The strong deceived one by one, they know where, in fact, Lingdao does not know that the Lingjia family is his father.

"Know why your son can only break through on the holy stage, and Lingdao can make a breakthrough in the big world."

The problem of Xiaoyao Wang made the Duanmu Emperor frown, because Duanmu Emperor realized that it was not good. Lingdao only had the predecessor of Tianwang. Duanmu Emperor had never put it in his heart. Until now, Duanmu Emperor discovered that Lingdao’s looks and Happy King, it is so similar.

"Lingdao is your son."

Can't blame Duanmu Emperor, because he couldn't think of it, Xiaoyao Wang will let his son compete for his own apprenticeship. What's more, Duanmu Emperor only knows one son of Xiaoyao Wang, and the Emperor of Lingjia is not called Lingdao. Ling Wu, when, the Lingjia family had another son.

Lingwu is very mysterious. There is no Lingjia at all. The Lingjia family only announced that there is such a son. Duanmu Emperor has never seen it. Not every great emperor, like the Emperor of Xianyi Palace, has seven sons, Duanmu. The emperor also thought that Lingwu was the son of the Lingjia Emperor. As everyone knows, Lingwu is only the son of Xiaoyao Wang adopted in the world of Jianshen.

"Smart, because Lingdao is the son of the Emperor, so he boarded the big world."

The meaning of Xiaoyao Wang is that his son is stronger than the son of Duanmu Emperor. Duanmu Emperor has one son and one daughter. Unfortunately, both of them are the kings of the kingdom in the holy stage, and they are compared with Lingdao. It is indeed a bad one, the irony of the Happy King, the Duanmu Emperor is speechless.

"Yuan Zhuo went to Heavenly Dreamland to chase down your apprentice. The Emperor just knew it. You can't be full of nonsense because you are the great emperor."

Duanmu Emperor did not argue with Xiaoyao Wang that their son was stubborn and weak, but spoke of the fact that Qi Yuanzhuo, Cao Yangde, and Ye Xin were killing them. He would not admit that he sent Qi Yuanzhuo, Cao Yangde, Ye. Letters to kill and kill them, they only say that they make their own claims.

"They want to kill Lingdao, it is their business." Duanmu Emperor first clarified the relationship, and then sneered, "Don't say that the Emperor does not know that Lingdao is your son, even if you know, then what?"

Xiaoyao Wang drove the town Tiangong, Duanmu Emperor could not give him a good look, otherwise, the face of Zhentiangong could not be hanged, the emperor could scare others, it could not scare the emperor, Zhentiangong is the home of Duanmu Emperor, he certainly would not Fear of the happy king.

"I didn't see the palms of both hands." Xiaoyao raised his hands and shook in front of Duanmu's eyes. Then, the tone was succinct. "Today, the Emperor used these two palms to kill you alive." The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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