The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 132: a battle outside the sky

What is overbearing? This is!

What is arrogance? This is!

What is the name of no one? This is!

A group of young warriors couldn't help but look at Lingdao. They finally understood why Lingdao was arrogant and overbearing. It turned out to be hereditary. Standing opposite the Xiaoyaowang, but the great emperor of the Tiantian Palace, the result of the Xiaoyao Wang actually said that he would be killed, and he was killed alive.

Even the powerful powerhouses in Lingjia are the first time to see such a passionate scene. A great emperor threatened to kill another great emperor. They wanted to rush to the kingdom of the king and witness the decisive battle between the Ling family and the Duanmu emperor. &∷∷∷, +" ≥ ¢p;

"Ling Wei, you don't want to bully too much! When the emperor proves that you have not been born yet! Today, if you don't give you a lesson, the emperor will not be surnamed Duanmu!"

Duanmu Emperor angered his voice, and Xiaoyao Wang drove the town of Tiangong. He had never given him face. He did not expect that Xiaoyao Wang also said in public that he would kill him. It is unbearable to bear, if so let the Happy King leave, how can he be so proud of the Tianquan Sanqian territory?

"Ling... 凌昊?"

Lingdao, who stood on the Lingjia Theater, was struck by lightning. The name of Xiaoyao Wang is Ling Xiaoyao. The name Ling Xiao is strange and familiar to Lingdao. The father of Lingdao’s previous life was called Ling Xiao. When Ling Dao was very young, Ling Xiao left the Ling family.

Lingdao does not remember the appearance of his previous father, but he can be sure that the former father and the happy king are different. Duanmu Emperor could not admit the wrong person, then why should he call Xiao Yao Wang Ling? Could it be that Ling Xiao is the Happy King, and Xiao Xiao Wang is Ling Xiao?

"No wonder the scented lord said that I was not old enough. I said that I was wrong and I felt that my name was wrong."

Last time, he still felt that the scented lord was strange. Now he finally understands that it is not a problem with the fragrant Taoist, but a problem with the Happy King. If the Happy King is Ling Xiao, then everything can be explained. The fragrant Taoist knows Ling Xiao and knows that Ling Xiao’s son is Ling Dao.

However, Ling Xiao’s son is more than 5,000 years old, and now Lingdao is only in his 20s. The fragrant Taoist also knew the Happy King, so the appearance of Lingdao caused her doubts. It is a pity that the scented lord only knows that Xiaoyao Wang is Ling Xiao, and he does not know that he gave birth to a son in the lower bound.

A young man like the Happy King, whose name is the same as that of Ling Xiao’s son, is certainly incomprehensible. Ling Xiao, also Xiaoyao Wang, gave birth to a son called Ling Dao more than 5,000 years ago. Now he has a son named Ling Dao. How can such a thing happen under the sun?

In fact, even if you let Xiaoyao explain it yourself, it can't be explained. Because he did not think that Lingdao was reincarnation and became his son. The reincarnation is random and he has no control at all. Moreover, when the name was given to Lingdao, Xiaoyao Wang did not restore his memory at all, or was proposed by Lingdao.

"Your age is big, but the emperor has killed the king, have you killed it?"

When the Lingjia family witnessed the road, the king of the king personally lowered the penalty, and as a result, he was not only okay, but also strongly killed the king. The Duanmu Emperor had known Ling Xiao before, and the Lingjia family had killed the King of the King. He witnessed it. It is a pity that Duanmu Emperor did not pass the Xianwang, and Xiaoyao Wang Mingming deliberately embarrassed him.

"The realm of Emperor is higher than you, and the age is useless. Isn't the realm still useless?"

"Your realm is high, but the Emperor has killed the King of the Kings. Have you killed it?"

"Zhen Tiangong has been passed down from the ancient times to the present, and the foundation is profound. Can you compare with Lingjia?"

"There is a deep foundation in your town, but you can kill the king of the king. Have you killed it?"

"Can you mention the king of the king?"

Duanmu Emperor is really silent about Xiaoyao Wang, and Xiaoyao Wang once again raised the murder of the fairy king, and he has completely overwhelmed him in the momentum. If you don't turn around, you haven't started playing yet, and Duanmu Emperor has completely fallen to the bottom. The strong confrontation, the momentum is equally important.

"If the Emperor is not an emperor, he will dare to kill the Emperor's forces and turn it upside down. Do you dare?"

"If the Emperor is not an emperor, he can defeat the emperor. Can you?"

"This emperor has not become an emperor, just..."

Xiaoyao Wang did not speak, and Duanmu Emperor quickly interrupted him. If you let the little king go on, the momentum of the Happy King will only grow more and more. Duanmu Emperor is not the master of the heavens. Before he became an emperor, he could not beat the emperor. If they are also the same as the main territory, then the King of the Supreme King will not have to work, but fortunately, Duanmu Emperor is higher than the realm of the Era.

"This emperor is too lazy to talk nonsense with you, a battle outside the sky!"

Duanmu Emperor snorted, leaving the town Tiangong. The confrontation between the two great emperors must not be carried out in the kingdom of heaven. The town Tiangong is guarded by a large array, but not elsewhere. If they do it in the Tianwang domain, they don’t know how many innocent warriors have suffered, and they don’t know how many forces are going to vanish.

"The great emperor will win! You must give the Lingjia Emperor a lesson, let him know the greatness of the Great!"

"A small Ling family, what qualifications are compared with my town Tiangong? A qualified emperor, what qualifications are there to compete with the emperor of Tiangong in my town?"

"Elders, we want to see the confrontation between the Emperor and the Lingjia family. Can we let us see the emperor's style?"

The disciples of Zhentian Temple were all excited. The Duanmu Emperor was the **** in their minds and the invincible existence. They only know that Duanmu Emperor is so powerful that he has never seen Duanmu Emperor shot. It is a pity that the confrontation of the emperor is only the aftermath, and they will be able to make them smashed. They certainly dare not go to the sky.

The Duanmu Emperor's card was earlier than the Lingjia family. The Lingjia family only became emperor in recent years. The disciple of Zhentiangong must have felt that the Lingjia family was not as good as the Duanmu emperor. The elders of Zhentian Temple also felt that the Duanmu Emperor was stronger than the Lingjia family, so they agreed with the requirements of a group of disciples.

"Turn on the mirror!"

There are too old elders to take out the mirror, let Tianzhao mirror show the scene of the battle between the Lingjia family and the Duanmu emperor. Whether it is the elders of Zhentian Temple or the disciples of Zhentian Temple, they all look at Tianzhaojing. The great showdown, they are the first time they saw it. How can they not be excited?

The martial artists on the martial arts field of Lingjia also raised their heads and looked at the huge light curtain. The disciple of Zhentiangong believed that Duanmu Emperor would win, and Lingjia’s children certainly felt that the Lingjia family would definitely win. Fortunately, Lingjia and Zhentian Temple are not together. Otherwise, Lingjia’s children must be quarreling with the disciples of Zhentian Temple.

The thirteen Taoist monarchs who had previously shot on Lingdao were the most tormented. If the Lingjia family defeated Duanmu Emperor, they would inevitably kill them. If Duanmu Emperor defeated the Lingjia family, maybe the Lingjia family would be angry and angry, and they would kill them. Unless Duanmu Emperor killed the Lingjia family, they can survive.

"Duanmu Laofu, are you ready to be killed by the Emperor?"

Just in a flash, the Happy King came to the sky and stood in front of Duanmu Emperor. Duanmu Emperor did not think that the Happy King once again said such arrogant words. Since the emperor, no one has been so rude to Duanmu Emperor, who is not respectful to him?

"Isn't it a small tone, then I feel that I am invincible in the world?"

Duanmu Emperor wore a blue jersey and looked at the sorrowful king coldly. The great powers began to skyrocket, the void was trembled, and the avenue was roaring. He is like a blue sun, the light is shining, the momentum is soaring, and it is better than the real sun.

His body suddenly grew bigger, up to a thousand feet, like a giant, overlooking the Happy King. A big hand, slammed down, like hundreds of big stars falling, the void collapsed, and the world was turbulent. Another big hand is coming, like a peerless sword, with a sharp edge and nothing to stop.

Just two palms are even more terrible than the soldiers. Fingers such as the pillars of the heavens, a knuckle, are even heavier than the Taikoo Mountain. If Daojun is present, I am afraid that it is already broken and can't bear the palm of the Duanmu. The great emperor is the great emperor, and it is not the same as the monarch.

Behind him, there was a towering ancient wood, which was lush and lush, and it was his way. Thousands of avenues are densely packed, covered with voids, and cover the sky. With his hands playing, thousands of words were gathered in his palm.

"If you are the second in the world, this emperor is invincible in the world, because the emperor has to kill you personally!"

Xiaoyao Wang said, the heavens are three thousand territories, and the great emperor is stronger than him. What's more, there is also the fairyland, the fairy king is only the bottom, there are also Xianjun, there are fairy statues, there are emperors, even the emperor. Of course he will not be conceited and think that he is the best in the world.

He didn't shoot, but his hair, his thick black hair, like a thousand swords, creaking and stabbing. A single hair, constantly growing, exudes a sharp edge. There are holes in the void, and the sky is like a sieve.

"Oh la la..."

The body of Xiaoyao Wang is also transformed into a thousand feet, and the blue shirt is windless and automatic, and it screams. A thick black hair, stabbed on the palm of the Duanmu Emperor. The body of the Duanmu Emperor is harder than the Taoist, but unfortunately, it still can't stop the black hair of the Happy King.

Thousands of avenues collapsed and disappeared, and Duanmu Emperor frowned, looking at one dark hair and piercing into his palm. His blood is like a red agate, crystal clear, like a blood diamond. A drop of blood fell down the palm of his hand.


The blood of the Great Emperor fell, and one mountain after another fell. Fortunately, Duanmu Emperor first spent the killing of blood, otherwise, just a drop of his blood, you can destroy a force. Only after the first confrontation, Duanmu Emperor was eating a loss, his face must not look good.

"Well, you are a singer, do you want to force the emperor to move the real thing?" Duanmu the emperor withdrew his hands, the previous wound, healed in an instant, and restored to the original, "the emperor, come! With the emperor, kneel down his head!" ”

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