The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 133: Human relations

"How could it be that the Emperor was actually injured, and the first move was bleeding."

"The emperor is not serious at all. It is not shameful to show the lore as if the owner of the Ling family came up."

"The Great is the strongest, don't believe, you wait and see, the Emperor must be convinced."

Tianzhao mirror shows the details of the battle between Lingjia Emperor and Duanmu Emperor. Some disciples of Zhentian Temple do not believe that Duanmu Emperor will be injured. Some think that Duanmu Emperor is a light enemy, and others think that Duanmu Emperor is deliberate. Show the enemy to weak, and then take a strong shot, killing the Emperor Ling.

Contrary to Zhentian Temple, Lingjia’s children were cheering. For the first time, the Lingjia family took the upper hand and penetrated the palm of the Duanmu Emperor. The emperor’s blood collapsed one after another. They felt that the owner The Duanmu Emperor is so powerful that it is now more firmly determined.

"A strong and powerful emperor, is there a big showdown?"

The fluctuations of the battle between the Lingjia Emperor and the Duanmu Emperor are too great. The territory near the Tianwang domain, one after another strong, looking up at the sky, they can feel the two powerful atmosphere, the imperialism, the terrible momentum It seems that the world is to be separated.

The great confrontation is extremely rare. Of course, they want to go to the sky and see the grace of two emperors. Only the emperors will confront each other. The aftermath of the battle will kill the monarch. They don’t dare to come, even the Taoist, can only be far away. The ground war, for fear of being affected.

Even the emperors of other emperors are not afraid to approach, they are not able to withstand the aftermath of the battle, but do not want to cause the resentment of Lingjia and Emperor Duanmu, if Lingjia and Emperor Duanmu think they are deliberate, they They shot, they regretted it.

Duanmu Emperor, they know, Lingjia family, they also know that the former is the old emperor, the realm is deep, the strength is unpredictable, the latter is the new emperor, daring and arrogant, the two powerful emperors fight, other emperors will certainly not miss .

"Stars knife."

Going to Heavenly Dreamland to deal with Lingdao, their Taoist name is Dumu Lvxing. He is the younger brother of Duanmu Emperor. The name of Duanmu Emperor is Duanmu Tianxing. The Emperor Tianxingdao is named after Duanmu Emperor. The Star Knife is Duanmu. Emperor used the gods and raw materials to cast them by hand.

The first confrontation, Duanmu Emperor suffered a loss, therefore, he directly took out the Star Knife, to give Lingjia the Great a good-looking, the Emperor is in hand, his combat power, certainly stronger than before, he is a knife repair, no need and Ling The master of the family is hard, after all, the owner of the Ling family is a martial art.

"Take out your emperor, and the people in the province say that the emperor bullies you."

The emperor is in the hand, the power of the Duanmu Emperor is better than before, and the sword is one, it is like a peerless sword. It is enough to open the front, enough to penetrate the Scorpio. The Lingjia family has only proved in recent years that his emperor is definitely not as good as the star. Knife, Duanmu Emperor let the Lingjia family owner use the emperor, just to humiliate the Lingjia family.

"To deal with you, you still need the emperor." Xiaoyao Wang did not have the meaning of taking out the soldiers, but sneered. "You are jealous or jealous. The Emperor said that you should use this palm to kill you." Die, don't you remember?"

In fact, Xiaoyao Wang went to Tianwang domain and did not bring the emperor. His emperor was still in Lingjia. The words of Xiaoyao Wang had already made Duanmu Emperor’s face gloomy as water. If Duanmu Emperor knew that Xiaoyao Wang had no intention to use Emperor. Soldier, I don’t know what he will look like.

"Since you are looking for death, then the Emperor will fulfill you."

Duanmu Emperor raised the star knives, slammed to the sorrowful king, the unskilled knives, smashed the vacuum, thousands of avenues, and at the same time fell, the tens of thousands of miles of the void, violently oscillated, into pieces Knife light, like the Milky Way, from where the Duanmu Emperor is, rushing to the place where the Happy King is.

The swords of hundreds of feet are falling, the heavens and the earth are divided into two, the yin and yang are upside down, and the chaos is surging. Even the strongest of other territories can still feel the horror of the Star Knife, and the warriors of the Tianwang domain are even scared. On the ground, the fear of dazzling knives fell and took their lives.

Xiaoyao Wang did not hide the meaning of the Star Knife, but raised his hands and went to the Duanmu Emperor. Whether it was the warrior of the Tiantian Temple, the warrior of Lingjia, or the strong of other territories, all of them were shocked and did not think of the Happy King. Even so fierce, it is necessary to slap the soldiers.

The body of the Emperor is indeed tyrannical, but the realm of the Duanmu Emperor and the Lingjia Emperor, the flesh is still not comparable to the Emperor. Otherwise, they do not need the emperor, but the flesh is the only one that can be used as a soldier. Lingjia Dadi The practice, even the Duanmu Emperor, is equally incomprehensible.

On the surface, Xiaoyao Wang is a hand-to-hand soldier. This is not the case. There is a small world between his hands. The mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon, the flowers and birds, the fish and the yin and yang, suddenly magnify, like one after another. The world has blocked the star knife.

Duanmu Emperor coldly screamed, the stars slammed down, the sun and the moon stars burst into blast, the mountains and rivers became smashed, the flowers, birds and worms became ugly, and one big world shattered, completely unable to stop the edge of the star knives. The star's knife is like a broken bamboo, it seems to be the two of the Lingjia Emperor.

Behind the Lingjia Emperor, there is a sudden emergence of a world, unlike the previous world, because there are people, men, women and children, everything, scholars, officials, businessmen, farmers, and powerful warriors, from the lowest physical body, to Tianzun is at its peak.

"It's a human relationship. The most powerful thing about Lingjia's emperor is his way. Our way is simply not comparable to his way."

The emperor of other emperor forces was silent. The reason why the Emperor Lingjia was able to kill the immortal king when he was in the sermon was inseparable from his human path. The road has high and low levels, and the level is higher. The more powerful, the same, the higher the level of the road, the more difficult it is to prove, the more difficult it is to become emperor.

They simply don't know why the owners of the Ling family can become emperors. Their way, there are low-level, intermediate-level, and high-level, that is, there is no peak level. You must know that the six roads are even more powerful than the peak-level roads because of the heavens. , Hell Road, Human Road, Shura Road, Animal Road, Hungry Ghost Road, all complete the road.

Legend has it that the Three Emperors and Five Emperors mastered the perfection of the Tao, so the Three Emperors can open Taikoo, the Five Emperors can be a human being, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors are not ordinary emperors, but the great emperors who once dominated the three thousand territories, whether they are other races or human races, They all surrendered to their feet.

Tianling domain, town Tiangong, or other nearby territory, there has never been such a stunning and magnificent emperor, even if the creation of the Emperor of Linglongge and Zhentiangong, the mastery of the road is still better than no On the road of perfection.

If the world of Xiaoyao Wang is replaced by a low-level road, his strength does not know how much to drop. Of course, if he masters the low-level road, there is no possibility of killing the king of the king. Out, his momentum is more than the Duanmu Emperor.

Some people say that the perfect level is the most advanced road. After all, the Emperor of the Three Emperors is only a perfect road. However, some people say that there is a more advanced road and a higher level road. To say who is in charge of the supreme level, it is definitely not too old taboo.

The hands of Xiaoyao Wang emerged a dense road, which is the way of human relations. It is a perfect way. Yes, Ling Xiao is the human being. The past life gave the reincarnation of Ling Dao. At that time, he did not think of it. Lingdao reincarnation is still his son, can only be said to be fate.

Thousands of people, in front of the Happy King, there are Heavenly Kings, Heavenly Kings, Heavenly Respects, and the stars are on their bodies, let them vanish, fortunately, the Happy King won the time, a pair of big hands The ground hit the back of the knife of the Stars, and the Stars knife made a burst of whine.

The pavement of the human world spread out like a avenue of heaven, covering the sky, and the hands of the dying kings were shot in succession. Even if the Emperor Duanmu held the emperor, he still retreated, and the towering ancient wood behind the Duanmu Emperor seemed to be afraid and shivered slightly.

"The Emperor does not believe that the human world can still ignore the gap between the realm."

Duanmu Emperor roared and displayed the Emperor's knife method. The star knife was in his hands, as if it had become a green dragon, traversing the sky, a great emperor, using the Emperor knife method, enough to destroy a big world, enough to sink a large territory. It is enough to kill thousands of gods.

Just a knife, you can tear open the void, the star knife seems to be violent, the inexhaustible knife, drowning the heavens and the earth, the end of the emperor's face, the king of the king, for a long time, certainly not willing to lose to a The great emperor who justified.

The towering ancient wood behind him has skyrocketed again. It is just a leaf. It is like being able to prop up a heaven and earth. The road full of heaven is like a black cloud. It covers the sun, and the magic knife is awesome. Tens of thousands of people are long and dark and very scary.

"It's not that the human world can ignore the realm, but you are too weak."

Xiaoyao Wang vacated, his feet stepped on the knives of the sky, and the horrible shaking of the star knives. The human road suppressed the way of the wooden emperor. His hands were like ignoring the space distance, playing on the Duanmu Emperor. Duanmu Emperor only felt that one big world, lying on his body, made him physically painful.

Duanmu Emperor is shining, and the bones are squeaky. The Xiaoyao King has the advantage. It is the opportunity to take a breather. He does not give the Duanmu Emperor a chance to breathe. He pedals the star knives, and the Duanmu Emperor has a big mouth to cough up blood, squatting backwards, Zhentiangong. The disciples and elders have long been dumbfounded. They did not expect that the Lingjia Emperor was so fierce. On the contrary, Ling’s children were excited.

The long-term must be lost, Duanmu Emperor just revealed a flaw, the happy king is violently grabbing one of his arms, blood waves skyrocketing, the hands of the untidy king hands, tearing off one arm of the Duanmu Emperor.

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