The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 135: Happy monarch

The sky above the Tiangong Temple seems to be covered with dark clouds. Whether it is a disciple or an elder, it is all breathless. It is like a huge stone, pressed against their chest, and it is extremely uncomfortable. The Duanmu Emperor who dominated the Tianwang domain was actually the Emperor of Lingjia. Killed alive.

When the Emperor Lingjia first said that he wanted to kill the Duanmu Emperor, the elders and disciples of the Tiantian Palace only felt that he was mad at the mouth, and he did not know the height of the heavens. Of course, the elders and disciples of the Tiantian Palace would not dare to laugh at the Emperor Ling. Not qualified to laugh at the Emperor Ling.

Who knows, really fight, Lingjia Emperor always has the upper hand, finally, Duanmu Emperor casts the Qing Emperor Xianxian, and reinvented the Xiaoyao Wang, they thought that Duanmu Emperor is about to turn the Qiankun, turn defeat into victory, never imagined, Duanmu The emperor not only did not win, but was also killed by the Lingjia Emperor.

"How could the emperor die, and he was killed by the Lingjia Emperor."

"I don't believe that the illusion must be an illusion, or that I haven't woken up yet."

"Is it going to change the day? The Emperor of Tiangong in my town is not the opponent of the Lingjia Emperor. It’s too fake."

The disciples of the Tiangong Temple were pale, and they actually witnessed the gods in their hearts and were killed alive. Their beliefs collapsed, and they were even more uncomfortable than killing them directly. The other warriors of Zhentiangong could lose, but Duanmu could not lose. After all, Duanmu Emperor is the only emperor of Zhentian Temple.

"Ling's great emperor only proved that for a few years, he was able to defeat Duanmu Emperor, how strong the human road is."

"Why did the Duanmu Emperor fight with the Lingjia Emperor, and why the Lingjia Emperor had to kill the Duanmu Emperor."

The strongmen of other territories simply do not know the ins and outs of things. If the battle between Lingjia and Emperor Duanmu is too great, they still don’t know that Lingjia and Emperor Duan fight. In general, two The Emperor will not easily do it, and will not kill him.

Lingjia Emperor killed the king of Xian, has already shown his strength, and now kills the end of the wood emperor, but also highlights his power, in the future, others want to move Lingjia, must think twice, Lingjia, indeed can not compare with other Emperor power, but Lingjia the Great had to guard against.

After this war, the Emperor Lingjia has been listed as a dangerous person by one and another emperor's power. It is not a last resort. Don't provoke the Emperor of Lingjia. As time goes by, Ling's Emperor will only become stronger and stronger. His potential has not fully emerged.

"The Emperor of the Emperor thinks that the person who laughs at the end is Duanmu Tianxing. Ling Xiao killed him. Do you think that Duanmu Tianxing can swallow this breath?"

A great emperor said that the Emperor Lingjia had indeed killed the Duanmu Emperor, but the Duanmu Emperor did not die, the Emperor, has already condensed his heart, as long as the heart is not extinguished, the Emperor will not die, Lingjia Emperor just killed The Duanmu Emperor did not destroy the Taoist Emperor's heart.

"Yes, Ling Xiao's combat power does indeed exceed that of Duanmu Tianxing. However, the essence of Zhentiangong is not comparable to that of Lingjia. Lingxiao must definitely suffer big losses."

The Emperor of Lingjia killed the Duanmu Emperor, and Duanmu Emperor would inevitably use the essence of the Tiangong Palace. Lingjia became the emperor's power, and there was no foundation at all. The Tiantian Palace was passed down from the ancient times to the present, and only the emperor was more than two hands. Unlike Lingjia, there is only one emperor, or the Lingjia Emperor himself refining.

Contrary to Zhentian Temple, Lingjiawu’s expression is uplifting, and he can’t wait for the sky to shout, express his excitement, butterfly dance, Qianhui, proud dragon, and Lei Wenyuan. They only know that their master is the great emperor, and they don’t know how great their master is. Now, they witnessed the Lingjia Emperor killing Duanmu Emperor, only to know that the Lingjia Emperor was shocked.

They are the kings of the kingdom, and the cross-border battles are normal. However, the more difficult it is to fight across borders, the more difficult it is. The Lingjia family in the great emperor can still kill the enemy across the border, and they can be the apprentices of such peerless people. Honored, it is their luck.

"Father, how did you do it?"

Xiaoyao Wang went to heaven, only a few years ago, not only proved the Tao into the emperor, but also killed the end of the wood emperor, Lingdao until now, only the king of the pre-season, with the Xiaowang Wang is a hundred thousand miles, and even more than that, good When he thought that the Happy King and the human beings were one person, he was relieved.


At this time, the big town of Tiangong broke out with a roar, the majestic Diwei, filled with the opening, the resurgence of the Emperor’s dynasty in the town’s Tiangong, the Taoist emperor’s heart, in the town’s Tiangong, now he uses the Tao Resurrection, in order to kill the Happy King, revenge and hate.

"Ling Wei, since I came to Tianwang, let's stay."

Duanmu Emperor resurrected, his voice was low, his face was cold and cold, and there was endless killing. The sky above the Tiantian Palace, the snow falling like a goose feather, the lake of the Tiangong Palace, one after another, the disciple of the town Tiangong was cold. Straight tremble, even the elders of the town of Heaven, are equally uncomfortable.

"Ling Xiao is the past, now, the Emperor is Ling Xiaoyao, and later, is the Emperor."

Lingjia Dadi certainly knows that Duanmu Emperor can resurrect. After all, he did not see the Taoist Emperor's Taoist heart. He and the Duanmu Emperor fight, and everyone is eye-catching. Duanmu Emperor was killed by him. He must have hated him. Next, Duanmu Emperor Will definitely use the essence of Zhentian Temple to take his life.

He knows the Duanmu Emperor and knows what kind of person Duanmu Emperor is. When Ling Dao uses the big power station, what will happen to him, he can fully guess, even if he did not personally attend the scene, just let Ling Jianhao pass the message, still give Duanmu Emperor Eat dead.

"You kill the Emperor once, and the Emperor will kill you, let you die."

Duanmu Emperor’s eyes were sensational. He only killed the Emperor of Lingjia once. He did not reconcile himself. Only the King of the Xiaoyao was completely killed, and he was killed. The Duanmu Emperor felt the pain, killing the Xiaoyao and killing the Taoist King. The heart makes the Happy King unable to resurrect.

He can rely on the Taoist heart to resurrect, because the Tiantian Palace has a deep foundation, and the heart is placed in the safety of the Tiantian Palace. Lingjia will not do it. He wants to break through the Ling family. It is simply a matter of easy task. At that time, he will grasp the heart of the Lingjia Emperor. Destroy the human path of the Ling family.

"The Great killed and started."

The emperors killed, like a lion waking up from a deep sleep, bursting out with terrible power. Duanmu Emperor knew that his combat power was not as good as that of Lingjia, and he would not be stupid enough to continue to fight with Lingjia, to know In the history, the great emperor who had been in the town of Tiangong was more powerful than the Duanmu Emperor.

The killing of the Emperor Duanmu will definitely not kill the Emperor Ling, but the more powerful Emperor, the killing of the engraved, is not the same, and he personally urging, will certainly let the Emperor kill, burst out of earth-shattering power, What's more, the Emperor's killing is only a means for him.

"Please ask the soldiers."

One piece of the emperor, rushed out from the Emperor's Hall of the Tiantian Temple, and vacated. The other strongmen of the Tiantian Palace, at most, mobilized a soldier, and could not play the full power of the emperor. The Duanmu Emperor is different. He is the great emperor himself. He is a good commander.

Of course, at the same time, urging so many emperors and emperors to kill, the consumption of Duanmu Emperor must be great, if it is not for the Lingjia Emperor hate, the Duanmu Emperor will not be so big, because he knows, if it is not today The great emperor solved it, and later he was a joke of many territories.

With the cultivation of his great emperor, he dared to laugh at him in person. It must be a very small number. He laughed at him in his heart. He didn’t know how much. After all, an old emperor, who could not beat a new emperor, was already very embarrassed, not to mention that he still Was killed alive by the Lingjia Emperor.

"The city owner, Duanmu Emperor used many of the great emperors of the Tiangong Palace to kill and emperor, my father will not be in danger."

Lingdao does not know who to ask, because Ling Jianhao only has a kingdom, the battle of the Emperor, Ling Jianhao is certainly not clear, but fortunately the sword demon is next to the Taikoo City Lord, the battle between the Emperor and the Duanmu Emperor is not over yet, the sword is definitely not The law lays down your heart.

"Tell this to you. Throughout the ages, the human path is far more than your father. However, your father is the only one who is a human being, and proves to be emperor."

The Taikoo City Lord’s evaluation of the Emperor of the Era is very high. The former humanity’s main road has no evidence to become an emperor, or the sermon has failed. There is only one person who has succeeded in the emperor’s success. Such a stunning and magnificent emperor will certainly not die easily. Daoxiao.

All true peerless geniuses generally have air transport. It is not easy to kill them. Especially the geniuses who have already proved to be emperors. It is even harder to kill them. The Taikoo City Master does not think that Duanmu Emperor can kill Xiaoyao. Emperor, even if Duanmu Emperor used the essence of Zhentian Temple, it still does not work.

"I am in charge of Ling Xiao, or Ling Xiaoyao, anyway, after today, Tianyuan Sanqian territory, no Lingjia Emperor."

Duanmu Emperor could not admit the name of Happy Emperor, because the owner of Lingjia couldn’t afford the name, and he couldn’t afford the name. He only got his name after killing him. Later, when someone mentions the name of Happy Emperor, he will definitely think of the emperor. Killing the end of the wooden emperor.

A total of 18 emperors killed, blocked the heavens and the earth, southeast and northwest, did not give Lingjia the emperor a chance to escape, not only that, Duanmu Emperor also invited eight emperors, guarding the eight parties, it is necessary to take the Lingjia Emperor The life of the 18 emperors killed like a wild beast, wanting to tear the Emperor Ling to pieces.

Eight pieces of emperors, namely knives, guns, swords, cymbals, axes, spears, war gems, and heavy hammers, were all aggressive. Duanmu Emperor bit his teeth and spurred eight emperors, just like the resurrection of eight emperors. The terrible emperor shrouded the four poles and smashed the sky.

"Is it regret to come to the king of the kingdom, is it regrettable to find the trouble of the town Tiangong, is not regretted and the emperor to start." The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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