The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 136: Taikoo Empire - Exile

Eighteen great emperors killed the murderous scorpion. If the torrents broke out, the Milky Way broke down, the snow drifted into the world, and the ice was frozen. It was like a hegemon in a wild time. It came across time and space, there was a real dragon fight, and there was a silver wolf howling. In the month, there are gods and crackers, and there are phoenixes burning the sky, and there are sacred sacred worlds.

Duanmu Emperor was smirking at the same time, urging eight pieces of emperors, attacking and smashing the sky, knives and swords, overwhelming, warrior cross-hit, spear spurting out, heavy hammer broken, axe and sky, despite the consumption, but Duanmu The emperor did not care, killing the Emperor Ling, the shame of the snow brush, is the most important.

It is like the eight great emperors standing in eight different directions. At the same time, they launched lore on the Lingjia Emperor, innumerable lines, blocking the heavens and the earth, suppressing the five elements of yin and yang, and eight different types of attack, but they broke out. The same terrible power, like destroying the earth.

"I know that Lingjia Emperor provoked our town Tiangong, certainly not good, and his death is here."

"Not only is the Lingjia Emperor dying, but the Ling family is also going to be destroyed. A dynasty power that has been promoted will dare to challenge the town of Tiangong. I really don't know how to live and die."

"Can you let me go to war, I have to commit suicide to Lingjia to report the last hatred."

The disciples of the Tiantian Palace, which had been suppressed for a long time, finally looked like a slave. It was like a slave who turned over and became a master. He was in a good mood. Previously, Duanmu Emperor was killed by the Lingjia Emperor. Their hearts fell to the bottom of the valley. I did not expect the situation to reverse, and Duanmu Emperor not only resurrected. Also used eight emperors and eighteen emperors to kill, to take the life of the Ling family.

As long as it can kill Lingjia the Great, what means is not important at all. Zhentian Palace has been passed down from the ancient times to the present, and the foundation is profound. The Duanmu Emperor used the essence of the Zhentian Palace to kill the Emperor Ling, even if it was other forces, there was no such thing. Can be said.

"Predecessors, why don't you worry about it."

Proudly asked curiously, if Lingjia Emperor had an accident, Lingjia would definitely not be able to escape the end of the door. Without Lingjia Dadi, Lingjia can only be regarded as the weakest emperor. However, Ling Jianhao is calm and self-conscious, as if Duanmu Emperor dealt with Lingjia the Great, not the same as the Lingjia family.

The thirteen strongmen who had previously shot on Lingdao were praying in their hearts. As long as Duanmu Emperor killed the Lingjia Emperor, they could save their lives. Duanmu Emperor used eight emperors, plus the Emperor killed and killed Ling. The possibility of being a great emperor is enormous.

Most want to Lingjia the Great to die, it must be the strongest of Ling Xiaoge, as long as the Lingjia Emperor died, even if the town Tiangong does not work on the Ling family, Ling Xiaoge will definitely stepping into the Ling family, one mountain can not accommodate two tigers, a large territory also does not allow two great emperors The forces, the side of the couch, let others sleep.

"In the future, you should not call my predecessors. After all, you are already the apprentice of your family." Ling Jianhao paused and continued, "The homeowner has always been strategizing. The current situation is definitely in his expectation. You think the owner will have no Ready."

From the very beginning, Lingjia Emperor threatened to kill the end of the wood emperor, then, he certainly knows that Duanmu Emperor will use the essence of Zhentian Palace to deal with him after resurrection, Ling Jianhao believes that Lingjia’s owner, one can make Ling’s family from childhood The forces that grow into the existence of the emperor's forces cannot easily die in the hands of others.


Duanmu Emperor gave a low drink, and eight emperors killed the Lingjia Emperor. The void collapsed again and again. The sky was sobbing blood, as if it was sorrowful, obscuring the destruction of the heavens and the earth, like a piece of **, covering one heavy and one empty It is like a waterfall flying down 90,000 feet, collapsed in Cangyu, and there is no horror.

Eighteen Emperors killed the blockades one after another, and did not give the Lingjia Emperor the opportunity to escape. The Duanmu Emperor’s eyes were like electricity, and between the openings, the killings seemed to rise in the sky, with his killing intentions. The killing of the Emperor’s killings made the 18 emperors kill and smashed the murder.

"Repent, why should the emperor regret it."

The Emperor of the Sorrow did not have any tension at all. Instead, it was light and windy. It seemed that the eight emperors and the eighteen emperors did not exist. The essence of the town’s palace was not only eighteen killings but also eight emperors. The Duanmu Emperor could not force more Emperors to kill and the soldiers.

"It’s hard to use."

Duanmu Emperor did not believe that Lingjia the Great could cope with eight emperors and eighteen emperors. The Lingjia Emperor’s time was too short to fully exploit the full power of the human world. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Lingjia. Going on, and waiting for the Ling family to have nowhere to go, will definitely regret it.

"The Archaic Empire - exile."

The hands of the Lingjia Emperor were pinched, and the Tianwang domain was one after another. It was a dazzling light. With his cultivation, of course, he could not cope with the 18 emperors and eight emperors. Fortunately, he had prepared and made trouble. Before the town of Tiangong, he laid the Taiji Emperor's Array, and now it is just a reminder.

One place is a line of law, with a total of 999 small arrays, to form a complete Taikoo dynasty - exile, a huge array of law, skyrocketing, and instantly will be eight pieces of emperors and eighteen Among them, the Emperor's murderer included eight empires and eighteen emperors as if they were in a quagmire. The speed was greatly reduced and the power was plummeting.

The Taikoo dynasty burst out of innumerable light, just like pulling the sun to everyone, just the warrior of the Tiantian Temple, the warrior of the Ling family, or the warrior of other forces, all of which are stabbed and open, only The Duanmu Emperor is roaring because he can feel that the 18th Emperor is out of his control.


The scorpio splits, and the thick cracks traverse hundreds of thousands of miles. It seems to open the door of another world. The emperor has successively shot and killed the 18 emperors of the town’s palace, all flying, a pair of big hands, from the town. The Tiangong rises up and it is the Duanmu Emperor who wants to kill the 18 emperors.

Duanmu Emperor not only did not succeed, a pair of big hands were also crushed by the Emperor of the Happy, blood sprinkling the sky, previously, Duanmu Emperor used the Star Sword, still not the opponent of the Happy Emperor, now only use a pair of big hands, of course, is not the opponent of the Emperor.

"I want to run now, it’s late."

Eight emperors want to break away from the Taikoo emperor and want to go back to the town of Tiangong. Fortunately, the emperor’s eyes are fast, and his hands are repeatedly hitting the emperor’s soldiers, causing the emperor to make a loud noise. The Taikoo emperor looks like a black hole. One after another, the emperor was banished to other places.

One piece of Ling Petrochemical is a powder, and the Taikoo Emperor's array - exiled, costing Lingshi, more scary, there are heavenly spirits, there are holy spirit stone, there is a Taoist stone, and even a royal stone. Even the other powerful powers of the Emperor are equally secretive.

The array used by the Emperor of the Supreme is too expensive, even if it is the ruler of the Emperor's power, it will feel painful. Of course, the effect is not good. The 18 emperors kill and the eight emperors, all disappear without a shadow. Trace, the loss of the town Tiangong, can not be said to be small, perhaps, since the establishment of the town Tiangong, has not eaten such a big loss.

Duanmu Emperor hated madness, and roared in the sky, the infinite emperor filled the air, all the warriors of the town Tiangong were all on the ground, the body shivered, he could not wait to rush to the sky, and the emperor was determined to fight, just thought of being beaten by the emperor The experience of death, after all, is no action.

"Now, who do you think is regretting."

The emperor’s stepping out step by step, from the endless heights, to the town Tiangong, the Taikoo emperor did not let him down, the 18 emperors killed and eight emperors, one did not escape, the town Tiangong how many emperors and the emperor killed Array, the emperor did not know, anyway, Duanmu Emperor must have regretted the intestines.

"Hey, I have consumed so many Lingshi just now, and I can use it several times with the wealth of your Ling family."

Duanmu Emperor forced himself to calm down. Perhaps Lingjia Emperor deliberately stimulated him, wanted to lead him out, and then killed him, he did not want to go to Lingjia the Great, Zhentiangong lost the Emperor and killed The emperor, however, Lingjia also lost a lot of Lingshi.

"The great emperor has a spirit, and the emperor has a soul. As long as you can't destroy them, they will be able to come back sooner or later. For the emperor, there is no loss at all. Otherwise, the emperor will mobilize several emperors to kill. Array, let you consume the Lingshi again."

Taikoo emperor - exiled, Duanmu Emperor has not seen, but he knows that the emperor will not have something, so that he just lost his face, Lingjia lost so many Lingshi, fully acceptable, so many days Lingshi, Shengpin Lingshi, Taopin Lingshi and Emperor Lingshi, I don’t know how many disciples can help save a lot of effort.

The other powerful forces nodded and felt that the Duanmu Emperor said that the Emperor and the Emperor of the Tiantian Palace had only disappeared for a while, and the Lingshi used by the Emperor of the Era had been turned into powder, which was a real loss. Can not help but think, in the end is the happy emperor won, or Duanmu Emperor won.

"Well, you will mobilize eight emperors and eighteen emperors to kill them. Anyway, this emperor does not matter."

The Happy Emperor did not care, saying that if Lingjia’s Lingshi, he must be distressed, but the Taiji Emperor, which he had previously arranged, consumed the Lingshi, all of which was the town’s Tiangong, and the Lingjia’s owner who presided over the Emperor’s apprenticeship was not him at all. In fact, he has long come to the kingdom.

"The Great Emperor is not good. The Lingshi veins of our town Tiangong are all suffering. I don't know who is so daring, even the spirits of my town's Heavenly Palace dare to grab."

A predecessor of the Tiangong Palace, flustered and ran to the Duanmu Emperor, said that Duanmu Emperor only felt black in front of him and almost fell to the ground. He finally knew why Lingjia Dadi said that it did not matter, the original Lingjia Emperor used previously. Lingshi, all of his town Tiangong.

"Ling Xiaoyao,,."

Duanmu Emperor shouted angrily, and the sound was nine days. Even the strongmen of other territories felt that the eardrum was sore. When did he feel so guilty, when was such a shame, and when he was so helpless.

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