The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 137: Return of the Great

If you have the courage to grab the Tiangong Lingshi and have the ability to be undiscovered, it is definitely not the general strong. The Taikoo emperor consumes so many Lingshi, and the Emperor is not only distressed, but also looks at the smile, Duanmu Emperor I know that the lost stone of Zhentiangong is definitely in his hands.

However, Duanmu Emperor had no way to take the Emperor of the Supreme Court, and he was not the righteous confrontation. He was not the opponent of the Emperor of the Immaculate Emperor. He used the Emperor and the Emperor to kill the squad. The Emperor of the Supreme could rely on the tactics to exile the Emperor and the Emperor of the Tiangong Palace. The emperor is willing to go his own way and continue to use the emperor and the emperor to fight against the emperor, which will inevitably bring disaster.

If the Emperor of the Supreme Emperor killed all the emperors and the emperors of the Tiangong Palace and exiled them all, then the Tiantian Palace was not far from the demise, and the emperor's powers of the Great Power Station were not a minority. If the Tiantian Palace had only one empty shelf, they were sure. Do not mind joining forces to step into the town of Tiangong.

"Duanmu Laofufu, still can't fight, go home without playing the emperor."

First of all, killing the end of the wood emperor, and then exiling eight emperors and eighteen killings, the purpose of Li Wei has been reached, with the refinement of the emperor’s current, and wants to completely kill the Dumu emperor and let Duanmu Emperor die. Elimination is simply impossible. After all, the essence of Zhentian Temple is there.

"The Great, do you want us to mobilize together to kill, my town Tiangong passed from the ancient times to the present, and he is a man who has just proved his way."

Standing on the side of Duanmu Emperor, the elders couldn’t help but say that the Emperor Duanmu’s urging of the Emperor was limited, but the elders of the Tiantian Palace were numerous. If they shot together, the urging of the Emperor would kill, perhaps even more than the Duanmu Emperor. Many, as long as they can kill the Emperor, can revitalize the glory of the town.

"You still think that the Emperor is not enough to be a shame, and you have to roll quickly. How far is it?"

Using the essence of Zhentian Palace, I haven't killed the Emperor of the Supreme Emperor. The face of Duanmu Emperor has no place to rest. If the elders of Zhentian Temple are allowed to take the shot, the Duanmu Emperor will not have a face in the heavens and lose, and will return to the next time. That is, you can't completely shameless.

What's more, even if the elders of Zhentian Temple can kill the emperor, it is still a problem. The means of the emperor is always coming out. The elders are killing him. If he is still fine, Zhentiangong will not say anything majestic. Will become the laughing stock of the heavens.

"You grab the Lingshi of my town's Tiangong, and exiled the soldiers and the emperor of the Tiangong of my town, and I still want to know how to do it." Duanmu Emperor's face was angry and then sneered, Senran said, "The Emperor is about to retreat. When you leave the customs, it is the day to kill you."

Duanmu Emperor retreats, there is only one purpose, that is, breakthrough, as long as it breaks through to the next small realm, it will certainly be able to defeat the Emperor of the Sorrow, and even kill the Emperor of the Supreme. If you use the Emperor and the Emperor of the Tiangong Palace, you will have the Emperor. The chance to kill is dead.

The Emperor of the Supreme Court has only proved for several years, for hundreds of years or even thousands of years, fearing that it is impossible to go further. In the great emperor, a small realm is harder to break through than a small realm. Otherwise, Duanmu Emperor definitely does not There will be only the realm of the present.

"Well, if you come to war, the Emperor will be there at any time."

What kind of plan is held by Emperor Duanmu, the emperor’s heart is clear, this time outside the world, the emperor’s face once again hit the face of the wooden emperor, and he has already swollen the face of Duanmu’s emperor, and the Duanmu Emperor did not know how to hate the emperor. If Duanmu Emperor breaks through, the first thing to do is to find revenge for the Emperor.

"No, the Emperor of the Emperor can't, the town of Tiangong, the first to kill the end of the Emperor, and then the exiled eight heavenly emperors and eighteen emperors to kill, the results can still retreat, after the Ling Xiaoge Pavilion The Lord is afraid that he can't sleep, hehe..."

"From the time when the Emperor of the Supreme Court proved the path, retrograde and slaying the celestial king, the emperor knew that a terrible emperor was born, not to mention that the human path he mastered was a perfect road, than ours. It’s not a star or a half."

The emperors of other territories nodded far away to the emperor, and they now dare not regard the Xiaoyao emperor as a young man who just witnessed, killing the immortal king, is the battle of fame of the emperor, killing the emperor It is the battle of the Liwei Emperor.

Previously, to deal with the emperor's powers of the thirteen strong men of Lingdao, and to save them, now it is a blessing, and they are handed over to the Emperor of the Supreme Emperor. They are the hands of the dear son of the Emperor. They are looking for their own death and can't blame others.

The last thing I want to see is that the Emperor of the Supreme Emperor is strong. It must be the strongest of Ling Xiaoge. The emperor’s emperor returns from the Tianwang domain safely. The owner of Ling Xiaoge’s cabinet is silent, and even Duanmu Emperor urges the emperor and the emperor to kill. Donna can't help the emperor, and Ling Xiaoge will have no way to take the Emperor.

"who are you."

Lingdao looked up and looked at the owner of Lingjia in the sky. He can be sure that the owner of Lingjia, who is in Lingjia, is not his father. Because when he first met the owner of Lingjia, he felt that the family of Lingjia and He has nothing to do with it. The emperor is about to return, and the identity of the Lingjia family is exposed, and it has no effect.

"I know that he must be the emperor of the homeowner, the soul of the sword of the emperor."

When the Lingjia family witnessed the road, the Shundao Emperor Sword was made into a soldier. He used to give Lingdao’s Xiaoyao sword, but only the lower bounds. The Xiaoyao Emperor Sword is the reincarnation of the human world. The sword and the human path master. The most familiar, imitating it, is definitely familiar.

"Jian Hao kid, this emperor has not yet opened, when is it your turn to intervene, it should be."

A silver sword, suddenly appeared behind Ling Jianhao, hit Ling Linghao's ass, let Ling Jianhao face red, I can't wait to find a seam to drill in, Ling Jianhao how to say is also a king, one strong, enough to be king Unfortunately, the sword soul of the Emperor Sword of the Sword is deliberately letting him lose face.

Lingdao, it is no wonder that when the Emperor began to accept the apprentices, all who were disrespectful to the Lingjia Emperor, were all driven out of the Ling family, the swordsman of the Emperor Sword, and the Lingjia Emperor were extremely close, and could not allow others to Lingjia the Great. Disrespect, especially if it is possible to be an apprentice of Lingjia.


At this time, the heavy footsteps sounded like a drum, and the emperor returned from the king of heaven, and the emperor was filled with it. All the non-Langjiawu who played in the battlefield of Lingjia felt a great pressure. Of course, the butterfly dance, proud dragon and Lei Wenyuan, who are already apprentices of the Emperor, are also unaffected.

"Just teased you to play, now you can formally apprentice."

The swordsman of Xiaoyao’s sword said with a smile, completely ignoring the thoughts of Qianhui, Butterfly Dance, Aaron and Lei Wenyuan. Anyway, he was a master of addiction. Of course, it’s better to be a Lingjia’s owner. The great emperor is still prestige, he can't wait for the time of the apprentice, and then grow a little longer, let him play it well.

"How about my performance, is it super powerful?"

When the Lingjia Emperor just came back, the Happy Sword came to him at the fastest speed and began to invite merits. Whether it was to attract the attention of the powerful forces, or to lure the thirteen strong players to the Lingdao, it was not Easy things, fortunately, the swordsman of the Soul Sword has all done.

"It’s very good, it’s better.”

It is precisely because there is a sword soul of Happy Sword in the town of Lingjia, Duanmu Emperor will not think that the Emperor of the Era is already in the Tianwang domain, with his ability to **** the spiritual stone of the town Tiangong, can completely do God, the town The elders of the Temple of Heaven can discover, or the flaws he deliberately left, and make good time to let Duanmu Emperor know that he is dying.

"Welcome to the owner, the owner is mighty."

One by one, Lingjia’s children were uplifted, and the emperor’s emperor killed the end of the wood emperor, and the town’s Tiangong was so excited that Lingjia was a new emperor’s power. It really needed a big victory to establish the supreme majesty of Ling’s family. The Emperor of Lingjia is not weaker than the emperor of other emperors. After that, Lingjia can not be strong, they have to rely on themselves.

The thirteen strongmen who had previously shot on Lingdao were pale and full of despair, because they knew that they must die, and that the emperor and the Duanmu emperor fought for so long. If their forces were willing to save them, they must have sent others. The strong come.

The forces they are in understand that the emperor needs to kill the chickens and monkeys, let others know how to deal with Lingdao. If their forces give enough benefits, it is impossible to redeem them, starting with them. It is doomed to their death.

"See the Master."

Aolong, Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, and Lei Wen have changed their mouths. The battle between the Emperor and the Duanmu Emperor, they not only saw the amazing power of the Emperor, but also the strategizing of the Emperor, a superbly superior, certainly better than A simple emperor is even more powerful.

The soul of the sword of Xiaoyao Emperor Sword is straight and laughable. The proud dragon, butterfly dance, Qianhui and Lei Wenyuan are not what he wants to receive, but the happy emperor is determined at the beginning, not only because they are talented, but also because they and Lingdao is close, but it is to accept the apprentice, why not accept the relationship with Lingdao.

Lingdao did not immediately kneel down, but looked at the imperial emperor with complex looks. His father, he used to complain to Xiaoyao Wang, because Xiaoyao Wang loved him all the time. However, he did not think that Xiaoyao Wang turned out to be his past life. Father, his impression of his former father is not good.

In his previous life, when he was very young, his father left Lingjia. Later, he had never seen his father. Until now, he realized that the human leader who helped him reincarnate was the father of his previous life. He was under the Excalibur Mountain. It has been pressed for five thousand years, and it has suffered from the martial arts and the heart of the day and night.

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