The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 138: Killing chickens and monkeys

"Get up."

The voice of the emperor’s emperor was clearly transmitted to the ears of every warrior, so that they could be like a spring breeze, the children of Ling’s family and the proud dragons, all of them felt a soft power, helped them up, and the soul of the sword I have already moved to the seat and let the emperor sit down.

"Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong, and Lei Wenyuan. From now on, you are the apprentice of my Ling Xiaoyao."

He did not claim to be Emperor, so that Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, Aolong, and Lei Wenyuan felt more close. In a pair of scorpions, it seems that everything is destroyed, human circulation, sanghai sangtian, his eyes, from Butterfly Dance, Qianhui, The proud dragon and the body of Le Wenyuan swept over.

"I already know about the things of Wenyuan, but it is a pity."

Just a glance, the Emperor of the Happy Recognized the origin of Le Wenyuan, so that Lei Wenyuan was shocked. Fortunately, Lei Wenyuan knew that the Wenyuan Taoist and the human beings were old-fashioned, and that the Emperor could not start with him. A long time ago, I knew that the human king was the owner of the Ling family, but I didn’t know the things of the Happy King.

The owner of the Ling family that Lei Wen had seen before was the appearance of the human being. The Lingdao looks like a happy king. Unlike the human king, there are only two people who worship him. One is the Wenyuan Taoist and the other is Ling. The great emperor, who was able to be the apprentice of the Lingjia Emperor, got the guidance of the Emperor Ling, and Lei Wenyuan was confident to revenge for Wen Yuandao.

"Your things, I know what I know, I don't know, you don't have to tell me."

When the butterfly dance was ready to be transmitted to the Emperor of the Sorrow, the Emperor of the Sorrow preached first, and what happened in the past sensationalized the three thousand territories of the heavens. The owner of the Lingjia family did not know that it was difficult. In the eyes of the real strong, the butterfly dance Blood, can not hide, but fortunately, the Emperor has a way to hide the blood of the butterfly dance.

Butterfly Dance did not want to impede the Emperor of the Happy, but did not want to even get tired of Lingjia. She originally wanted to get the guidance of Lingjia Dadi, and then let Lingjia Emperor drive her out of the division, let her and Lingjia clear the relationship, her **** sea enmity, no intention With the emperor, I did not expect that the emperor had long known.

"Your father is also a generation of people, but unfortunately..."

The identity of Lei Wenyuan and the butterfly dance is deeper than that of the proud dragon. It is still seen by the happy emperor. The origin of the proud dragon is even more unlikely to survive the emperor. Only the origin of Qianhui has no problem. She is Lingjia children, the genius of the younger generation.

Lei Wenyuan, proud dragon, and butterfly dance all have big enemies to report, and their enemies, one is better than one, killing Wenyuan Taoist are two great emperors, one of them is the emperor of the Taiyin Temple, the sage Yin Qingyi Father, killing the parents of the proud dragon, is also the strongest of the emperor's power, more powerful than the Taiyin Temple, not to mention the butterfly dance, because her enemies are far more than one emperor.

Don't say that they only have the king of heaven, even if they are the Taoist, they still have no chance to take revenge. If they prove to be emperors, how difficult is it, even if they are based on their current potential, the possibility of becoming an emperor is also very small, not to mention that even if they become emperors The hope of revenge for the proud dragon and the butterfly dance is still embarrassing.

Finally, the eyes of the emperor’s emperor fell on Lingdao’s body. From the time he recovered his memory, he knew that there would be such a day sooner or later. Lingdao’s heart must be full of doubts. When the previous Lingdao was very small, he was He placed it in Lingjia, and Lingdao had complaints in his heart. He can understand it.

"Your father is not a good father."

The happy emperor slowly said that the other children of Lingjia are confused. In order to help Lingdao, the emperor directly went to the town of Tiangong and killed the Duanmu Emperor, a father who could do such a crazy thing for his son. Why is it not a good father?

I don’t know how many military people envy Ling Dao. I don’t know how many warriors are stalking. I don’t know how many military people can’t wait to replace Ling Dao. The identity of the Emperor is already extraordinary, and his father can still be his head for him. Think about it.

"I have seen my father."

Ling Dao’s salute, under the broad public, certainly can’t make the emperor’s emperor embarrassed, and the emperor’s emperor can kill him to the town’s palace. He said that he is not touched, it’s fake, the town’s palace is deep, if it’s not the emperor’s use of the emperor Array, maybe it will be confessed to the king.

"Well, three trials, the performance is good." The Emperor of the Supreme praised Lingdao, that is, facing all the warriors present, solemnly announced that "Lingdao is the biological son of the Emperor, from now on. He is the emperor of my Ling family."

The children of Ling’s family who had previously sinned Lingdao were pale and trembling. They were afraid of Lingdao’s troubles. They admired Qianhui and wanted to get Qianhui. Qianhui took Lingdao to Lingjia. They just took Lingdao. For the enemy, never imagined that Lingdao turned out to be the son of their family.

I knew that Lingdao was a emperor. Even if they borrowed a hundred courage, they would not dare to deal with Lingdao. In particular, Ling Chengyan once used the repair of Tianwang’s predecessor and decided to fight with Lingdao. Before, he felt that he lost to Ling. The Tao is a shame. Now he feels that the loss is normal. He is definitely better than the Son of God. Fortunately, he lost him. If he will lead Lingdao, who knows what will happen.

"I hope that Lingdao does not avenge, or else we must finish playing."

"Fortunately, we didn't know how to do him before. If it hurts him, there must be no good fruit to eat now."

"Do not worry, the owner is a large number of adults, how can the emperor have a small stomach."

Some people are afraid, some people are worried. Fortunately, there are people who comfort them. Not to mention the identity of Ling Dao, the strength of Ling Dao’s display on the big stage is enough to make them feel terrified. If Ling Dao wants to find them trouble, You don't need to use the identity of the emperor at all, just take it out.

Where do they know that Lingdao does not put them in the heart, and it is not a big enemy of life and death. If the younger generation does not have a fighting heart, it is certainly not a good thing. Lingjia became a power of the emperor and needs the rise of the younger generation, or else After thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, Lingjia is not the same as it is now.

"Imperial monarch, the so-called uninformed is not guilty, please let us go."

"We don't know if he is your son, or else, how can we start with him?"

"In any case, it is our fault to start with him. If the Emperor needs compensation, we are willing to bear it."

The thirteen strongmen who had previously shot on Lingdao all lowered their proud heads and asked for mercy. The forces behind them did not intend to save them. They could only find their own way. Dignity is definitely not important, but unfortunately The Happy Emperor did not let them go.

In order to Lingdao, the emperor of the emperor and the Duanmu Emperor are all killed. The weight of the thirteen Taoist monarchs is all added up. It is not as much as one tenth of the Duanmu Emperor. They are the chickens chosen by the Emperor of the Supreme, killing the chickens and monkeys, not Killing them, how can the monkeys be afraid.

Killing the end of the wooden emperor, is to warn the other forces of the emperor, do not chaos, kill them thirteen Taojun, it is to warn the elders of other forces, do not mess, Duanmu Emperor finally did not die, they thirteen roads Unlike the monarch, the emperor wants to kill them, and it is extremely simple.

"If you are not in Lingjia, you will take the shot to Lingdao. Lingdao is not sure. You think that Emperor will let you go."

In a word, it shows the attitude of the emperor, no matter how the thirteen strong people ask for help, the emperor will not give them a life, they just hit the gun, they can only blame themselves for their lack of eyesight, blame themselves for their bad luck If they want to kill others, they must have the consciousness of being killed.

The thirteen strong faces were white, the power of majestic, destroyed their palace, shattered their way, annihilated their origins, they kept coughing blood, the world of the will was ragged, and the realm was steep. It was only a moment, and they changed from a high-ranking prince to a ruined person.

Their hair became white, and there was a deep wrinkle on their faces. As long as they knew this, they would never come to Lingjia. As long as they knew this, even if they killed their descendants, they would definitely not start with Lingdao. Unfortunately, there is no regret in the world, they can only die in Lingjia.

"Jian Hao, they will give it to you, how to deal with it, do not need the Emperor to say more."

With their current strength, let alone Ling Jianhao, just find a Tianzun, they can kill them, the thirteen strong people’s palace was destroyed, one piece of weapons, one piece of Lingshi, and materials, remedies Anything, all appeared, and the emperor’s big sleeves waved, all of which were confiscated and later used by Ling’s children.

“The homeowner is assured that I will kill them in front of all the warriors.”

Ling Jianhao lifted the sword and walked to the front of the thirteen strongmen. A sword followed a sword and penetrated their heart. The thirteen strongmen hated Ling Jianhao, hated the emperor, and hated Lingdao. They could not take revenge. Their apprentices, their descendants, can avenge themselves.

Of course, revenge is definitely to find Lingdao and Ling Jianhao, even if they are brothers and sisters, there is no possibility of killing the emperor. Other emperors will definitely not want Lingjia to come up with a happy emperor. They will find ways to kill Lingdao. Who makes Ling Dao even more powerful when he is younger than the Emperor.

Other powerful powerhouses on the battlefield have been gloating, and they are fortunate that they have not shot, and the iron and blood means of fearing the emperor’s emperor, the thirteen strong men’s death, representing the Ling family offended one after another. A emperor's power, but the emperor did not care.

"When the sound is over, you will go back and say hello to the Lord of the Holy Land on behalf of the Emperor."

Dong Miaoyin's talent is very good. The emperor does not accept her as a disciple. It is because her way is completely different from the emperor. The art has specialization. Qianhui, butterfly dance and proud dragon are sword repairs. The emperor can teach, Ling Dao and Lei Wenyuan are martial arts, and the emperor can also give pointers, but Dong Miaoyin can't.

"Xuan Lao, you first take Lingdao to the Xiaoyao Temple and wait for me." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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