The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 139: Father and son talk

"Yes, the emperor."

Dong Miaoyin nodded helplessly, the origins of Butterfly Dance, Aurora and Lei Wenyuan could not hold back. Her origins and the emperor must know that the master of the Tianqin Holy Land, the Emperor of the Emperor knew this, even if Dong Miaoyin did not The shot, the Happy Emperor can still see that she cultivated the emperor of the Tianqin Holy Land.

If she becomes an apprentice of the Emperor of the Happy, she can rely on Lingjia. Now it is no good. She wants to leave the Tianqin Holy Land. Naturally, she has her reasons. It is only that she has become an apprentice of the Lingjia Emperor. She can only think of other things. The method, the apprenticeship of the Emperor of the Immaculate, does not have her share anyway.

However, the most unwilling thing for her is not to become an apprentice of the Emperor of the Happy, but to not take the Lingdao. I thought that Lingdao would be like her, and she would not be an apprentice of the Emperor, so she would start with Lingdao and let Lingdao To be her piano slave, I did not expect that Lingdao turned out to be the biological son of Happy Emperor.

"Little Master, come with me."

Xuan Lao, He Fa Tong Yan, a gray robe, is the old man who has saved the Tao twice. The first time is in the wild land, Ling Dao masters the fourth level of origin, attracts the penalty, the second is in the Dragon Lord. In the world, Lingdao masters the fifth level of origin and recruits punishment.

Lingdao nodded, following the mysterious old man, the happy emperor let him go to the Xiaoyao Temple, will inevitably answer his doubts in the heart, the human king and the happy king in the end what is going on, why the happy king is in the sword **** world, Why did the human leader abandoned him at Lingjia from an early age?

"Jian Hao, the next thing, I will hand it over to you." The emperor ordered the emperor, and turned his head and looked at the proud dragon. They said harshly, "You must know that my apprentice is not good. Next, let you do things, if you can't do it, I will drive you out of the Ling family."

The enemy of Lei Wenyuan, the proud dragon, and the butterfly dance, one is better than the other. If the requirements of the emperor are not high, it means that they are harming them. When they practice, they are not serious. If they fight with the enemy, they will have a bigger May be killed, the emperor must be a strict master.

Qianhui, there is no powerful enemy, but the Emperor does not want her to be the worst apprentice. After all, she is a child of Ling family, and has contradictions with Lingjia. It is not a two emperor. Afterwards, Qianhui will definitely be with other emperors. The disciples of the powers confront each other. If Qianhui’s strength is not good, it will only die in the hands of other warriors.

“The homeowner is relieved, I am sure I can handle it.”

The Lingjia apprenticeship has ended more than half of the time. The Emperor of the Arrival has chosen four apprentices from the predecessors of the Tianwang period. Among the next Tianzun, I don’t know how many apprentices will be chosen. Ling Jianhao’s work is to let Kill the chicken and the monkey to achieve the maximum effect.

Aolong, Qianhui, Butterfly Dance, and Lei Wenyuan are followers of the Emperor. They don’t know how the Emperor will tell themselves, but they believe that they can definitely meet the requirements of the Emperor. They are not children, they know the Emperor. They are strict and are good for them.

"When the ninety-nine floors climbed the dragon ladder, when it was completely passed, I came to the Happy Temple to find me."

The Emperor of the Sorrow pointed to the Denglong Ladder in front and said his own requirements. The ninety-nine-story Denglong Ladder in front of him is only three feet wide, but it is more difficult than the last trip to the dragon’s world. Ten times, with the current situation of Aolong, Qianhui, Butterfly Dance and Lei Wenyuan, it is impossible to pass, and only further can be done.

"Yes, Master."

Aolong, Qianhui, Butterfly Dance, and Levin Yuan understand that only the first nineteenth-level Denglong Ladder will be handed over to the Emperor, but fortunately they are all geniuses, and they will be replaced by ordinary warriors. The peak of the king of heaven, still can not pass the ninety-nine floor of the dragon ladder.

When they began to set foot on the dragon ladder, the happy emperor had disappeared without a trace, and the old man took Lingdao and waited at the Xiaoyao Temple. The emperor had once had a life-saving grace for him, and he has been following Xiaoyao. Emperor, after Lingdao went to heaven, he went to the wilderness and secretly protected Lingdao.

"Master, you are coming."

Xuan Lao is higher than the realm of Ling Dao. It must be a step in the first trajectory. He discovered the Emperor of the Sorrow, and Ling Dao looked a move. He did not expect that the emperor came so fast. He thought that he had to wait for a long time. Xuan Lao called him a young master. Then, the lord must be the emperor.

"Okay, Xuan old, go on, go around."

In order to protect Lingdao, Xuan Lao is rushing around, and now he can finally relax. When Xuan Lao is gone, the Xiaoyao Temple will only have Lingdao and Xiaoyao Emperor. Lingdao really does not know how to face the Emperor, after all, the emperor It is also his former father and his father in this life.

"Sit down, I know what you want to ask, then, listen to my story."

Lingdao has not opened yet, and the emperor is posing with his hands. He has to sit down according to his words. He is also a human being, a happy king, or a master of Lingjia. The story of the emperor is sure to be very exciting. Of course, Lingdao What I am most looking forward to is the matter of the human being.

"Ling Wei of the Ziwei domain is just a small force. I don't need to say it. You also know that in the past, I got the inheritance of human relations in the Ziwei domain. The husband is not guilty and has the conviction of sin. You must understand that if you let The great power of the Ziwei domain, knowing that I am inherited, will definitely come to snatch.

Just a second-industry force and three-product forces can easily razing our Lingjia to the ground. Lingjia has no ability to preserve the inheritance of the human world. I have no ability to do it. Therefore, I can only leave the Ziwei domain and go to other territories. In my case, I can't take you with you. If you follow me, you are at risk of losing your life.

I first went alone, experienced a battle, and the realm leaps and bounds. Later, I secretly went to Lingjia, took away a large number of Lingjiawu, and established another Lingjia in Tianling, people, all selfish, I am sure I don't want you to take risks with me. It is safer for you to be in the home of Ziwei.

As my realm improves, Lingjia is booming and growing stronger. Who knows, there are unpredictable things in the sky, people have a good time, your mother has suffered a great loss because of going to a Jedi, and finally I am fragrant. Only the holy kingdom can't easily let your mother reincarnate through the human path.

So, I forcibly divided the soul into two. The deity reincarnate with your mother. The avatar is to continue to be my human being. I did not expect that the reincarnation is still a big problem. My deity and your mother are all in the human world. In the cycle, there is no reincarnation success.

My avatar, that is, the human leader, Ling Xiao, is becoming mad and unconscious. Perhaps it is because of madness that my potential has burst out, from the holy kingdom to triumph, all the way to the Taoist territory, it seems No bottlenecks in general.

You went to the Ziwei Holy Land to make troubles and were suppressed under the Excalibur Mountain. I didn’t know that the other warriors of Lingjia didn’t tell me about you either, because they didn’t want me to go to the Lavender Holy Land to die, a Taoist, in their eyes, Certainly far less than a devotee.

Ziwei Holy Land has investigated you, knowing that your father is the human being, and that they have not killed you. Instead, they have suppressed you under the Excalibur, not only because they want to get wild, but also because they want to lead me. In one fell swoop, if the human leader starts the disciple of the Ziwei Holy Land, I don’t know how many disciples will die.

Later, my deity and your mother's reincarnation were successful, and the human body's avatars were able to recover their minds. Later, when I learned about your business, I killed the Ziwei Holy Land and saved you. Unfortunately, I went too late. Your vitality has disappeared.

After all, the sacred place of Ziwei is the emperor's power that was passed down from the ancient times. With my ability at that time, it is impossible to annihilate the sacred place of Ziwei. It is impossible. What I can do is to move the sacred place of Ziwei. To Tianling domain.

Fortunately, with my cultivation at the time, let you reincarnate, there is no problem, just, I did not think that you will be reincarnate to become the son of my deity. At that time, my deity also lost his memory until he went to the forbidden land. Inadvertently restored memory.

Once, you are in danger in the forbidden land of Tianlong. I saved you and pointed out your swordsmanship. Your past life was Fengfeng Tianjun. If I didn't restore my memory, I didn't point out your skills. Later things you know, I went. The central territory of the central government saved your mother and brought your mother to heaven.

The reincarnation of the deity makes me realize the world. Therefore, the deity and the avatar are one, in order to prove the emperor, then I let the thousand lower bounds, with my symbol to protect you, who knows, after you reach the heavens, encounter A disaster, Qianhui came back, but you disappeared.

Fortunately, I got your message in Tianji Pavilion. Unfortunately, Lingjia became a power of the emperor. I have to sit down in person. Fortunately, after I told you about Xuan, Xuan Lao took the initiative to ask you to protect you. Your two cents, if you are not a mysterious old shot, your life can not be saved, or a problem, you have to thank the mysterious old.

The three trials of the Emperor's apprentices are the chances that I will send you. You have cultivated a wild and sacred spirit, and you can definitely get more benefits when you go to the dragon world. Similarly, the kingdom of the kingdom can make you more The powerful King of Heaven, the big dream of the Tianmeng Cave, is purely for you to fight.

Duanmu Emperor sent an apprentice to chase you, of course, I know, even if you die in the hands of Duanmu Emperor, there will be nothing at all, I am in you, proud dragon, butterfly dance, Qian Hui, Wen Yuan, wonderful sound, I have hidden the characters of Menghuang Island, but I have not told you.

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