The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 151: Say kill and kill


The disciples of Ling Xiaoge were so stunned and frightened that they did not think that Lingdao was so powerful. Huo Jianbo was already among them, and the most powerful Tianwang martial artist in the late period. As a result, in the case of the stunned sword, it was still a boxing flight. Not a level of battle.

Huo Jianbo licked his chest and kept coughing blood. He couldn't fight any more. He couldn't fight any more. Even if he knew that the Emperor was tyrannical, the strength of Lingdao was far beyond his imagination. He was the young genius of Ling Xiaoge, the late king of heaven. Invincible, the result is in front of Lingdao, but it is not a trick. If it is not in Lingxiaoge, maybe Huo Jianbo is already a dead body.

"The emperor, really invincible in the same realm, can't be defeated."

In the past, they only heard that the Emperor was so powerful that they have never seen it before. Today, they have witnessed the elegance of the Emperor. Unfortunately, Lingdao is not the emperor of Lingxiaoge, but the emperor of Lingfangge’s hostile forces. Powerful, for them, is not good news.

On the stage of the kings, other warriors on the stage were frightened. Huo Jianbo was not the opponent of Lingdao. They were not the same. Fortunately, they did not have a confrontation with Lingdao before. Otherwise, their end will definitely be worse than that of Huo Jianbo. Huo Jianbo is not only injured but also loses. Lost the quota for the Shura community.

"The Lingxiao Pavilion is the emperor's power after all, and speaking is definitely a question. His quota is mine."

Lingdao did not talk to Huo Jianbo, but looked at the owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion. The real master is still the owner of Lingxiaoge. When the disciples of Lingxiaoge are ready to work with him, Lingxiaoge’s place in the Shura community will definitely have his share, let alone one. Huo Jianbo, even if it is five six Huo Jianbo, is still not his opponent.

"He challenges you, loses to you, loses the place to go to the Shura community, and he is self-sufficient."

As a cabinet owner, he must have a temperament, he must have, it is impossible to reconcile with a junior in Lingdao, Huo Jianbo lost to Lingdao, in fact, in his expectation, only, Huo Jianbo lost too ugly, not only lost his own Face, but also lost the face of Ling Xiaoge, especially the first person of Huo Jianbo who also had a pair of Ling Xiaoge. The more he thought, the more he was humiliated.

What level of genius is Huo Jianbo? The owner of Ling Xiaoge is clear in his heart. It is only the speed of Lingdao. He also counts on Huo Jianbo’s swaying of Lingdao. Who knows that Huo Jianbo has no means of forcing Lingdao. Lingdao is just a punch. Huo Jianbo will be laid down on the king's platform.

"The owner, let me fight with him, Huo Jianbo is not his opponent, I will be able to win him."

Another disciple of Ling Xiaoge stood up. He was the peak of the king of heaven. He was a little higher than Lingdao and Huo Jianbo. He performed very well in the battle for the Shura order, even if he was placed in all the royal disciples in Lingxiaoge. Inside, he is still able to rank in the top ten.

"I am alone, a quota is enough, why do you want to fight with you."

The Emperor of the Soul is to let Lingdao come to the Linglong Pavilion to **** a quota. Now that the purpose of Lingdao has been reached, and the other disciples of Linglongge have decided to fight, there is no good for him. He cannot use two places for three places. After all, there is no Lingjiazi in Lingxiaoge.

The disciples of the King of Heaven on the King’s stage were stunned. They finally reacted. Lingdao didn’t want to confront them. They just wanted to **** their quota. They used to be with Ling Dao and Huo Jianbo’s invitation. There is absolutely no reason to refuse.

But now, they want to fight with Lingdao. If they can't say the conditions that make Lingdao tempted, Lingdao really does not need to confront them. They win the Lingdao and can make a name for themselves. Lingdao itself is the emperor and defeats others. I only feel that I should be right.

What makes them headache is that since Lingdao is the emperor of Lingjia, they can't get anything to attract Lingdao. They are just the kings of the kings. They can take out the weapons and the medicinal herbs. The grade is low. Do not care, the martial arts of Ling Xiaoge, they did not dare to give Lingdao.

"If you beat me, you can still get my place. The two places are useless to you, but you can have twenty places."

The former king of the war, the peak of the disciples, was flashed, and suddenly he had an idea. If Lingdao robbed 20 places, then there would be only 80 places left in Lingxiaoge. This way, not only can Lingxiaoge suffer, but also Lingxiaoge. The face is lost.

His proposal, after all, has made Lingdao interested. Whether it is 20 places or 30 places, Lingdao can use only one place. However, the young warriors who can go to the Shura community are less than two. Thirty people, for Lingjia, are still good.

"When I was a three-year-old child, I couldn't make it." Lingdao snorted and talked. "Even if I get twenty places, you can wait for me to go to the Shura community. You can still use the remaining 19 places. Let me know how to believe you."

The meaning of Lingdao is very obvious. It is not that he is not interested in deciding with the disciples of Tianwang, but he does not believe in the credibility of Lingxiaoge. In fact, the owner of Lingxiaoge is indeed planning, but he did not expect that Lingdao directly pierced his mind. .

"Yin, if you are the owner of the cabinet, what do you think, the owner of the cabinet is like a person who does not believe."

The owner of Ling Xiaoge said with a smile, Jiang is still old and spicy. Lingdao’s guess is one thing. The truth of the matter is one thing. Even if Lingdao’s guess is consistent with the truth, as long as there is no evidence, the guess is still speculation. Anyway, he is the owner of a cabinet, and Lingdao will not give him face.

"Not like." Sure enough, Lingdao shook his head, and as the owner of Ling Xiaoge Court expected, the smile on the face of Ling Xiao Ge’s main body was more prosperous. However, the next words of Ling Dao made his face instantly gloomy. You have never said what you said, my father said."

The Emperor of the Supreme did not say that Lingxiaoge’s main words were untrustworthy, but Lingdao understood that he had not said that Lingxiaoge’s lord was not qualified, and that he could only let the emperor’s emperor recite the black pot, but the Emperor’s emperor let him come to grab the plaza’s quota. A black pot for him is just a matter of no pain.

"Unless, you swear in the name of the Word God, I believe in you."

When I heard Lingdao, the face of Ling Xiaoge’s owner was even more gloomy. He was the Taoist. He had to swear in the name of the Taoist God. He also said that he would go back to the er, and that it would be a problem to prove his way. It is a problem, maybe. At that time, he will fall into the realm and even lose his life.

Lingdao said that you are only looking at the owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion. Because the disciples of the Lingxiaoge even swear, it still has no effect. The owner of Lingxiaoge will not bet on his own life because of Shura’s order. Who knows The king of the king on the stage of the king is not the opponent of Lingdao.

"If you dare not, it means that you have ghosts in your heart, then why should I fight with you, and what qualifications do you have for me?"

His problems, like one after another, slap in the face of Ling Xiaoge’s disciples, can grab the disciples of the Shura’s order, and one is better than one. They have not been so humiliated, especially the disciples of Tianwang The high level of Lingdao is not the possibility of not defeating Lingdao.

"Qualification, I beat you, it is qualification."

Ling Xiaoge is their site. Lingdao disagreed with their decisive battle. Then they forced their shots. The first one was the first disciple of Tian Wang, who was the first to fight. Ling Dao defeated Huo Jianbo with a punch. It was really powerful, but he I thought that Lingdao was playing a powerful boxing method.

The disciple of the king of the king is the knife repair. He holds the knife in both hands and the knife method is the strongest knife. Even though he is a little higher than Lingdao, he still does not dare to have the slightest intention. His What I did was also beyond the expectations of Lingdao.

The sky is knives, the sharpness is unstoppable, the murderous, like the tsunami, the magnificent, a slash of the sword, it seems to be able to tear the void, shake the king's platform, to destroy the power, kill the front of Lingdao, his strength It is indeed stronger than Huo Jianbo. His knife is like the autumn wind sweeping leaves.

"court death."

Lingdao's eyes are like electricity, suddenly disappeared in the same place, his body seems to have turned into lightning, avoiding the blade, his right fist smashes the knife, and the speed of the thunder is overwhelming, and he is in the throne of the king of the king. In the later period of the Lingdao, the physical strength of the body alone is far beyond the limit of the king of the king.


Like the drums of the drums, the **** waves, the right fist of Lingdao actually penetrated the body of the disciple of Tianwang, and Lingdao had no meaning of mercy. Just a punch, he would kill his opponent, whether it was a disciple of Ling Xiaoge. Still Ling Jianhao, did not think that Lingdao will violently kill.

Even the elders of Ling Xiaoge and the elders of Ling Xiaoge also did not think that Ling Dao was so daring. If he was in Lingjia, Ling Dao killed the disciples of Ling Xiaoge, then he would stop, but in Ling Xiaoge, Ling Dao dared to kill people in the public, killing still The genius of Ling Xiao Ge.

Ling Jianhao’s forehead is cold and sweaty. If only the disciples of Ling Xiaoge, he can completely remove the disciples of Ling Xiaoge and save the life of Ling Dao. But now, the owner and elder of Ling Xiaoge are present. Ling Jianhao is not their opponent at all, and it is difficult to protect themselves. Next, he certainly can't help Lingdao.

The disciples of the Ling Xiaoge on the king's stage were furious and horrified. The horror was that Ling Dao dared to kill his opponent. The anger was that Ling Dao did not put them in his heart. He wanted to kill and kill. They realized that it was called iron blood. Cutting, Lingdao's courage is far greater than they think.

"I don't agree to fight with you. You want to kill me. It's really a dead end."

Before waiting for the main opening of Ling Xiaoge Pavilion, Ling Dao said that he would take the first step. He meant that the other party would kill him first, and he would kill his opponent in order to protect himself.

PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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