The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 152: Deceive

If you only learn from each other, the disciples of Ling Xiaoge really don’t feel that they have lost face to Lingdao. But now, Lingdao has killed a disciple of Tianwang’s peak, which makes him want to challenge him. They are all scared. They don’t Dare to kill Ling Dao, Ling Dao dare to kill their lives.

The owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion was present, and the elders were present. Who knows, Lingdao still has no meaning of mercy, just a punch, he solved a disciple of Tianwang, and died, even if the owner and the elders rescued each other, there is still no Save his possibilities.

"Don't let go, the king of Taiwan is the place where you can scatter wildly. How dare you be in the face of the owner, killing my disciples, and seeing me in the eye."

The elders standing next to the owner of the house were angry and daring. If they were not taboo, they would have killed Lingdao. The younger generation and Lingdao did not care. If he took the shot, he would deal with Lingdao. Then he will die, even if he always hides in the Lingxiao Pavilion, he still can't escape.

Lingdao is a hedgehog, can't touch it, or hand it over to the owner for disposal. How the cabinet owner deals with Lingdao is his business. Anyway, he is the owner of Linglongge. His status is not comparable to that of the elders. Dealing with an elder is simple, and it is not easy to deal with the owner.

"If I am not good enough, I am already dead under his knife. Now he is not as good as me, and I should die in my hands."

As long as Lingdao bites, it is the disciple of Ling Xiaoge who wants to kill him first, and then he kills the heart. The owner of Ling Xiaoge’s cabinet can’t take him. The previous method of using the swords of Tian Wang’s disciples on Ling Dao’s sword can indeed be It is easy to kill the warriors in the late kings.

"You are too much for the disciples of Ling Xiaoge. I don't accept your challenges. You want to kill me. I don't want you to look down on you. But you are really vulnerable. You can't fight with you. I can't let go. Be careful, you will kill you."

In the past, the younger generation of Lingjia met with the younger generation of Lingxiaoge. I don’t know how many losses have been eaten. The inheritance of Lingxiaoge is not comparable to that of Lingjia. The younger generation of Lingjia can’t compare with Lingxiaoge. It’s normal, now it’s hard to come out. Lingdao, the Happy Emperor will certainly not let Ling Xiaoge better.

Ling Dao confronts the disciples of Ling Xiaoge. Some people may say that he is bullying Ling Xiaoge as a emperor. However, there are disciples in the emperor, and the butterfly dance, Qian Hui, Ao Long, Lei Wenyuan, Yu Tianyuan, and Wei Invincible are geniuses. The emperor’s emperor once again pointed them out, and the Linglongge and their warriors in the same realm could hardly match them.

"Whatever is not careful, we will kill us, too, don't take us seriously."

"There is too much bullying. You are strong, but you are still not relying on your father. If your father is not the great emperor, can you still be our opponent?"

"Single-handedly, we are not your opponents. Are you not crazy? You have the ability to beat us."

The first shot of Huo Jianbo lost to Lingdao, and the second shot of Tianwang Jingfeng’s disciple was in the hands of Lingdao. The remaining Tianwangjing disciples did not have the power to die with Lingdao. What they can do is to join hands with Lingdao, so that there is hope for victory.

The owner of Ling Xiaoge’s cabinet was silent. The disciples of Ling Xiaoge’s disciples began to counter the spurt. He certainly would not intervene because he would not be arrogant. It was the battle of the younger generation. As long as he did not speak, others would not blame him. On the head, if the disciples of Ling Xiaoge can defeat Lingdao, they can kill the arrogance of Lingdao.

"A good Ling Xiaoge, even playing the idea of ​​bullying less." Lingdao's words, so that the king of the king on the stage of the king of the disciples shy face red, but he not only did not refuse, but agreed, "If you are The Lord says that no matter what life or death, then I will play with you."

In fact, Ling Xiaoge’s main idea is that Ling Dao’s heart is clear. Therefore, he still took down the water from the owner of Ling Xiao Ge. The owner of Ling Xiao Ge wanted him to fight with the disciples of Ling Xiaoge. The premise was to let him let go and fight. He will not be responsible for the death of a disciple.

In the beginning, if Lingdao refused, Ling Xiaoge disciple would definitely laugh at him for not planting. Satire he would only say big words, but now, Lingdao will decide the right to be sent to the owner of Lingxiaoge Pavilion. If the owner of Lingxiaoge does not agree, Lingdao It is logical to refuse the disciples of Ling Xiaoge. If the owner of Ling Xiaoge agrees, then he must be prepared to kill his disciples.

"It’s still good to point, if you can’t really stop, no one blames you.”

The owner of Lingxiaoge definitely does not want the disciples of Lingxiaoge to have an accident. However, since they took the initiative to provoke the road, they have to be responsible for their own words. If they die in the hands of Lingdao, they can only blame themselves, no wonder others, anyway, they go to Shura. If you are in danger, you should first experience it.

"Good, you can go together."

Lingdao hooked his finger at the king of the king on the stage of the king, so provocative, Ling Xiaoge disciples can not be seen as not seen, one after another Tianwang Jingfeng disciples stood up, they did not fight the hope of Lingdao alone. It’s hard to get the chance to be a group, they can’t miss it.

The disciples of the Tianjun level can't be shot. The disciples of the Tianwang period are afraid to shoot. It is easier to kill the disciples of the kings. It is definitely easier to kill the disciples of the kings. The victory over Lingdao can be greatly honored. The good thing is that they don't want to gamble with their lives.

Did not say hello to Lingxiaoge Pavilion, Lingdao would dare to kill Tianwang Jingfeng disciple, now with the guarantee of the owner, Lingdao shot is definitely more embarrassing, because Lingdao understands that killing a Lingxiaoge disciple, it is possible to save a Ling The younger brother, and the disciple of Ling Xiaoge who started his work, may have killed the children of Ling family before.

"It is really arrogant. In the later period of the king of heaven, there are thirteen kings. I don't think there is any chance of winning."

"They have teamed up with thirteen, even if they are killing the mid-term prince, I am afraid it is not difficult. Now, when Lingdao is a warrior in the late kings, he will be conceited and will not put them in his eyes. I really don't know how high the earth is."

"I admit that the Emperor is powerful, but it is not so powerful that I can overcome the genius that is higher than his realm."

In the previous two battles, even if they were in hostile forces, other Lingxiaoge disciples still thought that the winner would be Lingdao, but now it is different, with one enemy thirteen. They think that the winner will be the thirteen Tianwang Jingfeng disciples of Lingxiaoge. They can not only avenge the dead disciples, but also the prestige of Ling Xiao Ge.

The hands of the owner of Ling Xiaoge’s cabinet slammed tightly. I didn’t expect the younger generation’s decisive battle to make him nervous. The battle with the emperor’s emperor was always the same. If the disciples of Ling Xiaoge could win the ridge once, It will definitely make him have light on his face, and he will still be able to laugh at the imperial eunuch.

There are more than thirteen disciples on the king's stage, but the rest are not shot. They are more careful, because until now, they have not figured out the strength of Lingdao, whether it is defeating Huo Jianbo or killing the peak of the king. Disciple, Ling Dao did not reveal how strong his strength was.

"On, let's take a shot together."

One of the disciples of the king of the kings shouted loudly, and then he used a meteor hammer and slammed into Lingdao. The power of 86 dragons broke out, as if to take out two holes in the void, to his realm. It is rare to have eightty dragons, but there is no comparability with Lingdao.

Another Tianwang Jingfeng disciple spurred the double-cutting shears, as if to cut the Lingdao into two halves, and the double-cutting shears were his master's killing of two dragons, refining the weapons, or not the last moment. The problem, double-twisting shears can definitely become a weapon.

"The sky is open."

"Jade is burning."

"Ziyue Town is empty."

"Kill the red dust."


The rest of the kings and the peaks of the disciples have shot, they have seen the power of Lingdao, no one will be underestimated, they use all the killing tricks, replaced by the general Tianwang period warriors, will definitely be smouldering under their attack, however, Lingdao is the emperor. They believe that Lingdao will not die easily in their hands. As long as Lingdao is not dead, he will hurt Lingdao, and the owner of Linglongge will definitely keep them.

The martial arts of the thirteen heavenly kings’ martial arts disciples, the overwhelming killings, all kinds of sources are filled with the king’s platform, as if they were rushing, they shot one faster than one, defeated the ridge, and the temptation to them was too big. If you can't become famous, you can see that their means are not enough.

"Lingdao is very self-sufficient and has nothing to do. Now he is self-sufficient. Whoever makes him not only fight, but also live and die."

"After this battle, Lingjia Emperor did not say that he was defeated, and certainly not much better. It was not for the younger brothers to force him to do it. He lost what he deserved."

"If the children of Lingjia know that their emperor has lost to our younger brother, I don't know what they will look like."

The battle has just begun. Other Linglongge disciples have already felt that the Lingdao will be defeated. The 13 Tianwang Jingfeng disciples, although they are the first time to cooperate, their cooperation is excellent. Their attacks not only complement each other, but also seal the Lingdao. The evasive route.

Even the elders of Ling Xiaoge have to admire, the thirteen kings and the disciples only gave Lingdao a choice, that is, they are hard-hitting, if Lingdao passively defends, then, next, he has to face It will be a stormy attack.

However, how can a warrior in the late kings defeat the thirteen kings of the kings at the same time, and they can stand on the king's stage, and they are not the weak, they are killed from a battle. Which one is not the genius of Ling Xiaoge.

"A cockroach ant, and thirteen cockroaches ants, what is the difference." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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