The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 153: Sale quota

"And the disciples of Ling Xiaoge, either do not do it, they must play the prestige of the emperor."

In the words of the emperor, Lingdao remembers clearly, not to mention defeating the disciples of the Tianwangjing in the Lingxiaoge, even if he killed the disciples of the Emperor Wang of the Linglong Pavilion, Lingdao felt that he still did not play the prestige of the emperor. One-on-one, defeating the disciples of Ling Xiaoge, and passing on others must be taken for granted.

Fortunately, the disciples of Ling Xiaoge died, and they had to join hands to deal with him, just giving him the opportunity to play the prestige. The 13 dignitaries of the celestial kings of the 霄 巅 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 , , , , , , , , , , , 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天When the other people mentioned the Lingjia Emperor, they had to say that the tiger father had no dogs.

The thirteen kings who took the lead, the disciples of the king, all of them have the power of the heavenly level. They cultivated the emperor, used the martial arts of the land, and the martial arts of heaven. Their blood is better than no. On Lingdao, but their realm surpassed Lingdao, in the case of bullying, if they lost to Lingdao, the Tianwangjing disciple of Lingxiaoge would certainly not be able to lift their heads.


The big waves frenzy, the waves are raging, the king's stage seems to have turned into the ocean, and a huge beast is awakened, as if the sea is turned over, the black light is shrouded in a few thousand feet, and the disciples of Ling Xiaoge have not yet reacted, the golden light, It shines through the sky.

Huge beasts, suddenly gave birth to double wings, a feather, a brilliant glow, wings spread, the waves crashed into the sky, huge beasts skyrocketed, from the ocean overlord to the sky overlord, fierce momentum, straight into the thirteen It’s like a king who wants to devour them.

Compared with the past, the improvement of Lingdao is second, the key is to get the guidance of the Emperor of the Happy, and the Peng Peng is not a star or a half more powerful than before. When Peng Peng is out, it seems that there is a Kun Peng, coming from the wilderness, rampaging, sweeping Falling stars, destroying the earth.

Kuangpeng attacked, destroying the power of the thirteen kings and smashing the attack of the disciples of the kings. It is like the resurrection of the real Kuangpeng. It is the ultimate in the world, and it has the ultimate speed. Even if Lingdao is the last shot, it is still After the first arrival, the thirteen Tianwang Jingfeng disciples have not responded, and one after another they have been hit.

Ling Dao’s physical strength broke out. Even if he did not use the nine-turn dragon, it was still not the king of the king. The one who followed the king’s martial arts could resist. One after another, the disciples of the king were regressing. Some of the injuries were light, some were heavy, and some weapons were out of control. Some bones are broken, and some have a bleeding at the corners of the mouth.

Under the prevailing situation, Lingdao did not give the Lingxiaoge disciples a chance to breathe, and Peng Peng once again played, and the thirteen kings of the kings rushed to use the heavens and the earth to suppress the Lingdao, one after another, the world and the earth, like a sky. .

It’s just like a heavenly and earthen trend of a disciple of Tianwang. It’s not as good as Lingdao. But when it’s added up, it’s not that his heaven and earth can resist. Fortunately, Wu Peng’s fierce and unparalleled, directly tearing their boxing. With a fist and a shadow, the bombardment is on the body of the disciples of the kings.


The elders standing next to the owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion quickly stopped. If they were to fight again, the 13 kings would be in the hands of Lingdao. Maybe he did not think that Lingdao had a warrior in the late kings. Easily defeat the thirteen heavenly kings.

"You won, their quota is yours, and it doesn't make any sense to fight."

The owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion was very disappointed. Thirteen Tianwang Jingfeng disciples shot together, but they were completely defeated by Lingdao. He believed that the previous Lingdao was certainly not so strong. I really don’t know how the Emperor of the Immortal was taught, even let Lingdao More than the young genius of Ling Xiao Ge.

It’s the elders and the owners. Lingdao had to give them face. If he really killed the thirteen heavenly kings’ disciples in front of him, the owner of Lingxiaoge would definitely not let him be better, even because of the existence of the emperor. The owner of Ling Xiao Ge will not want his life. He wants to go to the Shura community, and he is afraid that it will only become a bubble.

Even if Lingdao stopped in time, among the 13 disciples of the 13 kings, there are still seven people who have been hit hard. In their current situation, going to the Shura community is simply looking for death. The remaining six kings are much lighter. It is not a problem to go to the Shura community, but their quota falls in the hands of Lingdao.

"Plus the previous two, now I have fifteen places, you know, I can only use one place, the remaining fourteen places, you can find Ling Ling to buy me."

Lingdao’s words made the lost disciples of Ling Xiaoge’s disciples suffocate and their quotas were originally theirs. As a result, now they not only have a slap in the face, they have to use Lingshi to buy Lingdao’s places, and the disciples of the King’s Court It is a bright eye. If you can use Lingshi for a quota, they are one hundred and twenty willing.

"The family owner asked him to come. It was deliberately embarrassing to let Ling Xiaoge be embarrassed. He was also humiliating the disciples of Ling Xiaoge. It was also that the owner and elders of Ling Xiaoge were unhappy. If he was the son of the owner, he did not know how many times he died."

Ling Jianhao only felt that his mood was good. This battle not only made Ling Xiaoge’s face hurt, but also the disciples of Ling Xiaoge’s disciples could not lift their heads. Later, if Lingjia and Ling Xiaoge’s younger generation had a quarrel, Ling’s family could completely talk about Lingdao’s affairs. Come out, surely the shameful Ling Xiaoge disciple has no place.

Thirteen disciples of Tianwang Jingfeng’s disciples were shot together. The result was that they were able to save their lives by relying on the help of the owners and elders of Linglongge. Lingdao did not live up to the expectations of the Emperor, and indeed played the prestige of the Emperor, the younger generation of Lingjia and Lingxiaoge. The battle has never been so great.

"Just do what he said, if you have the ability, you will use Lingshi to buy a place."

Ling Xiaoge’s chief hate said that Ling Dao is as disgusting as his father. If he is forced to repay his debt as a cabinet owner, there is no way for Ling Dao. The elders and disciples of Ling Xiaoge did not think that the owner of Ling Xiaoge’s cabinet had gone smoothly. Lingdao's mind.

However, his words also warned the disciples of Ling Xiaoge, that is, they did not have the ability to cope with it. Anyway, the seven seriously injured and dead Tianwang Jingfeng disciples could not go to the Shura community. They really have to change other Linglongge disciples. If you want to earn a spiritual stone, let him earn, and the owner of Ling Xiaoge does not care.

"Lingjia is really poor, and he is a divine son. You have to earn your own spiritual stone. Isn't your father's spiritual stone enough for you?"

On the stage of the king, there is a disciple of Lingjunge at the level of Tianjun. The sarcasm is ridiculous. The disciple of Tianwang is not an opponent of Lingdao. It does not mean that Tianjun is not his opponent. The king of heaven is only mastering the world and understanding the rules of heaven and earth. Tianjun has already Mastering the Tao is not comparable to the king.

"When you send the white stone, why don't I, if you smash your meal, you can still get your spiritual stone, and there is such a good thing under the sun."

Lingdao Lian Lingge's elders dare to collide, let alone Tian Jun, even if it really fights, the other party can beat him, it is still unknown, but the Lingxiaoge cabinet will not let the disciples shoot again, the thirteen kings will lose their disciples. To Lingdao, it is already shameful. If Tianjun loses again, I don’t know what Lingjia will be like.

On the bickering, Tianjun, who had previously ridiculed Lingdao, is really not an opponent of Lingdao. He simply stopped talking, but just glared at Lingdao. Unfortunately, Lingdao did not care about him, but began to sell the quota. Lingdao practiced Lingshi, more than other warriors, can make a profit, definitely must earn more.

"I have fourteen places, and despite your bid, the top 14 people can get a place."

The owner of the Lingxiaoge Pavilion only felt that his eyes were black and he almost fell to the ground. Lingdao not only sold the Shura’s order in Lingxiaoge, but also took the auction method. The price is high. He now feels that Lingdao is even more abominable than the Happy Emperor. He is not good at Lingdao, and the Tianwangjing disciple of Ling Xiaoge has not been able to beat Lingdao.

"I really hope that he will die in the Shura community, or else, after thousands of years, perhaps it will be a human being."

It is difficult to prove the emperor, but to become a Taoist, to be a Taoist, to be much simpler. In terms of Lingdao’s talents, as long as you don’t die, it’s a good thing to be a Taoist. At the beginning, the human leader did not fight back. The power, if he can't prove it, even the son of the Emperor of the Immortal can't beat it.

The disciples of the Emperor of the Lingwang Pavilion smashed the priests and smashed the elders, and they began to bid for the price. They were not stupid. The disciples below the peak of the king of heaven did not mix, and the disciples below the peak of the king did not want to go to Shura. But they are worried about the elders.

"Forgot to say, if it is less than a hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, don't sell it."

One by one, Wang Tianjing’s disciples seem to negotiate a good general, shouting the price is very low, annoyed Lingdao, now Lingdao Lions open their mouths, let their faces turn into pig liver color, one hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi where They can come out, even if it is Tianjun, they are not necessarily able to come up with a hundred pieces of heavenly spirit.

The elders of Ling Xiaoge selected fourteen disciples of Tianwang, who asked them to bid for the price. They shouted a hundred pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. Then he gave them Lingshi. They then gave Lingshi to Lingdao without any cost. Ling The road earned 1400 pieces of heavenly stone.

"The owner, I am not willing, just let him go to the Shura community."

Even if the elders are not reconciled, even the owner of the house is equally depressed. Fortunately, the owner has a way to deal with Lingdao and promises to give Lingdao a quota. The owner will definitely let Lingdao go to Shura, as long as he passes to Lingujie in Lingdao. When you open the door, you can make Lingdao suffer.

"Do not worry, I will let him regret that Ling Lingge is robbing the quota. Is it good to use my quota?"

PS: Add more tomorrow.

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