The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 164: Da Ri Jin Wu

Nantian is trying to win the Lingdao. The six roads are completely unreserved. The power of Tianjun’s later stage is revealed. The previous matchups are already shameful. If they can’t win the Lingdao in a short time, not only Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong have opinions. He himself cannot forgive himself.

The four roads that suppress the Lingdao are turned into flame mountains, and the fires are raging. If they are hundreds of millions of people, it seems to be able to crush the void. The two roads that attack Lingdao are like two long shots, which contain a burning edge. It makes the skin of Lingdao painful and the body seems to be cracked.

The two roads spurred the shoulders of Lingdao. Even if Lingdao’s body was strong and sturdy, it could not stop Nantianzheng’s road attacking. Fortunately, Lingdao’s rapid retreat, and his speed of cultivation and ridiculousness, far surpassed the border warriors. Even if the heavens and the earth and the four roads of Nantianzheng greatly affected him, the two roads still did not succeed.

However, the attack of Nantianzheng did not end, and the two roads suddenly accelerated. Like the arrow of the string, the double fists of Lingdao were played one after another, just like a pair of double-peng-wings bombarded on the road of Nantianzheng, two roads. Violent tremors, the speed is getting slower and slower, and the edge is getting weaker.

"The world is big, there is nothing strange, and in the late Tang Dynasty, Tianjun still can't take the late king, it is really strange."

Song Yuzong’s yin and yang sighs, let Nantian’s forehead’s forehead stalks jump straight, but Nantianzheng can’t refute it. If someone else takes Nantian Zheng and Lingdao’s decisive battle, Nantian is sure to become a laughing stock, a big realm, Nantian is coming. Lingdao has not yet been resolved.

"Da Ri Jin Wu."

The strongest school of Nantian family is the great day of Jinwu, and it is said that it is the most powerful emperor of Nantian family. Nantianzheng is now only the cultivation of Tianjunjing in the late stage. It is impossible to display the great golden spirit, he just saw The murals of Da Ri Jin Wu are cast by the strongest of the Nantian family.

The children of the Nantian family who can cultivate the great golden spirits of the Great Day, there is no one in the middle of the world. The murals of the Great Day Jinwu can just test whether they are suitable for practicing the great golden spirits of the Japanese. It can be said that the Daejin Jinwu murals are weakened by the great golden gods, if Even the murals of the Great Day Jinwu could not be practiced, and it was definitely not possible with the Great Day Jinwu.

Nantian is using the fifth-level fire source to form the Dajinjinwu, which has three feet high. The red-yellow golden feathers are like real. Dajinjinwu has three-footed twelve toes, and it is Fengyu, and it is covered with dragon scales. On the forehead, there is an emperor's crest, and behind the big day, there is a sacred emperor's wheel, and the whole body is exuding the supreme power.

Some people say that only the fairyland has a big day, and there is no heaven. There are people who say that the Great Day Jinwu of the Immortal World was born from the sun, but it is impossible to prove that the Datianjinwu that Nantian is condensing is so majestic. If the real big day is coming, I don’t know how much it will be.

Lingdao’s fists hit the body of Da Ri Jin Wu, just splashing the sky full of Mars, did not cause any harm to the big day Jin Wu, the big day Jin Wu seems to look to Ling Dao, in addition to disdain or disdain, it seems like true There is life in general.

If it wasn’t for Song Yuzong’s words, it would arouse the anger of Nantianzheng, and Nantianzheng would not be able to use Lingyue’s later Tianwang, using the Dajinjinwu suppression, the big three-legged Jinwu’s three-legged, seemingly endless weight, the pressure of the road Continue to fall until Lingdao's feet step on the ground.

"How, now I know that I am amazing."

Nantian is holding his chest with his hands, and he has no intention of continuing to shoot. Dajin Jinwu has a good deal with Lingdao. In fact, he is pretending to be easy, condensing the big day, and almost emptying his origin, knowing that his big day gold Wuzhen kills Fengfeng Tianjun, more than enough, now used to win the Lingdao, it is really overkill.

"True Dragon King Boxing."

Lingdao did not speak, but displayed a more powerful boxing method. After getting the guidance of the Emperor of the Happy, the Dragon King Boxing also had great progress. He punched it out and punched the voice of the void like a dragon, his The hands are like two real dragons, and the double fists are like two dragons.

Yuanyuan originated from the origin of water, lightning and thunder, black clouds gathered, the sky was heavy rain, like the dragon king travel, the wind and rain, the rivers and lakes, dumped, just like two real dragons hit the body of the big day Jinwu, in exchange for Still the disdain of the big day Jinwu.

The fire is everywhere, there is a flame to extinguish, but the big day Jinwu is still proud, even if Lingdao uses the real dragon Wang Quan, just let the body of Da Ri Jin Wu shake up, did not let the big day Jin Wu collapse, but did not let Da Ri Jin Wu dissipate, The tyrannical degree of Da Ri Jin Wu exceeded the expectations of Ling Dao.

"It’s not a child of Nantian family. It’s like a big day. It’s just that, in the later days, Tianjun used the big day Jinwu to suppress the late kings. Isn’t it too big a problem?”

Because the big day Jinwu, Ge Yuanhong recognized the identity of Nantianzheng, the martial arts related to the Dajinjinwu in the three thousand territory, certainly more than one or two emperor forces, but the Nantian family’s Dajinjinwu is not the same, Nantianzheng It is the great day of gold and gold that has been learned from mural paintings.

Lingdao took a deep breath and punched again. Fortunately, his body was stronger than before, and he could use the eighth turn of the ninth turn to smash the dragon, destroying the fist and pouring out. The origin of the water condenses a big river, impact With the big day Jinwu, what happened to Nantian was shocked, and the big day Jinwu actually appeared a dense crack.

Whether it is Nantianzheng or Lingdao, it is not clear why Dajin Jinwu would be like this. Lingdao can feel the power of Dajinjinwu. Even if the real dragon fist is strong enough, there is no attack of ten times and eight times. How about the Japanese Jinwu, Nantianzheng has absolute confidence in the big day Jinwu, but Dajinjinwu is gradually dissipating.

"How did you do it, you must have used the banter of the 天峰天君 refining, or else, you are using the symbol of the refining of the peak of the king, is not."

Nan Tianzheng absolutely does not believe that Lingdao can rely on his own strength to break up the big day Jinwu, if he is once again condensed out a big day Jinwu, he can't do it at all, Lingdao is the Lingjia Emperor, no matter the peak The ban on the refinement of Tianjun is still a symbol of the refinement of Tianjun, and it is nothing to him.

"You can't do it yourself, but blame me."

Lingdao’s teasing is a sneak peek at Nantian. He has never seen such a maddening late king. Fortunately, Nantian is knowing the identity of Lingdao. Otherwise, he absolutely cannot accept the current situation, and regardless of Lingdao’s recognition and No, Nantian is always convinced of his own guess.

Song Yuzong wants to applaud Lingdao, only after the king of heaven has such a force, Lingdao is definitely a genius in genius, but the fox is more important, and Nantian is in a confrontation with Lingdao, he will not intervene, if he is allowed A follower against Nan Tianzheng, then the remaining followers are not the opponents of Ge Yuanhong's followers.

The nine former Tianjun of Nantian family did not know whether to laugh or cry. Previously, Nantian was misunderstood them. They felt that they were trying to hide their strength. Now Nantian is teaching Lingdao’s power, and certainly will not feel that they are not contributing, just They can't beat a late king, it's not something to be happy about.

"Not good, someone is coming."

A follower of Song Yuzong reminded that not only him, but other people also felt that a strong breath was coming close. Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong could not wait to kill Nantian, saying that a good time to solve the Lingdao, the result Until now, Nantianzheng has not won the Lingdao.

It must be because of the confrontation between Nantianzheng and Lingdao, the noise that came out, the strong ones attracted, Song Yuzong and Ge Yuanhong could have left, but they thought that Lingdao and Nantianzheng’s battle would not be a mess, after all, a late stage. Tianjun, a late king, is not a level.

It’s not that Nantian is not strong, but the strength of Lingdao is far superior to the average king. Nantian is having six rules. The result is that there is no solution to Lingdao. Maybe it will be played again. Nantian is able to win. Unfortunately, Nantianzheng I don't want to start again, there are other strong players, and there is a chance for the fox to fight for it.

If the Lingdao is weak, Nantian is not mindful to take the Lingdao, and then find a chance to throw the Lingdao to the magic hand forbidden, but Lingdao is obviously a difficult bone, or it is more realistic to get the demon fox, as long as he Do not deal with Lingdao, want to come to Lingdao will not be self-sufficient and continue to fight.

"It’s really lively, fight, you continue to fight, don’t care for me.”

The black robe man who just arrived shrugged, and a pair of humans and animals were harmless. Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong looked at each other and shook their heads. They didn’t know the black robe men, and they didn’t know what the black robe men were doing. The black robe men are weak, they don't care much. If the black robe men are very strong, it is definitely worthy of their attention.

"Hey, you are also on the Shura list."

The black robe man looked at Lingdao. Before Lingdao was crossing the hand with Nantian, he naturally saw the repair of Lingdao at a glance. Unfortunately, Lingdao only had the post of Tianwang, if Lingdao and him were in a realm, or He has a high realm, and he may have the meaning of playing with Lingdao.

"Is it true that all the warriors on the Shura list are inductive to each other?"

Lingdao is the first time to come to the Shura community. I don’t know about the Shuro list. It’s no wonder that when the black robe man has not appeared, Ling Dao has noticed him, not relying on his eyesight, nor on the will, but on the connection of the Shuluo list. The black robe man nodded and no longer paid attention to Lingdao.

"I seem to smell the smell of the fox and the heart of the heart. Your strength is the strongest. It must be in your hands."

The black robe man looked at Ge Yuanhong, and smashed Song Songzong. He finally sniffed and locked his eyes on Ge Yuanhong. Ge Yuanhong was shocked. The black robe man had already determined that the demon fox heart flower was on his body.

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