The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 165: Black robe man

The black robe man saw the realm of Song Yuzong and Ge Yuanhong at a glance, saying that they were powerful, or referring to the followers of Song Yuzong and Ge Yuanhong, the strength of Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong themselves, not worth mentioning, of course, they are only powerful compared to the children of Nantian family. Compared with him, there is nothing to be said.

"What a fox is in the heart, where is it, I don't know."

Ge Yuanhong is stupid, and the black robe man is alone. There is a timid robbing of the fox and the heart. The strength is certainly not bad. He has not seen the black robe man’s shot. Ge Yuanhong definitely does not want to be a plain enemy for no reason. Once the black robe man is against him. Starting, Song Yuzong will definitely take the opportunity to snatch.

Song Yuzong is a pro-disciple of the dark gods. It is impossible to count on the disciples of the dark gods. The dark gods are not only the strongest, but also the least able to provoke them. Know how many times you have done it.

"I don't have time to talk to you, hand over the fox and heart, you can live, if not, I don't mind if your hands are covered with your blood."

The black robe man looked at Ge Yuanhong coldly, obviously moving the killing. He was even more jealous than Song Yuzong. After all, Song Yuzong was only half, and Song Songzong had five followers, just like Ge Yuanhong, let alone Ge Yuanhong could not listen. Even Song Yizong felt that the black robe man was too much.

However, Song Yuzong did not help Ge Yuanhong, and even he couldn’t help Ge Yuanhong and the black robe men to fight, fight against each other, fishermen benefited, Song Yuzong wanted to be a fisherman, and the black robe man was so mad that he must have enough strength to let him and Ge Yuanhong, they played a game, the best.

"My deceased disciple of the five gods of the Destiny Temple, if you really want the fox, I can give you a petal, but I originally intended to give it to him. Now, I can give it to you. Can you help me? Otherwise, why should I give it to you."

Ge Yuanhong feels that he can just use the black robe man to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf. Anyway, he gives Song Yuzong a petal. Song Yuzong is not satisfied. If the black robe man is willing to help him, the black robe man will help him a big favor. After all, Song Yuzong is It’s going to be half-hearted.

Nan Tianzheng is quietly approaching Ge Yuanhong. If there is a chance to rob the fire, he will certainly not miss it. Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong did not notice Nantianzheng. Lingdao was observing clearly. However, Lingdao did not dismantle Nantianzheng because he I feel that Nantian is not cheap in front of the black robe man.

"The pro-disciple of the five goddess of the Destiny Temple, how do you want to press me by identity, you think I will be afraid of you." The black robe man snorted and continued, "Let me help you solve them, not not, just A piece of petal is not enough, and the complete demon fox can be used."

The black robe man’s appetite is very big, and a petal can’t satisfy him. Ge Yuanhong’s face is blue and green. The self-reported identity did not expect to be attracted. It turned out to be a mockery of the black robe man. Ge Yuanhong intended to use the black robe man as a chess piece. Unfortunately, he still has no Be the skill of playing chess.

"You feel that it is not easy to solve him."

Ge Yuanhong used his will to ask his followers. If the man in the black robe was simple, he would solve the black robe man first. If it was difficult, he would choose to join forces with Song Yuzong. Then he and Song Yuzong were both emperors. The power of the product is only different from the camp. Moreover, Song’s request is more acceptable than the black man’s request.

"His realm, if we are not high, if we have strength, we haven’t played it, it’s not clear, but if we take it together, it will be easy to solve it."

Among the five followers, the best voice of the voice, Ge Yuanhong is the former Tianjun, they are the late Tianjun, the black robe men are the mid-term Tianjun, just the dialogue between the former Lingdao and the black robe men, let them Understand that the black robe man is a genius on the Shura list.

The genius who can be on the Shuluo list, the fighting power of the same realm must definitely exceed them. The black robe men are only a lower realm than them. Maybe they can compete with them. If they are single-on-one, they are not sure. One, they are full of confidence.

"Well, then you can do it together. It is best to kill him before Song Yuzong reacts."

The black robe man’s actions have already angered Ge Yuanhong. Now Ge Yuanhong let the five followers take the shot together, just to order the black robe man’s life. Ge Yuanhong’s five followers are all geniuses and have the ability to defeat opponents across borders. They have teamed up to deal with a young man who is even lower than their realm.

Ge Yuanhong’s five followers looked at each other and took out their weapons and smashed them into black robes. Song’s reaction was definitely very fast. They only had one chance to shoot. If they continued to fight with the black robes, Song Yuzong would definitely not let go. Ge Yuanhong, if the five followers of Song Yuzong took the shot, it was a simple matter to take Ge Yuanhong.

The five of them mastered exactly the five origins of Jinmu Shuihuo. Ge Yuanhong let them take the shot together, just to let them use the joint attack technique. Their weapons are the same. They are all ground swords. Their joint surgery is positive. It is the big five elements to kill the sword array, the five elements are opposite each other, and the array they use is enough to make their combat power burst out to the maximum extent.

"You don't know what you want to do, but you want to grab something."

A young warrior who is even lower than the five followers of Ge Yuanhong, in Ge Yuanhong’s opinion, must have been unable to stop the big five-line killing swordsman. The black robe man’s death, Ge Yuanhong thinks that he is self-defeating, if the black robe man and him Cooperation, how to deal with Song Yuzong together.

"This is your choice."

The black robe man’s eyes smashed and the fierceness broke out. It was like a peerless tiger waking up. The murderous, as if it were the essence, the five followers of Ge Yuanhong, the five followers of Ge Yuanhong wanted to do, the black robe man of course Understand, unfortunately, they can only think about it because they have no ability to do it.

Lingdao clearly saw that behind the black robe man, there was a black shadow, the same black shadow as the black robe man. The black robe man’s momentum is getting stronger and stronger, just like the power of a mid-term monarch. Superimposed together, no matter the quantity or the realm, the black robe man has no advantage, but his momentum has the upper hand.

The golden long sword was killed in front of the black robe man, and the sharp edge seemed to be able to split him in half. The blue long sword stabbed the neck of the black robe man, and the blue sword smashed to the shoulder of the black robe man. The red long sword points directly to the heart of the black robe man. The gray long sword is two meters long, from top to bottom, but wants to penetrate directly from the black robe man's sole to his head.

Their swords are very fast, and they are almost in the late days. They don’t need to be attacked by swords. As long as there are one or two successes, the possibility of the black robe being destroyed is great. Their natural world is also suppressed at the same time, five different swords, but also the black robe man.

The reaction of the black robe man was unexpected to other people's expectations. He did not retreat and did not take out the weapon. He only extended his right hand and shot it. Ge Yuanhong's five followers were not only a little higher than him, but also shot together. Killing him is even more about using a sword, even with the help of the formation. As a result, he only used one hand.

Such a small follower of Ge Yuanhong’s five followers did not give Ge Yuanhong a face. The five followers of Ge Yuanhong were even full of anger, and they could not wait for a sword to solve the black robe man. However, the five-handed long sword did not kill. The dead black robe man also stopped at the same time.

Huge palm prints blocked the five-handed swords. Even if Ge Yuanhong's five followers struggled, they still couldn't move forward. The black robe men smiled a little, and the palm prints suddenly made a fortune. The five followers of Ge Yuanhong only I felt that I could resist it, and the five-handed long sword was bent.


Five consecutive sounds, but Ge Yuanhong's five followers, while being bombarded, the five fingers of the huge palm print, actually broke out in an instant, like a steel stick, squatting on the five followers of Ge Yuanhong, just a blow They made their faces pale, their chests sagged, and their blood flowing.

Ge Yuanhong wants his five followers to solve the black robe man in one stroke. The fact is exactly the opposite of his intention. It is not his follower who solved the black robe man, but the black robe man solved his follower, black. The man in the robe did not mean to be merciful. When Ge Yuanhong’s five followers were wounded, it was a good time to kill them.

The black robe man hit five palms in a row, and one palm hit a late Tianjun. The five followers of Ge Yuanhong couldn’t make a scream, but they died under his palm, not to mention that Ge Yuanhong could not accept it. Even Song Yuzong And his followers are equally unbelievable.

Nan Tianzheng still wanted to secretly shoot, but now it is scared to retreat again and again, one can kill the existence of five late Tianjun in an instant, certainly not he can deal with, if the black robe man shot him, he is sure Will die faster, after all, he is alone.

"I will give you a chance to hand over the fox and heart, otherwise, die."

If the black robe man said this before, Ge Yuanhong would only laugh, but now, Ge Yuanhong is afraid to swallow a sip. The black robe man really has the strength to kill his life. Even if Ge Yuanhong is unwilling, he still It was taken out of the fox fox heart flower.

"No, the demon fox is the temple of my destiny, how can I give him an outsider."

What Ge Yuanhong did not think was that Song Yuzong stood up. The five followers of Song Yuzong were no worse than Ge Yuanhong. If the black robe man shot, he could still kill the five followers of Song Yuzong. Ge Yuanhong really didn’t understand. The courage to come.

(PS: Go shopping on the mobile station, thank you for the reward of Yunnan melon. I wanted to add two more chapters. It’s too late, first add a chapter, and add another chapter tomorrow.) The book starts from 17K novel network. The first time to see the genuine content!

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