The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 167: Five-fifth division

"I think you still kill him, because you can't kill me."

Ling Dao is quite determined, but it makes the police stunned. A late king, the meditation is really not in the heart. What really makes him jealous is the identity of Ling Dao. The five gods and the dark gods of the Temple of Destiny are powerful. But they are not the emperor after all.

The means of the five elements of the great priest and the dark gods are not worth mentioning. The more the suffocating suffocate, the more careful the meditation is. Who knows that the emperor’s card for Lingdao is to let him escape or help him. To kill the enemy, even if you are confident, you still have no confidence in dealing with the Emperor's means, even if it is suppressed to the peak level.

"Well, I will kill him first and then deal with you."

It’s impossible to let go of Ling Dao, but to solve Song Yizong first, and then to deal with Ling Dao’s stability. With Ling Dao’s cultivation, even if there is no lock tower, he still can’t escape. If there is no confidence in this, then he I really didn't qualify for the Tianzu Warrior.

Other forces are vying for the number of places to go to the Shura community, they can rob the head of the blood, but the heavens are different. As long as they are the Tianzu warriors, and then the kings and the heavens, they can go to the Shura world, because the Tian people simply can’t get it. One hundred places, even if the Tianwang and Tianjun of the Tianzu all add up, it is still far from a hundred.

The lock tower began to shrink, and Song Yuzong’s face became more and more ugly. Until the end, Song Yuzong’s eyes were full of crazy colors. He took out one piece of weapons and then quietly walked to the front of the meditation. If the weapon is exploded, it will definitely cause enough damage to the meditation.

Song Yuzong tried his best to spur one piece of weapons, and he couldn't see him. Lingdao couldn't see him. When the sense of meditation was felt, Song Yuzong's attack had been completed, and one piece of weapons was fried. Open, all bombarded on the body.

"Dying and dying, what is the use."

On the body of the meditation, there are a total of nine blood lines, which means that his blood is not weaker than the emperor. A pair of big hands are like two monuments, blocking him in front of him, and will be one after another. Yes, as many as possible, fortunately, Lingdao has already retired and has not been affected.

The gap in strength is too great. Song Yuzong not only did not kill the meditation, but also exposed his position. He smiled coldly, his right hand poked out, and the speed reached the limit. He took it on the body of the meditation, and he didn’t care what he was shooting in Song Zongzong. Position, anyway, enough to make Song Yizong a broken bone.

The blood wave is skyrocketing, Song Yuzong is only a scream, it is the loss of consciousness, the black robe of the meditation is stained with blood, his blood, more of the blood of Song Yuzong, he seems to be okay, in fact, Song Zongzong’s crazy move It still caused harm to him. However, the physical recovery ability of the Tianzu is good. For the sake of the meditation, such a small injury can be healed in a short time.

"Now, there is only one of you left. Do you still think I can't kill you?"

The meditation locks the tower in his hand. If Lingdao wants to escape, he uses the lock tower to suppress Lingdao. If Lingdao is ready to play, he is willing to accompany him. The realm of Lingdao is really low. Unfortunately, Lingdao has neither the meaning of running away nor the meaning of fighting with the battle.

"If you want to do it, just hurry and don't waste my time. If you can't kill me, I still have something to discuss with you."

Ling Dao said indifferently, did the Emperor Xiaoyao give him a life-saving means, he did not know, the reason why he was not afraid to kill him, because the black and white robes girl will definitely not let him die now, the black and white robes girl is waiting for him to understand. Scripture, then break through the seal.

In the middle of the heavenly kingdom, the black and white robes are a little different. I don’t know how many times. Even a black-and-white robes girl’s hand can still easily kill the meditation. Unfortunately, I don’t know the black and white robes girl. Ling The attitude of the Tao, the tone of Ling Dao, will be very light.

"Isn't it a prince? What can be arrogant."

The locks were locked up, and both hands were shot at the same time. It was like two blood-colored monuments, which was enough to smash any obstacles. What annoyed him was that Lingdao actually held his chest with his hands and looked like a play. He did not want to be with him at all. The meaning of fighting, especially, Ling Dao still looks around, as if Ming is not dealing with him.

At the crucial moment, the fingerprints on Lingdao broke out, and the power of the majestic banged to the two blood-colored monuments. The face of the dynasty changed greatly. Now I want to change my moves. It’s too late. I can clearly see that the hands of the filth are broken. Rotten, **** and fuzzy, can also hear the sound of broken hand bones.

The previous incomprehensible meditation has now been hit hard. There are cracks in his arms, purely because he can't bear the power that hit him. Not only that, his origins, his internal organs, all of them are all affected. Great vibration, the damage is not small.

"how is this possible."

Even if I knew that Lingdao had a card, I still didn't think that Lingdao's card was so tyrannical. Fortunately, the fingerprint on Lingdao only attacked once. If I came back a few times, I was afraid that I could break the fight. He was in Shura. I have seen other emperors, but the cards of other emperors are not terrible.

The rules of the Shura community suppress the external forces, especially the power beyond the peak of the peaks. As long as it is the great emperor, even if it is suppressed to the peak of the peak, it is still not the true peak of the heavenly king, but the fingerprint of Lingdao is not The same, as if the roots were not suppressed by the Shura community, it is certain that attacking his handprints is absolutely heavenly.

"I think, now we can talk, isn't it?"

Lingdao smiled and walked to the front of the meditation, completely disregarding the fierce eyes. The black and white robes girl was not good at Lingdao. However, before the syllabus, the black and white robes of the girl’s handprints on him were equal to him. The amulet, the black and white robes girl used Lingdao to break the seal, and Lingdao used the black and white robe girl to cross the Shura world.

"What do you want to talk about."

In the end, it is the Tianzu, even if it is hit hard, the meditation will soon be calmed down. If Lingdao wants to kill him now, then he will activate the blood force and recover to the peak force in a short time. No problem, let alone On the body of the Tao, I did not feel any killing.

"We make a deal, you will give me the heart of the fox, I will keep you secrets, don't tell me that you don't care about the Temple of Destiny, if you really don't care, why bother to kill, but unfortunately, you can't kill me, only Can you block my mouth with the fox fox, understand?"

Lingdao’s words will not be light, but in order to get the demon fox heart, first kill the followers of Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong, and then solve the children of Nantian family, Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong are the prostitutes of the two great deities of the Temple of Destiny. Disciple, if the Temple of Destiny knows that he killed him, he will definitely find him trouble.

The Tianzu is not afraid of the Temple of Destiny, but it is impossible to be afraid of it. If the Dark God Officer and the Five Elements Grand God Officer ask the Guangming Great God to shoot, predict where he will appear, and then send the strong to kill him, it is entirely possible to succeed. It is impossible to hide in the heavens for a lifetime.

"I was struggling to grab the fox and heart, and I also killed the pro-disciples of the two great priests in the Temple of Destiny. If you want to take it in a few words, is it too much?"

I didn’t think that Ling Dao was so shameless and murdered that he did it. As a result, Ling Dao’s opening would require his demon fox to spend his heart. If he really gave the fox to the Ling Dao, then he not only White was busy, and he also offended the two great priests of the Temple of Destiny.

"Well, you have no credit, you have hard work, or you have to divide it into nines. How about you?"

Black heart, it is too black, if it is not taboo on the fingerprints of Ling Dao, the evil must be arrogant with the Ling Dao war, a nine-point split, the real loss Lingdao said, it is impossible to promise, just now, The handle of the meditation, in the hands of Lingdao, is impossible not to benefit Ling.

In the current situation, even if there is no card in Lingdao, it is still not an easy task to kill Lingdao. What's more, I don't know if Lingdao has any other cards. If you can solve problems with the demon fox, I really don’t want to start, but it’s not because he’s afraid of Lingdao, but the enemy he’s offended.

"The Sanqi division is the biggest concession I can make. You are three and seven, you can't give you more."

He bit his teeth, and a pair of Lingdao dared to shake his head, and he and Lingdao went to the same position. Unfortunately, he was able to scare others, but he could not scare Lingdao, because if he really wants to go with Lingdao, it is impossible. Lingdao talks about what Sanqi is divided into, and it is directly.

"The four or six divisions are my bottom line. You are four and six. Otherwise, you are sick and want your life. I will kill you now, believe it or not."

From the beginning, Lingdao did not think about getting a complete demon fox heart flower, because it was impossible, he deliberately let the price of bargaining, in order to achieve his purpose, there is no way, can only be led by his nose, but he Now, it is obviously irritating.

"If I was in the heyday, killing you with little effort, you are threatening me now."

"Jokes, when you killed me before, wasn't it in the heyday? The result is not what it is now."

Just after the words of the meditation, it was ridiculed by Lingdao, but it was impossible to refute.

"No, I am four of you. It is too cheap for you. You are four and six."

"If you don't do four or six, then divide it into five or five. If you don't agree again, then let's do it. There is nothing to talk about."

Lingdao finally said his true bottom line, five to five, one and a half, no matter how good.

"Five to five are five or five, just say good first, it is me five."

Angry meditation, say the words, let Lingdao stunned, five or five, and divide you five, five, is there any difference, before I still feel very good, how can it be stupid for a while Is it that the attack just hurt his head?

PS: The third chapter has to be written late at night, the update time is very late, the brothers should not wait, rest early.

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