The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 168: Robbery

"Don't be unhappy, don't you leave half of it,"

After Ling Dao received half of the demon fox, he was comforted by the pretense. Even if he hated Ling Dao, he could only helplessly sigh. He has always been so smooth and has not eaten so much. Loss, if it is planted in the hands of the strong, it turns out to be a ship in the gutter.

On the realm, on the combat power, Ling Dao is not comparable to the Ming, even on the birth, the feeling of Ling Dao is not as good as him, what about the son of the Emperor, the possession of nine blood lines, the blood power is equivalent to the son of the Emperor, Lingdao It’s just a human warrior. He’s a martial warrior. If you’re more than a single warrior, the Terran is definitely not as good as the Celestial.

In fact, there are many ethnic groups in the three thousand territories, such as the true dragon family, the Kunpeng family, the phoenix family, the celestial family, and other races. All of them believe that the human race only depends on the number to win, and the human race's ability to multiply is beyond the reach of others. The number of Terran warriors is more than the sum of all other racial warriors.

"You know my name, I don't know what you are calling, you won't dare tell me,"

The hard-hitting fox scented the heart, divided the half of the ridge, and could not have any opinion on Lingdao. Even in the Shura world, he couldn’t change the ridge. He could wait until he left the Shura and then When you start, as long as you know the name of Lingdao, and then combine the identity of Emperor Lingdao, it is not difficult to find out his origins.

"If I change the clothes I often wear, do you know who I am," Lingdao took out the purple robe and wore it on his body. He even used a Yuanshi origin to condense a purple gourd in his hand. "Don't you recognize it now?" Is it my identity, is it your eyesight, or you are ignorant?"

That's right, Lingdao is now pretending to be the old seven of the Xiantang Palace. Fortunately, I have never seen the old seven of the Xiantang Palace. Otherwise, I will wear it directly. Unfortunately, I have never heard of the old Seven of the Fairy Palace. The dress of the Tao can't be associated with the Xianyi Palace, the three thousand territories, the emperor's power is more, the Ming will not know all,

Shaking his head, but it made Lingdao a headache. It’s not that Lingdao didn’t want to report his name, but he didn’t know what the old seven of the Xiantang Palace called. He not only saw the old seven of the Xianyi Palace, but also met the fairy palace. The old sixth, just, the outsiders call them the old seven, the sixth,

"I tell you, if you are competing with the realm, you are definitely not my opponent. If you have time, come to the Fairy Palace to find me. As long as you are willing to suppress the realm and compete with me, I am always waiting for the ride. ”

If the old seven of the Xiantang Palace knows, it will definitely be like a thunder, no way, the emperor who can think of Lingdao for a while, only the old seven of Xianyi Palace, and the old seven of Xianyi Palace is similar to his realm, the age is almost the same, and he There is hatred, the old sixth of the Xiantang Palace is killed in the dream kingdom, and it is bound to be related to the old seven of Xianyi Palace.

The strength of the meditation is very strong. If you really hit the Xianyi Palace, you will certainly be able to make the Xianqi Palace the old seven embarrassed. As long as the meditation first provokes, the old seven of the Xianyi Palace will certainly not ignore it. At that time, even if you recognize the old palace Seven is not the person he is looking for, the old seven of Xianyi Palace is afraid to fight with him.

Of course, even if the old seven of the sacred palaces did not fight, there is still no loss for Lingdao. In a short period of time, Lingdao is indeed not an opponent of the meditation. However, once their realm gap narrows, or there is no gap, Lingdao is not only afraid of looking for trouble, but also wants to fight with him.

"Imperial Palace," knows that the so-called Xianyi Palace is the emperor's power in Lingdao. He nodded and said coldly. "I remembered it. I will definitely go to the door to ask for advice. At that time, if If you can't catch up with me in your realm, then I will take it easy to suppress the realm and play with you to let you know what is called the gap."

Lingdao can't kill the meditation, and the same can't kill Lingdao. The place where they are, can't stay for a long time, they have to leave together. They choose the direction different. Lingdao is worried about getting rid of it, and then he is worried about it again. When Ling Dao looked at his injury, he found a helper to kill him.

Since Lingdao is the emperor of Xianyi Palace, as long as it is the Tianjun of Xianxian Palace, it will definitely help. If you encounter the peak of the Xianyi Palace, you may be in danger. If the injury is not restored. I don’t want to go with Lingdao to avoid accidents.

"You are so courageous, even I dare to use it. If I didn't save you before, would you really have to wait for death?"

The voice of the black and white robes girl passed to the world of the will of Lingdao. The actions of Lingdao have caused her dissatisfaction. If she did not expect Lingdao to understand all the scriptures, she would not help Lingdao, she felt that she fell into the world. The trap set by Lingdao early in the morning made her feel very bad.

"Do you think that I am a late king, can you beat him in the middle of the day, but it is easy to slaughter the existence of the late Tianjun, afraid that there is a heavenly force,"

Lingdao can be sure that even if he is against the followers of Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong, he still does not show the ultimate fighting power. Unfortunately, his explanation must not satisfy the black and white robes girl. Fortunately, he has been prepared and will quickly realize a passage to the black and white robes girl,

The black and white robes girl has no difficulty in Lingdao. The role of Lingdao is to understand all the scriptures for her and let her break the seal. Lingdao understands that the more the verses of Wujing are passed on to the black and white robes, The more dangerous he is, the day when the black and white robes girl breaks the seal, it may be the time of his death.

"Only this time, the next is not an example. If I use it again next time, I will read your memory directly."

After warning Lingdao, the black and white robes girl is no longer talking, like the black and white robes girl, the strong, certainly not willing to be used by him, fortunately in front of the level, has passed, black and white robes girls still want him to help Enlighten the scriptures, as long as he passes a period of enlightened verses to black and white robes, black and white robes will not find him trouble,

After Lingdao and Ming left, there were other warriors who rushed to where they were. However, Ming had already cleaned the bodies of the disciples of the Destiny Temple. The bodies of the children of Nantian’s family were deliberately placed on their own, and the battle marks were not easy. All erased, the body of the children of Nantian family just played a cover-up role.

Unfortunately, among the warriors who came, there were children of Nantian family, especially one of them, or the cousin of Nantianzheng. Originally, they planned to go to the magic hand forbidden. I did not expect that they would only be separated for half a day. Time, Nantian is being poisoned.

"Who is it, who is killing Nantianzheng,"

Nan Tianqi looked for and found, but unfortunately did not find any clues, and the shots were not only one, Lingdao and the disciples of the Destiny Temple disciples, seriously interfered with the judgment of Nan Tianqi, want to find the murderer, it is not a simple matter, anyway So far, Nantian has no clue.

The disciples of the Temple of Destiny were present. They did not see the bodies of Ge Yuanhong and Song Yuzong, and thought that only the children of Nantian family and other warriors fought. How many people died in Nantian family, and they have no relationship with them. They still went to the magic hand. Forbidden land, the matter is important,

Lingdao is a child who has killed Nantian family. However, the main murderer is still a meditation. The Shura community is very big. Nan Tianqi wants to find a meditation. It is not easy. Moreover, Nan Tianqi does not know that Ming is the murderer, even if he stands in his place. In front, there is still no effect,

"Hey, who is letting us sing, eating so much, or asking me to take revenge for you,"

The atmosphere of the meditation is unstable, and there are injuries in the body. Others can fully see it. What's more, the person who appears in front of the meditation is still the warrior of the Tianzu, the younger generation of the Tianzu, who can compete with the dynasty, only the young people in front of him. As if it was intentional and ingenious, he wore a white robe.

"Robbery, my business, you don't have to worry about it, you still manage yourself,"

The white robe man, named the robbery, is the same as the meditation. In the middle of the heavenly kingdom, the two of them have been playing from childhood to large, sometimes occupying the upper hand, sometimes occupying the upper hand, and the emergence of robbery. They are not worried about their own safety. They are competing. Relationship, it is not an enemy, the Tianzu warrior is less pitiful, if you fight again, afraid that you don’t need others to shoot, they will destroy the family.

"Who is going to bully you, who is bullying me, hurting my martial arts, and still wanting to survive?"

If you hurt the sin, it is the real powerhouse. If you don’t care, you don’t mind telling robbing. However, Lingdao’s things can’t be told, but it’s impossible to tell him. It’s just a late king. When it’s time, Robbery will not deal with Lingdao, he will only laugh at him.

"Nothing to be diligent, non-rape, stealing, let's talk, what troubles do you have, need me to help, isn't it?"

If you don’t rob the trouble, you won’t be so guilty. Sure enough, if you hear the meditation, the robbery is a smile. In fact, the robbery is looking for meditation. This is the hope that meditation can help him, but he did not expect it. I was in trouble and I was hurt.

The suspicion of suspicion squinted, as if you could not fight in the meditation, meditation had to say the previous thing, but concealed the ridge, obviously it was the bottom of the lingdao, he was changed to Ge Yuanhong. And Song Yuzong’s bottom card hurts him. Fortunately, there is no doubt about the robbery. After all, the two pro-disciples of the great priests are a bit of a serious card. It is normal.

"Don't mention it, I managed to find a sacred soldier, but I was robbed by others. The key is that his realm is lower than mine. As a result, I still can't beat him. It's a shame to throw home, no matter how to fight, then It’s a matter of our celestial beings, and outsiders are robbing me of the sacred soldiers. You don’t want to leave it,”

I know that things are definitely different from those of robbing. It is estimated that they are robbing others of the sacred soldiers. As a result, they can’t beat others, only to find him as a helper. They are also the genius of the martial arts. They must be consistent with each other and rob him of his shot. I can't refuse, I have to ask who the other person is.

"In any case, he said that he is called the Great Devil, what is the origin, I don't know,"

Ps: Thanks again for the reward of Yunnan melon, a chapter added yesterday, and the current chapter, the two chapters are added,

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