The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 172: The first day, the purple

"What is a broken thing, the holy soldiers are not, don't give me or me."

Lingdao quickly threw out the seven-storied locks of the soul map, and made a joke, and Feng Tianjun got the seven-locked soul map, which was a dead end. If he dared to escape with the Seven-Soul Lock, he would not want to pay. Out of the seven-locked soul map, it must be dead to know how to die.

A little late king, there is such a big tone, really let the heavenly monarchs laugh and cry, they certainly know why Lingdao does not want to lock the soul map, that is, did not expect Lingdao will be degraded Nothing is wrong, I am afraid that the spirits of the Seven Diagrams of the Souls are not very angry.

The Seven Diagrams of the Souls is now a hot potato. Whoever gets bad luck, unless you have the power to sweep the audience, but the highest level of the military in the field is the peak of the king, facing many Tianjun, there is no peak. Tian Jungao said that he can beat all other Tianjun teams.

Don't look at the fierceness of their struggles. In fact, no one dares to put away the seven-storied locks. After Lingdao throws away the seven-locked soul map, the other Tianjun is responding. Who gets the seven-locked soul The array map is the first time to throw it out and then continue to fight for it. It sounds contradictory, but it is not contradictory.

"It's useless. It's really waste. There is no courage. The seven-storied locks are given to you. You still can't take it."

The owner of the Seven-Soul Locks, who is hiding in the dark, is extremely disappointed. The Tianjun who fights for the Seven-Soul Locks is like a group of clowns. They want to get the seven-locked soul map, but they don’t dare to The shackles of the soul maps are taken for themselves. As a result, their struggles are still the same as before, and there is no consensus at all.

Fortunately, he is very patient. Although the current battle is not satisfactory, as long as he fights, those Heavenly Kings will be consumed and even have casualties. He has time, slowly waiting, and such a big movement. It will definitely attract more young talents.

After an hour passed, things finally turned around. After a peak of Tianjun got the seven-locked soul map, he did not throw it away like other Tianjun. Instead, he shot the fingerprints and controlled the seven-locked soul map. In his own hands, others dare not want to lock the soul map, he dares to.

"court death."

One day, the monarchs have taken shots. They absolutely will not allow others to take away the Seven Diagrams of the Souls. Unfortunately, they have to deal with them, not a peak, but nine, and eight other peaks, who are acting in succession. Guarded in the eight directions of the peak Tianjun.

"The Seven Diagrams of the Souls are now owned by me. Anyone who works with me is regarded as the enemy of my Holy Land."

The peak of Tianjun, who got the seven-storied locks, is the first day of the Ziwei Holy Land, the purple illusion. He holds a bronze mirror and illuminates all directions. It seems that the power of the other eight peaks is gathered together. The strength of this is very strong. If there are still seven battles, there will not be many people in the Shura community who dare to confront him.

The sacred place of Ziwei is far from the general power of the emperor, because the great emperor who created the sacred place of Ziwei once dominated the territory of 3,000, and the town of Tiangong, or Lingxiaoge, is worse than the Ziwei sacred place, or worse than a grade, or else, In the past, the human king could dismantle the Lagerstroemia Holy Land, and there is no need to move the Lingjia of the Ziwei domain to the Tianling domain.

The great emperor who dominated a large territory, and the great emperor who dominated the three thousand territories, are certainly not the same. However, when Iro and Ziwei emperor played against each other, they still did not fall into the wind, and even finally took advantage. Lingdao only knew that Yiruo was powerful, but not I know how good Iro is.

"What about the Holy Land of Ziwei, the battle of our younger generation, is it that the forces behind it will not be able to intervene."

"Even if the forces behind us really fight, what about you, can you still have more than a dozen emperors in the Holy Land of Ziwei."

"Don't tell me what the Ziwei Holy Land is not the Ziwei Holy Land. If you want to take away the Seven Diagrams of the Souls, you will come up with the true ability. Otherwise, you will confess your life here."

They are all from the emperor's forces, they will certainly not be afraid of the purple illusion. If they can suppress them with a sacred place, they will not fight for the seven-storied locks. The sacred place is very powerful, but three The Qianjiang domain is more powerful than the Ziwei holy place, and it is not without it. Moreover, the glory of the Ziwei Holy Land is mainly derived from the Ziwei Emperor. Unfortunately, the Ziwei Emperor has long been submerged in the long river of history.

"Ziwei Holy Land."

Lingdao certainly will not forget the Ziwei Holy Land. In the past, it has lived for more than 5,000 years. Among them, five thousand years have been spent in the Ziwei Holy Land. The Ziwei Holy Land disciples started on their Lingjiawu people. He was impulsive and killed the Ziwei Holy Land. Then it was suppressed under the Excalibur Mountain.

The purple illusion is the first day of the Ziwei Holy Land. It is a powerful power that is stronger than other Tianjun. If it is one-on-one, he is not afraid of other Tianjun, but unfortunately compete for the Seven Diagrams. With him alone, if other Tianjun are together, he will only be defeated.

"Teacher, you are blocking first. I will take a step first. When I leave, you will retreat. When we first come in, we will meet, as long as the Seven Diagrams of the Souls recognize me, then we will be in the Shura world. You can walk sideways, when you want to grab something, we will grab something."

At the crucial moment, you can only abandon the car and protect the handsome. Don't look at the temptation of the purple imaginary. In fact, his eight younger brothers can leave without alive. It is a problem. Once the purple emptiness escapes, the angry Tianjun will definitely not let go. His eight younger brothers, there will definitely be purple deficiency in the future, and there are no eight of his younger brothers.

"Senior brothers, we will definitely not let you down."

"In the future, I will rob the sacred soldiers, and I will rob the heavenly treasures. I will rob the martial arts. I will count on my brothers."

The eight peaks of the Ziwei Holy Land have always been loyal to Zi Xu. Even if they know that Zi Xu said that they may not be able to become a fact, they will still help Zi Xu to resist other Tianjun. Without further ado, Zimu nodded, immediately Use the most powerful body to escape from here.

One by one, Tian Jun’s attack hit him in front of him. The bronze mirror in his hand burst into a ray of light, blocking all the attacks. He just seemed to be relaxed. In fact, he had already been countered, and his mouth continued to bleed, just He didn't look back because now he can't delay at half time.

The eight rays of the bronze mirror made the potential of the eight peaks of the kings erupt, and together with other Tianjun wars, they are like a wall, blocking all the heavenly kings, now even if they want to escape, already Not too late, not only because other Tianjun did not let them go, but also because of the light of the bronze mirror, tied them together.

"Well, the brothers escaped for their own lives and pitted us."

"Damn, we are not going to escape in one direction now, or else, no one can go."

If they escaped separately, and there is the possibility of escape, if they flee together, there is no difference between them and they can’t escape. They never doubted their own brothers. Now they are betrayed by them, they are completely unprepared, a seven-inch approaching the level of the sacred soldiers. Is it more important than them to lock the soul map?

Zi Xu and their joint efforts, not to sweep across the Shura community, at least encounter the other forces of the strong, completely not afraid, even if the purple virtual master of the seven-locked soul map, can play the power, than they are tyrannical, but they follow purple For many years, is it true that Zi Xu has no feelings for them?

Where do they know that the purple imaginary is the power of the seven-storied locks, and their eight peaks have limited potential, and in the future they will certainly not help the purple, and as time goes by, the gap between them and the purple, It will only grow bigger and bigger. In the Shura world, their eight peaks are more useful than the Seven Diagrams, but they leave and return to heaven.

As long as there are enough souls, the Seven Diagrams of the Souls will continue to grow. When the Purple Emptiness is the Heavenly Respect, the Seven Desires are the Holy Grail. When the Purple Defender is the Holy King, the Seven Desires are the Road. In this way, the help of the Seven Diagrams of the Souls is far from being comparable to his eight younger brothers.

"You don't want to keep your hands, and quickly kill them, and you have to run the seven-locked soul map."

One Heavenly King is like a beast that chooses people to succumb, and the anger is attacking. The eight peaks of the Ziwei Holy Land can't stop it. They use the killing tricks. They use the killing tricks, the origins collide, the swords are stirring, and the swordsmanship is only For a moment, the eight peaks of the Ziwei Holy Land are all wounded.

Eight peaks, Tianjun, looked at each other, even if they were sorry for them, they were still at the last minute. They chose to help Zixu. Anyway, it’s better to blew themselves. The eight fengfeng Tianjun’s self-destruction can not only take away dozens of people. Tianjun’s life, but also can hurt dozens of Heavenly Kings.

"Well, they choose to blew themselves, and I have escaped."

Purple illusion looked at the flashing picture in the bronze mirror, and smiled happily. The eight fengfeng Tianjun’s self-destruction, the destructive power is too big, the nearest twelve Tianjun, the direct fried bones and bones, in addition to this In addition, there are thirty-five Tianjun who can't stand the power of their own blast, and died on the spot.

The injured Tianjun is more, there are 86 in total, some minor injuries, some serious injuries, even the Tianjun who is nothing behind, is also scared, they did not think, the three peaks of the Ziwei Holy Land Jun is so crazy, in fact, if there is hope of escape, how can the eight-day king of the Ziwei Holy Land blew himself up.

"Yu Feng Tianjun, I am not an opponent, but I don't need to fight with him at all. As long as they can keep up, they will definitely not let go of those who snatched the Seven Diagrams."

As early as when Zi Xu chose to escape, Ling Dao was behind him. There was no owner of the Seven Diagrams Locks. Ling Dao was uncertain. Anyway, he left a punch on the road. I don’t understand what Lingdao’s actions are. Now they understand that Lingdao is clearly guiding other Tianjun.

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