The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 173: Ashura tribe

"If you let me run away, then how can my seven-locked soul map become a holy soldier?"

The owner of the Seven-Soul Locks, who was hiding in the dark, once again shot, so that the seven-storied locks of the soul map broke open the control of the purple virtual, the speed of the Lingdao, compared to the purple virtual, after all, is slow, Qiqiu lock The owner of the soul map can't stand by and watch it. Once the purple emptiness is completely rid of other heavenly kings, it is that the sea is wide and the birds fly.

Before he came to the owner of the Seven-Soul Locks, he could only continue to hide himself. Once others let others discover that the Seven-Soul Locks have the Lord, then all the Heavenly Kings, including the Purple Emperor, will First, he started with him. Even if he had a seven-storied lock, he still couldn’t handle the many Heavenly Kings present.

"Who, why should I follow me."

Zixu did not turn around, just a palm shot, the palm of the hand crossed hundreds of meters, smashed a strain of ancient wood, but the owner of the Seven Diagrams of the Souls was discovered, but Lingdao exposed the figure and continued to chase In the words, Ling Dao can't keep up with Zi Xu, want to give other Tianjun time to fight, can only take risks.

Sure enough, after the purple illusion discovered the Lingdao, it began to shoot on Lingdao. Even if the purple deficiency is still at large, the speed is a slow one. However, as a result, the situation of Lingdao becomes quite dangerous. On the peak of Tianjun, or the first day of the Ziwei Holy Land, Lingdao could not have a half chance of winning.

Fortunately, the purpose of Lingdao is not to live and die with Zixu. Lingdao hastened to display the big handprints, and the splendid mountains and rivers have emerged, blocking the palm of the purple, the collapse of the mountains, the flooding, and how big the sound is. It is only after the introduction of Tianjun.

"Fast, they are in front, hurry to chase."

Tianjun, who was not injured, chased in the direction of Lingdao and Zixu in the first place. Wherever they passed, they were all fists along the way. As long as they were not fools, they could understand that there were clues that some people deliberately left them. It was only the lightly wounded Tianjun, who also chased it up. Only the Tianjun, who was hit hard, stopped.

"Little King, I also dare to play the idea of ​​the Seven Diagrams of the Souls. I really don't know how to live and die."

In the eyes of Zixu, it was full of killings. I didn’t expect the palm of my hand to be killed. In the past, he would not put the little late king in his heart, but now, Lingdao has threatened By his life, his eight younger brothers all blew himself up, and now he can rely on himself.

Just as the purple illusion was ready to solve the Lingdao, the seven-storied locks of the soul map slowly spread, and the purple emptiness had to put down the Lingdao first, or the seven-story lock-up map is more important. Lingdao can kill in the future. However, once he lost his seven-locked soul map, he wanted to **** it again. He didn't know how difficult it was.

The fascinating singer and the singer of the seven singers appeared in abundance, like the seven wicked demons revived, exuding the cold breath of the forest, even if the purple sham and the palm print followed by a palm print, still can not control the seven scorpions, if you can not take the seven shackles Figure, then the previous actions of Zixu are a failure.

In order to grab the Seven Diagrams of the Souls, Zi Xu sacrificed his eight younger brothers. If he did not get the Seven Diagrams of the Souls, the eight younger brothers blew themselves in vain, and the purple scorpion hit his chest and squirted. A lot of blood, I want to force the seven-storied locks to recognize the Lord.

If there is no master in the Seven Diagrams of the Souls, the Purple Devil is really likely to succeed. Unfortunately, the owner of the Seven Desires is hiding in the dark. Joke, unless he first solves the original owner of the Seven Diagrams.

"Let's put down the seven-storied locks, and you will not die. Otherwise, we will break you down."

"Run, why don't you run, do you think you can really take away the Seven Diagrams?"

After the Tianjun, one after another chased up, when they saw the purple and the seven-storied locks, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the purple emptiness did not escape, the seven-locked soul map is still there, They have the hope of getting the Seven Diagrams of the Souls.

However, the situation today is not the same as it was at the beginning. Originally they just wanted to get the Seven Diagrams of the Souls, but now some people want the life of the purple, some of the Heavenly Brothers and brothers, died in the Holy Land of the Violet Under the self-destruction of Fengjun Tianjun, they could not find revenge for the dead Ziwei disciples, but they could only find the purple and hatred.

"Bad boy, if you come to see you in the future, I will not take your dog's life."

The most hated person in Zixu is Lingdao. He thinks that if it is not Lingdao, it is impossible for Tianjun to catch up. Now what he can do is to escape. If he does not leave, he may die in other places. In the hands of Tian Jun, he did not know that what really stopped him was not Ling Dao, but the owner of the Seven Diagrams of the Souls.

"Little Xiaojun, I know that I am mad, come and come, have the ability to fight with your grandfather for three hundred rounds."

Lingdao’s voice is very loud, and Tianjun, who has caught up, has stopped all the steps. It’s really too much of Lingdao’s tone. They think that they have encountered a lot of powerful people. When they see it is Lingdao, their faces are very Wonderful, Ling Dao said in front of the seven-locked soul map is a broken thing, and now humiliate Feng Feng Tian Jun, they have never seen such a daring person.

The most angry, it must be purple, Lingdao not only makes his bamboo baskets water empty, but also devalues ​​him, but he can’t shoot because he understands that some Tianjun wants his life, purple What the imaginary can do is to leave with full of anger.

"Hey, don't go, the Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land, is it all a gallbladder? You are a peak of heaven, are you still afraid of me as a late king? How did you become a peak?"

The purple qi is trembling, but it can only be endured. Lingdao must be deliberately stimulating him. As long as he kills him, there is only one way to die. Anyway, there is a chance to deal with Lingdao. He is a peak, he can’t cook a dish. In the later days, the king will not succeed.

Gu Hong, Mu Xue, and Zhong Xingba were all odd. They originally thought that when Ling Dao talked with them, they were too arrogant. Now they understand that Ling Dao is very polite to them. If they are purple, Maybe it will be angry with the smoke.

"Interesting, it's really interesting. Wait until I want to consider giving him a life."

The owner of the Seven-Soul Locks, who was hiding in the dark, couldn’t help but laugh. The purple imaginary almost destroyed his plan. He certainly didn’t like the purple illusion. Lingdao actually helped him indirectly, even though there was no Lingdao. He is also able to stop the purple deficiency, but it is likely to cause doubts from others.

"Come on, I will finally wait for them to come, and I will count on one."

The owner of the Seven Diagrams of the Souls was shocked. The place he chose was not far from the tribe of Ashura. The Tianjun in front of him struggled to fight for it. There would be no large-scale casualties. It’s a good thing for him to be self-destructive.

The Ashura tribe that comes now is the real heir to his preparation. The Ashura tribe is the original living creature of the Shura community. They hate foreign young warriors. As long as they are present, they will definitely not let go of all the heavenly kings and kings present. The Ashura tribes and the geniuses of the major forces are fighting, and it is the true life and death battle.

"It’s an outsider, killing, killing all, one does not stay."

Everything is the same as the owner of the Seven Diagrams of the Souls. The Ashura tribe sees the genius of the major forces. It is the killing of the sky. All of them come from the men of the Ashura tribe. Some of them are kings, some are heavenly kings. The chief of the Ashura tribe is a half-step god.

The warriors and human races of the Ashura tribes are different. Some of them have four heads and four arms, and some have three heads and six arms. The heads of the patriarchs are relatively normal. There is only one head and four arms, they face the fierce. His face is black and his eyes are shining with fierce light.

Because the rules of the Shura world limit their realm, otherwise, the young patriarchs are the gods. Even so, the strength of the patriarchs is still not comparable to the average peak, the patriarch of the patriarchs, and the 18 peaks. Jun, all brave and good.

Most of the young genius who dared to learn from the world of Luo was a battle. The flowers in the greenhouse were only a few. However, even if they were a war-torn, they were still worse than the warriors of Ashura. The warrior has been killed since childhood, and his hands do not know how much blood is covered.

"Oops, it is the life of the Shura community. If we kill each other again, it will definitely become the bones under their feet. I think we should join hands and solve them first, and then fight for the Seven Diagrams."

"Yes, if we are fighting for the Seven Diagrams of the Souls in front of them, it is no different from finding death. I agree to deal with them first, because disapproval is to find death."

"Okay, then let's put down the previous grievances, solve them, and fight for the seven-storied locks. It's not too late.

"If anyone is stealing the Seven Diagrams of the Souls when we fight with them, then he will be the enemy of all our warriors."

The Tianjun of all major forces have opened their mouths. The arrival of the Ashura tribes has brought great pressure on them. They have to put down the seven-storied locks. Of course, some people want to take the opportunity to take advantage of it. It’s better to escape the lock soul map.

Unfortunately, the Ashura tribe did not give them the opportunity. With the command of the young patriarchs, one after another Ashura warriors killed them. The Ashura warriors and them are not learning, but fighting for life and death, recruiting deadly, one is not careful. It is possible to die in the hands of Ashura.

Just a confrontation, there are people and warriors who died tragically, and more than one, there is a death of the king, the same king died, after the Ashura warrior saw the blood, more ferocious, like a wild wolf, in front of Lingdao, there are two A Shuo Luowu, five pairs of fists at the same time, bursting into the air.

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