The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 174: Emperor Luohou

The warriors of the Ashura tribes deal with them, and it must be that the kings deal with the kings, and the heavenly kings deal with the heavenly kings. The two Ashura warriors in front of the Lingdao are in the late period of the king's kingdom, and the other is the peak of the king's kingdom. Arm, the Ashura of the king of heaven is the two arms and six arms.

Five pairs of fists were called at the same time. Just as the five kings shot at the same time, Ashura’s physical superiority was revealed during the battle. Lingdao was a late king. They didn’t even mind, just thought about killing. Lingdao, then deal with other kings.

"I really don't know how high the earth is, and a human warrior wants to hit hard with us. It's just a joke."

"There is no need to waste time on him, solve him, we have to deal with other warriors. If he is arrogant, then let him pay the price of arrogance and see if he dares to be arrogant in his next life."

The kings of the two Ashura tribes talked and laughed, and they pointed to Lingdao’s nose. They said that Lingdao was a cockroach and could not stand a blow. Asura was brave and good at fighting, and his body was tyrannical. It was only martial arts, far less than the human race, and the human race could Create a strong and unique school, Asura is like a beast, relying on physical strength to fight.

If Lingdao uses any powerful martial arts, maybe they can still play the spirit. Lingdao only relies on double fists and their duel. There is no chance of winning. They seem to have seen that Lingdao mourns in their fists. The body is broken and flesh and blood splashes.


Lingdao’s double-handed bombardment on the fists of the two Ashuras caused the two Ashuras to be shocked. The Ashura of the late kings screamed, the phalanx collapsed, the blood spilled over the ground, and the king of the king’s peak The tiger's mouth cracked, the blood flowed, and the six arms trembled.

"You have a lot of nonsense, and it’s hard to fight with you. If you are really powerful, how can you only shrink in the Shura community?"

The cultivation of the ridiculously singularity of Lingxian, even if it is with the real dragon family to fight the body, still do not lose, Ashura is nothing, even if Ashura is physically strong, it is stronger than the real dragon, and Lingdao than, naturally there is no Advantages can be said, Ashura laughed at him, in fact, Ashura is not self-sufficient.

After a punch and injury to the two Ashuras, Ling Dao naturally will not give them a breathing time, and once again, the two Ashura are afraid and angry. They are afraid that they are not Lingdao opponents. They are angry that they used to Did not put Lingdao in my heart, now Lingdao does not put them in the eye.

Lingdao punches quickly, just for a moment, killing the two Ashuras. They have more heads, more arms, and only one heart. As long as they break their hearts, they will die and they will not die. The king of the Shura tribe, Hugh wants his life.

Gu Hong, Mu Xue, Zhong Xing Pa, they also played with Ashura, Ling Dao did not worry for them, there is Su Yuyu, the king of the Ashura tribe is not enough to watch, Zhong Xingba and Gu Hong’s current combat power Lingdao has already understood that Su Yuyu will only be stronger, not to mention that Su Shiyu is a little higher than them.

The Ashura tribe and the heavenly forces of the Tianjun war, the former killing the sky, the latter certainly will not be merciful, they played a real fire, not you die or I die, one after another, the king is falling, compared to the current fight for the seven Lock the soul map, do not know how much is fierce.

"Reassure, you will not die in vain." The owner of the Seven-Soul Locks, who was hiding in the dark, silently said, "One of the more, your death can enhance my seven-locked soul map. Second, I will help. You take revenge and kill the Ashura tribes in front of you."

He is the young genius of the Netherland, the sorrowful floods, the Terran martial arts, and the Ashura tribes are not a front line, sacrificing the Terran martial arts to strengthen the Seven Diagrams of the Souls, he did not feel that there is anything wrong, if the fight is not greedy, then How could it fall into his trap?

However, the Ashura tribe murderer warrior, he can not be seen as not seen, all the shots of Ashura, he is all in his heart, waiting for the Ashura tribe and the presence of the Tianjun battle, he will kill all the Ashura, His thoughts, the average person still really understands.

It is obvious that he counted the Terran martial artists to die, but they blamed their death on the head of the Ashura tribe. Then he killed Ashura to avenge them. Maybe someone thought that he killed Ashura, but only further enhanced the Seven Commandments. Figure, what the truth is, perhaps only his own heart is clear.

The blood is stained with red earth, and the body is piled up in pieces. There are complete and incomplete ones, some people are armed with warriors, and there are also Ashura warriors. Now the situation is developing in the direction of the slumber, and the dead warrior The more he is able to detain, the more dead souls he has, and the more the seven-locked soul map is, the more powerful it is.

The young patriarchs of the Ashura tribe finally couldn’t help but hold on to the late Tianjun in front of him. He was directly caught in his hand. Two large hands, just locked the limbs of the late Tianjun, only listened to the lesser of the Ashura tribe. The patriarch’s roar was to tear up the late Tianjun.

The patriarchs are so ferocious, scared that one day, the monarch will go backwards again and again, and no one wants to be torn by him. He is a half-step Tianzun. The general Fengfeng Tianjun has no resistance in front of him. He wants to tear a In the late days, the power of the patriarchs broke out beyond the ultimate strength of the peak.

"Everyone should not hide and squat, there are any powerful means to display them all, or else, everyone has no way to live, you say no."

Tian Jun proposed, and then took out a Fuxi Tianjun refining symbol, urging it up, Fuhua became a peerless knives, and suddenly went to the Shaozu tribe's minor patriarch, only one symbol The eruption of the attack, like a peak of the heavenly king, merged thousands of knives together, the knife was terrified, and the knife was broken.

Someone took the lead, and some people followed the cards and attacked the patriarchs of the Ashura tribe. They understood that the patriarchs were the biggest threat. If they were alone, no one was the opponent of the patriarchs. Only the patriarchs were solved. Start with other Ashura.

"Luo Hou, Luo Hou, Luo Hou."

The patriarchs of the Ashura tribe screamed three times in a row, and Luo Hou was one shorter than one. One time was stronger than the other. The Ashura who stood by him was far away, because the young patriarchs displayed very powerful means, even if they were The card of the Terran Heavenly King is so powerful that the young chiefs can still solve them.

The terrible breath, which emerged from the body of the young patriarch, behind him, slowly condensed a big hand, as if it could cover the sky, the legend, there was once a great man of Ashura, named Luo Hou, less The patriarch is the descendant of Luo Hou. One hand of Luo Hou can cover the light of the sun and the moon. The other hand of Luo Hou can cover one big world.

The Emperor of the Ashura family has more than one emperor, but now they are weak and pitiful. Don’t look at them as kings in the Shura world. If they go to the three thousand territories of heaven, they can destroy their power. There are countless, and the patriarchs are only half a step. Tianzun, Tianzun of the three thousand territories do not know how many.

The huge palms slowly moved, blocking the front of the young patriarchs. The sky attacked and hit the huge palms, causing a huge crack in the palm of the hand. The patriarchs repeatedly coughed up blood, but they still blocked. All attacks.

"You have some skills, but unfortunately, I am right, and I am dead."

Because of the injury, it provoked the anger of the young patriarchs. Because the blood stimulated the fierceness of the young patriarchs, the young people screamed and slammed into the Terran Heavenly King. He shot all his strength and was able to kill him. Heavenly King, he will never use the second move.

The other Heavenly Kings of the Ashura tribe seem to have been infected by the young patriarchs, and the war is soaring. The Terran tyrants are defeated, and the patriarchs are like a sharp knife. They are inserted into the heart of the Terran Heavenly King, making their strength sharply reduced. If you continue to fight, the victory must be the Heavenly King of the Ashura tribe.

Contrary to them, the king's showdown, the Terran has the upper hand, Lingdao, Su Yuyu, Gu Hong, they are like a tiger killed to the flock, the king of the level of Ashura, is not their opponent, especially Lingdao, Relying on the physical strength alone is enough to kill the Ashura level.

"Luo Yuan, Luo Ming, and Luo Zhen listened to the order." The young chiefs spoke, and Luo Yuan, Luo Ming, and Luo Zhen stood up. He continued to tell, "You personally shot and gave me all the kings of the Terran." They are unsightly in the province, can you understand?"

"Yes, little patriarch."

Luo Yuan, Luo Ming, and Luo Zhen are the meanings of the late Tianjun and the young patriarchs. Of course they understand that Luo Yuanchong came from Lingdao, Luo Ming rushed to Su Yuyu, and Luo Zhen was directed at Gu Hong and Zhong Xing. Ba and Mu Xue came from them, and the performance of the Ashura tribe was so dissatisfied.

"The genius of the Terran, are you ready?"

The first shot was Luo Zhen. He licked his tongue and killed them in front of Gu Hong, Zhong Xing Ba, Mu Xue. In the later days, he was not the ancient Hong, Zhong Xing Pa, Mu Xue. They were able to deal with, Gu Hong, Zhong Xingba, Mu Xue looked at each other, it was intended to fight with Luo Zhen, as long as the peak of the ancient Emperor Palace was killed, they were able to save their lives.

The second shot is Luo Yuan, because Lingdao only has the late kings. In comparison, they think that Su Yuyu is even more difficult to deal with, because Su Yuyu is already the peak king, and his eyes are closed from beginning to end. Luo Ming does not shoot. A shot is a killer, and Su Yuyu can be solved in one fell swoop.

Luo Yuan has three heads, six arms, and Ling Dao fights with him. It is like fighting with three people. What's more, Luo Yuan is still a late Tianjun. Other Terran warriors themselves are difficult to protect. Naturally, it is impossible to help Lingdao. Luo Yuan’s three faces all laughed, as if to smother Ling Daosheng.

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