The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 176: Extinguishing Ashura

The sorrowful sorcerer is the young patriarch of the Ashura tribe. The human celestial celestial beings who are present are not able to fight alone by himself. Fortunately, the seven-storied locks are already close to the sacred ranks, and the singer is also at the same time to solve the Ashura tribe. The patriarch is not a problem at all.

Even if the patriarchs of the Ashura tribe summoned the ancestors, the big hands that cover the sky and the sun are still reappearing, but it is not that Luohou is not strong enough, but the young patriarchs are too low. If the patriarch is a holy king, it is only a summoning. Luo Hou's hand is enough to tear the front of the seven-locked soul map into pieces.

The four giants continue to attack the young patriarchs. It is only the time of the 30-year-old, and the young patriarchs are injured. The other peaks of Ashura want to support, and they have to face the attacks of the other three giants, if there is Ashura. Breaking through the blockade of the three giants, the map is a roll, flying them.

The power of the Seven-Soul Locks is enough to make the Asura tribes chaotic, and the young chiefs are their main bones, but their main bones are now in jeopardy, but they can't help the young chiefs. If the young chiefs die, they Even if they leave alive, the patriarchs will certainly not let them be better.

"Little patriarchs, what should we do?"

One by one, Ashura is anxiously looking at the young patriarchs, hoping that the young patriarchs can teach them how to do it. Unfortunately, the young patriarchs are now difficult to protect themselves, and they can only cope with the sorrows and sorrows. There is no time to answer them. It is only a moment of distraction. Let his injuries worsen.

"No matter how the owner of the Seven Diagrams of the Souls hangs on us, what we have to do now is to kill them. Only by solving them first, we can find the revenge of the owner of the Seven Diagrams."

"I feel that the masters of the Seven Diagrams of the Souls are waiting for us to fight with them. Why do we want to slap the hearts of the seven masters of the soul?"

"In any case, it is a fact that they kill my brothers. Anyway, I have to deal with them, even if I give my own life, I will not hesitate."

The still-lived Tianjun is divided into two camps. One camp advocates fighting with the Ashura tribes. In the other camp, it is not wanting to continue fighting with Ashura. The owner of the Seven Diagrams of the Souls is definitely nearby. Obviously, I don't want to do the chess pieces of the owner of the Seven-Soul Lock.

You can’t take the shot, but now you have the perfect strategy. Now, the Tianjun who is present is also a hands-on, and you have to do it yourself. The Seven-Clock Locks are once again bigger, and the Terran Warriors and the Ashura Tribes All of them are included, and Ashura doesn't care if they want to fight or don't want to fight. Anyway, they will take their lives.

Fortunately, Yu Hong’s actions helped Lingdao and Su Yuyu to deal with the late Tianjun of the two of them. They did not intend to waste time on them. Once the young chiefs died, they killed Lingdao and Su. Haoyu has no role at all. Their first priority is to save the patriarchs, even if they don't know how to save them.

"Where is the mouse generation, since it is here, why not show up."

The minor patriarchs of the Ashura tribe struggled and wounded, shouting loudly, shaking the seven-storied locks of the soul map. Anyway, his life was not long ago. He simply burned the blood, fought wildly, and squeezed out all the remaining potential. His combat power has surpassed that of ordinary Tianzun, but unfortunately, it is still not an enchanting opponent.

"You have to see me, what is the use, you can't know me."

Yu Hongjun came out from the darkness. Now it is not important for others to discover him. It is impossible for Ashura and Terran warriors to join hands, and it is even more impossible to deal with him together. It is not that he has absolute absolute respect for Ashura and Terran Confidence, but he believes in the Seven Diagrams of the Souls.

When he was close to the Seven Diagrams of the Souls, the strength of the 魑 魍魉魃魈 煞 煞 大 大 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞Their combat power has also fallen sharply.

The Terran Warriors are imposing, killing one after another Ashura, revenge for their brothers and brothers, Gu Hong, Mu Xue, Zhong Xingba, they have already killed red eyes, and the protection of their peak Tianjun has been tragically killed, Su Yuyu Hand-held swords, killing blood flying, white bones flying.

"It is also a human warrior, why do you want to harm us."

Immediately there was the Terran Heavenly King who couldn't help but anger and asked, his beloved sister, who died in the hands of Ashura, wouldn't have been able to kill him, he must kill him in front of You Hong, Ashura. The tribes are hateful, but they are the enemies. You kill me and I kill you. There is nothing right or wrong. However, it is not the right thing to count them.

"I still want to ask, he just wants to enhance the Seven Diagrams of the Souls, without our souls, how to become a holy soldier."

Another Tianjun laughed and laughed at himself. If he had already seen the tricks of Yuhong, he wouldn’t be led by Yuhong’s nose step by step. Now, when riding a tiger, what they can do is kill more. Asura, maybe after Ashura’s death, they still have a way to live.

After the death of the Shaozu tribe's patriarchs, the seven singers of the sorcerer's squadrons dealt with Ashura, the seven giants, and the warriors of the Ashura tribe could not stand it, and the ones of the heavenly kings died. They The soul of the soul has naturally become the nourishment of the Seven Diagrams of the Souls.

It’s only half an hour. All the Ashuras are the ones who are dead. If they are not the souls of the dead gods, they will not be able to complete the current feats. After killing the alive human warrior, the Seven Diagrams of the Locked Souls narrowed and returned to his hands.

"Why don't you kill us."

One day, Tianjun asked straightforwardly. Other Tianjun was busy giving him a wink. Who knows if Yuhong is forgotten, and if he reminds him of sorrow, he is not going to kill everyone. Can kill those Ashura, can't kill them, they can't.

"Seven 煞 魂 阵 阵 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性 一次性

If Yu Hongjun changed his mind, the still-born Terran warrior might still be grateful to him, no matter what Heyin Hong did at the beginning, anyway, he used the Seven-Soul Locks to save the rest of the warriors. However, he said so now that the gratitude that others have just born is gone.

"You are a very good person, playing all of us in the applause, don't know how to call it."

It is absolutely unreasonable to ask the name of You Hongjun now. Their current situation is not suitable for revenge. However, after leaving the Shura area, they can deal with the sorrowful floods, even when the Seven Diagrams of the Souls are promoted to patriots. They are still nothing, they have the means to deal with the holy soldiers.

"The holy place, the secluded flood, if you want to find revenge for me, always waiting, you must be prepared to be killed by me."

What they didn't think was that Yu Hongjun not only dared to quote his own name, but also dared to tell his own origins. They didn't care well. You couldn't know if you couldn't know. Isn't it true that you are not afraid of revenge? After arriving in the heavens, what is the story of the Seven Miles Locks?

The most famous of the Netherland is not the Netherland Emperor who created the Netherland, but the Nying and the Death Wheel. There is a ghostly life and death wheel sitting in the quiet place of the town. It can be said that the Netherland is solid and the life is limited. The Nether and the Death Wheel can be long-lasting as long as they are not destroyed. The existence of it.


One warrior and one warrior left, the Shura community is in danger. They must recover their injuries as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if they don’t kill them, they may still die in the hands of other warriors. If they fight again, it is too long.

Gu Hong, Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba and they say goodbye to Lingdao. Before the battle between Lingdao and Luo Yuan, they were clear and clear. Only in the later period of Tianwang, they could compete with Ashura in the late days of Tianjun, such a genius. It is impossible to be silent, let alone Lingdao is the emperor. They only need one inquisition to know the origin of Lingdao.

"Slow." Other warriors left, and the sorrowful sorrow did not matter. Lingdao had just lifted his foot, and the singer was shouting, "Have you met my disciple in the Holy Land, and still started."

Lingdao stopped and looked at Yuhong with a puzzled look. He did not think that Yuhong was so keen. When he was in the world of Jianshen, he did have a hand with the young disciple of the Holy Land. What was his realm, what is it now? Realm, I really don't know how Jinghong was aware.

"I don't know what advice the brothers have."

If You Hongjun wants to kill him, he doesn't need to talk nonsense with him. You can count so many Terran Heavenly Kings, plus the Ashura tribe. Lingdao must not dare to swear at him, not to mention the Seven Diagrams of the Souls. It is the strength of the secluded flood, and it is not comparable to Lingdao.

"Nothing, I thank you for your help before, or else the Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land can cause me some trouble."

Yu Hong’s words not only did not let Ling Dao relax his vigilance, but made Ling Dao cautious. Since Yu Hong is the master of the Seven Desires, then what Zi Xing’s actions are simply a joke, Ling Dao is not I believe that Yu Hongjun left him alone to thank him.

"If I really thought that I helped you, does that mean that my brain is lacking in roots?" Lingdao smiled and laughed and continued. "If you have anything, just say it, why not cover it."

"Well, the little brother is a refreshing person, then I will talk to you about it." You Hongzheng urged the Seven Diagrams to lock the soul map, and the Seven Miles surrounded the Lingdao, not giving the opportunity to escape. "My map wants to continue to enhance. I can't do it alone. I still need a helper. Your kid is very clever. How can I help me later?" The book starts from 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content. !

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