The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 177: Evil tree

"You brother, are you asking for help, if I refuse, I will not see the sun of tomorrow."

Lingdao refers to the seven-spot, the sneer of a face, even if it is a half-step Tianzun-level Ashura tribe, but still no match for the sorrowful sorrows, Yu Hongjun uses seven scorpions to deal with him, really can see him, seven He is already powerful, he has already seen it, and of course he understands that he is not an opponent of the Seven Miles.

"You think of me as someone, I will kill you because you don't help me." You Hong smiled and found that Ling Dao was still a previous expression, so he nodded and said, "Yes, you didn't I guess wrong, if you don't help me, I will take you to strengthen my picture."

You are confident, Lingdao has no ability, and he has to turn up any big waves before him. As long as Lingdao still wants to live, he has to promise him, and he will retreat 10,000 steps. Even if Lingdao wants to burn jade, he has no peace. Hong Hao has the same strength.

"Can tell me why you have chosen not to choose for so many days, but choose me as a king."

The confrontation between the Ashura tribes and the major forces of the Tianjun did indeed cause the Tianjun of the major forces to suffer heavy casualties. However, there is still a living Tianjun. It is not difficult to choose a Tianjun. Choosing a helper is definitely the better the helper.

If you want to enhance the seven-locked soul map, you need to devour the soul of the strong. If you find a peak, you can kill the murderer. It is much stronger than the ridge. Lingdao is only in the late days of the king. Fight for the peak of the Shura world.

"There are people who are better than you, but if you are a bait, they are far worse than you. Tianjun can help me deal with a few or a dozen enemies at a time, but you can help me catch dozens or even hundreds. An enemy, you think, a late king has a holy soldier, and a peak Tianjun has a holy soldier, which is better to grab."

The original helper of the torrents is not to help him kill the enemy, but to help him attract more powerful people. Think about it too. The previous secluded floods did not use the seven-locked soul map to attract a batch of Is it true that they are fighting for the Heavenly King and the King of Heaven? They are fighting for the battle of the Seven Miles.

"I don't want to help you, die in the hands of other powerful people, hundreds of heavenly kings, can you cope?"

You can clean up the Ashura tribes and the great forces of the great powers because he provoked a struggle between the two sides. If the next day he met, he would not be able to clean up, Lingdao is With skepticism, You Hongjun has a sacred soldier, and does not mean that there are no holy soldiers in other heavenly kings.

It is impossible to bring in the holy soldiers from outside. There are not a few sacred soldiers in the Shura area. If other Heavenly Kings use the sacred soldiers, they will balance the stagnation of the seven shackles of the sorrowful sorrows. The combat power, certainly can not stop the attack of hundreds of Tianjun, Lingdao certainly do not want to follow the death of the flood.

"You will put a hundred and twenty hearts. I dare to lead them over. I have the ability to clean them up. You certainly don't know. The Seven Diagrams of the Souls are brought in from outside. At that time, they were only weapons of the land. Now it is a weapon of heavenly spirit, and it is soon a sacred weapon. In addition to the seven-storied locks, I also have a holy sword, killing and shooting."

As long as the remnants of the previously dead souls are refining, the Seven Diagrams of the Souls can be a holy weapon. At that time, there are two holy soldiers in the sacred flood. There is no problem in the horizontal repairing of the world, even if it is really difficult. Yu Hongyu wants to escape, and no one can stop him. As for Lingdao, it is a life to die. It is not a matter to be considered.

Lingdao is of value. If you can, you will save his life. However, once you are in danger, you will die if you are in danger. If you die, you will die. Hong Hao can also find other helpers. The Shura community is not only a peerless genius.

At that time, there were so many kings, and the reason why You Hongyu chose Lingdao was because Lingdao’s combat power was tyrannical. The average king would be a bait. He might kill a Tianjun, but Lingdao is different. Luo Yuan, who was in the late days of Tianjun, failed to kill Lingdao.

"Well, I can help you, but you have to give a deadline."

Lingdao said helplessly, in fact, he did not expect that Huo Hongyu really gave him a deadline. Anyway, after leaving the Shura community, You Hongyu could not let him continue to be a helper. You are far away in the Netherland and cannot run to Tianling. Ling Dao, not to mention, Ling Dao is still the Emperor of Lingjia, pointing to the front of the foot of the flood and the foot to the Tianling domain, the back foot died in the hands of Ling family.

"Of course, if you help me with sincerity, then, two months later, I will let you go."

It’s not that Huo Hong’s kindness is great, but he will leave the Shura community two months later. However, in his heart, he has already murdered Lingdao. Once Lingdao helps him, then Lingdao will Knowing his secrets, you must not let Lingdao live out of the Shura community.

Previously, You Hongyu was a disciple who had let go of all major forces, but he did not want to be a mouse that was slain by thousands of people in the territory. Then, he will be more and more offensive. If Lingdao returns to heaven, Shaking it out, Yu Hongzhen is definitely not good, dozens of dozens of forces are nothing, hundreds of forces can be completely different.

In addition, he also hopes that the disciples who have left before will call their friends and call for revenge. Then he will let them go, and they will be sure to deal with them and the warriors they have found. As long as there is no Tianzun, there is no flood. Absolutely grasp the life, no one can kill him.

"I hope you talk and count, I know there is a place, there are a lot of Heavenly Kings, as long as your plan is good enough, you will get a lot of souls."

The first thing Lingdao thought was that the magic hand banned the land. Because of the last change, the strongman who went to the magic hand forbidden land will only be more and more. You want to use him, then he can use it in reverse. Going to the magic hand forbidden land will not only give him the power of self-protection, but also help him to deal with Nantian family, Lingxiaoge and other disciples who want to deal with him.

The death of Nan Tianzheng does not mean that the children of Nantian family have died. The Nantian family has a hundred places, and most of them remain. The disciples of Lingxiaoge even want to kill him. Even if they do not personally, they must Will use the knife to kill people, then, Ling Dao will use his own way to give him another body, the same as a knife to kill.

"No problem, just..."

If you haven’t finished talking about it, you will be slamming it on the head of Lingdao. The Lingdao reaction is extremely fast, and you will retreat again and again. Unfortunately, the use of heaven and earth is limited, which limits his speed, plus You are a sneak attack, and the speed of shooting is amazing.

It is precisely because the Lingdao 笃 幽 幽 禹 禹 禹 禹 禹 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 才会 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽The famous holy land of the Netherland is a famous soul-killing tree. When the warrior in the Netherland talks about the tree of the soul, it will change color, because the tree of the soul is terrible.

"I don't believe you. In case you play with me, I don't think it's possible to overturn the ship in the gutter. To be on the safe side, I will plant a tree of destroying souls in your will. Maybe you haven't heard of the Tree of Destruction. I can tell you clearly that the Tree of Destruction can dominate your life and death. I want you to die. The Tree of Destruction will explode immediately. Your world of will is gone, can you still live?"

The smile on the face of Yuhong’s face is more and more splendid. As long as he has a thought, he can let Lingdao’s soul die. Only by grasping the life and death of Lingdao, can you truly believe in Lingdao, let alone So, when he leaves the Shura world, it will be easy to kill the road.

Lingdao did not think that, in the case of singularity, he would start to attack him. The torrents and sorrows do not leak, and it really makes Lingdao a headache. If there is no sorrowful tree, as long as he hides in the forbidden land, the torrent I can't tell him how, but now, even if he flees to the magic hand forbidden, Yu Hong can still kill his life.

The black-and-white robes girl is indeed inscrutable. Even if she can get rid of the sorcerer tree, Lingdao still does not want to take her own life to gamble. Yu Hong smashes him. He only needs one thought. If the black and white robes are a little slower, Lingdao Will be a life-threatening, or first and then circling with the torrents to save your life.

"The brother is really a good means. In the future, if you want me to be born, I will be born. If you want me to die, I will die. Can you rest assured that I am."

Lingdao said with anger, but unfortunately, there is no such thing as a sigh of sorrow. He can’t pin his hopes on the torrents of the torrents. Who knows when 幽 禹 will ask for his life, he must be removed as soon as possible. Soul tree, and still have to do it without a gap between the torrents.

"Haha, I hope that the little brothers don't mind, walk the world, be careful, I do this, in fact, I want to establish absolute trust between the two. Now, where do you go, where do you want to deal with, we want to deal with who we Who to deal with, your former enemy, I can help you solve it, how."

You are already aware of Lingdao’s plan. Fortunately, he doesn’t mind at all. What he wants is just the soul of the dead. As for the soul of the dead, there is no difference for him. Lingdao has the power of the heavenly king. He is not sure. The one who is dealing with it must be the leader of Tianjun. You are more and more aware that choosing Lingdao is the most correct choice.

"I want their lives, you want their souls, let's take what they need, and say what they can't help."

Lingdao snorted and did not receive the feeling of slumbering. He walked in front, and slumber flooded him behind him. Unexpectedly, he wanted to go in the opposite direction of the forbidden hand. Now he has to go back. Hurry, however, as long as it can solve the children of Nantian family and the disciples of Lingxiaoge, it is worth it.

"You are hiding in the dark, I will play with them first, wait for me to be dangerous, you will shoot again, understand?" The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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