The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 178: Ice blue holy sword

"Is it for you, or I will help you, do you think I am your subordinate?"

You can't help but complain, but he still listens to the arrangement of Lingdao, hiding in the dark, Lingdao has the best enemy, the more warriors want to kill Lingdao, the more dead souls that You can get, the more After the shackles of the soul map advanced to the holy weapon, and then want to enhance, the number of souls needed is not comparable.

"I am worried that they can't find you, and the Holy Sword will lend you first."

The enemies of Lingdao alone are definitely unable to satisfy the sorrowful floods. The holy sword can attract more warriors. The Seven Diagrams of the Souls are used again and again. Now it is still a sacred soldier to avoid problems, his holy The sword was robbed in the hands of other warriors by the Seven Diagrams of the Souls.

The blue holy sword exudes cold cold, as if to freeze the surroundings, the side of the blade is carved with Peng Peng, and the other side is carved with icebergs. The tip of the sword swallows the sharp edge, making people feel chilling. The skin is sore, the handle is soft, and the right hand of Lingdao is placed on it. It is not too big or too small.

The power of the holy weapon is spread out, even if it is separated by a few thousand feet, it can still be felt. Lingdao holds the ice blue sword, regardless of the Nantian family or the disciples of Lingxiaoge, as long as it is nearby, it will definitely Come over and find out that after Lingdao, they will definitely be tempted.

Ling Daolong’s tiger step, big swing, now the secluded flood is equal to his guard. Even if the peak is coming, there is no possibility of his life, even if the torrent is not shot, it is the holy sword in the hand. Lingdao can also solve the peak Tianjun.

He urged the holy sword, as long as part of the power of the holy sword broke out, with the edge of the holy sword, the removal of the heavenly king is completely absent, but unfortunately, he only has the late king of the king, it is impossible to infinitely spur the holy sword, once After two times, I still have to eat. If there are more words, there will be pressure. After all, the Holy Sword has not yet recognized the Lord. He can only force it.

"The power of the holy weapon is absolutely no fake. Is there finally a holy weapon?"

Nan Tianqi did not find the murderer who killed Nan Tianzheng. He had been frowning. He did not expect him to stretch his brows. He turned out to be a holy weapon. The Nantian family is not lacking in holy weapons. However, if one does not come in, if it can be repaired It is very useful to grab a piece of holy weapon and to enhance his strength.

Lingdao is moving, the ice blue holy sword is moving, and the warrior who feels the power of the holy weapon is more and more. Nan Tianqi is only one of them. The young warriors who come in from various forces, Tianjun is generally better than the king. More, the sacred weapon appears, Tianjun will certainly not miss, and the king has no contention.

"Ming, you feel no, it is a holy weapon, 100% is a holy weapon."

Excited to say, the last time the Great Devil robbed his sacred soldier, he was angry for a long time. As a result, after finding the meditation, he was ready to join forces with the meditation, but he did not find the big demon. He and the dynasty shot together, as long as they did not give big When the demon urging the sacred soldiers, it is absolutely possible to capture the great demon and rob the sacred soldiers of the great devil.

"Is it the last weapon you lost?"

In the words of meditation, let the robbery face be black, if it is not the sacred weapon, the robbery must be with the meditation. It is really the pot that does not open the pot. The robbery is the mid-day celestial celestial being, the result is not the human race. In the early days, Tian Jun, although he said that it was lost, but the flaws on his face can not be faked, and it is ridicule.

"No, it's another holy weapon. My luck is good. I lost a holy weapon and came one more."

Rarely, the robber did not quarrel with the meditation, but excitedly said that if he now gets a holy weapon, and then meets the big demon, he will have full strength, not only to rob the great demon sacred, but also Kill the big demon and let the big demon understand and offend his end.

Robbery and the United States, not to mention the same borders, even if it is the most peak, they still do not mind, once they activate the blood, the strength is greatly increased, talking about the use of blood power, the Terran is Far less than theirs, not to mention, they still have nine blood lines, comparable to the blood of the emperor.

"If you can get the holy weapon, if you can get the holy weapon, you can not kill the vengeance."

The last peak of Yuhong’s annihilation was just not far from the Lingdao. There was a seven-footed soul map in the secluded flood. He was not able to beat the torrents, but once he got the sacred soldiers, he would not Need to be afraid of secluded floods, where does he know that the power he feels now is the sacred sacred sergeant.

The speed of Lingdao’s advancement is not fast, just to wait for one and another warrior to come over. The first to arrive is the Nantian family’s younger brother, headed by Nan Tianqi, who immediately saw the ice blue holy sword held by Lingdao in his hand. Nan Tianqi did not immediately shoot because the scene in front of him was very abnormal.

It stands to reason that the warrior who gets the holy sword should hide the holy sword. Lingdao holds the holy weapon in his hand and walks around. It is probably a trap, but the attraction of the sword Too big, let Nan Tianqi leave so, he is definitely not willing.

"Big Brother, isn't that the Linger's emperor Lingdao? Last time an elder of our family died in Lingjia. You said that Nantian is killing them, will it be related to him."

A Nantian family behind Nan Tianqi recognized Lingdao, the identity of the emperor, so that they have to be scrupulous, the elders want to kill Lingdao, the result is unscathed, the elders died in Lingjia, they are moving Before the road, I must think about the consequences.

There are unwritten rules in the three thousand territories, that is, the confrontation of the younger generation, the older generation of strong can not intervene, but Lingdao only has the late king of the king, do not know that the peak of the king against him, is not bullying, if Lingjia It is not entirely unreasonable to say that Feng Feng Tianjun is dealing with Ling Dao.

"No matter whether it has a relationship with him, it doesn't matter. Anyway, we have a relationship with each other. As a result, we deal with him. It is just right, whether or not his life is not important. It is most important to **** the sword of his hand." Do you understand?"

Nan Tianqi’s eyes stare at the ice blue holy sword, because he is a sword repairer. The holy weapon can let him use the holy kingdom and grab the holy weapon. He must be as soon as possible. He doesn’t know what Lingdao is playing. The idea is that there will be more and more Tianjun coming in anyway.

"The young man in front, stand still, otherwise, we started."

A Nantian family's children shouted loudly, they are taboo of Lingdao's identity, and it is not the strength of Lingdao. Tianjun masters the Tao, and does not need to be jealous of the king. Even if Lingdao is a emperor, he can overcome his opponents across borders. They are still full of confidence, because the peak of them is not one or two.

"You told me to stand, can't I stand still."

Lingdao tightened the ice blue sword, not only did not stop, but the speed soared. Now he is like a king who is afraid of being robbed of the sacred weapon, but he is still worried about the trap of Nan Tianqi, but it is Quickly ordered, let the children of Nantian family follow him. If there is a trap, Lingdao’s first reaction is definitely not to escape.

The secluded flood in the darkness is laughing. The more the Lingdao plays, the more Tianjun is robbing the sword of the holy sword. It must be said that only the Lingdao in the later period of the king’s kingdom, the moving speed is really enough. Fast, even if it is a mid-term prince, wanting to catch up with him is a problem.

"Kid, I didn't expect to meet you again. I let you escape the last time. Now I am recovering from injury, how can you escape?"

In front of Lingdao, standing two young warriors, it is the sacred and robbery of the Tianren people. Although they are only mid-term princes, they already have the power of heavenly respect, whether it is meditation or robbery, they are all full. Grasping the Lingdao, let alone the two of them are still joining forces.

In front of the mourning and robbery, behind the children of Nantian family, under the shackles, Lingdao had to flee to the left, but unfortunately, Lingdao did not run far, he met other forces of Tianjun, he changed direction again, but still Not far away, the martial rushers who have arrived have surrounded him.

"You don't know what you are doing." Nan Tianqi arched the other Tianjun and then pointed to Lingdao. "He killed my Nantian family. I was looking for revenge. I don't know if you can make it convenient." He will never have a hatred with you."

"It’s really a hate. Last time I played against him. As a result, he used the cards to hurt me. Now I am looking for revenge. Is there anything wrong?"

He said in a straightforward manner, anyway, Ling Dao hurts him as a fact. Nan Tianqi has no doubts about the meditation, because he knows the identity of Ling Dao. As a prince, it is not surprising that there is a card, a robbery and a battle, what is the meditation? He will not interject, his purpose is only the sacred soldier in the hands of Lingdao.

"You are really interesting. He is the murderer of the children of Nantian family. You are looking for me to avenge any hatred. Do you think that I am a late king, can you kill the Heavenly King of Nantian family? I forgot to tell you that I was there. You have a late Tianjun in the Nantian family. Is it also my killing?"

Lingdao is pointing to the nose of Nan Tianqi, saying that Nan Tianqi is an idiot. Nan Tianqi’s face is naturally ugly. Compared with Lingdao, Ming is more likely to be a murderer. However, revenge can be said later. It is still important to **** the sacred weapons in Lingdao.

"It’s a slap in the face, it’s a clever tongue. It’s true. With your own strength, you can’t kill the Heavenly King of my Nantian family. But don’t think that we don’t have a brain. You have a holy weapon in hand, killing a late day. Is it really difficult?"

Without waiting for the explanation, Nan Tianqi is taking the initiative to open the detachment. He will blame Nan Tianzheng’s death on the head of Lingdao. If other Tianjun still do not understand the true purpose of Nantianzheng, they are really pigs. Isn't it just an excuse for revenge?

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