The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 179: Bearded Tianjun

"His realm is higher than mine. The possibility of killing Nantian family is greater than mine. As a result, you have to rely on me. Then I have something to say. You don't want to be a holy soldier. If you have the ability to grab it, Why do you make a fuss about the dead."

Lingdao debunked the face of Nantianqi's hypocrisy, which made Nantianqi look pale. Once he lost his revenge, Nantianqi had no advantage. He said that Lingdao used the sacred soldiers to kill the Nantian family, and other forces of Tianjun. I don't believe it at all. In fact, he does not believe in his own heart.

"Yes, it’s really shameful to make a fuss about the dead. Everyone is coming to grab the holy soldiers. What is hidden and squatting."

Another bearded Tianjun said straightforwardly, making Nan Tianqi's face even more ugly. He is also a disciple of the emperor's power. There is no need to fear the children of Nantian family. Anyway, Nan Tianqi's actions, he can't stand it, don't want to Revenge for the dead brothers, but thinking of using their enemies to rob the sacred soldiers.

"You are a small king who is not qualified to take charge of the sacred corps, or give it to us, so as not to be poisoned by others. If you are willing to cooperate, we can let you live."

"We want the holy soldiers, not your life, unless you swear to protect the holy soldiers, otherwise we have no need to kill you."

"You are not our opponent at all. If you don't know the current affairs, you have only one way to die. You won't understand."

They began to attack the heart, trying to dispel the will of Lingdao, and let Lingdao take the initiative to hand over the sacred soldiers. Because if Lingdao is crazy, it will not be a problem if he drives the sacred soldiers and kills several princes. Still dying under the edge of the sacred sergeant, it is really a lot of grievances.

"I just don't know the current affairs, I just don't want to give you the holy soldiers. What can you do with me?"

There is no such thing as a knife in the Lingdao. I know that I can kill him a hundred times. Even if he is enough to kill him a hundred times, he still has to be mad and mad. He is hidden in the dark and has him. To deal with the presence of Tianjun, Lingdao is absolutely reassuring, just to take this opportunity to take advantage of the torrents.

The last thing, Yu Hongjun was to let other Tianjun fight first, and then let the Ashura tribes and the great forces of the great forces fight for your life and death, and finally to kill the warriors of the Ashura tribe. This time, there is no The Ashura tribe is used by the secluded flood, and the torrents can only use other means.

"A good boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky, we will kill you first, then rob the sacred soldiers. You will not naively think that we will kill you first, then you will start your sacred soldiers."

Bearded Tianjun looks reckless, but in fact it is very clever. Originally, someone might have planned to remove others and deal with Lingdao. Anyway, Lingdao is only in the late stage of Tianwang. Ten thousand is not their opponent. After his reminder, other Tianjun will not make such a low-level mistake.

Because, once they fight, they will have variables. If they let Lingdao escape, they will miss the sage. The ice blue sword is also an uncertain factor. Who knows that Lingdao is driving the holy sword and can play it out. How much power, if they fight to the end, their death and injury, but let Lingdao take advantage of it, they do not know what to regret.

"Even if you join forces to **** my sacred soldiers, how can I sway and hold the sacred soldiers everywhere? Don't you think weird? Do you really think that my sacred soldiers are good to grab?"

Three consecutive problems have silenced one after another. Even if Lingdao does not ask, they also have doubts. The little king, the Tianbing is not well hidden, but it is very incomprehensible, and it is unusual. Lingdao is What traps are laid out, or are there any ambushes waiting for them.

Some Tianjun did not consciously retreat. I was afraid of the calculation of Lingdao. Some Tianjun carefully looked at this place and wanted to find out the layout of Lingdao. Some Tianjun decided to wait and see, and some people would not bear it. When you live first, you will know what the means of Lingdao are.

"Since you don't do it, then I will go one step ahead and there will be a period later."

Lingdao smiled, then turned around and left at the fastest speed. If he didn’t say anything, he didn’t do anything. Some people doubted what he had, but now he scares others and then runs away. Dispel the doubts of most Tianjun.

"No, we were cheated by him. He has no layout at all. It is ourselves who are scaring ourselves."

"Indeed, if there are any traps waiting for us, he is eager to escape and do something."

They thought they were looking at the road plan and started chasing Lingdao one by one. Now even if Ling Daoming said that there are traps or ambushes, they still can't believe that the speed of Fengfeng Tianjun is still faster than Lingdao. For a quarter of an hour, they were once again in front of the Lingdao.

They blocked the Lingdao, and the latter’s warriors also chased them up. They were played once by Lingdao. They were not only angry, but they were happy. There were no traps, no ambush, and they dealt with Lingdao. It was a piece of cake. However, no one is willing to make a head bird. It is easy to deal with Lingdao. It is one thing to kill him first.

In particular, the children of the Nantian family who know Lingdao’s identity will not preempt the Lingdao and kill the emperor. What are the consequences? They know clearly, even if the strong people of Lingjia are not good at dealing with them, Lingjia young. The genius of a generation will not let them go.

"You dare not take it, let me come."

The celestial being, the cold face to Lingdao, his eyes, staring at the ice blue sword, in fact, he is not really going to kill the road, because he is not sure about the road card, can not Use, he just made a look, making other Tianjun eager to move.

Ming is the first shot, just his hands, not attacking the Lingdao, but grabbing the ice blue holy sword, the bearded Tianjun first reacted, waving the axe, smashing his hands to the meditation, he is the peak day Jun, such a strong axe, Ming must not dare to be hard, only have to take back his hands.

"You have to deal with him, I certainly have no opinion, but why do you directly start with the sacred soldiers."

Other Heavenly Kings are equally glaring at the meditation. If the sages are not tight, maybe they will sneak into their hands. It is simply to play them as monkeys. They can’t bear it. However, how to say that meditation is a head, the military in the field understands that The stalemate is not good for them.

"I don't understand. When did the Terran of your Terran have been timid enough to dare to shoot the king of the late kings, is it true that the king is above the heavenly king?"

Standing next to the robbery, using such a straightforward taunt, let a personal family Tianjun be ashamed and annoyed, meditation and robbery are heavenly people, can laugh at the opportunities of the human race, they certainly will not miss, the human race can become a heavenly Dominant, the Tianren must certainly not be convinced.

"Everyone, if we kill him together first, then rob the sacred soldiers, how."

Nan Tianqi’s proposal was approved by other Heavenly Kings. However, he gave a look to the children of Nantian’s family, that is, warned them, wait for them to do the same, don’t really shoot, plan like him, and still Robbery, because of the jealousy of the card.

"In any case, you have to put me to death, then I will pull a few backs before I die. If a king can get a prince to be buried, even if he is dead, he can still laugh at Jiuquan."

Lingdao’s words are to scare the Tianjun who are planning to shoot. There is an ice blue holy sword in hand. Lingdao wants to pull a few days to rest on the back. It’s not a false statement. He can really do it, they don’t. Know who the Lingdao will start, in case Lingdao kills himself, what should I do.

The sacred soldiers are indeed not used by the kings. They can exert some power. No problem. They understand that the number of times that the daodao can motivate the sacred soldiers is extremely limited. However, no one is willing to take risks, even if Lingdao kills each of them. The possibilities of Tianjun are extremely small, and they are still afraid.

I am afraid that a king will be shameful, afraid of a sacred soldier, and will not be a shame at all. Unless Tianjun can take out the holy soldiers and suppress the ice blue sword of Lingdao, they will have absolute confidence to kill Lingdao. Unfortunately, until now, There are no sacred soldiers, I don’t know if they really don’t, or if they have the sacred soldiers, they are not willing to take them out.

"Little brother, if you have something to say, why bother to fight a broken net."

The bearded Tianjun once again said that the other Tianjun nodded again and again, and things rounded around and revolved around the origin. When they shot, it meant that they might die, but if they didn’t, they would not get the sacred soldiers. Now they are only measuring, in order to ice the blue sword, risking their lives, the value is not worth it.

"You brother, if you don't shoot again, I can give them the holy sword. Anyway, the holy sword is not mine, give them, no pain at all."

Lingdao passed the voice to You Hongyu, and the next situation was handed over to Yu Hongjun for disposal. Anyway, his task is to lead other Tianjun, so that the singer’s seven-sound locks Figure, devour the soul of the dead, and grow up, the present is not a minority, Lingdao can not stand.

"You don't worry, soon, you will know how powerful my approach is."

You are boasting about yourself, and you have nothing to do with the next thing. Lingdao thinks that you haven’t done anything. In fact, you are doing everything well. Lingdao is just his first hand, responsible for attracting other forces. Come, he also has a second-hand arrangement, that is to let Tianjun take Tianjun to the scene.

"Well, then I will believe you once, if your means are not good, how far I will throw the Holy Sword."

If it is not Lingdao, there is still value. You Hongzhen really wants to kill Lingdao. The disciple of the Holy Land is a listener to the secluded flood. But Lingdao is totally different. If it is not in the will world of Lingdao, the tree of the soul is planted. Lingdao is definitely not obedient, how much disobedient.

It was at this time that the Bearded Heavenly King suddenly violently raised, holding an axe and attacking Lingdao.

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