The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 180: 斩巅峰天君

The powerful Heavenly Kings such as Ming, Rob, and Nan Tianqi discovered the attack of the Bearded Heavenly King. They understood the intention of the Bearded Heavenly King. The Bearded Heavenly King wanted to solve the Lingdao before the Lingdao urged the Holy Soldier. As long as Lingdao does not motivate the holy soldiers, then Lingdao’s own strength can be ignored.

Only knowing that Lingdao’s cards are tyrannical, other Tianjun certainly do not know, but unfortunately, Ming did not tell other Tianjun’s meaning, Bearded Tianjun just helped him to test it. If Lingdao’s cards are still useful, Bearded Tianjun must have a big loss. There is also a situation where Lingdao’s card is useless. The bearded Tianjun can kill the road with an axe.

For the meditation, it must be better in the latter case. The card of Lingdao is really terrible. If he knows, the card of Lingdao is only the means of monitoring the ridge of the magical hand. I don’t know if he will What is the expression, last time, Lingdao is only the use of black and white robes for girls, only to create a ruin.

Bearded Tianjun shot lightning and sneak attack, Lingdao simply can't escape. At the crucial moment, Lingdao can only raise the holy sword in his hand, resisting the axe of the bearded Tianjun, and the holy weapon is the holy weapon. , blocking the axe of the bearded Tianjun, there is no problem.

"Don't worry, play a good show with me. I am a disciple of the Holy Land. You are my brother."

Just as Lingdao was preparing to spur the ice blue holy sword, the bearded Tianjun voiced to Lingdao, let Lingdao stunned. It turned out that the Bearded Heavenly King is one of the means of slumbering, no wonder from beginning to end. The bearded Tianjun jumped away, the slumber and the beard, and the other days were pitted.

"Teacher, you still don't help me."

A blow failed, the bearded Tianjun quickly yelled at the back, must pretend that there is panic, if Lingdao urges the ice blue holy sword, killing Tianjun is not a problem, if the bearded Tianjun does not react Other Tianjun is actually weird.

"We don't want to intervene. If Lingdao can motivate the sacred soldiers, it would be better. He used the sacred soldiers to deal with them. When we deal with him, there is no danger."

"He has to be reluctant to make the first shot, then let him bear the power of the sacred soldiers. If he is not worried about his shot, plus his younger brother, I feel more at ease."

Perhaps Lingdao can motivate the sacred soldiers twice. Anyway, the bearded Tianjun and his younger brother can support it, because the bearded younger brother, standing up to the 16th place, Lingdao only provokes a sacred soldier’s words. It is impossible to solve them all. Among them, the lowest in the realm is the end of the heavenly kingdom.

The younger brother of Bearded Tianjun must be a disciple of the Holy Land. The more they stand out, the easier it is. The nowadays Lingdao and Netherland disciples are tied to a front line. The more disciples of the Holy Land, the more powerful they win. The grasp is bigger.

"Brothers are flustered, we help you block the sacred soldiers, and you take the opportunity to kill him."

The 16 disciples of the Netherland Holy Land have successively shot, one after another, martial arts, playing on the ice blue holy sword. Their real purpose is of course not to deal with the ice blue holy sword, not to order the life of the road, now Lingdao is his own person, they just do it for other Tianjun.

Yu Hongjun is a person who urges the ice blue holy sword. The Tianjun who can kill is extremely limited. Therefore, he let the bearded Tianjun and another 16 Tianjun, instill their own power into the ice blue holy sword, let The ice blue holy sword broke out with unprecedented power. If he urging the Seven Diagrams of the Souls, he will surely kill most of the Heavenly Kings.

"Let them play, we don't see it, the more fierce they fight, the more likely we are to get the holy soldiers."

Other Heavenly Kings are clever, but they don’t know that they have fallen into the trap of Yuhong. If they are now dealing with Lingdao, they can also expose the truth, because Yuhong is still not wanting to die, but unfortunately, they choose to sit on the mountain and watch them. The later the shot, the greater the power of the Ice Blue Holy Sword.

The 16th Heavenly King of the Netherland has not affected the Lingdao. The Bearded Heavenly King is shooting on Lingdao. However, Lingdao can use the ice blue holy sword every time to block it. Bearded Tianjun is negotiating with Lingdao.

"It's not right. So far, they haven't hurt Lingdao at all. How can a little king face the seventeen heavenly kings? How could it be unscathed?"

"For so long, if Lingdao wants to spur the holy sword, there is a chance, but why did he not spur the holy sword."

Nan Tianqi, Ming and a few Tianjun have already noticed something wrong, but they can't figure out the problem. The bearded Tianjun and his younger brothers deliberately don't kill Lingdao. For Beard Tianjun and his younger brother, What are the benefits, can you still delay the time?

"It is difficult, Lingdao has promised to give them the holy sword."

The robbers squinted and thought of a possibility. Lingdao and Bearded Tianjun may have reached an agreement that Lingdao will give the holy sword to the bearded Tianjun, and the bearded Tianjun will keep the life of Lingdao, his The idea suddenly made other Tianjun suspicious, perhaps the fact is the same as he guessed.

"Since you can't kill him, let me help you."

After all, there is a urgency in the day, taking advantage of the bearded Tianjun attacking the emptiness of Lingdao, sneak attack on Lingdao, he is a mid-term Tianjun, even if the bright and the big king and the later Tianwang confrontation, is also able to kill each other, now he sneaked Lingdao, certainly Will not miss, Lingdao one death, ice blue holy sword has become the owner of things, they want to grab how to grab.

The mid-term sneak attack on Lingdao is Jian Xiu. When the long sword stabbed Lingdao, it disappeared without a trace. His sword was hidden because he was the killer himself. At the time, the sword disappeared invisible, but he spent a lot of effort.

Lingdao does not care about the bearded Tianjun, because they are now a group of people, the mid-term Tianjun’s sneak attack, did not escape his perception, he did not think, it is a punch, fierce fist, it seems quite The beastly impact on the mid-term Tianjun, his fists and the swords of the ground are hard and hard, and they do not fall into the wind.

Just a punch, it collapsed in the mid-term Tianjun's swords, and also in the mid-term Tianjun's body, sneaked into the mid-term Tianjun of Lingdao, on the spot, from the beginning of the training of the world, Lingdao did not really show Full of strength, killing a mid-term Tianjun, for him, there is no difficulty at all.

He and Nantian are playing, and Luo Yuan is playing, just to sharpen his own body. As long as Nan Tianzheng and Luo Yuan can't kill him, then he doesn't have to go all out, but now he is going to kill a mid-term Tianjun Liwei. Not only for the Tianjun who planned to **** the holy sword, but also for the disciples of the Netherland.

"Awesome, it is really powerful. The mid-term Tianjun who just shot has already had the power of the late Tianjun. The result is not his enemy."

"It's no wonder that he dared to sway with the sacred soldiers everywhere. When the warriors met him in the late days of the kingdom, he still had no ability to **** his holy sword. The peak of the heavenly king was better than him, but once he spurred the holy sword, Feng Fengtianjun It is not a dead end."

Of course, not all of the mid-term princes are not the opponents of Lingdao. For example, Ling, Lingdao is not sure to win him. The last meditation also hides the strength, the same realm, the strength may be different, if With the power of the realm on the boundary, the warrior and the warrior will not need to fight at all, and they will not be able to tell the realm of their own.

"What about the mid-day squad in a punch, I personally shot, can he kill me?"

There is a peak Tianjun sneer and said, a pair of big hands, like tearing the void, caught in front of Lingdao, his cultivation of the emperor is a practice of refining, the body is already comparable to Tianzun, the strength is more than 1,200 The power of the dragon has surpassed the power limit of the peak of the peak.

His left hand grabbed Lingdao's left arm, and his right hand grabbed Lingdao's right arm, ready to tear off Lingdao's arms. If it was better than the combat power, Lingdao was not as good as him, but he only competed for strength. Lingdao is not afraid of him at all. Lingdao’s own strength is not as good as him. After using nine turns of dragons and dragons, it is different.

What shocked Yufeng Tianjun was that he not only did not tear off the arms of Lingdao, but also was turned over by Lingdao, and the power of Lingdao broke out more than him, completely beyond his imagination. In the late days, how could he surpass him in strength.

"Bad boy, I want you to die."

The peak of the shot, Tianjun, quickly climbed up and glared at Lingdao. He didn't know why he had suffered from it before. Anyway, if he didn't kill Lingdao, he would be angry. Only Lingdao became a dead person. Talents will not say that he was beaten by the late kings.

"You thought I couldn't kill you, then I would kill you."

Just as Feng Tianjun was ready to deal with Lingdao again, Lingdao violently raised the ice blue sword and slammed him. Lingdao is not a fake, but his other body is sword repair, how to use the sword, Lingdao is very clear, not to mention, he uses the ice blue holy sword, which consumes the power of the disciples of the Holy Land.

The peak of Tianjun, who played against Lingdao, changed his face. He did not expect Lingdao to spur the Holy Sword. He only had time to display a defensive martial art. The Holy Sword was in front of him. His defense was fundamentally blocked. I can't live with the Holy Sword. Until now, he only knows how stupid it is to take the lead.

The ice blue sacred sword is like a smashing and smashing. It smashes the defense of the 天峰天君, squatting on his body, **** waves, just a sword, Lingdao has slaughtered a peak, and there is nothing. Consumption, how much more happiness, how happy, but other days do not know the real spur of the ice blue holy sword, in fact, is a quiet disciple of the Holy Land, they thought it was triggered by the Lingdao.

"Well, he has already mobilized a sacred soldier. We are dealing with him now, and there is no danger."

"Even if he is far superior to the border warriors, he can provoke two sacred soldiers at most. When we shot together, we are still afraid that he will not succeed." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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