The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 188: Martial arts party

The big demon took care of a symbol, and then used the plaque to spur the burial of the celestial burial. He smashed toward the heavenly king who had shot him. The nine dragons roared, and the big prints were empty, such as the collapse of the sky, such as the fall of the star river. If the sun and the moon come to the world, it is even more terrible than the big demon **** had previously urged the Kowloon to be buried.

He is only in the early days of Tianjun, and his Fuxi is refining in the peak of Tianjun. It is equivalent to Fengfeng Tianjun urging the Kowloon to be buried in the sky. After using a symbol, he takes out another character. Hey, anyway, using the symbol to promote the burial of the kiln, the consumption is very small, continue to fight, no problem.

Previously, the torrential flood that motivated the Seven Diagrams of the Souls, and the bearded Tianjun who spurred the Ice Blue Sword, were still not the opponents of the Great Devil. Now the Tianjun who has shot is still not motivated by the sacred soldiers. Not the opponents of the Great Devil, but fortunately they have a large number of people, barely blocking the first attack of the Great Devil.

Some Tianjun retreats, some Tianjun coughs up blood, and some Tianjun qi and blood are not smooth, the five internal organs are damaged, and they have not waited for them to catch their breath, and the Kowloon burial sky seal has once again been suppressed. What makes them horrified is that In the hands of the big demon, there was another symbol, and the second one was just out of power. The third one could not wait.

"No wonder he has no fear, no wonder he is not afraid. It turns out that his emboldened spirit is all on the symbol."

"It's too shameful. We are studying the world of Luo in order to sharpen our own body. With so many symbols, how can we sharpen it?"

The goddess of all the heavens, they did not expect the big demon **** to have the symbol of the reign of the king, and not a two, the big devil uses the symbol, not a bit of pain, because there is more, the peak of the regent Fu Wei, for the other disciples of the Emperor's Temple, there is no such thing.

The brothers and sisters of the Great Devil God do not need to use the Fuxi Tianjun refining symbol. They move their fingers casually, and they must be stronger than the powers of the Fengjun Tianjun refining system. Mentioned, let alone the symbol of Tianjun refining, even if the symbol of the reign of Daojun is not worth mentioning to them, then it is the lord of the temple, even if it is the symbol of the refinement of the great emperor, he I am too lazy to take a look.


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Most of the injured Tianjun did not escape. Forty-two Heavenly Kings fell, and the Kowloon Funeral Tianyin made the first attack. There were no dead people. The second time, 13 people died. The third time, 42 people died. The rest of the Tianjun was so scared that the hair was upright, cold and sweaty, and the idea of ​​robbing the sacred soldiers was thrown into the clouds.

"Go, hurry, don't you see that he has already put the fourth symbol in his hand? If he pushes a ninth burial sky, can we still live?"

The little life is the most important. The rest of the heavenly kings are the birds and beasts. How fast can you escape? The good devil does not mean to kill. As long as they no longer rob the Kowloon burial, they will be put a horse. Anyway, The devil has a symbol, if they come back later, it will be clean.

Seven 煞 魂 魂 、 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Devil and Lingdao are good at dealing with it. Who knows that one is better than a terrible, or a disciple of the Holy Land.

"Humble and timid ants, fortunately they didn't do it right with my great Heavenly Emperor, or else they all died."

Tiandu Battle Sword is proud, as if all the Heavenly Kings escaped because they were afraid of him. The Great Devil looked curiously at Tiandu’s sword, because Tiandu’s sword claimed to be the Emperor of Heaven, even if he came to Heaven’s time. Long, I have also heard of the Emperor of Heaven, because the reputation of Emperor Tiandu is too great.

The Ziwei Emperor dominated the three thousand territories, and the Emperor of Heaven also dominated an era. However, the Ziwei Holy Land is no better than the **** created by the Emperor of Heaven. According to legend, the most terrible place in **** is that Hell always has the Emperor sitting in the town. So far, there have never been exceptions.

"Look what you see, don't think that you have a symbol, you can call me, the humble Tianjun refining symbol, and the garbage is different, if you are friends, believe it or not, the great Heavenly Emperor will let you The fly is gone."

Tiandu warfare is mad, and Lingdao reports with a bitter smile. The big demon **** is turned over and white eyes. Such a humanized weapon, the big demon **** is still the first time to see, than the bragging ability, Tiandu war sword is definitely him. The strongest one he has ever seen, of course he does not mean to compare with a weapon.

"Teacher, I just want to participate in a grand event, I don't know if you are interested."

Other Tianjun had already left, and the field was finally quiet. The Great Devil did not take care of the Tiandu sword. The Tiandu sword had to retreat to Lingdao. The Tiandu sword swayed twice and snorted unhappy. Lingdao and the big demon are really abominable.

"What a grand event."

Anyway, Lingdao does not know where other Lingjia children are, the vast Shura community, blindly looking for, is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. It is better to follow the big demon to participate in the grand event he said. Maybe the children of Lingjia will go there as well. I saw Ling Wu and other Ling family.

"Of course it is a martial arts event. Since you don't know, then I will talk to you in detail. The opportunity of the Shura community can be obtained by its own gas, and it can also rob others. In addition, participating in the martial arts event can also be Get, as long as the martial arts event is good, you can get the reward of the Shura community.

It is said that once Tianjun got the treasure of heaven and earth, which greatly enhanced his potential. He could only become Xuan Tianzun. However, after taking Tiancai Dibao, he can become Taitianzun, and Tianjun got it. It is a school-out, which can make him more powerful, far better than the border warlords.

Some time ago, I saw you on the Shulubang. In fact, the martial arts event has a relationship with the Shurabang. Your position is reluctant to say the past. However, it is not enough. If you want to come, your combat power has not yet been fully exerted. Of course, It is also possible that the Shuro List has not been reproduced. Where is your place, we don't know.

The martial arts event, to say it is the contest between the warriors, but, with us, not only the current warriors, but also the former warriors, when we go through a martial arts corridor, the farther we go, the reward The possibility is bigger.

On the pillars of the martial arts gallery, the geniuses of the past are branded. We may have to do it with them. I don’t know who built the martial arts corridor. I don’t know why the branded genius can do it with us. I only know that Fighting, they are no different from real warriors. ”

The big devil said that it has aroused the interest of Lingdao. The Emperor of the Emperor has received the apprentice. Lingdao has already handed over with one genius after another. However, for the first time, the Shura list has a true peerless genius. Maybe there will be them on the martial arts corridor.

"I know that you are interested in the genius of the pillars of the martial arts gallery, because I am the same. Anyway, I heard from my brother that the branded genius not only has the present great emperor, but also the former emperor. We will fight with them, which is equal to When you compare with the younger emperor, think about it."

Of course, the pillars of the young emperor are branded behind the martial arts corridor. Generally speaking, when the emperor was in the king and the heavenly king, he had already begun to show his demeanor. It was not comparable to the military in the same territory. However, there were also great emperors in the king and the king. At the time of Tianjun, the performance was flat and only rose in the later period.

Other geniuses, in the days of Tianwang and Tianjun, can overcome the juvenile emperors in the same realm, but unfortunately they can’t prove the emperor, but they are not talented, but their talents are too good, and it is difficult for the emperor to prove the emperor. Not the other masters can compare.

In addition, Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy, some genius is too outstanding, have not become a hegemon, they die in the hands of other strong, no matter how much their potential, dead is nothing, no matter Is a good talent, or a poor talent, there is hope in life.

" Needless to say, I will definitely participate in the martial arts event."

Lingdao did not hesitate, and the opportunity to play with the young emperor is very rare. I don’t know if the emperor has come to the Shura community. If he can play with the Emperor, it is absolutely very interesting. In the end, it is blue and blue. Still a generation is not as good as a generation.

"Not only the former young emperor is worth looking forward to, but also the young geniuses of other emperor forces. I also have the interest to let me shoot. I heard that the geniuses of the Three Royal Palaces and the Five Emperors Palace will participate in the martial arts event. No, now there are only four emperors. However, it is a pity that the Yellow Emperor Palace.

In addition, the young geniuses of the true dragon family, the Kunpeng family, the Shengyi family, the phoenix family, and the idol family will come together and be able to compete with them. It is definitely worthwhile, the Tianjun we met before. It is not worth mentioning at all, they are just winning in the realm. ”

The genius of the Heavenly Palace, the Palace of the Earth, the Palace of the People, the Palace of the Red Emperor, the Palace of the White Emperor, the Palace of the Black Emperor, and the Palace of the Qing Dynasty are not comparable to the genius of the emperor. It is necessary to know that the most powerful martial arts of the Emperor Duanmu, It is the school of the Qing Emperor, the grand town of Tiangong, passed down from the ancient times, but no one is more powerful than the Qing Emperor.

The more the demon **** is, the more excited it is, the real dragon is unparalleled, the speed of the world is very fast, the sacred war is terrifying, the power of the gods is the first, the hegemony of the wilderness, it is definitely extraordinary, if it is not in the Shura world, it is really impossible to meet So many young geniuses.

"Teacher, I heard from the brothers that you said, he also said that the martial arts gallery has his brand, so that you and I can be branded with him. If you lose, we lose face, if we win, the brothers lose face, you say What to do." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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