The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 189: Xiang Wenyu, Peng Wanli

"Let's leave, let go, my older brother will enter the martial arts corridor, and the roadblocker will die."

"Before, yes, that is, you, you want to be against my gods, don't you die?"

Ten young warriors on the left and ten young warriors on the right. They are responsible for clearing the road and driving the warriors in front. The four young warriors carry a sedan chair and follow them. The sedan sits on the sedan chair. A family of peerless geniuses, like Wen Hao.

It is said that when the birth of Wenyu was born, the ancestral land of the idols emerged the illusion of the ancestors, and the whole family vibrated. Like Wenyu, he showed his talents far beyond the same age, not only the speed of cultivation, but also the strength. Far from being comparable to the warlords in the same territory, the idols are known for their power, and he is still the leader of the gods.

The long brown hair is neatly combed on the top of the head, with an ivory-stained scorpion, and the eyes are shining with a sultry light. The eyebrows have two ivory birthmarks. His body is extremely tall and full. It is two meters high, with long hands and feet and muscles bulging.

"Whatever nonsense with them, they don't let, you kill."

Xiang Wenyu said indifferently that he did not put the lives of other warriors in his heart. The idols are one of the hegemons of the wilderness. The inheritance is incomparably long. The extraordinary power of the emperor is comparable. He is the **** of the gods. Pride, from the young spoiled, will not care about the lives of others.

"You have heard no, no more, we can do it. If you have delayed my brother's business, can you afford the consequences?"

The youngest warrior on the left side already has the meaning of hands-on. Unfortunately, the warriors in front of him gave way one after another, and did not give him a chance to shoot. He also wanted to show his performance in front of Wenyu, but he did not expect to block it. The warrior in front is so acquainted.

The idol family is enough to make most of the young warriors jealous, and the elephants are still sitting on the sedan chair. It is not easy to provoke at first glance. After all, the four warriors who give the elephants a singer can be all heavenly, like the text. If you are not terrible, how can they be willing to bow down to the court.

However, after all, there is no fear of the gods, not afraid of the literary, the hegemony of the wilderness is not only the gods, but the human race also has the power of the gods, the youngest one on the left. One bright, finally, there is no ignorance, the young warrior who is in front of him, has no meaning to give way.

"Since you are not looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

The young warriors who are blocking the road are dressed in golden robes, facing their backs, and their blond hair is floating in the wind. The youngest warrior on the left is not reminding him, but he insists that he is deliberately obstructing the image. So, he will be able to shoot for the literary talent.

The palm of the fifth level is condensed, suddenly becoming bigger, just like the giant wakes up, the palms are pressed, the earth collapses, he can stand at the forefront of the team, and open the way for the image, the strength is not bad, Even if it is the general peak, he can still solve it.

"Like Wenyu, are you disciplined with this subordinate, and dare to do it to me."

The young warrior in a golden robes turned abruptly, and his eyebrows picked one by one. Thousands of feathers rushed out like arrows. The young warriors of the idols used the fifth level of the condensed palms. Thousands of potholes, and then all the feathers were inserted on him.

The other young warriors of the idyllic family took a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were not the ones who shot them. Otherwise, they became the hedgehog just like the young warriors who had previously shot. It’s just a blink of an eye, it’s a victory. If you fight again, the young warriors of the idols must have only one dead end.

"Who am I, it turned out to be your Peng Wanli." The elephant sitting on the sedan chair said with a smile, it was a greeting with Peng Wanli, and then it was a cold face. "If you want to fight, you will find me." It is a few meanings to injure my subordinates in public."

Peng Wanli is the peerless genius of the Kunpeng family. It is not once or twice like Xiang Wenyu. They are old rivals. Xiang Wenji doesn’t like Peng Wanli very much. Because he likes hard hits, Peng Peng is a gentleman. And fight with him, can't be stupid to stand and fight with him.

"He doesn't know how to live and die. He has to shoot at me. I have taught him. Is there something wrong? Why, you have opinions."

Others are afraid of being like a literary man, Peng Wanli is not afraid, like the power of Wen Hao is better than him, as long as he is serious, like Wen Hao can touch him, it is a problem, like Wen Hao’s attack is stronger, hit If you don't have him, what is the use? Other gods like a warrior are slower than the Wenshu.

The idol family is just a general term. It is not a military figure of all the gods. It is all idols. Some are just elephants. But the gods are different from the real dragons. The dragons pay attention to the blood. It is the supremacy, the idols pay attention to talent, and the status of good-natured elephants is also very high.

Moreover, some elephant warriors contain the blood of the gods, saying that they are also gods, saying that they are not gods, anyway, they are all gods, not saying elephants, but only The true idol is the first strength of nature. As for the martial arts, it can only be compensated by the later cultivation.

"Too lazy to talk nonsense with you, do not run with the ability, and I have a positive front, you and I are young geniuses of the Xeon race, can you be a coward in front of me?"

Xiang Wenyu walked down from the sedan chair, looking straight at Peng Wanli, a pair of fists squeaking, but unfortunately, Peng Wanli would not have his radical method, no matter what he said, Peng Wanli could not Give up his advantage, after all, he is not a long-term brain.

"Why don't you say don't rely on your strength, fight with me, if you use the same strength as me, I will be hard with you, how."

Peng Wanli’s proposal, like Wenyu, will not agree. If there is no strength advantage, Xiang Weng can have no confidence to defeat Peng Wanli. The real Kunpeng, the sea can be the hegemon, the heavens are also the hegemons, and the elephants will despise the Dapeng family. Never look down on the warriors of the Pengpeng family.

"Two, you have to fight, you have to fight, if you have any good ink, don't block the road if you don't hit it, what's good nonsense."

The young warriors who dare to interject now either do not know the identity of Wenyu and Peng Wanli, or they have the strength not to fear them. As long as they are not fools, they can see that Peng Wanli and Xiang Wenji are not irritating, he wants Not the latter, but where to dare to offend Peng Wanli and Xiang Wenyi two peerless geniuses.

He is wearing a silver robe armor, carrying a sword, leaning on Peng Wanli and Xiang Wenyu. Peng Wanli is a warrior of the Yipeng family. Xiang Wen is a warrior of the gods, and he is a human warrior. However, He was born in the Heavenly Palace. Other emperors were afraid of the gods and the Pengpeng family. The Heavenly Palace was not afraid.

"Who are you, do you still want to intervene in our affairs?" Xiang Weng sneered and continued, "He is Zhai Peng, I am a god, what are you, the area of ​​the Terran Warrior, really dominating the day Have you been doing what the Terran is doing when we are arrogant?"

The Terran is the master of the heavens, but the gods are dissatisfied. If the number of warriors of the gods and the number of warriors of the Terran are the same, the Terran will certainly not win the image of the gods, as the world dominates the literary world, just to satirize wearing the silver robe. The young men of the armor, the Terran and the Terran are two different things.

"Or, if you two join together, play with me, how."

The young man wearing the silver robe armor did not anger at all, but continued to ridicule. Even if he knew the identity of Wenyu and Peng Wanli, his face still had no change. Other warriors were shocked. He did not expect him to It’s so daring, and it takes a lot of courage to invite Wen Xiang and Peng Wanli.

"As for you, where is the Terran kid, how can you be so arrogant?"

Peng Wanli is extremely angry, whether he is, or like Wen Hao, his heart is extremely proud. Let him and Xiang Wenxuan jointly deal with a Terran warrior. He can't agree. It is impossible for Wen Xiang to agree, just, Young people wearing silver robe armor have been provocative, they can't be heard as if they didn't.

"Is you shot him, or I broke him."

Elephant Wenyu is more direct, and it is said that it is necessary to wear the life of a young man in a silver robes. Whether it is killing him or killing him, it is not important, as long as the result is the same, even though he has never been happy, but compared In other words, the Terran warriors wearing the silver robes are even more hateful.

They are already discussing the young people who are wearing the silver robes, and the young people wearing the silver robes have turned their eyes to other places, as if they have forgotten the existence of Wenyu and Peng Wanli. Wanli roared and immediately rushed to the young man wearing a silver robe armor and wanted to kill him.

Peng Wanli's speed, fast and incredible, even if it is Tianjun, still can't see his movement track, a series of afterimages dragged out, Peng Wanli has appeared in front of the young man wearing a silver robe armor, Peng Wanli erected Both palms, while kneeling down, a feather condenses into a sword, as if it is invincible.

"The gods are one of the hegemons of the wilderness. The Kunpeng family is also one of the hegemons of the wilderness. You are right, just, you forgot, who is defeating you, who is it, and you are from the overlord. The status is pulled down."

The young man in the silver robe armor violently pulled out the sword behind him and smashed it out. The knife light seemed to open the world. Peng Wanli never saw such a sharp knife, and he never saw such a powerful knife. Knife method, it seems that the ordinary knife, but it is extremely dangerous, terrible to the extreme.

"A 鲲鹏 only, dare to use a knife in front of me, do you want to die or do not want to live." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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