The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 202: People's Royal Palace

Lin Yiyue believes that the current Lingdao has no chance to turn over. The sea fishing month is his strongest school. Once it is displayed, the peak of the king will have a headache. Lingdao used to only let the moon stagnate for a while. Now the moon is from the top. Falling down, how can Lingdao be blocked.


At this time, the Lingdao suddenly changed, and the incarnation of the Peng Peng was even bigger than the moon that Lin Yuyue fished out. The two wings of the Peng Peng exhibition were full, and there were two thousand feet, and all the other kings were squeezed out, Lin Haoyue’s side. The day of painting, smashing into the wings of Kunpeng, the big moon, but also the pressure of Yan Peng, a wing broken bones, blood and flesh.

It is impossible to defeat Lin Biaoyue without any loss. The choice that Lingdao can make is to damage eight hundred hundred and kill one hundred thousand. Lin Biaoyue, who has just finished the sea fishing month, is the time of weakness. Another wing of Lingdao is to bow to Lin Haoyue.

A feather fluttered, squeaking, shooting to Lin Haoyue, winning the Lin Biaoyue, obviously did not think that Lingdao can also cast such a fierce attack, even if Lin Haoyue fully resisted, his body is still inserted Hundreds of feathers, blood can not stop flowing.

The body is huge and has the enormous benefits of the body. If it is not the avenue of the incarnation, it can not resist Lin Yueyue’s fishing at the bottom of the sea. Even if Lin Haoyue is at the last minute, he will align Fang Tian’s paintings on the shoulders of Lingdao, still enough to make Lingdao suffer. Reinvented, it is impossible to continue fighting in a short period of time. What's more, Lingdao is unlikely to hand over his own life to Lin Haoyue. What if Lin Haoyue really wants to kill him?

Kun Peng disappeared and replaced it with Ling Dao, but his half body was ruined and extremely scary. Fortunately, Ling Dao did not care. His physical resilience was not comparable to Lin Shuyue’s, and Lin’s injury was worse than him. He still has to be heavy. He is wounded and injured. After all, he won Lin Haoyue.

The confrontation between Lingdao and Lin Haoyue has already exceeded their own expectations. This is to want to be divided. I didn’t expect both to lose, and the injury is not too light. However, Lin Haoyue consumes a lot and has no ability to continue playing with Lingdao. Regardless of Lin Biao's willingness to admit, he is a loser.

"No, ah, in this case, Lingdao can still turn around, completely I did not think of it. You also said that Lingdao will be defeated, and now it is stupid."

"No, he is the son of Lingjia, or the genius of the Pengpeng family, or whether Lingjia enrolled the genius of the Pengpeng family. No, the inheritance of the Pengpeng family, I don’t know how much better than the Ling family. How can the genius of the Pengpeng family be possible? Willing to be a child of Ling family."

Anyone can see the weakness of Lin Shuyue, but the momentum of Ling Dao is not diminished. There is no consumption in Yan Peng, and then there are no more than one hundred and eightty times. There is no problem at all. I am optimistic about Lin Haoyue’s young warrior, all dumbfounded. In particular, Lin Haoyue was under absolute advantage and lost to Lingdao.

There are also young warriors who have doubts about Lingdao’s identity. Lingdao can be incarnate in Kunpeng. Even if it is not the real Pengpeng, it must be a Dapeng family. The Pengpeng family is one of the hegemons of the wilderness. The inheritance is very long and one has just become an emperor. The power of the Ling family is far from being comparable.

"Which situation, how can the young warrior of my family become a child of Ling family."

Peng Wanli also felt strange. He had not paid much attention to Lingdao before, but now it is different. Lingdao defeated the peerless genius of the Qing Emperor’s peak, even if it was the young genius of the Pengpeng family. It is also difficult to get to the sky if you want to do this.

"How can I be so unlucky, just find a young man to bet and find such a enchanting."

Hualingyue wants to cry without tears. A young genius who can defeat the peak of Tianwang Linyue in the later period of the king, is certainly not something she can despise. However, she has never heard of Lingdao, and she does not know the power of Lingdao. Now, you can do it well. Lingdao defeated Lin Haoyue and you can stand in the second position.

Looking at the front of the peak Tianjun, Hualing month can not wait to kill one by one, with her ability, rushed to shoot, not only can not grab the front position, and may be injured, even the current position can not keep, then look at Ling Tao, as long as the Emperor’s Imperial Emperor stepped into the martial arts gallery for an hour, he could enter the martial arts corridor.

It can be said that the gambling of Hualingyue and Lingdao has already won 80% of Lingdao. Thinking of Lingdao’s previous words, Hualingyue is a bitter silver tooth. In any case, it cannot be lost to Lingdao. Behind the road, there is the Emperor of the Imperial Palace in the Imperial Palace. Hualingyue quickly sent him a voice, letting the other party hit Lingdao.

If Lingdao is not injured, the king of the Imperial Palace will certainly not come in chaos, because he is not the opponent of Lingdao, but now, Lingdao and Lin Yiyue are both hurt, they can let them stand behind, if they do not agree, then start In any case, Lingdao and Lin Haoyue are sure that the strength is greatly damaged.

"You won, but you also lost, I lost, so the loss is even worse."

Lin Yiyue said with a smile, before he started, he did not think that he would lose to a warrior in the late kings. As a peerless genius of the Qingdi Palace, he always looked at himself very high. Originally he said that he wanted to wake up Lingdao, but the result was Lingdao wakes him up, there are days outside the sky, there are people outside, and it is better not to be arrogant in the future.

Of course, he understands that with him and Ling Dao's situation, the queens behind can't let them go. Although it is unlikely to kill them, they are sure to grab their position. They have a second position, one. With the third position, the queen behind can't be jealous.

"You are quite self-aware. If you don't want to suffer, you will take the initiative to stand behind, and we will do it in the province."

The first peak in the third place, Tianfeng Wang couldn't help but smile, let Lingdao and Lin Haoyue start, it is a wise move, Lingdao helped him solve Lin Haoyue, the same, Lin Haoyue helped him solve the Lingdao, He is the real winner, and nothing has been done, just watching a duel.

Lin Haoyue just took a look at the other side, and he took the initiative to retreat to the back. Now playing against other peaks, he will only make his injury even heavier. Fortunately, he has a sacred soldier, no sacred king, or dare Playing with him, he can only stand behind him.

"You, you are taking the initiative to go back, or I want to do it myself."

He had long hated Lingdao, and he refused to cooperate. He was good at Lingdao and took the opportunity to retaliate against Lingdao. The reason why he asked Lingdao was because Lingdao also had sacred soldiers. He was worried that Lingdao was angry and angry. Directly urging the holy soldiers and he decided to die.

Lingdao had previously looked down on him, but now he can sneak on Lingdao. How happy and happy he is in his heart, the Tianwangjing disciple who is behind the Imperial Palace, also wants to be the third and the best in the third place. Hit it, so he doesn't need to start with Lingdao.

"You want to grab the second position, you can, but you can't grab it from me."

Standing in front of the Emperor's Royal Emperor, Lingdao is far from Lin Biaoyue's cooperation. His words are even more puzzled by other kings. Now the second position is his, not in his hands, but in who Grab the hand, it is difficult to become a Lingdao and want to give the second position to others.

It is a pity that the ranking outside the martial arts gallery is based on their respective strengths. Others cannot arrange their positions. Otherwise, let the strongest peaks of the peaks give them a good position. Anyway, they can’t resist anymore. Did not sell the Guanzi, they gave them an explanation.

"When I beat the previous one, you grab the second position from him and understand."

Many Uranus faces each other. They didn't think that Lingdao suffered so much and could be as mad as before. What they didn't know was that Lingdao's injury was just scary. In fact, it has already recovered. The peak of the king of the hands, no effect, not to mention he is also prepared to delay the time, the injury is more and more hands-on to be more sure.

Lin Haoyue has been so tyrannical, and the young warrior who can be ranked in front of him is definitely stronger than him. If Lingdao is taken lightly, he will not know how to lose, and he will stand in front of Lingdao. Seriously, I really looked at Lingdao.

"You can beat Lin Haoyue. It is really good. If it is with me, I am willing to fight with you. Unfortunately, you are lower than my realm. There is nothing to fight."

The Emperor of the People’s Palace shook his head and said seriously, he did not despise the meaning of Lingdao, because he thought so in his heart, and the other kings were surprised because the Emperor’s palace actually spoke to Lingdao. I know that the Emperor of the People’s Palace is too lazy to look at them.

"If you don't play a game, how do you know who is strong and who is weak? Lin Xiong does not feel that he will win at first. What is the result?"

If you say this, Lin Haoyue will be angry. However, Lingdao is only explaining the fact that there is no meaning to tease Lin Biaoyue. What's more, Lin Shuyue’s loss to Lingdao is a fact, even if Lingdao is really a joke. What can Lin Haoyue say?

"Laugh me, even if you are in the heyday, you can't be the opponent of the Emperor's Royal Emperor. Now that you are injured, you still want to defeat the Emperor's Royal Emperor. Can you not be crazy?"

The first peak in the third place was angered, and Ling Dao chatted with the Emperor of the Imperial Palace. He completely regarded him as the air, the peak of the state, he was afraid, because he is not the opponent of Lingdao. Ling Dao, who can be injured, he does not need to care, the dragon swims in the shallow water, and the tiger falls in Pingyang. The other kings feel that this is the case.

"Since you don't know how to advance and retreat, then I will teach you a good meal, and deal with you, where you can use the Imperial Palace Emperor, I can completely play your fart." The book is from the 17K novel network. The first time to see the genuine content!

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