The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 203: Strong in the end

"Well, I have long seen that he is not pleasing to the eye. He must play his fart and let him know what is high."

"I was so arrogant when I was injured. If he doesn't fight, he can't tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest. Even I feel wronged for you. Don't believe if you ask others if you are."

The other kings quickly picked up and Lingdao squeezed them behind. They couldn’t have any opinions on Lingdao. However, the strength of Lingdao and Lin’s battles made them feel scared, even if Lingdao was hurt. They are still scrupulous.

The peak of the King who was able to rank in the third position is stronger than them. If there is any card in Lingdao, it will just let him resist. If the Lingdao after the injury, he can still hurt the original position in the third position. Peak King, for them, is also a good thing, can help them solve a competitor.

Regardless of whether they are speculative or not, anyway, the peak king who was originally in the third position must start with Lingdao, not only because Lingdao is in second place, but also in front of him, and because Lingdao looks down on him, even Shame him in words and make him embarrassed.

A pair of big hands, like two monuments, and hit the half of the injured body of Lingdao, his purpose, anyone can see, that is, let Lingdao hurt and hurt, Lingdao's injury, it still looks extremely serious The real situation, in addition to Lingdao himself, few people know.

After all, Lingdao has shown a sturdy body, far surpassing the strength and speed of the warlords in the same world. Others simply can't think of it. His physical resilience is also not common. Apart from the big demon, no one else knows the merits of his cultivation. The law is quite ridiculous.

"Not self-reliant."

Lingdao snorted, and the same two palms hit, dealing with the peak of the first position in the third position, just use the nine-turn dragon and foot, the seventh turn of the nine-turn dragon, let his power, soaring to Seven times of his own, just a palm down, he will break his opponent's bones.

Don't say that the peak of the king, even if it is the power of the peak of the king, it is not as good as the seventh turn to nine turns the dragon's Lingdao, the power limit of the peak of the king is only ninety-nine days of force, the ultimate strength of the peak Tianjun is only 999 pieces of the power of the dragon.

The peak of Tianfeng, who was originally in the third position, changed dramatically. The pain was so severe that he couldn’t help but mourn. Other kings didn’t know what was going on. They thought that Lingdao would avoid his attack. Who knows? Lingdao actually chose to hit hard, but the result is the same as nothing.

"I thought I was hurt, you can beat me, know why I didn't want to do it with you before, because you don't deserve it."

Lingdao said unceremoniously, he did not leave a face to the other side, and a warrior who was in danger of being awkward would have been irritating. Even if Lingdao intentionally satirizes the other party, others would take it for granted, let alone Lingdao said. The fact is that it is just a trick, and it will be a winner.

"His injury will not be fake, otherwise it might be so powerful."

Some people suspect that the injury of Lingdao is true and false. It is not surprising at all. Because the strength of Lingdao is not weaker than before, it is reasonable to say that the half of Lingdao’s body has been hit hard, and the strength has dropped at least three or four percent. It was originally in the third position. The peak of the king is a great possibility to defeat the ridge, who knows the result is exactly the opposite of what he imagined.

Of course, some people think that Lingdao is bluffing. They think that Lingdao’s injury is very heavy. Therefore, it is necessary to use the strongest means to defeat the peak who was originally in the third position. Lingdao does this, just to Shocking other kings, let other kings dare not shoot at will.

"If I didn't guess wrong, you must be forcibly suppressing the injury, let me poke your disguise."

His hands were broken and he was not scared. Instead, he provoked his anger. Later, when someone mentioned him, he would definitely say that when he was at the peak of the king of heaven, he could not beat a warrior who was hit hard by the king of heaven. He was the power of the emperor. Genius, thinking of such a scene, he is biting his teeth and continues to launch an offensive against Lingdao.

The fifth level of the source of power condenses into a handle and a knife, in order to defeat the Lingdao, and even kill Lingdao, he will not hesitate to let the source of the stars exposed in the void, full of 580 swords, while smashing to Lingdao It is like an impact of steel torrents. It is unstoppable.

Fortunately, Lingdao’s injury is good, seven or eighty-eight, or else, such a powerful attack can really bring him great troubles. He clenched his fists and punched him with a punch. The majestic punch was like a grind. In the general world, a handle and a knife are crushed into pieces.

"Unfortunately, you guessed it wrong."

Lingdao stepped out in a step, just like shrinking into the inch, in the twinkling of an instant, a fist, hitting the other side of the body, interrupting the other's sternum, not only that, the fifth level The original source of the Yuan also condensed into a stick, interrupting the other's legs.

Whether it is against the peerless genius of the city of Lei Di, or the confrontation with Lin Biaoyue of the Qingdi Palace, it is only a discussion, but the peak of the first position in the third position is different, he wants to take the opportunity to sneak the road, Lingdao certainly won't be merciful to him.

Not killing each other, it’s not that Lingdao is kind and soft, but he knows that there are other people who will shoot, the other party suffers heavy losses, and one strength can’t play 30% of the heyday. Other kings want his life, it’s not difficult at all. Ling The Tao had to quickly return to the peak state, so that he and the Imperial Palace Emperor played a game.

"I want to challenge you, can you?"

If it wasn’t for Hualingyue, the king of the Imperial Palace, which was behind the Lingdao, didn’t want to fight with Lingdao. His strength was not as good as that of the peak of the match between Ling and Dao, and there was no chance of winning. Can pray, Ling Dao's current strength is pretending, in fact, Ling Dao's injury has been quickly suppressed.

Lingdao frowned. I didn't expect that there would be other kings in the chaos. The emperor who stood in front of him was different from other peaks. He couldn't help but have a little bit of care. However, the king of the Imperial Palace would challenge him. He can't refuse, because even if he refuses, others can shoot directly.

"Teacher, good."

When he was in the heart of the king of the Imperial Palace, Hua Lingyue gave him a voice and encouraged him to say that he immediately let him boil. He didn’t care whether Lingdao had nodded, even when he strode to Lingdao, he finally managed. Hua Lingyue reveals a face in front of him, certainly not timid.

"You have come over, and asked me what to do, to do it, hurry, don't delay time."

If Ling Dao is so conceited at first, others will certainly sneer at it. However, after Lin Biao’s defeat of the Qing Emperor’s Palace, others’ views on him are completely different. He is now qualified to despise the king behind him. Even the disciples of the Imperial Palace are the same.

Not all of the Imperial Palace disciples can defeat their opponents in three or four small realms. Nowadays, the king of the Imperial Palace that challenges Lingdao is not comparable to the peerless genius of Lei Dicheng. If it is not Lingdao, he is injured. I am not qualified to invite Lingdao at all. The current rankings already explain everything.

"Reassured, I just want you to move your position and not have your life."

The disciples of the Heavenly King of the Imperial Palace smiled awkwardly. Don’t look at his stupidity. In fact, he is very shrewd. He said that it is not because he has more atmosphere, but he is not sure to defeat Lingdao. Lingdao, I think Lingdao will let him a horse because of his current words.

Lingdao smiled and did not break his care. Instead, he extended his right hand and applied a large handprint to the front of the king of the Imperial Palace. The second type of the big handprint, the stars, the stars Under the sequel of the stars, the disciples of the Heavenly King of the Imperial Palace were immediately rushed.

To this day, Lingdao’s control over the origin of Yuanshi has never been better than before. Some stars are the source of fire. Some stars are formed by the origin of ice. Some stars are the source of Ray. Some stars are the origin of the earth, and some stars are the source of the sword.

Other kings are equally dumbfounded, because the original power of Ling Dao makes them dazzled. They have never seen a king. They can use so many sources of power. Some people carefully counted and found that there are seven kinds of source power, not Lingdao can't use more of the source power, but more than seven kinds, not easy to explain.

"Is he the seven corpora of legends? You can master seven kinds of original powers and condense seven original stars. How did he cultivate?"

Condensing seven original stars, the speed of cultivation must be greatly slowed down. Originally, Lingdao was twenty years old and had the cultivation of the late kings. They still don’t think there is anything, but now it is different, mastering seven original stars, In the late 20s, when it broke through to the end of the kingdom, it was absolutely impossible.

I didn’t wait for the peak of the Imperial Palace to smash all the stars. The right hand of Lingdao has already appeared in front of him. He will fly with his palms. After the peak of the Imperial Palace, he will only feel the five internal organs, and the red blood will drop from his mouth. Falling, his injury is nothing, what really makes him uncomfortable is that the gap between him and Lingdao is just like a cloud.

"Why am I not even a brother of Ling family?"

Can't compare with the peerless genius of the Imperial Palace, he can accept, can't compare with a newly formed disciple of the emperor, he is difficult to accept, especially Hualing Yue just praised him, he turned things up in a blink of an eye, He didn't mention more self-blame in his heart, but he thought that Lin Haoyue also lost to Lingdao, and his heart would be much better.

"Do you have to fight with me?"

The Emperor's Royal Emperor once again spoke. The Emperor of the Heavenly King who was present was qualified to talk to him. Only Lingdao and Lin Haoyue, Lin Haoyue had already lost to Lingdao. Now he is of course Lingdao, let alone, He had previously defeated Lin Haoyue and was unharmed.

PS: The recent state is very bad. Let's take a chapter today. Adjust it. I don't know whether it is five or six chapters this month. I will start to make up tomorrow.

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