The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 204: Angry Hualingyue

"No way. It is now in front of me. Only you."

Lingdao shrugged. Said helplessly. The meaning of the words. It is impossible to fight. He came in from the outside. Certainly not for the second position. The Lin Haoyue of the peak of the king of heaven is already strong enough. The Imperial Palace is definitely more powerful. Even if there is no martial arts corridor. Ling Dao is also afraid to fight against the Imperial Palace.

The stronger the Imperial Palace is. The more you can stimulate the fighting desire of Lingdao. If the opponent is too weak. For Lingdao. There is no honing effect at all. of course. If the opponent is too strong. Strong enough to exceed the limits that Lingdao can withstand. For example, the existence of the magic hand forbidden. There is also no honing effect.

"There is no need to fight. There is no doubt that Lingdao will be defeated. They have played against Lin Haoyue. The Emperor's Royal Palace has won Lin Biaoyue. Lingdao has struggled with Lin Haoyue."

"Even if there is no Lin Haoyue. I also think that the Imperial Palace is stronger than Lingdao. Lin Haoyue lost to Lingdao. I think he is too careless. He did not exert his true strength."

The battle has not yet begun. The discussion became a one-sided situation. Even Lin Haoyue. I also think that the Emperor of the People's Palace will win. He has played against the Emperor and the Lingdao. The strength of them. The most understanding. Don't say that Lingdao is hurt. Even if the ridge is cured. Can you hold a half-column time in front of the Emperor's Royal Emperor? It's all a problem.

No matter the realm. Still born. Or blood. The advantage is all in the body of the Emperor. Lingdao is also a emperor. But his father and the man in front of him were the father of the palace. Not a realm. not to mention. Lingdao is also the son of the Emperor of the Immortal in the emperor. Of course, the blood is not comparable to the Imperial Palace.

"Unfortunately. You are one step late. Hahaha..."

The Emperor of the People’s Palace laughed and stepped into the martial arts gallery. There was no chance to give Lingdao and him a hand. The former peak of the king entered the martial arts corridor to the present. It is just an hour of time. Can enter the martial arts gallery. Of course he can't stop specifically. Play with Lingdao.

Lingdao wants to fight with him. He didn't want to fight with Ling Dao. Conquer the Lingdao. to him. There is no benefit. If it is against the Lingdao. Lose or injured. On the contrary, it still has to be dropped. What's more, Lingdao is still hurt. Even if you win the ridge. It may mean that others will say that he is in danger. Winning is not martial.

"I also expected the Emperor's Royal Emperor to teach Lingdao a meal. I did not expect that the Imperial Palace and Lingdao did not even fight."

Most of the kings are disappointed. Some hope that the Imperial Palace Emperor beat the Lingdao. Some are purely want to see a wonderful showdown. The Imperial Palace is not there. Among them. Can not find the King of Heaven who can defeat the Lingdao. They want to enter the martial arts gallery. Can only wait for the advanced road.

"It's over. The Emperor of the People's Palace did not fight with him. Just wait another hour. He can enter the martial arts gallery."

Hua Lingyue can't wait to grab the Emperor's Royal Emperor from the martial arts gallery. Lingdao can defeat Lin Haoyue, who was originally in the second position. Other kings are definitely not his opponents. What's more. The peak king who was originally ranked in the third position and the fourth position. Has been injured by Lingdao.

Looking at it now. No king can stop the ridge. Can be in front of Hualing. There are also a total of thirteen peaks. Even if she goes all out. There is also no point that may squeeze into the first position. If there is no accident. Her loss to Lingdao is a matter of iron nails.

"Hua girl. You are taking the initiative to let me. I still have a match with me."

Just when Hua Lingyue was thinking about it. The Great Devil came to the back of Hualingyue. Relying on the peak of the refining of the Tianjun reign. The Great Devil finally hit the current position. Others will be because of the devil's symbol. Give way to him. Hualing Moon will definitely not. Because she didn't want to lose to the big demon.

Lost to Lingdao. She has nothing to do. The big devil is different. Even the big devil does not find the door. She will also shoot the big devil. She is now playing the idea. Even if you use the conditions to win the big devil. Change the road to win her condition. If she loses to the big demon. Then. She has no chips and negotiates with the ridge.

"I really don't understand. It's interesting to hit the martial arts gallery by Fu."

Hua Lingyue did not directly answer the big demon god. But she has already indicated what she meant. That is just not allowed. Fu Xi is dead after all. How to say. She is also the late Tianjun of the Imperial Palace. Can it be said that she still can't beat a pre-existing day who used the symbol?

"It's boring. But I don't have enough realm. I can only rely on the symbol. Anyway, I don't have to waste it."

The great devil is so extravagant. I have already let other Tianjun think that he has lost. I didn't expect what he said. More defeated. however. Where do they know. The big devil is telling the truth. The emperor's palace is in addition to him. There are no warriors below Tianzun. No need to be wasted.

Words are not speculative and more than half a sentence. The Great Devil and Hua Lingyue did not continue to say it. previously. Hua Lingyue and other Heavenly Kings played against each other. The big demon is in the eye. Even if you use the symbol of the refinement of the peak Tianjun. The Great Devil still has no grasp of the victory of Hualing Moon.

When the Great Devil took out the Kowloon burial day. Hua Lingyue’s heart is “squeaky”. No wonder the big devil has a well-thought-out. It was originally intended to hold the use of the sacred soldiers. A symbol that can motivate the holy soldiers. It is different from the one used by the Big Devil. But the big devil is also the same.

"It’s the use of the symbol. It is also urging the holy soldiers. You still have to follow the rules."

Hua Lingyue said angrily. The martial arts will have the rules of the martial arts event. It’s like Lingdao’s previous fight with one king after another. No one used the holy soldiers. Not that they didn't. It is not in accordance with the rules. You can use the holy soldiers to grab the front position. But grab the first few positions. It’s too much.

"I didn't mean to follow the rules from the beginning. Don't you know?"

The big devil does not care what Hua Lingyue thinks about him. Directly urging the Kowloon burial day to smash the past. Hua Lingyue snorted. I had to urge the holy soldiers to meet up. Fortunately, her sacred soldier is more powerful than the ice blue holy sword. Even the Kowloon burial sky is a positive confrontation. Still not falling. but. Invisible sound waves emitted by the holy bells. All were blocked by the Kowloon burial sky. Did not hurt the big demon.

The first confrontation. The Great Devil and Hualing Moon did not take advantage of it. However, the devil is desperate. Hua Lingyue is angry and Liu Mei is upside down. As long as Hualing Moon does not have an advantage. That is losing. Because the great demon relies on the symbol, it can motivate the holy soldiers again and again. Hua Lingyue is not willing. Can only admit defeat.

"The younger brother can win you. If I can't win you, I don't want to be laughed at by my brother."

Lingdao certainly cannot sneer at the big demon. The reason why the big devil is saying this. Purely because of the desire to breathe the spirit of the moon. Hualing Moon smashed the big demon god. finally. Still honestly give way to the big devil. Someone in front can definitely clean up the big demon. Let the big demon squat first.

however. The facts are different from those imagined by Hualing. The peaks of the front are one after another. Take the initiative to give way to the big devil. Even the eighth peak of the peak. It’s just a symbolic and big demon god. exactly. It was the use of the sacred soldiers and the great demon gods of the Kowloon burial sky to collide.

"So far. Stand behind me. Otherwise. Make you look good."

When the big demon once again surpassed the two peaks. In the fifth position, Fengfeng Tianjun said coldly. He is the genius of the Red Palace. I can't stand a previous Tianjun standing in front of him. unfortunately. The big demon shook his head. Did not listen to what he said.

The Great Devils urged the Kowloon to be buried. The peak of the Red Emperor’s Palace was just a long shot with both hands. If you use the sacred attack. Then. The peak of the Red Emperor Palace will be lost. Therefore, this is the case. He did not use the holy soldiers. Instead, the used weapons are used.

The flaming red pistol exudes a burning scent. The thorns were printed on the burial sky in Kowloon. Just an instant. The surface of the burial sky in Kowloon. It was a raging fire. The peak of the Red Emperor Palace did not stop. Instead, it was shot with one shot and then one shot. The Great Devil uses the plaque to motivate the sacred soldiers. Of course, there is no Qifeng Tianjun of the Red Emperor Palace.


The void is like a tremor. Other Heavenly Kings have stepped back. The peak of the Red Emperor Palace is really powerful. Use only ground weapons. Can fight the big demon. Although he is falling behind. But no one dared to look down on him. After all, the Kowloon burial sky is much higher than his weapon level.

It took a quarter of an hour. The peak of the Red Emperor Palace was defeated. The Great Devil is a sacred soldier. unfortunately. Even if you use the symbol of the refinement of the peak Tianjun. It is still only possible to play some of the power of the Kowloon burial sky. Despite defeating the peak of the Red Emperor Palace. But he understands. Want to squeeze to the first position. It is definitely impossible.

The peak of the Red Emperor Palace is already so powerful. Four peaks in front of him. Definitely more powerful. but. The big demon can't stop here. Can only motivate the Kowloon burial day to continue. The fourth-ranked Feng Tianjun did not mean to do it with him. Take the initiative to give way. The third-ranked Fengfeng Tianjun stopped the Great Devil.

"Put in. Even if you have a sacred soldier. It is still not my opponent. Because in front of me. You have no chance to use the sacred soldiers."

What the big devil did not expect was. The peak of the king in front of him. It turned out to be a beautiful woman who fell in love with the country. Can be placed in the third position. Of course, it is not beautiful. It is strength. unfortunately. The big demon will not be because of her. Just stop. Is it an opponent? I have to fight before I know.

"Why do I think she is a little familiar? Have you seen it before?"

Lingdao also looked at the peak of Tianjun in the third position. It is not because the other party is beautiful. I just feel that I am familiar with it. It feels like a heart. In the third position, Fengfeng Tianjun. The same is to look at Lingdao. Also blinked at Lingdao.

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