The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 205: Defeated

The Great Devil took out a symbol and prepared to use the same symbol to motivate the Kowloon burial day. It was just at this time that the pink light shrouded him and cut off his connection with Fu, who wanted to use the symbol. I was urging the Kowloon to bury the seal, but I couldn’t do it. I could only blink.

"You can motivate the sacred soldiers yourself, and you want to rely on the plaque to push the sacred soldiers in front of me. It won't work."

In the third position, Yufeng Tianjun, from the fox sacred place, Lingdao feels that she is familiar with her because she is a demon, a enchantress, a enchanting sister, a demon cloud, the first day of the fox It’s natural to pack up a pre-existing Tianjun.

If the great demon motivates the sacred soldiers by their own origins, then the loser must be him. The demon cloud, like him, possesses the sacred soldiers, and uses her cultivation as a urging sacred soldier to resist the sacred seal of the Great Devil. There is no problem at all, the big demon **** wants to rely on the symbol and the demon cloud to compete, but it is even more delusional, because the demon cloud can easily cut off the connection between him and Fu, so that he can not activate the symbol.

"Well, I admit defeat, you won."

The big devil said with a wry smile, there is no need to win, there is no need to fight, not to mention, in front of the demon cloud, there are two peaks of the heavenly king, they are afraid to be stronger than the demon cloud, retreat 10,000 steps, even if He defeated the demon cloud, still want to lose to Lingdao, unless he can beat the top of the peak in the first position, otherwise it can not be turned over.

The demon cloud nodded, the pink light disappeared, and the big demon finally breathed a sigh of relief. If the big demon **** could not use the symbol, the dragon peak who stood behind him could kill him. Fortunately, the demon cloud is only for Keeping her position, there is no meaning for the big devil.

"Kid, my sister has mentioned you many times. How come you are not here, I will not come to my fox site."

She didn't talk to the big demon again, but sent it to Lingdao. The words were full of blame. Lingdao couldn't help but touch the nose, smiled awkwardly, and wanted to win the emperor with his current strength. The saints of the powers are certainly not easy, and the warriors of the kings of the kings in the late period are dispensable to the forces of the emperor.

Today's Lingjia is not a fake power, but compared with the Tianhu Holy Land, I don't know how much difference, the nine-tailed fox, can compete in the wilderness, even become one of the hegemons, naturally has its powerful place, From the wilderness to the present, the profound content is unimaginable.

"I don't want to go, time is not here, you think I am a little king, can do what."

If now, Lingdao can't guess the identity of the demon cloud, then he is really stupid. The enchantress is the holy woman of the fox sacred place. He has nothing to worry about. Going early and going late, the impact is not great. The position of the woman in the power of the emperor, Lingdao is of course clear, but it is still worse than the emperor.

"Uranus can't do it. It's hard to ask my sister to wait for you to practice."

Daojun, even in the power of the Emperor, is still a weighty figure, especially Ling Dao’s previous defeat of the Qing Emperor’s Palace, and the demon cloud feels that once Lingdao becomes a Daojun, it is certainly not an ordinary Tao Jun. Unfortunately, from Heaven to Daojun, it is not something that can be done in a short time.

Lingdao shook his head and said that he would definitely not wait for Daojun. Tianzun might be able to, because Tianzunjing can see the potential of a warrior. If he and even Tianzun’s cultivation is to go to the Tianhu Holy Land, the treatment is certainly not bad, just Whether it can become a god, is a problem after all.

"Two bastards, if you don't use the holy soldiers, I can hit them and they can't find the north, but now, I have to lose to each of them a condition, mad at me."

Hualing Moon clenched his fists, his nails were deeply embedded in the palm of his hand, the squeaking of the silver teeth, the big devil and the Lingdao brothers, the former said that they hated her, the latter was even more abominable, even said the conditions for winning After that, she will sleep, let her lose to Lingdao and the big demon, she is sure that one hundred will not be reconciled.

"Sister, do you want to escape, anyway, the Shura community is very big, they can't find us, and when they leave the Shura community, can they still find our palace."

A local palace disciple voiced to Hualingyue. He admired Hualingyue. Of course, he did not want Hualingyue to be slept by Lingdao. Now who wins and loses, at a glance, Hualingyue has no chance to turn over and avoid Lingdao. The big devil, it is a good way, as long as they can not find Hualing month, naturally can not let Hua Lingyue complete their conditions.

Hua Lingyue is not a person who can't afford to lose, but Lingdao's conditions make her unable to accept it. In fact, Lingdao only joked with her, but she and other royal palace disciples took it seriously. Hualingyue is beautiful to her. I am confident that the warrior who wants to sleep is not one or two. She feels that Lingdao is no different from those who are armed.

The disciples of the Royal Palace who followed Hualingyue wanted to sleep in her heart. If Hualingyue promised them a condition, they would definitely be the same as Lingdao said. Naturally, they would classify Lingdao as a kind of person. There is no doubt about the true and false conditions of the conditions proposed by Lingdao.

"Wait a minute, maybe there is a turnaround. If you come back to a powerful peak, you can stop the Lingdao."

Hualingyue’s words, don’t say that other palace disciples don’t believe, even she doesn’t believe it, but she really doesn’t want to flee. Losing to Lingdao and the big demon is a shame. Now it’s even more humiliating to escape. I don’t know if she is sorry for her. It turned out that I really came to a powerful peak king.

"All of them are let go. We are the ones of the real dragons who are coming, don't want to die, and get out of the way."

"If you have delayed the things of our princes, you will not kill you. We are very powerful, I think you know."

The prince of the true dragon family stood behind, and the young warrior of the dragon family opened the way for him. There was a peak king, a former Tianjun, and a mid-term prince, which was enough to help him solve the outside warrior. He came in more than Lingdao, and relaxed. Knowing how much, after all, when Lingdao started, he still did it himself, and later let Tiandu warfare clear the way.

Dragons, of course, are qualified to overbear, and the true dragon is unparalleled, and it is one of the hegemons of the wilderness. On the inheritance of time, the Three Royal Palaces and the Five Emperors Palace are equally inferior. When the real dragons dominate the heavens, the Terran is only the Yaozu. The rations only have no status at all.

"Great, the prince of the real dragon family can certainly defeat the injured Lingdao. If he can kill Lingdao, I will win the ridge."

Hua Lingyue’s brow finally stretched out. The true dragon’s prince defeated the injured Lingdao. There is absolutely no problem. If he loses to the big demon, he can’t change it. Then he will use the conditions of winning the Lingdao to exchange the conditions for losing to the big demon. Win one lose one, for her, there is no loss.

"You still let the road be good, or else, don't blame this Prince for not giving you a way to live."

After the real dragon prince walked inside, he said arrogantly. He was wearing a golden trench, like a combination of thousands of dragon scales. The body of the real dragon was tyrannical, not to mention that he was the son of the great emperor. Coupled with the trenches of the body, even if you encounter a powerful sword repair, it is still not afraid.

He has a high head and his nose is facing the sky. He did not put the king in front of his heart. If the Emperor of the Imperial Palace is still there, he may still let him pay attention to it. Unfortunately, the Emperor of the Imperial Palace has already stepped into the martial arts corridor, the king of other Terran. If the martial artists do not know each other, they will kill them.

"Haha, Lingdao is in trouble, and the Prince of the Real Dragons is obviously going to the first position."

"Lingdao can only lose, can't win, otherwise, our sisters are not going to be spoiled by him."

Not only the imperial palace disciples gloated, but the kings of the kings behind the Lingdao also laughed. Some of them took the initiative to give way to the princes of the real dragon family. They were afraid of delaying time and let Lingdao enter the martial arts corridor. They also counted on the princes of the true dragon family. Dealing with Ling Dao, if the Prince of the Real Dragon family can kill Ling Dao, it would be better.

Like the confrontation between the Lingdao and the Emperor's Royal Emperor, the confrontation between Lingdao and Zhenlong's princes, no one is optimistic about Lingdao. Although the front of Lingdao shows a tyrannical body, they do not believe that Lingdao's body can and The princes of the true dragon family are in the same breath. If the princes of Lingdao and Zhenlong are confronted, they will definitely be found in the ground.

"If Lingdao does not fight with him, take the initiative to give way, what to do."

The local palace disciple whispered, Hualing Moon immediately glared at him. If Lingdao really gave the first position to the prince of the real dragon family, then Hualing’s plan would be lost. The imperial court disciples quickly retorted, and it was impossible to give way to the arrogance of Lingdao. In the past, Lingdao still wanted to fight with the Emperor of the Imperial Palace. It was impossible for him to change his name to become a true dragon prince. He would admit defeat.

"You are too troublesome to give way, the first king, and quickly give the position to the Prince."

The words of the real dragon prince, let Hualing Yueyi, other kings can not help but excited, I did not expect that the real dragon family is so direct, come up to find Lingdao trouble, to Lingdao's temper, Certainly they will not bow, and their duel is inevitable.

"Who am I, it turned out to be a defeated man, how, for a while, I want to find a fight."

Lingdao did not think that the person who was looking for him was still a person who knew him. No, it was the dragon that knew him. Yes, the real dragon prince who came here was the emperor he had met before. It is already the peak of the king of heaven, a little higher than Lingdao.

The so-called enemy meets, extraordinarily jealous, and even if the face of the emperor is cold, and loses to Lingdao, the emperor can certainly not tell others, even the informed dragon warrior, he was given a password, now Ling Dao said it in public, which made him particularly embarrassed.

"What situation, what will be the meaning of the defeat, is the Prince of the Real Dragon family, played with Lingdao before, but also lost to Lingdao." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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