The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 206: Dragon elephant

"One nonsense, this prince has never seen you, how come he will defeat him."

Yan Huang quickly denied that if the young genius of the idol, the Pengpeng, and the sacred family knew that he had lost to Lingdao, he did not know how to laugh at him. After the last defeat to Lingdao, he worked hard to cultivate. Challenge one king after another, and even Tianjun is no longer the same.

After all, the paper couldn’t help but the fire. The Emperor understood that the loss to Lingdao was a sneak peek. Not only did he have a dragon warrior, but also a human warrior. Fortunately, his luck was good, as long as he can now defeat in public. Lingdao, you can be ashamed of the snow, even if he is exposed in the future, he once lost to Lingdao in the Dragon World, others will not say anything.

"You admit that not acknowledging is not important, because as long as you challenge me now, then you will once again become my defeat."

Lingdao mentions the world of the dragon and the big world. It is not for the sake of showing off. It is just a disgusting singer. The emperor’s appearance from the beginning is that the nostrils are in the air, the arrogance is high, and the top is above all the kings. Others don't believe that he has defeated the Emperor and he is fine, as long as he can make the Emperor angry.

Even if the emperor concealed it very well, Ling Dao still saw a flash of killing from his eyes. Once the emperor and Ling Dao started to work, then it was not a decision, but a life and death. The second emperor wanted to kill Lingdao, but unfortunately he couldn’t beat Lingdao. Now there is no blood dragon spirit. He believes that Lingdao is definitely not his opponent.

Thinking of the last thing, the Emperor Huang was wronged. The Dragon Lord’s World is clearly the site of the Dragon. As a result, the blood dragon spirit he got is far less than a Terran warrior in Lingdao. Fortunately, he is not thin, let He once again encountered Lingdao in the Shura community and gave him a chance to avenge his hatred.

"I challenge you, my imperial son of the true dragon family will challenge you a small human warrior. If you are not in the first position, you will not bother to look at you."

The young warriors of the Dragons all felt that the Emperor of the Emperor said that it was justified. Even the King of the Terran, they all nodded in disapproval. Ling Dao was inferior to the Emperor’s Emperor in their hearts, and could not match the true dragon family. Prince, if Ling Dao and Emperor Huang fight, they will also think that the emperor will win, and Ling Dao defeated Lin Haoyue. It really makes many kings look at each other, but Lin Haoyue is not a emperor.

"Do not challenge, but also, the defeat of the hand will have the consciousness of the defeat of the hand, I will wait to enter the martial arts corridor, you do not bother me."

Ling Dao took a look at the Emperor, and he lost his interest. He really couldn’t lift his interest. He’s the skill of the Emperor, he’s seen it, and once again, the Emperor will only lose even worse, even if the Emperor is taller than him. The small realm still has no effect, unless the martial arts used by Emperor Huang is different from the previous one.

The Emperor’s breathing gradually thickened up, purely qi, but he still had to suppress the anger, and his hand defeated the four words, like a curse, constantly echoing in his ear, he did not want to and Lingdao Discuss what is going on, and once you say more, you may reveal flaws.

"You let it go, this Prince wants him to go to hell."

Other kings heard the Emperor Huang say this, naturally it is to give way again and again, and it is a good thing for them to kill the Tao. If they die, they will let them wait for an hour, especially for Lingdao. They are even more excited. They can’t report their hatred, but they can avenge them.

They thought that Emperor Huang just wanted to grab the first position. I didn't expect that the Emperor Huang wanted to be the life of Ling Dao. The Big Devil did not worry about Ling Dao. The origin of Ling Dao was not comparable to that of Emperor Huang. The singularity of the singularity of the immortal is certainly not worse than the practice of the emperor's cultivation. The gap between a small realm is nothing.

Regardless of Ling Dao’s disagreement with him, he did not hesitate to fight with him. Anyway, he directly shot, and Lingdao either evaded or greeted him. As a true son of the real dragon family, he certainly was not afraid to fight with Ling Dao, and the real dragon was unparalleled. Moreover, he also wore a real dragon trench.

The last holy dragon armor, has already returned to his five brothers, now he is wearing the real dragon trench, the dragon's elders personally built for him, the real dragon war level is not high, just the land, can The defense of the real dragon warfare is very strong enough to rival the general weapon of the heavens.

"The dragon is like a crack in the sky."

When Emperor Huang took a shot, it was a dragon like a dragon, a hand like a real dragon, and a hand like a god, as if to tear the world. Compared to the last time, the strength of the Emperor, not only increased several times, the real dragon warfare exudes dazzling Jin Mang, like a recovery, made the imperial power surge.

"It’s not the prince of the real dragon family. Even if you wear the trenches, you can improve your own strength. The dragons are really rich and rich. If you use such materials, you will cast a trench."

"You pay attention to his trenches. Didn't you notice the martial arts that he displayed? The real dragon is unparalleled, and the idol is the first. He wants to combine the advantages of the real dragon and the idol. How is Lingdao possible? Can't stop it."

Lingdao has not yet started, and the kings of the heavenly kings have already imagined his defeated appearance. The dragons and elephants of the emperor’s exhibitions have indeed had great power. The peaks of the kings behind them ask themselves and change them into playing. It is impossible to stop the attack of the emperor, and the emperor has just been born, and certainly there are more powerful means.

"I told you last time that the dragon elephant is not the one you can master. The dragon that you display is like a cracker, let me teach you."

The other warriors did not notice that the pair of pupils of Lingdao became golden, and the movement of Emperor Huang was slower and slower in Lingdao’s eyes. Lingdao did not use his own martial arts, but In the same way, the dragons that are used to crack the sky, such a bright and secretive thief, are rare in the world.

Lingdao’s understanding of the real dragon is definitely not as good as that of the emperor. After all, the emperor himself is a real dragon. Lingdao’s understanding of the idol is not comparable to that of the emperor. The dragon statue of the emperor’s exhibition is impossible to tear. Heaven and Earth, because of the disparity in the strength of the real dragon and the idol, the dragon statue of the Ling Dao is in the sky, and the real dragon and the idol are almost the same, reaching a state of balance.

The true dragon illusion and the phantom of the gods have been condensed out. The true dragon phantom of Lingdao does not have the true dragon illusion of the Emperor, but the phantom is more solid than the singer, his true dragon and The gods are equal, and they can fight and tear the world. Unlike the real dragons and gods of the Emperor, once they fight, they are one-sided.

"What happened? He is not a child of Ling family. Why can he still use the martial arts of the true dragon family?"

"It's no wonder that his physical tyranny is not like that. He turned out to be a real dragon. We had a close battle with him before, not stupid."

"You are stupid now. Before he became Dapeng, have you forgotten it? He said that he is a warrior of the Qipeng family. I believe that he is a warrior of the true dragon family. I don't believe it."

The identity of Ling Dao is shrouded in layers of fog, like a real dragon, like a Peng Peng, and like a god, but he also said that he is a child of Ling family, do not know them, even if they want to break their heads, It is also useless. The Terran is a powerful method that can change its appearance. However, it becomes different from being a person and becoming a Dapeng. What's more, Lingdao also has a real body like a dragon. The power of the speed of the Peng Peng.

The real dragon virtual shadow hits the real dragon virtual shadow, the idol virtual shadow hits the ghost image, like a star collision, shaking the sky, just the first confrontation, Lingdao uses the seventh turn of the nine-turn dragon dragon, Because he did not want to accompany the Emperor to play, the Emperor's body is strong, but his strength is much worse than using the current Lingdao.

The emperor’s body couldn’t stop going backwards. Lingdao not only tore his attack, but also punched him on his body. Fortunately, the real dragon warfare he wears is extremely strong, otherwise his sternum is at least broken. A few roots, Ling Dao won't be a dragon, and once again chased the Emperor, and it was a dragon.

Previously, after all, it was the first time that Lingdao used the dragon elephant to crack the sky, and it was completely flawed. It was purely crushed by absolute power, and it was better than the Emperor. Now, the second time Lingdao uses the dragon elephant to crack the sky. Big, true dragons and idols seem to be intertwined, intricate and more powerful than the previous power.

"I didn't read it wrong. The martial arts of Ling Dao and the real prince of the true dragon family, and the prince of the true dragon family, is exactly the opposite of what I imagined."

"A close-knit battle, isn't the real dragon family good at it? How can the real dragon family's prince lose so fast, too fake."

If it wasn’t for the emperor’s murder of Lingdao, they thought that Emperor Huang and Lingdao were acting, and the princes of the real dragon family had a very high status in their hearts, and they were able to compete with the Emperor’s emperor. As a result, The performance of the emperor is not as good as Lin Haoyue, let alone the imperial palace emperor.

It’s not that the strength of the Emperor’s power is worse than that of Lin Biao’s, but Ling Dao’s use of the dragon like a cracked sky, shocked the Emperor, the same martial arts, but the power is the difference between the clouds and the mud, once the emperor does not lose, once the advantage, Lingdao will certainly not give the Emperor the opportunity to defeat him.

When the Supreme Gold 瞳 瞳 , , , , , , , , , , 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌Splitting the sky, it seems to rely solely on the power of arrogance, in fact, the attack is the flaw of the emperor.

"Just because you still want the first position, I will give you the tenth position. They are all lifting you. The dragon is one of the hegemons of the wilderness. How can the Prince of the true dragon family and your general waste? You certainly don't know, you are actually coming, it is not your own son, so you can't stand it, understand?"

Lingdao is purely nonsense, but the Emperor can't refute it. It's not that the Emperor has nothing to say, but he can't say anything at all. The attack of Lingdao is like a storm, and he doesn't give the Emperor a chance to breathe. Can handle the Lingdao with one mind, no time and bickering.

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