The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 219: Take a break

"Teacher, what happened."

The Great Devil has just come out of the martial arts gallery. Before he figured out what happened, he was attacked by an Ashura Tianjun. He did not pass the martial arts gallery because he lost to a young man in the illusion. As long as he is not dead, he has no influence on the reality.

The test of the martial arts corridor made the power of the big demon more powerful than before. His opponent was only a little higher than him. In five rounds, he was pierced by his palm and died on the spot. The scene is very chaotic. From time to time, there is a warrior who is dead. The big devil is inconspicuous.

"The original living spirits of the Shura community ambushed us and wanted to wipe us out. But if they did not appear, maybe I have already been won by other Heavenly Kings."

There is no sword in the sky, and you can’t rely on Lingdao yourself. It’s definitely not the opponent of the great powers of Tianjun. Especially the magic heaven master, it is to use the holy chain to take him in one fell swoop. If the Shura family does not block the void, it will not be able to What kind of situation is expected now.

"Who wants to take you, is it because of the real thing about the Prince of the Reality? It’s not right, the Tianjun of the true dragon family may not be able to get you."

The Bodhi Doji and the Shura Holy King’s flag, the Great Devil does not know at all. The huge face is appearing outside the martial arts gallery. The martial arts inside the martial arts gallery has not seen it. There is a sword in the sky, he I don’t think that Tianjun, a true dragon family, can get what it is in front of Lingdao.

"Only the Tianjun of the true dragon family is sure to be fine. The key is that I passed the martial arts gallery and got the Shura Saint flag and the Bodhi fruit. You also know that the Shura Saint flag is still very useful for Tianjun. The Bodhi fruit has a great appeal to the king."

Lingdao said with a wry smile, the big demon **** also smiled bitterly. For a long time, the big demon **** asked himself not to lose to the same age warrior. I didn’t expect that he couldn’t do it, Lingdao did it, and the big demon **** lost to the penultimate stone pillar. The branded, young man in the illusion, claiming to be the mysterious master.

The Bodhi fruit is of little use to the Great Devil. He does not care much about the Shuwang Banner. It can be different from other forces. Because having a sacred soldier in the Shura world means that life-saving may increase. Points, if they leave the Shura community and return to heaven, they will not fight for a holy soldier.

"First of all, the question now is how do we break the blockade."

The overall strength of the 18th Road Ashura tribe army is obviously stronger than that of the major forces from the heavens. If it has been fightd forever, it is very likely that all major forces will be completely annihilated. Fortunately, there are already peaks in the world. Under the circumstances that they knew that they could not beat, they did not realize the consciousness of a war.

The warriors of the Yipeng family, the warriors of the true dragon family, the warriors of the gods and the warriors of the holy family, have turned into the ontology, rampaged, want to escape, the first thing to do is to break the blockade of the Ashura tribe army. The big array of voids, what they can think of, is the most stupid, but effective way.

Previously, the collision of a peak of the Peng Peng family, which made the blockade of the emptiness of the emptiness, now slammed the emptiness of the emptiness of the emptiness. Now, only a singer, a true dragon, and a head of eagle, rushed to the front, and only for a moment, blocked the void. There will be a gap in the big array.

"Fast, you are going to host the big queue, don't give them a chance to break."

The chief patriarch first responded, as long as the Tianjun of the Ashura tribe presided over the big battle, it would be able to make the big squad solid, the two patriarchs, the three patriarchs, the four patriarchs, and the five patriarchs led the sixteen peaks, strengthening the array. The law, even if the number of smashing, real dragons and idols that hit the array is doubled, the big array is still untouched.

The Heavenly Palace, the Imperial Palace, and the Imperial Palace of the People’s Palace have made moves, attacking the blockade of the void, the Qing Emperor’s Palace, the peak of the White Emperor’s Palace, and the same, their powerful strength, unveiled, unfortunately, blocked The void array has no signs of breaking.

At the crucial moment, it is still Lingdao, because his pair of pupils has become a golden, blocking the void of the array, in his eyes, there is no secret at all, his attack is not strong enough, fortunately there is a big demon Help, especially the use of the 巅 天 天 炼 炼 炼 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙 九龙

The nine dragons were in front, one side was printed in the back, and the bombardment bombarded the weakest part of the blockade of the void. Whether it was the chief patriarch or other patriarchs, they did not notice the Lingdao and the Great Devil, a peak king, one In the early days, it was not a threat.

When they reacted, it was already late, and the burial of the celestial burial of the Kowloon blasted the blockade of the void. The Great Devil and the Lingdao fled the first time. The Tianjun of the Pengpeng family swayed at the speed of the world, and it was also far away. Go, the true dragon family, the idol family, the holy shrine, the heavenly palace, the underground palace, the people's palace, the white imperial palace, the Qingdi palace, the speed of the warriors is a little slower, but their attacks make the gap of the big array more Big.

"It's not good, the blockade of the void can't support it."

When the head of the great patriarch changed his face and re-arranged the method, it took time. Now it is too late. The warriors of the major forces have escaped separately. It is impossible to kill them all by themselves. What can be done now is to kill one. .

The Tianjun of the Ashura tribe smiled and killed one young warrior after another. Fortunately, some warriors have the means to save their lives. As long as the void is not blocked, they can still escape. In any case, Lingdao or indirectly saved. They have a life, but unfortunately they did not put the savior of Lingdao in their hearts.

"Just break the big two ghosts, do you remember what he looks like?"

The head of the great patriarch was gloomy, and the long-planned action did not succeed. The faces of other patriarchs were equally unsightly. They were countless, and they did not expect that they would be spoiled by two little devils. They knew that Lingdao and the Great Devil had broken. In this matter, they will definitely take the lead and remove the Lingdao and the Great Devil at all costs.

"Give them to the patriarchs and kill them. Otherwise, if they are there, we will block the void and it will be useless."

They are ready to use all the power to get rid of Lingdao and the Great Devil, or else, next time they block the void, Lingdao and the Great Devil will make them fall short, and they will be defeated. The Shura is their territory and solves a peak. And an early Tianjun, it is not difficult to think about it.

The Lord of the Magic also took the opportunity to escape. When he started working with Ashura’s Heavenly King, he had been hiding in the Tibetan Mastiff. He saw a chance to escape. Of course, he was violently attacked. He would kill him with his fight against Ashura Tianjun. He is not aimlessly running away, but is far following Lingdao and the Great Devil.

If Lingdao finds a helper at the peak of the Tianjun level, maybe he can still let him taboo, but unfortunately, the big demon **** is only in the early stage of the heavenly kingdom. In the heart of the magic heaven, it is a small role, but there is an Ashura tribe behind. The chase, he did not rush to do it.

The most unfortunate is the warrior inside the martial arts corridor. Some of them just came out, but they still didn’t understand what was going on. They were killed by the Heavenly King of the Ashura tribe. Asura did not know the speed, but he pursued the escaped warrior. It is better to wait for the rabbits, waiting to kill the warriors coming out of the martial arts gallery, and the warriors who came to participate in the martial arts event.

The major warriors who have suffered in the past may inform their neighbors, but they will not tell other warriors. There will still be warriors coming in from outside to participate in the martial arts event. Unfortunately, they have not yet entered the martial arts gallery. Arrived at the army of Ashura.

"Run, run as much as you can, the farther you run, the easier it is for me to deal with you."

The eyes of the magic heaven star flashed, and he followed the Lingdao and the big demon behind him. What made him frown was that he followed the Lingdao and the big demon, and other peaks of the power, even if they had the previous Something still does not give up the meaning of Shura's holy king's flag and Tiandu war sword.

If you have more than one competitor, it means more difficulty. Don’t look at the magical Taoist’s simple way of dealing with the purple illusion. If the other peaks of the emperor’s forces are together, the magic heaven masters really have not solved their grasp. One-on-one, the magic heaven master is not afraid, afraid that others will bully less.

"Although only the king of heaven is at its peak, the body is much stronger than before, and the blood is more vigorous. For me, it is a good thing."

Lingdao and the big demon gods know that there are chasing soldiers behind them, but they don’t know that there are strong people waiting for them in front. A young man wearing a blue robes hides in the void and looks at Ling from afar. It is really a surprise to be able to meet Lingdao in the Shura community.

"Well, what are the meanings of those days behind, are they also interested in my goals?"

There was a blockage before, and there was a chase afterwards. The situation of Lingdao was worse than before. At least the army of the Ashura tribe would not deliberately deal with him a small king. Of course, if it was replaced with the present, the Ashura tribe The first thing the army wants to kill is him and the big demon.

The big demon and Lingdao suddenly stopped, not because they didn't want to go, but the young men wearing blue robes, blocking them in front of them. Lingdao and the big demon looked at each other and shook their heads, no matter what. It’s Ling Dao, or the big demon god, who doesn’t know the young man in front of him.

"He is my goal. If you don't want to die, just let go."

The young man wearing a blue robes looks arrogant and more arrogant than the sorcerer, and the sorcerer threatens other celestial kings. At the very least, the other heavenly kings **** the sacred sacred king flag and bodhi fruit. It is to let the magic heaven master and other heavenly kings retreat. He does not have the meaning of negotiation, but the tone of the command, and the attitude is extremely tough.

"Of course, if you don't want to retire, I don't mind doing it, killing all of you, anyway, picking up your group of ants, that is, a moment's things, not delaying the time." The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see Genuine content!

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