The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 220: Xia Dongqiu

"I really laughed at the dead. Since I debuted, I have never seen a tyrant who is as arrogant as you are. Maybe in your territory, you are the first day, but you know who is standing in front of you."

The peak of the People’s Palace, Tianjun, said scornfully, don’t look at how outstanding he is in the Heavenly King of the People’s Palace. It’s the same as the first day of the general Emperor’s power, and it’s not too much, let alone wearing a blue robes. The young man who wants to offend is far more than one.

Don't say that the young man wearing the blue robes is just Tianjun. Even if he is Tianzun, the peak of the People's Palace is also reluctant to retreat because he wants to grab the Bodhi fruit of Lingdao. In comparison, The competition of Bodhi fruit is the smallest. The other day, the most wanted is the sword of Tiandu, then the flag of Shura, and finally the Bodhi fruit.

Although he is the peak of the king, but in terms of status, he is certainly not as good as the imperial palace emperor, since the imperial palace emperor wants bodhi fruit, the person who has the bodhi fruit is just a peak king, then he has no reason not to Helping the Emperor of the Royal Palace, if you can win the gratitude of the Emperor of the Imperial Palace, there may be great benefits in the future.

"Your Terran warrior is really more than a maniac, something, and dare to arrogate in front of this day."

If there were other Tianjuns present, the peak of the true dragon family may have already shot the young Tianjun wearing a blue brocade. He not only wants to **** the sword of Tiandu, but also wants to smash the corpse. Duan, revenge for the prince of the real dragon family, although he did not know what happened in the Dragon Lord's world, but most of Lingdao said it is a fact.

Emperor Huang has suffered two losses under Lingdao, and may be like what Lingdao hates. The peak of the People’s Palace is to please the Emperor’s Prince, the true dragon’s prince Tianjun Bajie Zhenlong’s Prince, Not surprisingly, young Tianjun wearing blue robes has to disturb things, naturally annoyed them.

"Even if I don't dare to let them all get out of the way, I really don't understand. Where do you come from, let me guess, do you have any terrible sacred soldiers in the Shura community, do you think that you rely on one? A sacred soldier is enough to kill us all."

After all, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred priests They are certainly not strong enough, but there are not a few of them who have sacred soldiers.

The eyes of the Yipeng family, the peak of Tianjun, turned. If he shot first, he would kill the young Tianjun wearing a blue robes and then grab the Lingdao escape. He didn’t know if he could succeed. However, he did not act rashly. No, he will become the target of the public, to meet the anger of all the other heavenly kings.

"Summer and winter, others don't know you, don't I know you? When, you are more arrogant than your brother. If your brother is here, maybe we will really retire, but you have the skills of your brother. ."

Tianjun, the peak of Tianjun Palace, the peak of Tianjun of the true dragon family, and the peak of the monk of the Pengpeng family, do not know the young Tianjun wearing the blue robes, but the peak of the Imperial Palace, Tianjun, he did not and Xia Dongqiu After handing over, the reason why he was impressed with Xia Dongqiu was that he had lost to Xia Dongqiu's brother, Xia Chunqiu.

The Fire Emperor Domain is just adjacent to the Dihuang domain. Xia Chunqiu is the most outstanding genius of the younger generation of the Fire Palace. Naturally, it is inevitable to confront the genius of the Imperial Palace. Xia Chunqiu has challenged the young genius of the Imperial Palace twice, once in Heaven. Another time is in the heavens.

Xia Chunqiu of Tianwangjing lost to the first king of the Imperial Palace. However, when Xia Chunqiu became the peak of the Heavenly King, the Tianjun who challenged the Imperial Palace had no defeat, even the first day of the Imperial Palace. Jun, also not the opponent of Xia Chunqiu, at that time, the entire palace was shaken, because the inheritance of the Imperial Palace is not comparable to the Fire Palace.

The emperor, one of the three emperors, the emperor, is only a great emperor of the ancient times. Xia Chunqiu defeated all the border warlords of the Imperial Palace. It can be said that it is the shame of the Imperial Palace. Since then, the elders of the Imperial Palace have been on the ground. The tempering of the young disciples of the palace is not as strict as before.

The current Xia Chunqiu is already a strong person in Tianzun. It is impossible to come to Shura. As a younger brother of Xia Chunqiu, Xia Dongqiu is naturally not bad. Unfortunately, it is not enough to see Xia Chunqiu. Xia Dongqiu once wanted to emulate Xia Chunqiu and challenge the palace. It is a pity that he has not left the Fire Palace and lost to other warlords in the Fire Palace.

"Or, try it."

Xia Dongqiu asked provocatively, making the peak of the Imperial Palace a stagnation, the more confident he is, the more he has the confidence, the more the peak of the Imperial Palace is, the more he has no end. After all, the appearance of Xia Dongqiu and Xia Chunqiu have seven or eight points. Similarly, just a moment ago, he thought that he met Xia Chunqiu again.

At the beginning, when Xia Chunqiu challenged him, he only used three strokes and severely injured him. It was not a level matchup. It is said that Xia Chunqiu had spent a great price and created a profound foundation for his brother. Who knows whether the current summer, winter and autumn are thick and thin, this is not the same.

"I just don't want to fight with you both, and let other warriors take advantage of the fishermen. If there are no other warriors present, I may have taken your head off."

The peak of the Imperial Palace is hard, no matter what the facts are, it can't be weak on the surface anyway. In this regard, Xia Dongqiu just laughs, it is no longer paying attention to the peak of the Imperial Palace, even the courage to fight with him is not What qualifications are worthy of his attention.

"He also bullies and bullies me as the pinnacle of the king. You can suppress your realm to the peak of the king. In that case, he will definitely try."

The attitude of Xia Dongqiu has already made the Tianjun of the Imperial Palace quite annoyed. Now Lingdao makes up such a sentence, and it is also the temperament of the imperial palace of the Imperial Palace. The peak of the Imperial Palace is not allowed to shoot the bird. Immediately, they waved their palms, like two Wuzhishan, and they came to Lingdao.

"Our day of the king speaks, how can you have a king who intervenes, you are not looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

Tianjun of the Imperial Palace was furious and angry, and he was angry with his shots. The source was surging. The Eight Ways were like a sword. They stabbed Lingdao. When Lingdao was preparing to mobilize Shura’s flag, Xia Dongqiu was Take the lead in one step, Lingdao is the goal of summer and winter, and Xia Dongqiu certainly does not want Lingdao to be damaged.

Other Heavenly Kings are all stunned, because Xia Dongqiu’s typhoon Tianjun, who is dealing with the Imperial Palace, has only one finger, no way, no source, just the crush of the heavens and the earth. They can also say that the summer and autumn are the peak of the palace. Tian Jun’s contempt is pretending, but now there is nothing to say.

Let them use a finger to deal with the peak of the palace, it is already difficult, not to mention the summer and autumn have not used the Tao and the source, most Tianjun thinks that Xia Dongqiu is too arrogant, definitely have to suffer, However, the result is incredible.


The peak of the Imperial Palace of the Imperial Palace, the hands of the bones cracked, the blood splashed everywhere, his attack, has not touched the Lingdao, it dissipated in nothingness, Xia Dongqiu just use the world's general trend, it smashed his origin, fortunately, Xia Dongqiu did not Use the Tao, otherwise it may have destroyed his way.

"Don't you really dare to do it with the King of Heaven."

Xia Dongqiu only hangs two words of waste in his mouth. The performance of Tianjun, the peak of the Imperial Palace, really disappoints him. One does not dare to fight against the warlords in the same world. He only dares to suffocate the warrior who is lowering his big realm. It is impossible to become a real powerhouse. Fortunately, he and the other party have no relatives and no reason, what will happen to the other party in the future, and it has nothing to do with him.

"how is this possible."

The peak of the Imperial Palace is watching the **** palm of his hand. It is like dreaming. Even the summer and autumn of that year, the feeling given to him is not as good as the current summer and autumn. Isn’t it true that Xia Dongqiu can’t compare with his brother? I feel that summer, winter and autumn are even more powerful than the previous summer and spring.

You must know that the Fire Palace already has a summer and spring season. If it is more powerful than Xia Chunqiu, the younger generation of the Imperial Palace will not really have a day to come. Of course, the overall strength of the Fire Palace is still not The law is comparable to the Imperial Palace.

"Now I know the difference between you and me. I want to kill you. It is easy to give you the opportunity to let you get out. It is because killing you will make my hands dirty."

Manic, more arrogant than before, there is nothing left, nothing. However, the true dragon family, the Kunpeng family and the peak of the palace of the people, all silent, and asked themselves, if they are alone, they are really not summer and autumn. opponent.

"Double fists are hard to beat four hands, you are even better, can you still rival all the heavens we have in the field."

The peak of the People's Palace, Tianjun, quickly pulled other Tianjun and himself onto a front line. One person is not the opponent of Xia Dongqiu. Then they will shoot together. Anyway, as long as they get rid of the summer and winter, the previous things, no one knows, they are Participants, certainly will not be said indiscriminately, Lingdao and the Great Devil are already dead, and the dead are the most secretive.

"Unexpectedly, I have already guessed that you will join forces. However, I don't care. I will give you a chance. I will either get out of the way or die. If you feel that you can beat me together, then you can join hands. The road is your own choice. Even if you regret it, it’s too late."

Xia Dongqiu said that it is not pretentious, nor bluffing, but that he really did not put the presence of Tianjun in his heart, Ling Dao brows slightly wrinkled, whether it is Xia Dongqiu, or Xia Dongqiu's brother, Lingdao does not know, Xia Dongqiu previously Not outside the martial arts gallery, why do you have to deal with yourself.

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