The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 222: massacre!

Ling Dao and the Great Devil are only retreating a distance, which is the attention of Xia Dongqiu and other Feng Tianjun. After they know that they have no intention of running away, Xia Dongqiu is relieved to pay attention to other Fengfeng Tianjun. He and other Fengfeng Tianjun Without hatred, Ling Dao is his goal. If Ling Dao runs, Xia Dongqiu will kill all other Tianjun and have no use.

"Good luck, fortunately we have not escaped, otherwise, he will definitely give up other opponents and turn to us."

The big demon **** secretly sighed, even if he had the burial of the ruins of the Kowloon, for the summer and winter, he was afraid that there would be no chance of winning. With the strength of summer and winter, robbing one or two sacred soldiers, there is no problem at all. The sacred sacred by the great demon **** , certainly not to the sacred soldiers mobilized by the summer and winter.

Even if Xia Dongqiu does not use the sacred soldiers, it is still not the big demon **** can deal with. The previous Fenglong Tianjun of the real dragon family and the other peaks of the emperor's powers are more powerful than the big demon gods, and the result is not too expensive. The power of blowing dust makes their attacks dissipate invisible.

"We will wait and see what happens. If there is an opportunity, we will run. If there is no chance, we can only think of other methods. Perhaps we can lead the Ashura tribes and drive the tigers."

In addition to the Ashura tribe, Lingdao has another backhand, but it is not necessarily good. Summer and autumn are more powerful. Compared with the existence of the forbidden land, it is still weak. What is the realm of the magical hand ban, Lingdao does not know Anyway, it is definitely not Tianjun.

"You are optimistic about my five fingers, and what you have to deal with is what they are."

Xia Dongqiu raised his right hand and shook his palms. The five fingers seemed to be phantom. The peaks of the dragons of the true dragon family and the peaks of other emperor forces were all waiting, and Xia Dongqiu did not even shoot. Kill, they dare not carelessly deal with.

In the void, slowly condense five pillars of Optimus. If you look closely, it corresponds to the five fingers of summer, winter and autumn. If his opponent thinks that the five pillars of the sky are just the source, it is a big mistake. In particular, in the summer, the winter and autumn have already laid a big array between the beards.

When the five pillars of Optimus rushed to one peak and one peak, the five roads were like arrows, and the radiance came out. The road of summer and winter was sharp, and it was not comparable to his opponent. The way of the road and his way of hard hit, it is like a stone hitting the stone, not at a level.

In the big battle, the power of the five pillars of the sky is skyrocketing, and the peak of the sacred family is to deal with it. It is just the thumb. The holy scorpion is waving a stick composed of boulder, and wants to condense the big squad. The thumb was crushed, but the result was that his sticks were crushed, and one piece of giant petrochemical was powdered.

The peak of the Pengpeng family is to deal with the index finger. The peak of the Heavenly Palace is to deal with the middle finger. The peak of the People’s Palace is to deal with the ring finger. The peak of the Qing Dynasty’s palace is to deal with the little finger. The result of the shot is no different from the peak of the holy family.

The five roads are dealt with by the Tianfeng of the true dragon family, the Tianjun of the Imperial Palace, the peak of the Baidi Palace, the peak of the Ziwei Holy Land, and the peak of the godlike family. There are four in the winter and autumn. The Tao is not used, it is not that he does not use it well, but it is not necessary.


I don't know who is taking the lead and screaming. The other peaks are also hurt by light or heavy. The peak of the White Emperor's Palace is pierced by the right shoulder, and the peak of the Ziwei Holy Land is broken. One leg, the peak of the idol family, was almost cut off.

The peak of the sacred family, the prince of the prince, suffocated the blood, and the internal organs were all created. The peak of the Heavenly Imperial Palace was crushed into the ground with a huge finger, and the legs were broken. The peak of the Pengpeng family was at the top of the world. , avoiding the fingers against him, despite the damage, but only minor injuries.

"Because you just started, can't you bear it? Why are you so vulnerable?"

The satire of Xia Dongqiu, the true dragon family, the Qipeng family, the idol family, the holy sacred family, the heavenly palace, the underground palace, the people's palace, the Qingdi Palace, the Baidi Palace and the Ziwei Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land, irrefutable, Baidi Palace The peak of Tianjun was added later, because he felt that Xia Dongqiu had no chance of winning, who thought it would be such a situation.

The five pillars of Optimus have changed again. A pillar of the sky is a huge palm, five palms, and each of them deals with five peaks, and they have an absolute advantage. The next five Heavenly Kings saw this scene, which was the fastest speed and killed in front of the summer and winter.

They know that Xia Dongqiu is very powerful, but Xiluo Wangwangqi, Tiandujianjian and Bodhi Daoguo can't be robbed. The means of summer and winter are powerful. But maybe his near-fighting ability is not good, they have to gamble because Let them retreat, no one is willing.

"If you run away, you might be able to live because I am not interested in killing you. Who knows, you are so stupid, and dare to come to my death."

The closest to Xia Dongqiu is the Qifeng Tianjun of the Kunpeng family. The speed of other Fengfeng Tianjun is completely inferior to that of the Qipeng family. However, the fastest, the fastest, the left hand of Xia Dongqiu, I don’t know. When did it appear in front of the peak of the Qi Peng family?


The crisp bone cracking sounded, and the left hand of Xia Dongqiu actually broke the skull bone of the Qipeng family, and the peak of the Qipeng family was immediately killed. The peak of the Pengpeng family did not understand what was going on, it was forever. Lost consciousness.

The other four peaks are mad, but now they want to retire, it is too late, Xia Dongqiu first appeared in front of the dragons of the real dragon family, a palm printed on his face, let his head bomb Open, another peak of the king died.

One way, it suddenly turned into a sword, and squatted on the peak of Tianjun in the Heavenly Palace. The peak of the Heavenly Palace was not unpleasant, and it had already lifted the sword of the ground. But unfortunately, the sword was not only Blocking the road of summer and winter, but let him be the heart of the summer and winter.

The Emperor Tianjun of the Qingdi Palace and the peak of the Ziwei Holy Land are scared and pale. The original summer and winter and autumn said that they are the rabble, they are not convinced, they did not expect them to be in front of the summer and winter, really just a rabble, it is impossible to imagine, Xia Dongqiu Feng Feng Tian Jun, actually has such a combat power.

They are not the peerless geniuses who have never seen the peerless geniuses. The Heavenly Palace, the Imperial Palace and the People’s Palace are more powerful than them. They can say that they can kill their lives. They are unbelievable. Today, Xia Dongqiu is in front of them. It is extremely easy to kill the three peaks of Tianjun. Is it true that Xia Dongqiu is even more powerful than the three princes' peerless geniuses?

"It's so strong, don't say that I only have Tianjun in the early stage, even if I break through to the middle of Tianjun, I am definitely not his opponent."

The great demon **** has self-knowledge, and breaks through the middle of the heavenly kingdom. It is easy to kill the ordinary peaks of the heavenly kings. It is also easy to kill the peaks of the geniuses of the great powers in summer and autumn. Perhaps, the transmission symbol of the peaks of Tianjun refining Can help him escape, and if there is no way, try it.


At the same time, Xia Dongqiu shot at the peak of the Qing Emperor's Palace and the peak of the Ziwei Holy Land. A pair of fists seemed to have thousands of dragons. It was not the peak of the Qing Emperor's Palace and the peak of the Ziwei Holy Land. The limit of the peak of Tianjun is only 999. The power of Tianlong, the peak of the Qing Emperor's Palace and the peak of the Ziwei Holy Land are far worse than the summer and winter.

The peak of the Qing Emperor's Palace, Tianjun's eyes violently, holding the big hands, is slowly loosening, because the fist of Xia Dongqiu has already ordered his life, the key moment of the peak of the Ziwei Holy Land, using copper Mirror, for his own disaster, finally survived.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing. I haven’t waited for the peak of Ziwei’s holy land to catch my breath. Summer and winter are another punch on his body. The peak of Ziwei’s holy land is spurting blood, and the five internal organs are crushed, even if he takes healing medicine. It still doesn't help, because the attack of Xia Dongqiu does not mean to stop.

Another punch, after completely killing the peak of the Ziwei Holy Land, Xia Dongqiu only paid attention to the remaining five peaks, the five palms, have already injured their five peaks If you fight again, the injuries of their five peaks will only become heavier and heavier.

"Is I still in the illusion, not awake, how can there be such a powerful peak in the world?"

The peak of the gods, Tianjun muttered, may not need to continue to work in summer and winter, he and the other four peaks will die under the palm of their hands, it is not their strength, but the array of summer and winter Too strong, they are not opponents at all.

"Fortunately, we didn't do it. Otherwise, we will only die faster than them. After all, our strength is not as good as them."

"Abandoning is good, giving up is good. We are giving up the holy sword of Lingdao and the flag of Shura, but we are thus alive, no loss, no loss."

They are the secret method of use. They have been paying attention to the battle scenes of Xia Dongqiu and the great powers of the great emperors. The powerful strengths of summer and autumn show that they are scared to death. The dragons of the true dragon family and other nine peaks It is simply a chicken and a dog.

"Be prepared, wait until their five peaks are dead, and Xia Dongqiu will definitely relax. When we use the transmission symbol, we will leave this place."

The big demon sent a voice to Lingdao, because Xia Dongqiu didn't want to go on in the ink, and had already killed the remaining five peaks in front of Tianjun. Xia Dongqiu could kill one in a punch, and the five peaks in Tianjun were five punches. They are just as easy as pinching ants.

PS: An author's buddy got married and went out for a long time. I have to delay a few days, update the problem, and everyone is grateful.

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