The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 223: Change target

The Great Devil and Lingdao have self-knowledge. Even if they join hands. Still not the opponent of summer and winter. The difference is very far. The true dragon family, the idol family, the Kunpeng family, the holy family, the Heavenly Palace, the Imperial Palace, the People's Palace, the Qing Emperor's Palace, the White Emperor's Palace, and the Ziwei Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land. Each one is better than Ling Dao and the Great Devil. As a result, they are in front of summer and winter. Unbearable.

When Xia Dongqiu killed the ninth peak of Tianjun. The Great Devil has already held the transmission symbol in the palm of his hand. Xia Dongqiu stunned and looked at the big devil. It is to make Lingdao a tight heart. Can you say the little devil's little movements. Did you see it all in summer and winter? Can the big devil use the transmission symbol to really escape?

No hesitation. Xia Dongqiu directly punches. Killed the tenth peak Tianjun. The big demon took a deep breath. Quickly motivate the transfer symbol. Prepare to leave with Lingdao. The transmission symbol is activated as expected. however. Haven't waited for the big devil to breathe. There is a problem with the transfer symbol.

Lingdao and the Great Devil did leave the place. just. The transmission symbol did not transfer them to the hundred miles. Only the distance of the kilometer was transmitted. Five palms. Block their ruins completely. Even the transmission symbol. There is no way to break through the blockade.

"Do you think that I use the formation method. Is it to deal with a group of weak ants?" Xia Dongqiu snorted. Between the moments. It is to come to Lingdao and the big devil. "In fact. I use the formation. It is to stop you. Let you escape."

The big devil is cold. Take another transfer symbol again. unfortunately. After activation, he and Lingdao will only be sent a distance of hundreds of meters. Shorter than before. It can be said. The speed at which the symbol is transmitted. They haven't run fast yet. I want to count on the delivery symbols and take them away. It is simply impossible.

"If you want a sacred soldier, I can give it to you. As for the Bodhi fruit. For you. It has no effect at all."

In addition to the holy soldiers. Lingdao really can't think of it. Why should Xia Chunqiu deal with him? Although Xia Chunqiu was not previously outside the martial arts gallery. But he may have learned from the mouths of other warriors that Lingdao passed the martial arts gallery. Also got the Shura Holy King flag.

It’s just a Lingdao. He is certainly not willing to hand over the Shura holy flag. But he didn't want to be tired of the big demon. For a holy soldier. Let the Great Devil be in danger. Definitely not worth it. Lingjia is the emperor's power. He is the emperor of Lingjia. If he wants a holy soldier. There is definitely no problem.

"His soldiers. Bodhi fruit."

Xia Dongqiu frowned. Then I shook my head. The Shura Holy King flag and the Bodhi fruit. He didn't know at all. From beginning to end. His goal. It is Lingdao. He doesn't care what the sage is. The ten peaks of Tianjun who just shot him. Two of them have holy soldiers. unfortunately. There are two peaks of the sacred soldiers. Haven't had time to use it yet. Just died in the hands of summer and winter.

and. Ten peaks after the death of Tianjun. So far, summer, winter and autumn have also confiscated their things. They were born in the power of the great emperors. The whole body is definitely not bad. Xia Dongqiu does not care. Even Xia Dongqiu does not know that there are two holy soldiers. They are only their spiritual stone and remedy. Enough to attract most Tianjun.

"I don't care what you said. I want you. Do you understand?"

Xia Dongqiu pointed at Lingdao. Said words. Make Lingdao even more confused. You can't run away by relying on the transmission symbol. Count on Shura Shengwangqi to make a deal. It is equally impossible. For a while. Lingdao really does not know how to cope with summer and winter. Is it necessary to force the war with the summer and winter?

"Who are you? I don't know anything about summer and winter."

Lingdao suddenly stepped back. Because he thought of a possibility. That is, Xia Dongqiu is occupied by others. Can do this. He has seen one. Once in the chaos of the ancient domain of the Baili family. Lingdao met a phaseless beast. At that time, no beasts occupied a young man's body of the Baili family.

just. Lingdao and Jianmo left the Baili family. No phase beast did not go at all. Lingdao does not know what the beast does not want to do. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him. He didn't want to know at all. According to the saying that the palace is the peak of the palace. Before the summer and autumn, he was not as good as him. Even if you get a big chance. It won't be so strong.

"You guessed it. That's right. It's the emperor."

Summer and winter. In fact, there is no animal. Nodded. Affirmed the speculation in Lingdao. Then. He is sticking out a big hand. Grabbed over to Lingdao. Take his means. Take Lingdao. No effort. Even the big demon is blocking. There is no difference at all.

"You go first. He wants to catch me. It has nothing to do with you. As long as you don't be against him. He won't treat you."

Lingdao's face changed. No wonder summer and winter are so powerful. It turned out that it was not a great summer and autumn. It is not the means of the beast. There is no such thing as a peak in the heavens. It must not be that he and the great devil can deal with it. Even without the battle ahead. He will also not let the big devil risk.

unfortunately. The big demon shook his head. Did not leave the meaning. Lingdao still wants to persuade. Just don't know how to say it. What is the truth. The big demon must understand. Lingdao said more. It is also a waste of saliva. Maybe Lingdao took the initiative to leave with the incompetent beast. No phase beast will not deal with the big demon.

"The last thing you wanted to do. There was no success. Now my realm is higher than last time. Are you likely to succeed?"

The foundation of summer and winter. It is better than the hundred miles. just. Still can't compare with Lingdao. Ling Dao's body is not weaker than the real dragon. Strength is not weaker than the idol. The speed is not weaker than Kun Peng. Find the heavens. There is no such thing as a body that can compete with Lingdao.

Although the last time no animal was defeated. Lingdao does not know. But say it out and let the beasts have no jealousy. no problem. really. Xia Dongqiu’s pupils shrank slightly. Even if it is well covered. Still haven't been swayed by the ridge that always pays attention to him.

Want to occupy someone else's body. Must crush the will of others. but. Think of the golden thumb villain in the world of Lingdao will. No phase beast is a guilty heart. The power of the golden thumb villain. More violent than the age of the beastless. No one has to risk another adventure. Who knows if there is still life to live.

Until this time. Xia Dongqiu carefully looked at the big demon. Things are gathered together. People are divided into groups. The foundation of the Great Devil is not bad. Just between the moments. The unmarked beast will look at the big demon. The result surprised him very much. Although the body of the Great Devil is not as good as the ridge. But it is also not comparable to summer, winter and autumn.

"Yes. Look at your face with reluctance. I am very kind. I decided to let you go."

A sudden change in the beastless. It was to let Lingdao stunned. I don’t know what it’s like without a beast. The ability to have no beasts. There is no need to deceive the ridge. He said so. Then. It is very likely that I really think so. but. If you don’t have a beast, you’re really willing.

"Really. Then we can leave."

Lingdao tentatively asked. No phase beast first nodded seriously. Then he shook his head again.

"You can leave. He can't. Because I changed my goal."

The Great Devil and the Lingdao are fish. No phase beast is a knife. There is no need for a phaseless beast to tell what lies with Ling Dao and the Great Devil. Anyway, no animal is thinking. Regardless of taking the Lingdao. Still solve the big demon god. It’s all about easy things. Even tell the big demon first. What can the big demon can do.


Lingdao’s words. It is the result. No phase beast is not continuing to occupy his body. Only he did not expect. The phaseless beast actually hit the idea of ​​the big demon. The Great Devil also regrets. I knew that summer and winter will change my goals. He should leave.

Now is not the big demon god. But the big devil is even tired. previously. The Great Devil is not in danger. Leaving Lingdao. just now. Lingdao certainly cannot be dangerous. Give up the big demon. just. Want to defeat the no-beast. It is not by courage.

"No matter what you can't do. Try it first."

Knowing that it is not an opponent without a beast. Lingdao still took out the Shura Shengwang flag. And there is no hesitation. Just urging the Shura Holy King flag. Killed to the no-beast. The Shura Holy King’s flag is full of blood. The two Shura on the banner are fighting. It is more obvious.



Two Shura. I spit out a word. They waved three pairs of arms. Attacked in front of the incomparable beast. Lingdao only feels the origin of the body. Crazy rushing out. The power of the Shura Holy King’s flag is great. It is equally scary to consume. Lingdao simply could not be pushed a few times.

"They are still in my hands together. Do you think you can stand against me?"

If the will fights. No phase beast will be jealous of one or two. Lingdao urges the words of the holy soldiers. In the eyes of no ones. It is equivalent to a small child playing a big iron sword. Even if he uses a wooden stick. Defeating the road is also a breeze. There is no problem with bare hands.

The no-beast is just stretching out the right hand. Like the green dragon claws. In an instant, I caught the Shuwang holy flag. Two Shura attacks in the void. Hit the arm of the incompetent beast. There is no impact at all. It's like ticking him. It is not incredible that there is no strong beast. It is the surface of his arm. Covered with a layer of invisible shield.

Lingdao only feels a wrist. The Shura Holy King’s flag is just out of the way. In a blink of an eye. I was caught in the hands of the incompetent beast. The big demon next to it must not have the meaning of standing by. Just always looking for opportunities. It’s just right now. The left hand of the Great Devil is holding the symbol of the refinement of the Emperor Tianjun. The right hand is holding the Kowloon burial sky.

"You two join hands. It's not as good as the previous peak. I really don't know where you are coming from. I dare to do it with me. I don't want you to look down on you. It's what you did. It's stupid to the extreme. You guys. Just a little bit of a brain. After seeing my strength, I will not fight with me."

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