The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 224: Controversy

If there is no beast, of course, it is impossible to scare the big demon god, knowing that the beastless animal is outrageous, Lingdao is called the big demon god, the big demon **** is not gone, now, no beasts change the target, and they have to deal with the big demon god. It is even more impossible for the big demon to escape without fighting. It is only one thing to fight. It is a matter of not being able to fight.

The Great Devil not only uses the Fuxi Tianjun refining symbol to promote the burial of the Zhou Dynasty, but also uses its own source to make the Kowloon Funeral Seal play a stronger power. The nine dragons seem to have to eat the summer and winter, such as the arrow. In general, rushing to the summer and winter, opened a huge dragon mouth.

Xia Dongqiu right fist and a grip, slammed into the nine dragons, making the nine dragons shadows sloshing, almost collapsed into nothingness, even if the big demon **** has been psychologically prepared, seeing that summer and autumn only a punch, there is such power, or I was shocked and there was no possibility of defeating Xia Dongqiu.

One side of the big print, full of a radius of 500 meters, the bottom of the dense appearance of the pattern, the big devil bite his teeth, spurting a blood to the burial of the Kowloon burial, making the burial of the Kowloon burial sky, Kowloon The burial day is like a recovery, and it can suppress the world.

However, Xia Dongqiu used the source to condense a big hand, and the upward support was to block the burial of the Kowloon. Although the source had hundreds of cracks, it still changed the direction of the Kowloon burial, and did not hurt the summer and winter. A bang, a mountain in the distance, was hit by the Kowloon burial sky and instantly collapsed.

"Give me over."

Xia Dongqiu sneered, reaching out to the big demon, fast and incomparable, but fortunately, the great demon **** had long been prepared to quickly display the big handprints, and while retreating, one after the other, but unfortunately, there is no such thing as a big demon god. Its own strength is not worth mentioning in the face of summer and winter.

Where the big hand passes, the mountain river collapses, the stars annihilate, not the big handprint is not powerful enough, but the real world of the big demon is too low. If the big demon and the summer and autumn are in a realm, using the big handprint, the summer and winter are certainly not so easy, of course It is difficult for the great demon to overcome the incomparable beasts of the same realm.

When the hands of Xia Dongqiu are on the shoulders of the big demon, the big demon feels that the origin of the body is like a frozen, and the power cannot be exerted at all. Xia Dongqiu nodded with satisfaction, although occupying the body of the big demon, the realm will It fell to the early stage of Tianjun, but it was not a problem to upgrade to the peak of Tianjun by his means.

"not good."

Seeing that the big demon **** was caught by Xia Dongqiu, Lingdao took the opportunity to recapture the Shurawangwang flag again. Can Xiluo Shengwangqi be able to deal with the incomparable beast, which is not the Lingdao to consider at present. Anyway, the spur of the Shura Holy King's flag, the power of the play, certainly more than his own shot to force more than one.

Lingdao held the flagpole in both hands and swept it to Xia Dongqiu. Unfortunately, Xia Dongqiu took a shot and not only blocked the Shura Saint Banner, but also reversed the hemoptysis of Lingdao. The non-beast had the vision of the Emperor and the experience of the Emperor. The experience of the Great, killing the peaks of the king like a dog.

"I really don't know how to live and die. The Emperor puts you in a horse. You don't run away. You even dare to take the Emperor's shot. Even if you have nine lives, it is not enough for the Emperor to kill."

Xia Dongqiu cold face, stretched out another hand, clasped the shoulders of Lingdao, the golden thumb villain in the world of Lingdao will not be offended, but as long as he does not kill Lingdao, he will not Leading the golden thumb villain, the reason why it is said is purely to scare the Lingdao, in fact, as long as you control the Lingdao, completely occupy the body of the Great Devil, no one is the beast.

The five roads, like seals, lock the origin of Lingdao, lock the world of the will of Lingdao, and lock the body of Lingdao. Today’s Lingdao, it’s not easy to move. Things, let alone deal with the incomparable beasts, even if there is no phase of the beast standing still, Lingdao can not shoot.

"It's mine, it's mine. If you resist, what is the role?"

The innocent beast left the body of Xia Dongqiu and got into the body of the Great Devil. It destroyed the will of the Great Devil and annihilated the consciousness of the Great Devil. The body of the Great Devil is his. Later, he is the Great Devil, and the body of the Great Devil. The body of summer, winter and autumn is like garbage.

When the beastless beast thought that everything was going well, the difference became steep, and the blood of the big demon gods boiled, and there was an incomparable tyrannical atmosphere. The unbehaved beast had not had time to deal with the world of the great demon god, and it felt great. Repulsive force will not touch the world of the great devil's will.

In the blood of the Great Devil, it is like sitting in a peerless strong man. If there is no beast to dare to be against the great demon god, it is very likely to lead the lore, die in his hands, no temptation to believe in evil. Sure enough, I was attacked by a strong counterattack. It was like an attack by another peak, Tian Zun, hitting him.

The realm of the no-beast beast is the previous realm of Xia Dongqiu. The peak of the Tianjun dynasty against the ordinary peak Tianzun, certainly no problem at all. However, the current attack, the non-beast can not bear it, just a moment, no beast Because of the heavy losses, I retreated from the body of the Great Devil.

"Evil door, too evil door, a problem in the world of the will, a problem with blood, it is really a dog, can I only blink for the two of them."

Can't occupy the body of the Great Devil, and can't occupy the body of Lingdao. The grievances of the unbeastable beast can be imagined. However, now there is no such thing as a beast that does not dare to sway Lingdao and the Great Demon, because he is afraid of Ling. The supreme being behind the Tao and the Great Devil, let alone the fact that he is now falling, even in the heyday, it is also dangerous.

The golden thumb of the Lingdao body and the breath of the big demon blood, like a glimpse, the big demon and Lingdao are the brothers, the first time without the beast, the thought of Lingdao and the master of the big demon, did not expect Now the heavens, there are such great emperors.

"what's the situation."

The big demon **** still didn't know what was going on, he saw Xia Chunqiu's mouth overflowing blood, and actively let go, let go of him and Lingdao. Unfortunately, the five roads that blocked Lingdao were still there. Lingdao still couldn't exert any strength. The situation of the demon **** is also not optimistic, and there is no strength in the body.

"I don't think about anything that can't be figured out. What we have to do now is to break his seal and stay away from him. The farther away from him, the better."

No phase beast is far more powerful than other peaks. Before Lingdao and the great demon have not reached enough realm, they can only avoid the incomparable beasts. They don’t know how the inferior beast is injured. It’s very bad now, and if they don’t take the opportunity to escape, they have no chance.

Whether it is the golden thumb of the Lingdao will, or the potential power in the blood of the big demon, they don’t know it at all. If Lingdao knows that the beast does not dare to kill him, there is no need to avoid the beast. You can even use the no-beast.

Although the no-beast was a great emperor before, but there is no feeling of a beast to Lingdao, that is, the brain is not so good. If there is no beast, because he wants to get his body, he will kill ten Fengfeng Tianjun, and the result is because of him. If you say it, you have easily changed your mind and you haven’t thought about it before you do it.

In fact, you can't blame the beastless, because although he wakes up, his memory is detrimental, his wisdom is not as good as before, and the memory of martial arts is not missing. Otherwise, it will not be so tyrannical. In front of Tianjun, he encountered a phaseless beast, and he could only retreat. Ten monks and princes who were killed by the unbeaten beasts, no one could be strong enough to pass the magic heaven, the magic heaven master did not shoot, they had to Not self-reliant.

In order to control the Lingdao, the seal of Lingdao is far beyond the big demon god. It is still possible to restore the power of the big demon. It is impossible to count on Lingdao. It is impossible. The big demon did not delay the time and quickly recalled the burial mark of the Kowloon. With the power of the burial sky in Kowloon, let yourself recover.

"The strange and strange, he did not suffer from the loss of ten peaks, but they suffered a big loss in the hands of Lingdao. Is it that they have a bad card?"

The Magic Heaven Master will certainly not leave easily. Other Heavenly Kings retreat to the hundred miles. He is only hiding in the underground. Of course, in order to survive other Heavenly Kings, he still uses an incarnation, and chooses to retreat. When Jun walks together, the embodiment of his refining is not a powerful force. However, it can be done in a false manner, so that other Tianjun mistakenly thinks it is his body.

If the beasts are not carefully explored, they may find abnormalities. Unfortunately, the beasts are extremely conceited. They simply do not care about other Heavenly Kings. Of course, they will not pay attention to the incarnation of the Magic Heaven Lord. The Magic Heaven Master is now standing out, not only thinking To get the ridiculous power of the fairy, I also want the life of the beastless and the great demon.

"In any case, until now, it is indeed a situation in which both sides lose, but the injured two sides have not dealt with the ten peaks of the incomparable beast."

Ask yourself, in the heyday of the summer and autumn, the magic heaven master must not beat, but today's summer and winter are not light, the magic heaven master has the opportunity to get rid of the summer and winter, Xia Dongqiu can be so powerful, certainly got a big chance, Killing Xia Dongqiu, the chance is definitely his.

"Don't bother, anyway, you will soon be a dead person, even if you completely restore your strength, what is the role?"

When the magic heaven leader appeared in front of the Lingdao and the big demon gods, the big demon **** suddenly violently began to use the Fuxi Tianjun refining symbol to promote the quarantine of the Zhou Dynasty. At the same time, the magic heaven master was ready. He even took the first step and took away the shackles in the hands of the Great Devil. The Devil of Heaven is not as good as the Beast, because the Unbeat is not afraid of the Great Devil to drive the Holy Grail.

"You have used it to the present, what is the use, laughing at the last person, not me, what you did before, in my eyes, is the jumping clown, you know no." The book is from the 17K novel network, The first time to see the genuine content!

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