The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 230: Make a deal

Ling Wu's eyes are red. It is the swordsmanship of Lingjia. Seven swords light condensed into a sword array. Surrounded by a peak of the Ziwei Holy Land. The peak of the king's kingdom and the peak of the heavenly kings are a whole world. Ling Wu is a genius not a fake. The peak of the Ziwei Holy Land is also not bad.

The peak of the Ziwei Holy Land can be sacred. Ling Wu can kill Tian Jun is not worth mentioning. The sword method used by Ling Wu. For the peak of the Ziwei Holy Land. Not at all. The peak of the Ziwei Holy Land is just a palm shot. Just crush the sword array. The sword light dissipated.

"If the non-Zi Xu brothers want to catch you alive, believe it or not, I will kill you."

Purple deficiency is the first day of their holy place. Speaking is still very weighty. but. Purple deficiency only says that you want to live. Did not say that it is to be intact. Ling Wu has already shot him. Then he could not teach Ling Wu some time. The king of the district also wants to kill him. It’s ridiculous.

A pair of palms. Crossed with a long sword. Hit the body of Ling Wu. Ling Wu’s body was shocked. The mouth is bleeding. It is the palm of the peak of Ziwei. There is also a suction. Don't let him go backwards. The peak of the Ziwei Holy Land can not easily let Lingwu. The torture has only just begun.

"The young master."

The rest of the Lingjia children saw the peak of the Ziwei Holy Land to deal with Ling Wu. Of course it is impossible to sit and watch. Even if you know that you are not the opponent of Ziwei Tiandi Fengfeng Tianjun. They still scalp their hands. The Tianjun of the Ziwei Sandi and the disciples of Lingxiaoge laughed. They also shot.

One after another Lingjia children fell in a pool of blood. The strength is very different. They simply can't beat the Heavenly King of the Ziwei Holy Land. The remaining Ling family are getting fewer and fewer. If you fight again. It must have been wiped out by the whole army. They want to save Ling Wu. unfortunately. The heart is not enough.

"You are going. You can go one is one. They won't kill me. Go. Go."

Ling Wu can't take care of his injury. Quickly shouted screaming. If someone else saves him. Die in front of him. He must be uneasy. The strength of the Tianwei of the Ziwei Holy Land is too strong. The children of Lingjia who were present were working with them. Clearly, it is to find death. Even if you try your best. It is still impossible to change the situation.

"There is still strength to speak. It seems that my shot is still light. Still do it."

The singer of Lingwu’s Lagerstroemia Holy Land, Tianjun, smiled cruelly. The left hand glared at Ling Wu's shoulder. Will Ling Wu's shoulder bones. One by one, cut off. The right hand is holding the hands of Ling Wu. Crushed the phalanx of Lingwu. Let him frown. Ling Wu not only did not ask for mercy. Not even screaming.

"It's a joke. Just rely on their strength. I still want to run away. Dreaming."

"If we didn't deliberately kill a batch, do you think they still have someone to live?"

How happy and happy the disciples of Ling Xiaoge are. Originally played against the children of Ling family. They still have injuries. Since the Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land joined the battlefield. They are invincible. The children of Lingjia are not opponents at all. Being able to kill the feelings of Ling's children at will. It’s so good.

In addition to Ling Wu. The children of Ling family who were present. There are also nine kings and five heavenly kings. hit. They must not beat. escape. They can't escape either. Therefore. Their face is desperate. Even if you want to pull a back. It is a luxury. Because they can't beat their Ling Xiaoge disciples. Leaving far behind. Don't start with them at all.

"Animals. A group of animals."

Lingjia Tianjun who just arrived. After seeing the scene in front of you. Burning in anger. Lingjia is the power of the emperor. The number of children of the family. Compared to other emperors. I don’t know how much. Most younger generations are aware of each other. There are even blood relationships.

Now I saw one and another Lingjia children died on the ground. They can't be indifferent. Didn't wait for Lingdao to say anything. Tian Jun rushed past the madness. A shot is a school. Follow the number of Tianjun in Lingdao. More than the Ziwei Holy Land in the field. It still has a chance to win.

"Big brother."

Lingdao face iron blue. There was a raging anger in his eyes. The peak of the Ziwei Holy Land has already smashed the body of Lingwu. Dignified Tianjun treats a king like this. It is really abominable. just. Lingdao did not move. Because I saved the children who are still alive. It is the most important.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go. Hell has no way to vote. I still want to catch your big brother. I will lead you out. I didn't expect it. You actually sent it to your door."

The smile on the purple face is more and more brilliant. Kill the children of Ling family. There was a thrill of revenge. I did not expect that Lingdao still ran over. If you can personally torture the Lingdao, it is better to die. It is sure to eliminate the hatred of the past. If Lingdao can beg for mercy. It is best.

"They have no value. Let's kill it all." Purple whispered coldly. Then it was pointing to Ling Wu. "He is the same. Anyway, Lingdao is coming. It is useless to ask him. No need to eat oysters. Kill it together. I originally wanted to be in front of Lingdao. Kill his big brother. Let him feel what is powerless. Clearly His older brother is in front of him. He can't save himself."

The children of Ling family who are working with Tianwei, the holy place of Ziwei. Go back and forth again and again. It is important to save people. Revenge. Can be placed behind. If it is because of them. Missed the opportunity to save people. They will certainly not forgive themselves in the future. Whether it can be saved. Anyway, I must be saved.

"If they are dead, don't even think about it. If you are ready to be buried here, just do it."

That's right. Lingdao is the Tianjun who threatens the holy place of Ziwei. Of course, the disciples of Ling Xiaoge are also included. It’s just him. Certainly nothing convincing. He is just a king. Fortunately, he followed his thirty-sixth Tianjun. Listen to his orders all. He wants to kill Tianjun and the disciples of Lingxiaoge in the Holy Land of Ziwei. The children of Ling family certainly have no opinions.

"It’s ridiculous. You think you can kill us. It’s really hard to fight. It’s just two losses. If the disciples of other emperors are present, maybe we will kill us all. Let’s fight for you and die. It’s possible to catch all of you. The life is worth it."

Thirty-six Lingjia’s Tianjun Wuwu. Enough to let the purple deficiency seriously. Moreover, he still knows. Lingdao has two holy soldiers. If Lingjia’s Tianjun urges two sacred soldiers. And the words of the Heavenly King of the Lavender Holy Land. Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land can live a few. It’s really an unknown number.

at the same time. The Great Devil took out the Kowloon burial day. The atmosphere of the sacred soldiers is filled. Lingdao also took the Shura Shengwangqi. If it is purple, it does not cooperate. He will certainly not hesitate to mobilize the Shura Holy King flag. The peak of the Ling family, followed by the removal of the holy soldiers. Used to deter the heavenly king of the Ziwei.

really. Originally, I wanted to ridicule Lingdao’s Ziwei Holy Land. One by one closed his mouth. Three holy soldiers. Enough to seal them. Because they understand. Once the Tianjun of Lingjia will mobilize all three sacred soldiers. They want to escape. It is tantamount to idiots who say dreams.

"Now you still think that we will lose both of you and you." Lingdao's face showed a taunting color. Although the purple deficiency is very uncomfortable. But still no plugging. "Three sacred soldiers attack at the same time. You 19th Heavenly King. You can live a few more. One or two. Or one."

From beginning to end. Lingdao did not see the disciples of Ling Xiaoge. It’s true that the disciples of Ling Xiaoge are not very angry. They know Lingdao. Lingdao also knows them. unfortunately. Lingdao now cares only the purple and the remaining 18th Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land.

The disciples of Ling Xiaoge are angry. But now certainly will not stand up and align with Lingdao. Three holy soldiers. Even the other 18 Tianjun of the Purple and Ziwei Holy Land are afraid. Not to mention them. Because of their overall strength. Far less than the other 18 princes of Zixu and Ziwei.

"What do you want."

Purple deficiency suppresses the killing in the heart. They have three sacred soldiers in hand. Not the current one he can deal with. Although he does not know much about the life of Lingdao. But he will not lose his mind in this regard. He is the peak of a king who wants to kill Lingdao, a peak king. Some are opportunities. No need to take risks.

"It's very simple. We can make a deal. You put them. I will let you go."

"No. He killed our brothers. How can we let them go."

"Yes. They must be killed. We must use their blood to pay homage to our brothers."

Lingdao’s words have just been finished. It was the opposition of two Ling Jia Tianjun. first. Lingdao is only the peak of the king. Second. They have not been with Lingdao before. It can be said. Lingdao has no prestige at all. If not his identity is there. Ling Jia Tianjun will not care about what he meant.

"How do I say. Just like. It is important to avenge revenge. It is important to save people. Don't you know?"

One by one, Tianjun lowered his head. They certainly know that saving people is more important. just. Their brother's blood can't flow in vain. Lingdao saw that they no longer opposed. They did not continue to say them. Because of what he thought in his heart. It is the same as them.

The Tianjun and the disciples of Lingxiaoge who had the purple and Ziwei holy places were released. how is this possible.

"You can't be when we are three-year-olds. If I let them go, you will definitely do it for us. When we don't die, it's faster."

obviously. Purple deficiency is not believed in Lingdao. Other Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land and the disciples of Lingxiaoge also do not believe. Lingjia’s Tianjun smashed Lingdao. I did not expect their understanding of Lingdao. Not as good as their enemies. previously. It’s true that Ling’s Tianjun is stupid. Lingdao will let Tianjun and Lingxiaoge disciples of the Ziwei Holy Land.

"Although I would like to say that you are no different from a three-year-old child. But I also know that you will not believe me. It is very simple. You should first let the other children of Ling family. Just take my brother in my hand. Brother is a hostage. You can't be uneasy."

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