The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 231: Have their own minds

"No, how can a young master be a hostage, if the young and the younger are three long and two short, how to deal with the family."

"You can let other children take hostages. The young master must come back. We can die. The young master must not have an accident."

The Lingjia family's contribution to the family is big. They don't know. They only know that the family owner is the pillar of the whole family. The other people in Lingjia can fall down. The homeowner can't. If there is no homeowner, Lingjia is definitely not today. They can't help. The owner, absolutely can not watch Lingwu accident.

To say the prestige, Ling Wu did not, but, as a emperor, he never put on the shelf, and he was very good with other Ling family. In the past, Ling Dao did not go to Lingjia, Lingwu was the only son of the owner. They don’t care about their own life, but they are good to Lingwu anyway, they know.

"If you kill them, there is no difference for us. If you want to save them, then I will be a good person and return it to you."

Zi Xu made a look at the other Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land, letting them let go of the remaining nine Lingjia Tianwang and five Lingjia Tianjun, followed by Lingjia Tianjun who came to Lingdao, one by one, If they kill their children in front of them, they must go crazy.

Thirty-six Tianjun, purple or not afraid, plus three sacred soldiers are not the same, not to mention, Lingdao also has a sword of heaven, the purple illusion has seen the power of the swords of the heavens, anyway, the previous killing The younger brother, who has already killed a good time, now recognizes you, nothing.

"It is impossible to return your young master to you unless you wait for us to safely withdraw."

Tianjun, who had previously tortured Lingwu’s Ziwei Sandi, quickly retreated to the side of Zixu. He was afraid that Ling’s Tianjun would now steal Lingwu. They have already seen the importance of Lingwu, as long as Lingwu is in his hand, You can let all the kings of Lingjia vote for the mouse.

Regardless of how powerful the sacred priests of the Ling family are, if they keep Lingwu in front, the Tianjun of Lingjia would not dare to shoot. It can be said that Lingwu is their life-saving symbol, and other Lingjia children still It doesn't matter, the nine kings and the five mid-term princes have no threat to them at all.

"We don't go, you put the young master, we are the hostages for you."

"Yes, if the young and the young have something to do, we are saved, then how do we say to the elders after we go back."

Nine Heavenly Kings and Five Heavenly Kings are determined to be resolute. There is no one to retreat. The Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land has a bitter smile and a chance to live. They not only don’t cherish it, but they still have to fight for it. It’s really impossible to understand. One person is important, and it is not very useful to catch them as hostages.

"I am not talking to you now, but I am ordering you to come back. I think, as a prince of Lingjia, ordering you a few kings and heavenly kings, no problem."

Ling Dao does not want to explain to them one by one. Now that the situation is critical and more time is delayed, it will be more dangerous. Their current overall strength is more powerful than Zi Xu and his brothers, but other emperors. When the Tianjun arrived, what would happen.

Outside the martial arts gallery, the power of the Emperor of Lingdao is not one or two. If there is a hatred of Lingdao, it will definitely deal with Lingdao, and Lingdao has no hatred. Maybe it will also be his Bodhi and Shura. Wang Qi is interested, and the 30 Tianjun are still not strong enough to cross the Shura world.

The reason why some Tianjun get the sacred soldiers can be traversed in the Shura world, because for the one-on-one situation, a Tianjun who gets the sacred soldiers wants to deal with dozens of Tianjun, even hundreds. A Tianjun is definitely not good, not to mention that other Heavenly Kings may not have no holy soldiers.

"You and I……"

Nine Heavenly Kings and Five Heavenly Kings opened their mouths and didn't know what to say. Lingdao is the biological son of the owner. His talents are extremely high. The future achievements are limitless. Lingdao is pressing them as the emperor. They really are not. Hey, can they still not put their homeowners in their eyes?

Tianjun, who is standing next to Lingdao, is not without opinions on Lingdao. It is just that Lingdao’s identity is there. Moreover, what Lingdao is doing now is exactly what they want to do. Lingwu is to save. Can other children of Ling's family not save, Lingdao has not done anything wrong, what qualifications do they have to say Lingdao.

"Hurry up, if you don't obey, I will be the master and drive you out of the Ling family."

Lingdao has a strong voice and no jokes. When he was in the middle of the world, he killed Tianzun. Although he used stone carving to kill it, once he was serious, he was still very deterrent, let alone the nine kings, even if It is the five mid-term Tianjun, hesitating one or two, or honestly walked to Lingdao.

I don't know why, Mingming Lingdao only has the peak of the king. When facing Lingdao, they have a feeling of facing the family. Lingwu never puts on the shelf, can mingle with them, let them do things, it is also a request, from Will not issue any orders.

"Senior brother, Lingdao is the emperor. Why didn't you tell us that if we really killed the emperor, would we have good fruit to eat later?"

"Lingjia is just a newly established emperor, but Lingjia is in the prime of life. We are killing his son now. Is it really good?"

They only know that Zi Xu wants to deal with Ling Dao. They don’t know that Ling Dao is the emperor’s thing. Don’t look at their glory in the Ziwei domain. That’s because the other disciples in the Ziwei domain cannot match the background, but the Lingdao is different. The Lagerstroemia Holy Land is stronger than Lingjia, but their backing can be stronger than the Great.

The means of the Great Emperor, unpredictable, although the face of the younger generation of battles on the bright side, the older generation of strong will not intervene, but if you are remembered by a great emperor, anyone will worry, the emperor wants their lives, It's not a light and easy thing, can someone else find out what the clues are.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if the Emperor did not clean, who would avenge a Tianjun, and the emperor fights to death, the previous Ziwei Holy Land has no great emperor, although the current Ziwei Holy Land has a great emperor, the time is short. And the Lingjia Emperor is too weak to say, is it true that the great emperor of the Ziwei Holy Land can still take the lead for them.

"A Emperor will scare you. You are responsible for guiding him. At the crucial moment, it is not my own. Isn’t the Lingjia Emperor will find you trouble? If you are a great man, he will care about you. A few small characters."

Tianjun and the Great Emperor are like the difference between the ants and the dragons. The dragons will certainly not care about a few ants. The purple illusion itself is the first day of the sacred place of Ziwei. Now it is said that this is the case. Other Tianjun is certainly not good to say. Moreover, they have already been on the thief boat, and now the most important thing is to get rid of them.

"Big Brother, ask you a question. Have you ever encountered a crisis of life and death after you entered the world of Luo."

Taking advantage of the vain and the Ziwei Holy Land Tianjun to speak, Lingdao passed to Lingwu, want to understand the situation of Lingwu, the other Lingjia children and Lingwu's feelings, certainly not as good as Lingdao, the least hope Lingwu accident It’s definitely Lingdao. They have met each other since childhood, and they have been suffering together. They are not brothers, they are better than brothers.

"No, although there have been dangers, but with my own brothers, I have never had anything to do."

Some Lingjia children do not believe in Lingdao. Lingwu can never believe in Lingdao. Although he does not know what Lingdao wants to do, Lingwu still replied truthfully. Lingdao nodded as long as Lingwu did not encounter it. The crisis of life and death, then, the latter things will be easier.

"Well, I will do it to them when I wait, my big brother don't worry, my father must have laid out a life-saving means on you."

Ling Wu originally wanted to avenge the former Ling family, but he was powerless. After hearing the words of Ling Dao, he immediately nodded. As for the life-saving means that Ling Dao said, Ling Wu did not pay attention to it, even if he took it. His life, as long as he can avenge the dead Ling family, is worth it.

In order to save his life, Zixu will hold Lingwu in his own hands. If things change, he will definitely escape for the first time. With Lingwu in hand, he can feel at ease, because Lingwu is his life-saving symbol, and other Ziwei holy places. Even if the heart is not happy, it does not show up. Now they are a front.

"You retire, we follow, after all, the big brother is in your hands, I can't be assured."

Not only the Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land is retreating, but the disciples of Lingxiaoge who are still alive are also retreating. Zixu does not open the disciples of Lingxiaoge, because at that time, the disciples of Lingxiaoge can be regarded as cannon fodder, and the disciples of Lingxiaoge know the idea of ​​purple deficiency, which is not important at all. Because they have no choice.

If the disciples of Ling Xiaoge do not follow the Tianjun of the Ziwei Holy Land, maybe the Tianjun of Lingjia will now shoot them, killing them all, and there is nothing in Lingwu. They can’t do anything, and Ling’s Tianjun does not. It’s strange to deal with them. The Tianjun who followed the Ziwei Holy Land may die. The Tianjun who does not follow the Ziwei Holy Land is mortal.

"You are behind, wait for my order, I said, you will do it. You have a father who gives a life-saving card. It is impossible to have an accident. You will put a hundred and twenty hearts."

The first half of Lingdao was finished, and the Tianjun of Lingjia wanted to refute it. Fortunately, the speed of Lingdao was very fast, and the latter part was enough to make them feel at ease. The reason why they didn’t immediately start was because of the previous disciples of Lingxiaoge. The children of Ling’s family have already fought, and maybe the movement just now has caused the attention of other disciples.

"Well, we listen to you, and we must kill them if we wait."

"Yes, dare to kill our Ling family, you must pay blood and blood."

One by one Lingjia Tianjun followed Lingdao, suppressing the killing in the heart, for fear of causing the attention of Ziwei Holy Land Tianjun, Zixu seems to feel the atmosphere is not right, holding Lingwu's hand tighter, but fortunately he I have met the disciples of the Qingdi Palace before, as long as they rushed to the disciples of the Qingdi Palace, they joined forces with Tianjun of the Qingdi Palace, and they might be able to kill them all.

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