The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 238: Willing to gamble

"I have heard that other disciples of the emperor do not know the heights of the heavens. I did not expect that I will see one today. Only in the early days of the Tianjun period, there is no such thing as a juvenile emperor?"

"Let you deal with the Qingdi Palace disciples in the same realm, it is already lifting you. In fact, the peak king of our Qingdi Palace can easily defeat you, what is it, you are also arrogant to challenge the mid-day disciple of the Qing Dynasty Palace. ?"

The failure of Lin Qinghan did not affect other Qingdi Palace disciples. In the late period of Tianwangjing, Lingdao defeated Lin Haoyue and passed the martial arts corridor. Lin Qinghan lost to Lingdao. The vast majority of Qingdi Palace disciples expressed their acceptance. The words of the Great Devil, for Lingdao, they don’t think there is anything.

Lingdao is qualified to be arrogant, and has the strength to be arrogant. The big devil is different. The territory where the Qingdi Palace is located is far from the territory where the Great Devil is located. The disciples of the Qing Emperor Palace certainly do not know the Great Devil. After the Shura community, the disciples of the Qing Emperor Palace and the Great Devil did not hand over, and certainly did not know the strength of the Great Devil.

The disciples of the Qingdi Palace thought that the great demon **** was the son of Lingjia. A newly created emperor's power, it was very rare to be able to make a brilliant genius. They did not believe that Lingjia had other powerful young talents. The more outrageous the big devil said, the louder they laugh.

However, the second game is very important for the disciples of Qingdi Palace, and can only win and not lose. Even if they think that the Great Devil is vulnerable, they still send the strongest of them in the early days. To defeat the Great Devil, you can open the third game and lose to the Big Devil. There is no third game.

"You must have defeated the mid-term warriors in your territory. You must have praised your genius. Unfortunately, your opponent is me. Sorry, I have defeated the late warriors in Tianjun, you are in my eyes, and the king." There is no difference between the martial artists. Waiting for the next shot, I will teach you a meal and let you know what is outside the crowd."

Lingdao did not kill Lin Qinghan, he would not kill the big demon, just a test, no need to make a life. The disciples of the Qingdi Palace only want to get the Bodhi fruit and the Shura holy king flag. If they kill the Ling family, they will not let the Lingjia children fight with them.

The big demon is just laughing and laughing. If you don't pick up, it doesn't mean anything. The strength is fundamental. Lingdao retreated to the back and handed the battlefield to the big demon. The disciples of the Qingdi Palace felt that the great demon would be defeated. The children of Lingjia were skeptical. Only Lingdao understood that the big demon and the disciples of the Qing Emperor had no chance to lose.

The Tianjun martial arts of the Qing Emperor's Palace used Tiantian martial arts, and the big handprints displayed by the Great Devils were not comparable. The Great Devil is from the first to the sixth, and the six large handprints cover the sky, like the yin and yang rotation, the heavens and the earth subvert, the stars fall, the sun and the moon are dull.


The next moment, the big demon **** is still standing in the same place, the frontier of the Tianjun in the Qingdi Palace is vomiting blood backwards. Their duel, less than a moment of effort, gave up the outcome. Of course, the winner is the Great Devil. The loser is definitely the former warrior of the Qing Dynasty.

The disciples of the Qingdi Palace were on the spot, and the children of Ling’s family behind Ling Dao were equally jaw-dropping. The disciples of the Qingdi Palace believed that the Tianjun in the early days of the war would win. Who knows, they just prepared to appreciate his confrontation with the Great Devil, and he lost.

If they didn't know their own brothers and brothers, they thought that the warriors in the Tianjun period were fake, deliberately cooperate with the big demon and lost to the big demon. The two are not at one level at all, just as Tianjun is as simple as dealing with the king. In fact, the disciples in the early days of the Tianjun period were the most unacceptable. He did not know what was going on and he was hit hard.

"Impossible, impossible, must be an illusion, how can I lose to him?"

Just as he was about to start again, he was violently coughing up. If someone can take off his clothes, he will find that there are six palm prints on his chest. If the power of the great demon is a little more, you can penetrate his body and let him die.

"I didn't mean to kill you, just to let you know, what is called someone outside!"

Similarly, from the mouth of the big devil, the disciples of the Qingdi Palace, who had previously played, became red and shameful and annoyed. It is a pity that he is not the opponent of the Great Devil. Even if he takes the healing remedy and returns to the heyday, he still can't beat the big demon. If he wants revenge, it is impossible.

The big demon retreats to the back. Who knows that among the disciples of the Qing Emperor, will there be a sneak attack on him? It is simple to deal with the disciples of Tianjun in the Qingdi Palace. It is completely different from the disciples of Tianjun. Carefully driving the ship for thousands of years, the Great Devil must not want to be confused on the spot.

"Three wins in three games, we have two wins, the third game is not necessary? If you have to fight, then we will admit defeat, anyway, I am winning."

Ling Dao can not accept the Qingdi Palace disciples, anyway, he has won in three games. From the very beginning, he understood that he and the great demon **** had a horse, and the disciples of the Qing Emperor had no chance of winning. Now, as he thought, the two disciples who played in the Qing Dynasty Palace successively lost.

"What to do? It’s not easy to meet them. Is it so let them leave?"

Tianjun of a Qingdi Palace said unwillingly that the Shura Shengwangqi should not be underestimated for their overall strength. Bodhi fruit, for the king of heaven and earth, is like a treasure. He really wanted to take the shot and took Lingdao down, forcing Lingdao to surrender the Bodhi fruit and the Shura holy flag.

However, they have already vowed in the name of the Taoist God, and if they do not keep their promises, they are likely to die. Not to mention their little Tianjun, even the Taojun and the Taoist, dare not violate the vows made in the name of the Tao. To blame them, they are too arrogant. They have not understood the strength of Lingdao and others. They take it for granted that in addition to Lingdao, others are simply not worried.

"Now it's not just about letting them go. We have to catch a sacred soldier. It was our chance to grow up when we met them. As a result, we not only did not become stronger, but also weakened. This responsibility, who are you? Come to bear?"

"I blame you, you have to do some gambling with them. If I said that they had directly shot them before, how can they have hosted us? Even if they have three sacred soldiers, what about them? At that time, they were defeated. How could it be our opponent?"

The disciples of the Qingdi Palace have been guilty. If they are not the heads of the two peaks, the strength of the king is too strong, maybe it has already been played. The two peaks of the first peak, Tian Jun, also felt wronged. The idea was that they set it, but there was no objection at the time. Now, things are exactly the opposite of what they imagined, and some people started to say that they were not.

Lingdao does not force the disciples of the Qingdi Palace. Can you get the holy soldiers? For him, it is not the most important thing. It is the most important thing to be able to leave safely. Other Lingjia children also have little desire for the sacred soldiers, because the three sacred soldiers are motivated, and the consumption is already great.

"The sacred soldiers gave them, we only said that let them leave safely now. When we meet them next time, we will get back."

"I have a way to plant imprints on them. As long as they are still in the Shura world, they can't escape our perception. Let them be proud of them for a while, and then we will come back with the benefits."

It is worthy of the genius of the Qingdi Palace, just a moment, calm down. The two of them are the best among the peaks of the king, and they believe that it is effortless to deal with the peak of the Ling family. Now, because of the swearing in the name of the Taoist god, there is nothing to send the holy soldiers to the children of Lingjia, and then they will take it back later.

"I am willing to gamble and lose, three wins in three games, we lost. The disciples of the Qing Emperor Palace have come to speak and have faith, we will not only let you leave, but also send you a holy soldier."

After consultations, there was a peak Tianjun standing out, holding a holy soldier and heading for Lingdao. The children of Lingjia who stood behind Lingdao were nervous. Who knows that the peak of the Qing Emperor’s Palace will suddenly trigger the sacred soldiers to start with Lingdao. They certainly do not want Lingdao to have an accident.

"Nothing, you can rest assured, I believe in the integrity of the Qingdi Palace."

Lingdao said calmly, but it was so embarrassing that the peak of the Qingdi Palace was embarrassed. The peak of the Qing Emperor Palace was still discussing how to deal with Lingdao and Lingjia’s children. Fortunately, the peak of the Qing Emperor Palace, the Emperor Tianjun concealed the excellent, did not reveal anything.

"Actually, since I was young, I admire the Qing Emperor and think that he is the most powerful among the three emperors and the five emperors. We can meet each other, but it is a fate. You will lose the holy soldiers to me. I will give you the holy soldiers, and then How do you make a friend to your Qingdi Palace disciple?"

When he was a child, he did not know what the Qing emperor was not the emperor. He sent the patriarch who lost his brother to the Qing emperor's palace and sent it back. He just didn't want to be an enemy of the Qingdi Palace disciple. The disciples of the Qingdi Palace did not shoot them, but set up a gambling with him, which is much better than other disciples.

If the disciples of the Qingdi Palace attacked them at the time, he really didn't know what to do. After all, he was only the peak of the king, even if he provoked the Shura Saint flag, it did not have much impact on the war. What he did, obviously let the peak of the Qing Emperor Palace do not know what to do.

The sacred soldier, the peak of the Qing Emperor's Palace, Tianjun certainly did not want to give Lingdao, but now, Lingdao returned to him, he did not want to pick up. If he picks up the sacred soldier now, and then thinks about how to deal with Lingdao and Lingjia’s children in the future, he will be too confusing.

"How? Send your sacred soldiers, don't you? If I give the holy soldiers to the disciples of other emperors, don't say to make friends with them, even if they are asked to do something for me, is there no problem?"

The peak of the Qing Emperor's Palace, Tianjun, was crying and laughing. It was obviously his own sacred soldier. Now Lingdao is only returning to him, but he has to owe Lingdao a human condition. As early as this is known, he will never play with Lingdao in any three games. Is this a hole for himself?

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