The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 239: Devil

"Yes, send me a sacred soldier, why don't I?"

After the annihilation of the peak of the Qing Emperor's Palace, the sacred soldiers were taken over. Instead of taking the risk of snatching in the future, it is better to take it safely. It’s a big deal to take over Lingdao’s personal feelings and not to deal with them in the future. If the gambling game is lost, it is a shame. Fortunately, there is no loss.

If the children of Lingjia recover and mobilize four sacred soldiers, and the disciples of the Qingdi Palace will **** them, there will be casualties and even heavy casualties. What is the use of all the sacred soldiers in the hands of Ling Dao? The sacred soldiers can enhance their strength, but Tianjun is dead, isn’t it weakening their strength?

"The young warriors now know that they fight for the holy soldiers all day long. Do you not know your own strength, is it fundamental, is it the most important thing?"

A familiar voice passed from far to near. Lingdao's face changed, the big demon **** smashed, and it wasn't someone else who came. It was just some time ago that they wanted to win their summer and winter, and they said that they were no animals. The danger level of the Qing Emperor's Palace peak is far less than that of summer, winter and autumn.

Last time, when Ling Dao and the Great Devil were leaving, there was no match and the Magic Heaven Master. At that time, there was no injury to the body, and the magic heavens were weak and weak, and Lingdao could not infer. No phase beast can now appear, only to show that the magic heaven master can not be without the beast, as for the magic heaven master has nothing to do, still do not know.

"The tone is not small, who can't say it, really has the ability, you don't want the holy soldiers, give us your holy soldiers."

"People are stronger than beasts. They are good at using tools and weapons. They are stupid and stupid. Do you understand?"

The disciples of the Qingdi Palace did not know that Xia Dongqiu was a no-beast, and thought that Xia Dongqiu, like them, was a human warrior. They are not very polite to speak, after all, it is the summer and autumn and the number of them are first. Xia Dongqiu is about the same age as them, but they are taught by a pair of elders.

Lingdao and the big demon **** looked at each other and opened their distance with Xia Dongqiu. The injury of Xia Dongqiu must have been healed. Lingdao and the big devil have joined forces to fight the summer and winter. Even if Ling’s Tianjun intervened, it still couldn’t change anything.

"It's stupid, stupid, huh..."

Xia Dongqiu sneered, the emperor has the same feelings and seven desires, not to mention, the non-beast is now not the great emperor, the Qingdi Palace disciple, has already offended him, he must have reported before, now it is even more impossible to forgive the Qingdi Palace disciples. The two disciples of the Qingdi Palace, who had previously smashed the summer and winter, only felt cold and chilly.

"When is it your turn to teach me? Let your ancestors of the Qing Emperor Palace come to the same level!"

The ancestors of the Qing Emperor Palace, of course, refer to the Qing Emperor. Even if the Emperor is not in the heyday, it is still not the opponent of the Qing Emperor. Although the Emperor did not see the Qing Emperor, but the Qing Emperor is probably what realm, he still knows, with his realm, certainly can not beat the Qing Emperor.

Xia Dongqiu suddenly shot, the Qingdi Palace disciples did not react at all. After all, Xia Dongqiu is alone, and the two fists are difficult to attack. Moreover, there are dozens of disciples in the Qingdi Palace. The disciples of the Qingdi Palace did not expect it at all, and Xia Dongqiu was so daring that he did not care how many people there were.

"Hey, don't do it, have something to say, what do you do with us?"

"Our brothers are all present, don't you want to make us like us?"

Between the electric and the Flint, Xia Dongqiu has appeared in front of the disciples of the two Qingdi Palaces, and they are still holding their collars, just like a chicken, and lifted them up. The shooting speed of Xia Dongqiu was almost at its peak. Not only did the two Qingdi Palace disciples he had seized, but the other Qingdi Palace disciples did not respond.

"Let go! Dare to be in front of us, move me to the Qingdi Palace disciple, do you want to die or don't want to live?"

When the disciples of the Qing Emperor Palace have a superiority to other disciples, they always have a sense of superiority. Now Xia Dongqiu alone, dare to start with the Qingdi Palace disciples, obviously angered them. Xia Dongqiu is the peak of the peak of the king is not fake, can be present in the Qingdi Palace, the peak of the king is less?

Switching to other warriors may be afraid of the threat of the Qingdi Palace disciples, but Xia Dongqiu does not care. Once, he himself could rival a dynasty power. Although he could not match the Qingdi Palace, the Qingdi Palace disciples were really not qualified to challenge him. It’s as if the rabbit is threatening the lion, even a group of rabbits, there is still no threat in the eyes of the lion.

"Don't dare to threaten me? Just because of you? I just want to die, can you kill me?"

Xia Dongqiu suddenly loosened his hands, and when the disciples of the two Qingdi Palace thought they were saved, Xia Dongqiu’s palms were on their chests. The two disciples of the Qingdi Palace had a sharp eye and their faces were full of incredulity. They couldn’t think of it. Xia Dongqiu would face the killers of all the Qingdi Palace disciples and kill them.


The chests of the two Qingdi Palace disciples burst, transparent before and after, **** rain, and killed on the spot. Even if they are given a healing remedy, there is still no possibility of recovery. The disaster came out of the mouth. They didn't understand it before. Now they understand it. Unfortunately, they are already dead and they are useless.

"Miscellaneous things, which power are you, and dare?"

"Looking for death, killing my disciples of the Qingdi Palace, you must use your blood to pay homage to them and let them laugh at Jiuquan!"

The disciples of the Qingdi Palace burned one by one in anger, and they wanted to have the peaks of the heavenly kings. They had the peaks of the heavenly kings. They wanted the holy soldiers to have holy soldiers. They were in the summer and autumn, and they really did not look at them. Xia Dongqiu dare to kill the Qingdi Palace disciples, they certainly will not forgive Xia Dongqiu, even if the summer and winter are the three royal disciples, they still do not care.

Lingdao and the Great Devil did not leave, but retreated to a safe place, staring at Xia Dongqiu. Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, you can win every battle, the more you know about the incompetent beast, the easier it is for them to deal with the incompetent beast. Moreover, the confrontation between Xia Dongqiu and the disciples of the Qing Emperor Palace is of great benefit to them.

"You have to be optimistic. Their use of martial arts, control over the source, and understanding of the Tao are worth learning."

After reminding the children of Lingjia, Lingdao is to put all the minds on the body of Xia Dongqiu. The cultivation before Xia Dongqiu is even higher than that of the Taoist Taoist. Although he is only the peak of the heavenly kingdom, he can exert his fighting power, and the peak of the Qing Emperor Palace is also incomparable.

Whether it is the source, or the Tao, in the hands of summer and winter, all are like the fingers. In dealing with the disciples of the Qingdi Palace, he does not need to use any martial arts. His hands are more powerful than the Qing Dynasty’s disciples’ disciples. His punches are better than those of the Qingdi Palace disciples. Great.

Tianpin martial arts, in the eyes of other heavens, is complex and powerful. In the eyes of summer and winter, it is simple and weak, and it is hard to beat. His previous realm was too high. It was like a group of three-year-old children waving their weapons and still fighting an unarmed adult.

One after another, the Qingdi Palace disciples flew out, and they were lucky. They were only badly hit and had bad luck. They died directly on the spot. Only when it really fights, the disciples of the Qingdi Palace know how powerful Xia Dongqiu is, just like the invincible god.

"Brother, who is he, why do we join forces and not rival him?"

"Oh my God, what kind of existence did we provoke? Is he really just the peak of heaven?"

Some of the Qingdi Palace disciples almost collapsed, even if they were not injured, they still dare not go forward. They saw that the brothers and sisters who were similar in strength only played against Xia Dongqiu once, not being seriously injured or being killed. They have a great future and certainly don't want to die in the Shura world.

"I don't know, it is not a problem to pass the martial arts corridor with his ability. However, apart from Lingdao, no one has passed the martial arts corridor for the time being?"

"Now I still want to think about the martial arts corridor, and quickly mobilize the sacred soldiers and use the sacred soldiers to deal with him. With our strength, I can't help him."

Although not willing to admit, but the peak of the Qing Emperor Palace, Tian Jun understands that the same cultivation, they are vulnerable in the face of summer and winter. Fortunately, they have sacred soldiers, and now the sacred soldiers are their life-saving straw, using the sacred soldiers may be able to hurt the summer and winter, and even the life of the summer and winter.

A sacred sword, exudes the blood of the sky, stabbed in front of the summer and winter. At the same time, the two peaks of Tianjun motivated the sacred soldiers, which was enough for the sacred products to exert some power, and it was easy to kill them. Tens of thousands of swords, condensed into Jianshan, layered, and swayed toward the summer and winter.

"I said that my own strength is fundamental. Do you think that using the sacred soldiers can deal with me? Innocent, too naive!"

What makes all the Qingdi Palace disciples horrified is that Xia Dongqiu just sticks out a palm, which is to smash all the swords. Then, the right hand of Xia Dongqiu is to grab the holy sword. The blood of the sky is like the melting of snow and ice, and the disappearance is clean.

Xia Dongqiu’s right hand grabbed the hilt of the holy sword. Empty hand into the white blade, the Qingdi Palace disciples have not seen, but a peak of the heavenly king, empty hand to **** other people's sacred soldiers, it is like a fantasy. If they were not in the Shura world, they really thought that Xia Dongqiu was pretending to be a holy king.

"The sages are not used by you, let me teach you!"

The voice of Xia Dongqiu has just fallen, and a peak of the Qing Emperor's Palace is a big mouth hemoptysis, because the holy weapon has already recognized him as the main, and now Xia Dongqiu forcibly erased his brand, so that he suffered a counterattack. Xia Dongqiu’s robbing his sacred army is simple. He wants to grab it back. It is simply impossible.

The sacred swordsman seems to be cheering and jumping, and the peak of the Qing Dynasty Palace is quite affected. Xia Dongqiu was expressionless and was not happy because he got a holy soldier. He held the sword in his right hand and slowly squatted down. There was no earth-shattering power, but the disciples of the Qingdi Palace were turned upside down. They felt the death crisis. The first time they died, so close!

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