The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 240: Little no print

The sacred swordsman suddenly erupted into an infinite magical power, just like an ancient demon revived. The same is the peak of the heavenly kingdom, the summer and autumn are urging the holy soldiers, and the power that erupted is not comparable to the disciples of the Qing Emperor. Even if the disciples of the Qingdi Palace urged the holy soldiers, they still could not match the summer and winter.

Jianguang, nothing is not broken, nothing can be blocked, one after another Qingdi Palace disciple body split. Broken arm broken leg, still lucky, at least to save his life, unfortunately directly killed. The disciple of Qingdi Palace, who is far away from summer, winter and autumn, is even scared to retreat.

One person and one sword can kill all the disciples of the Qingdi Palace who are present. They can't afford courage and fight with Xia Dongqiu. Although they are not willing to admit it, they know in their hearts that even if they join hands, it is not the opponent of Xia Dongqiu.

"The physical strength is not enough, the foundation is not solid enough, and one that meets the requirements is not!"

The incomparable beast took the shot of the Qingdi Palace disciple in order to find a suitable body. Unfortunately, he did not satisfy him. Lin Yiyue and Lin Qinghan are good, but they are far from reaching the realm of Ling Dao and the Great Devil. It is not worthy of the fact that no beasts occupy their bodies. The two heads of the Qing Dynasty, the peak of the Qing Dynasty, are not as good as the summer and autumn brothers Xia Chunqiu, no one is too lazy to work hard.

If the disciples of the Qingdi Palace knew that they were too poor to escape, they did not know whether they should be happy or sad. The incomparable beast killed the disciples of the Qing Emperor, first because the disciples of the Qingdi Palace were not good, and because the disciples of the Qing Dynasty wanted his life.

Now the disciples of the Qingdi Palace did not start, and the non-beast did not mean to continue to kill. As for how many young disciples who are still alive, hate him, it is not that he should care. Anyway, the body of Xia Dongqiu will be abandoned by him. The disciples of the Qingdi Palace want to find revenge for the summer and autumn, and they simply cannot find anyone.

If the disciples of the Qingdi Palace start with the forces of Xia Dongqiu, there is no such thing as a beast. Even if the Qing Emperor Palace razed the Fire Palace to the ground, it has nothing to do with the non-beast. Of course, if they know the identity of a beastless beast, it will be another matter if no beast will let them go.

"Hey, I’m in a good mood, I’m going to roll it, or else I’ll let you go and kill!”

Xia Dongqiu did not care what the disciples of the Qingdi Palace thought. If the disciples of the Qingdi Palace did not leave, he would not mind returning the living Qingdi Palace disciples on the road. Being too lazy to do it, and not dare to do it is a different matter. When the disciples of the Qing Emperor are acquainted with each other, they can live, not know each other, and don’t want to live.

"It’s too arrogant. When did our Qingdi Palace disciples feel so arrogant, fight with him, and they will die together!"

"I don't believe it. It's also the peak of the heavenly kingdom. He can be strong enough to let us be wiped out. We don't have another sacred soldier? Big deal, let's push the sacred soldiers together. It's hard to be a sacred soldier." Is it even better than all of us to motivate the sacred soldiers?"

Immediately, there were disciples of the Qing Emperor Palace, and they were prepared to burn with Xia Dongqiu. Can you kill Xia Dongqiu, they don't care, because they lost their senses, just thinking about life and summer and autumn. No one dared to look down on them so much, so embarrassing them, so don't give them a step.

"Stop! Hugh and talk nonsense, hurry with me!"

Lin Zhengnan has a strong voice, and the disciples of the Qingdi Palace, who had been desperately trying to fight with the summer and autumn, scared their necks. In fact, he is the true leader of the Qingdi Palace disciple, but it is hidden deep. Even if he had previously swindled with the children of Ling's family, he did not intervene. He was just a quiet observer.

Only in the late days of Tianjun, he was not noticeable, and he was the leader of the two tyrannical tyrants. He was hidden behind the scenes. However, now they have the possibility of being completely annihilated, and he has to stand up and preside over the overall situation. It’s not that he doesn’t want to take revenge, but because of their strength, they can’t report their hatred.

In the hands of Xia Dongqiu, there are Lin Zhengnan’s brothers and sisters, and Lin’s normal brothers and sisters. Lin Zhengnan also wants to kill Xia Dongqiu. He wants to use the blood of Xia Dongqiu to pay homage to the dead brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, and want to use the life of Xia Dongqiu to pay for the dead brothers and sisters.

Fortunately, he is still able to remain calm, gentlemen revenge, not too late. Now is not the opponent of Xia Dongqiu, does not mean that it is not the opponent of Xia Dongqiu in the future. What's more, they have a lot of strong people in the Qingdi Palace. They have the ability to kill the summer and winter, and they have a lot of work. Now they are working hard with Xia Dongqiu. It is simply stupid to the extreme.

"I know that the person who is the time is Junjie, I have to roll tight, and the province is unsightly. I have other things to do."

Xia Dongqiu’s words made the temperament of the Qingdi Palace disciple’s forehead blue-strength jump. Fortunately, Lin Zhengnan was still very prestigious. No matter how angry the Qingdi Palace disciples were, they endured and rectified in an orderly manner. Although the battle with Xia Dongqiu is not long, their losses are enormous.

I knew that they were just like the children of Lingjia. They didn’t say anything, they didn’t do anything, and they didn’t want to come. It is a pity that there is no regret in the world. It is their arrogance. Their arrogance has caused them to lose a sacred soldier and lost twenty-five fellow disciples.

Lingdao gave a look to the other children of Lingjia, indicating that they were evacuated. Lingjia disciples did not hesitate because they saw the power of summer, winter and autumn, even if they joined forces, they could not beat summer and winter, or the farther away from summer, winter and autumn.

However, when Lingdao and the Great Devil were ready to go, Xia Dongqiu was in front of them. Lingdao and the big devil's face sank, and Xia Dongqiu looked for them, certainly there is nothing good. Fortunately, there is no shot in summer and winter, indicating that things are not as bad as they think.

After the last incident, the beastless beast must have understood that with his current ability, he could not occupy the body of Lingdao and the Great Devil. Behind Ling Dao and the Great Devil, there is a existence that he can't afford now, forcing a shot to Ling Dao and the Great Devil. For the non-being, there is only a disadvantage, no good.

"Why, you just don't want to see me? Or are you afraid to see me? Then why didn't you just leave?"

Xia Dongqiu’s face was full of jokes, Lingdao and the Great Devil had to stop, and Lingwu and other Lingjia disciples also stopped. Just as Lingdao was ready to answer, Xia Dongqiu suddenly shot, even if Lingdao and the big demon were on alert, it also seemed to be in a hurry.

A big hand, slammed on the shoulders of Lingdao, even if Lingdao went backwards again and again, still did not escape. The other big hand is pressed on the shoulder of the big demon. Even if the big demon **** first displays the big handprint, it still can't change anything. The big demon **** is only the early stage of the heavenly kingdom, and the strength displayed is simply unbearable in the face of summer and winter.

"Let the young masters go, or even if they fight for self-destruction, we won't let you feel better!"

Whether it is because of Lingdao’s identity or because Lingdao had previously saved them, now Lingdao is in danger and they are willing to sell for Lingdao. However, before they even waited for them, Xia Dongqiu actually let go of Lingdao and the Great Devil, so that they did not know what to do.

"Little Master, are you okay? He is not doing anything to you?"

One of Lingjia’s peaks, Tianjun, rushed to Lingdao and asked with concern. Until Lingdao shook his head and signaled that he was fine, he was relieved. The other children of Lingjia are also relieved, and they do not want to fight with Xia Dongqiu.

Lingdao and the big demon **** looked at each other and saw the doubts in the other's voice. Xia Dongqiu can't shoot them for no reason, and it is impossible to let them out of their way. Unfortunately, they did not understand, they did not know what the intention of Xia Dongqiu was.

"Hey, scare you, I just see if you have grown up."

Xia Dongqiu took a clap and left the place. The things to be done have already been completed. There is no need to follow them and Ling Dao and the Great Devil. Up to now, he has not found a better condition than Lingdao and the Great Devil. It is impossible to ask him to give up Lingdao and the Great Devil.

Now it can't occupy the body of Ling Dao and the Great Devil, and it doesn't mean that it won't work in the future. Therefore, he previously seized Ling Dao and the Great Devil, and planted a small seal in their bodies. Regardless of the Lingdao and the Great Devils flee to the ends of the earth, as long as there is no such thing as a small, the beasts will have the confidence to find them.

There is no harm to Lingdao and the Great Devil, and there is no impact on their cultivation. It is just a positioning function. Because of this, it is extremely difficult to detect the small and unspeakable, even if it is the Tao, even to the Taoist, the possibility of discovery is also extremely embarrassing.

Lingdao and the Great Devils self-examined and found that they had left the place without any abnormalities. No ones count them two, and if they let them know, then the beastless beast has lived for so many years. Small, unseen, like particles, even if they are exposed to their eyes, they can't see them.

They returned to the battlefield at the beginning and buried all the children of the dead Ling family. In the next two days, Lingdao finally calmed down. He did not do anything else, just peace of mind, and the income of the previous period was digested and the strength improved again.

Lingdao intends to continue to cultivate for a while, but unfortunately, the Shura community has undergone tremendous changes. The mighty blood, drowning in the heavens and the earth, filled every corner of the Shura world. Some of the children of Ling's family changed their faces. They thought of a rumor. Soon, the voices of Scorpio confirmed their guesses.

"Sura battlefield, open!"

The Shura community, sometimes separated by thousands of years, sometimes separated by tens of thousands of years, will open a battlefield of Shura. As long as the battlefield of Shura is opened, no matter where it is in the Shura community, it will be drawn to the battlefield of Shura. Whether you want to go or don't want to go, you will all go, you can't.

"It’s really a **** eight-year-old blood mold. Shura’s battlefield is open. I’m afraid that blood will flow into the river, and the corpse will be everywhere!”

"After a while, we will leave the Shura community. How did the Shura battlefield happen to be opened at this time? Can't you postpone it for a while?"

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