The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 242: bluff

"Either pull the car for me, or die, I want to kill you, one can't escape, don't believe you can try!"

The sound of the sword magic is not big, and the tone is not severe, but I don’t know why. The six Ashura Tianjun who are present are feeling like a hail and chilling. If the swordsman let them roll, they will definitely say nothing and immediately roll. In the blink of an eye, the sword magic can kill a mid-term prince, his power is beyond doubt.

However, let them pull the car for the sword, they must be a hundred unwilling. The warriors of the Ashura tribe hate the warriors who came in outside because they were locked in the Shura community by the outside warriors. They want to go out, but the rules of the Shura world limit their realm.

They can't break through to the heavens, and it is impossible to break the seal of the Shura world. The former Ashura was a big family in the heavens, and the general emperor forces did not dare to provoke. Now let's not say that it is the power of the emperor. If you have a single force, you can let them go extinct.

"The sergeant can't be humiliated, even if it's dead, I won't pull you a car."

"Well, I would rather stand dead, and I don't want to be alive. What's more, our six players may not be your opponents, maybe you will die in our hands."

A mid-term Tianjun and a late Tianjun said that their attitudes were the most determined, and the remaining three mid-term Tianjun and one later Tianjun were hesitant. Ashura is a killer and not a fake, but it does not mean that they are not afraid of death, and the ants are still stealing, let alone them?

The sword magic nodded, and then the right hand was extended, and the five fingers opened and snapped down. Five large swords, condensed into a Jianshan, and went to the six emperors of the Ashura tribe. The sword is sharp and sharp, and whether it is the mid-term or the late Tianjun of the Ashura tribe, the skin feels painful.

Some of Ashura’s Tianjun waved weapons, and some of Ashura’s Tianjun punched out, and some of Ashura’s Tianjun’s hands were printed. They didn't mean to fight alone with the swordsman, because none of them was sure to kill the previous mid-term prince in the blink of an eye.


The spear used by a mid-term Tianjun could not withstand the sharp edge of Jianshan and broke into two pieces. Another sword used by the mid-term Tianjun is broken into several pieces. The unskilled Ashura Tianjun is still miserable, the phalanx is broken, and the two hands are **** and fuzzy, like a pool of mud.

Two swords crossed, and the two most resolute Tianjun, who had no time to escape, were left behind. To deal with them, the sword magic does not need to pull the sword, the reason why the other four Tianjun did not kill, because they may pull the sword. Give them a chance first, if they don't cherish it, then get rid of it.


One of the two middle-aged monarchs who were still alive was scared to retreat. One of the two heavenly monarchs killed by the swordsman was the late Tianjun. If the swordsman dealt with him, then he is now lying on the ground. He has not been able to raise the courage to fight with the swordsman, and he can only ask him to die.

As for running away, it is simply a luxury. The swordsman wants to kill them. It is just a sword light thing. Even if their speed is faster, can they still get Jianguang? The sword devil has already said that they can't escape, so the end of the escape, certainly only dead, isn't it?

" Pull the car, or die!"

The sword face is cold and cold, and the eyes contain murderous, as if it is possible to kill the killer at any time. The rest of the Ashura Tianjun had been shaken. Now the swordsmen are in front of them, killing a mid-term Tianjun and a late Tianjun, and even scared them.

"I choose to pull the car because I don't want to die!"

The only one who later said that he had a life span of thousands of years. If he died in the hands of the swordsman, the rest of the millennium would not exist. What's more, he didn't intend to surrender. If there is a chance, he will definitely kill the sword. Temporarily pulling the sword to the sword, just to survive.

He took the lead, and the other three Tianjun simply gave up the resistance and chose to pull the cart like him. Escape, can't escape, hit, beat, as long as they don't want to die, they can only obey the command of the sword. Especially in the case of Ashura in the late days of Tianjunjing, the swords and the devils can kill them.

"Actually, you know each other. In fact, it is your honor to be able to pull the car to the Lord."

Lingdao integrated two points, Wu Xiu body is the son of the Ling family, the sword repair body can only continue to be the sword lord. After the sword demon went to the heavens, it was forced to helpless. Only the main and deputy heads of the lobby should first be the disciples of other forces to cultivate the exercises and martial arts of other forces.

Jianzong, established in Dongjian domain, later became the super hegemon of the central territory. Nowadays, the sword demon needs to create a sword in the heavens, and everything starts from the beginning. His current situation is still better than that of the Emperor. The Happy Emperor only got the inheritance of the human path, but he mastered the inheritance of the Emperor. The inheritance of human relationships is only the inheritance of the Taoist masters, and it is completely incomparable with the inheritance of the Emperor.

with pleasure? I am honored to look at you!

The four Ashura Tianjun can't wait to smash the mouth of the sword, but on the surface it is the only promise, making a respectful look. Let the masters of Ashura pull the car, the major forces who came in from the heavens, fear that only the swordsmen are so chic.

It is not that the strength of the sword devil is the strongest, and the Shura community is stronger than him. Only the other warriors who met the warriors of the Ashura tribe knew that they would kill and kill, and no one would enjoy it. Also, other warriors did not see the chariot at all, he just happened to meet it.

The younger son of the five patriarchs, from the young and spoiled, coupled with his talent is very good, can be so capricious. Not to mention the other patriarchs of the Ashura tribe, even the patriarch, nor his shelf, but also sitting in the chariot, but he is cheaper than the sword.

"Go ahead, if you dare to change direction, this lord will kill you!"

Sword Devil's Golden Knife sits on the chariot, not forgetting to threaten Ashura's Tianjun. There is no disciplinary force in front of him. He didn’t know it at all, but he didn’t want to be brought to the Ashura tribe by Ashura’s Tianjun. After he finished speaking, he put all his heart on the face of Ashura.

If Ashura is shining, the sword will definitely change direction, because the Ashura tribe is in the forefront. Fortunately, Ashura’s Tianjun’s face is tangled, and he wants to propose a change of direction, but he dare not say it to the swordsman. He is afraid of angering the sword and destroying his life.

"Nothing, you don't have to meet our tribes. The warriors of other tribes want to come and help us."

"Yes, when we encounter other tribal warriors, we will also be saved. At that time, we must let him live instead of death!"

Ashura’s Heavenly King uses will to communicate, and the swordsman certainly does not know. The last time outside the martial arts gallery, the 18th Ashulu tribe army that ambushed the major forces of war will come to the Shura community. They are the uncles of the five patriarchs, and the warriors who can come in from outside are the common enemies of the 18th Ashuro tribe.

"Is it a Ashura warrior, do you want to kill them all?"

After an hour, dozens of young warriors saw the chariot of the sword. Because the swordsmen were sitting inside, they only saw the four Heavenly Kings of the Ashura tribe. They took it for granted that the swordsman was Ashura, and it was still very high. Otherwise, there would be no Heavenly King pulling the car for him.

"There are four outside, and there may be one inside. If we take the shot, kill them, there is definitely no problem."

"A late Tianjun, three mid-term Tianjun, sitting in the chariot, is at most a peak Tianjun, they are definitely not our opponents."

Among them, there are five peaks, even if other warriors do not shoot, just five peaks are enough to kill the Ashura tribes in front of them. The warriors of the Ashura tribes and their temperament, even if they are now looking at the Ashura martial arts, and then meet, there is still you without me.

The Ashura Tianjun who gave the sword to the car was completely overwhelmed. When they met the warriors from outside, they were unlucky. With their strength, they certainly could not beat dozens of warriors in front of them. They are strong, one-on-one, and the same world, they have the confidence to kill each other, but unfortunately, others have no one-to-one meaning with them.

"And slow hands!"

Just as the five peaks were ready to start, the swordsman came out of the chariot. There is no resentment in the eyes of the warriors and swordsmen, and there is no need for fighting. They had to kill the swordsmen just because they thought the swordsmen were the warriors of the Ashura tribe.

"If the servant I just received, I rushed to you, I can teach them a meal. You and I are both human warriors, why bother to kill in the Shura community?"

The sword deliberately hides the realm in order to give others an inscrutable feeling. Dozens of warriors in front of him can't figure out his depth, and he won't be free to do it with him. Yes, he is bluffing, using Ashura’s Heavenly King to fuel his power. A presence that allows the mid-term Tianjun of the Ashura tribe and the late Tianjun to pull the car must not be underestimated.

"how come?"

"They are pulling the warriors of our human race?"

"Ashro does not regard us as a deadly enemy, and we don't share our days with us? How can we pull someone else like a beast?"

One warrior was shocked. They never thought that sitting in the chariot would be a young genius of the Terran. If the warriors of the Ashura tribe sit in it, it may be because of the status of respect, a human warrior sitting inside, can only show that the strength of the sword magic is beyond their imagination.

"If we have to kill them, what do you want?"

One of the peaks, Tianjun, tentatively asked, they could not retreat because of a guess. They are crowded and there is no need to be afraid of the sword. Perhaps the power of the sword is because he holds the holy soldiers. The sword and the face are cold, since it is pretending to be a strong, it must have a strong look.

"If you want their lives, then don't blame me for being rude. As the saying goes, you have to look at the owner when you hit the dog. You killed them. Who will give me the car?"

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