The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 243: When is this lord bully?

If the swordsman is forbearing, the warrior in front of him will not only get a foothold, but also have doubts about his strength. Now the attitude of the swordsman is tough, but they are afraid of them, bullying and fearing hard. It is the character of most people. Threatening them, certainly relying on it.

The four Asura’s straight teeth were first described as slaves, and then they were said to be beasts. Now they are said to be dogs. If the swordsmen and the dozens of warriors in front of them are far better than them, they will definitely The swordsmen and the dozens of warriors in front of them are smashed.

"We just want to advise you that Ashura is very hateful to us. You let them pull the car. It is simply to raise the tiger. It is better to let us do it and help you kill them. Ok."

There are still peaks in the sky to test the swords, they are still very cautious, there is no meaning to stop, just to say, certainly useless, but fortunately he has come to the four Axiro tribes, he did not immediately But I want to see if the swordsman is bluffing, or really don’t put them in the eye.

The other four peaks, Tianjun, followed him. If the swordsman started, they also resisted, and there would be no casualties. One could not beat the swordsman. Step by step, even if it really can't beat, block a move, certainly no problem.

"Oh..." The swordsman’s eyes were cold, and the sword was destroyed. It seemed to be smashing the shackles. "Are you taking the words of the lord as a slap in the face? They are my dogs. Without my permission, you kill. One try."

It’s not enough to scare words by words alone. Therefore, the swordsman first used the meaning of destroying the sword, and then let other swords come out. It seems that there are nine sword repairs, and at the same time, the swordsmanship is overwhelming, shrouded in the sky, and the earth is suppressed. If the sword devil is really shot, it will reveal its own realm, and it will be fine to use the sword.

Standing on the opposite side of the sword, the five peaks of Tianjun are dignified, and they use their own martial arts to fight against the swordsmanship of the swordsman. You must know that the nine swords of the swordsman are learned from the sword of the emperor, even if it is The Wuyi of the five peaks of Tianjun can't stop the swordsmanship of the swordsmen.

One of the peaks of Tianjun retreats, and then the second and third peaks are retreating. The remaining two monarchs have not retreated, but their mouths have been bleeding, and they really fight, what will happen, and It is not clear, anyway, the sword is intended to fight against the martial arts. They are not the opponents of the swordsmen.

"It's so strong, why is he so young, but he has such terrible strength."

"We still don't want to do it with him. Maybe all our brothers and sisters can join hands and kill him, but we will definitely suffer heavy casualties and it is not worth it."

"He is a human warrior, not an Ashura. We have no enmity with him. Why bother to fight for you."

"Dare to walk alone in the battlefield of Shura, can you have a poor strength? I have long said that I should not stand on the opposite side with him. Now I am suffering."

"Fortunately, we are cautious, did not start with him, or else, the consequences are unimaginable, anyway, he let Ashura's Tianjun pull the car, as long as the warrior of Ashura meets him, he will want his life, why should we take risks. ”

The five peaks of Tianjun exchanged for a moment, that is, they unanimously decided not to do the right thing with Lingdao. If there is a big hatred that they don’t share, they will fight with the swordsman, but unfortunately, they feel the most correct choice. It is far from the swordsman. Who knows what kind of danger there will be in the battlefield of Shura. The greater the loss they have now, the greater the danger in the future.

"Well, your business, it has nothing to do with us, your dog, how do you want to learn, how to teach, we will leave."

After the temptation, they also confronted each other. They have no doubts about the strength of the sword magic. Immediately, there is a peak of the Tianjun’s resignation. The swordsman did not take care of them at all, but turned and walked into the chariot. Not happy, but still tolerated, who made them previously disrespectful to the sword.


The sound of the sword demon came out from the chariot. The four Axiro’s Tianjun did not hesitate. They took the chariot and left. Although they still hated the swordsman, they still admire the swordsman. He can Frighten dozens of warriors, let dozens of warriors do not dare to do it, replace them, I am afraid that they have died in the hands of dozens of warriors.

Soon, they met other disciples of the other forces. Fortunately, the other party did not mean to have extra-budgets. They did not do anything with them. One is the existence of the Ashura and the late days of the Tianjun period. A group of kings and eight heavenly kings can be provoked.

"Ashuro, and the chariot."

"It must be a big man, it is better to do it, how can we do it."

Blocked in front of the chariot, there are only two warriors, exactly two heavenly people, it is the meditation and robbery. Last time, the meditation and robbery did not die. When they recovered, they were ready to participate in the martial arts event. When they were about to arrive at the martial arts gallery, the battlefield of Shura opened.

"Three mid-term Tianjun, a late Tianjun, you come to solve, I solved the inside of the chariot, how."

The robbers said first, because he felt that the Ashura in the chariot was definitely stronger, so that he would deal with the three mid-term princes and a later prince, in order to give the weak to the meditation, and he would deal with it. It shows that he is better than the savage, what is the idea of ​​robbing, it is impossible to understand.

"No, you go to deal with the four carts, I will deal with the inside of the chariot."

He even shakes his head and wants to fight against the swordsman. They don’t know who is sitting in the chariot. They take it for granted that they are the big men of the Ashura tribe. As for the three mid-term monarchs and a late Tianjun. It’s pulling the car, and even if they kill them, there’s nothing to say.

"Haha, I can't help you, I am going first."

The voice has not yet fallen, and the robbery has already appeared in front of the chariot. Once, the robbery speed is very fast. The ordinary mid-term Tianjun can’t match it. Secondly, the four Ashura Tianjun who brought the sword to the magic car have no Protect the meaning of the sword, if the robber can kill the sword, they will also thank the robbery in the heart.

If you change to someone else, the swordsman will either scare it or explain it. You don't need to do it at all, but the meditation is not the same, because they and their own enemies, they don't know the sword, but the swordsmen know them, from the fox When the heart begins, their hatred is already settled.

"Played up, I don't know which force they are. If they don't belong to Ashura's warrior, we should not help."

"I think that if the two of them dare to take out, they will certainly be sure to deal with Ashura's warrior, or they will not have a problem with their brains."

The battlefield of Shura was originally small. Now, the martyrdom and the robbery of the tribes of the Ashura tribe are naturally attracting the attention of other disciples. However, the battle has just begun, and other warriors have no intention of intervening. No pro-independence, no need to worry about the safety of the murder.

"You deal with one, I deal with four. If I solve my opponent before you, are you looking for a tree to die?"

The action of the meditation is also not slow, and it has already been killed in front of the four Asura Tianjun. He has no hidden realm. The four heavenly kings of Ashura will see his cultivation, and a medium-armed warrior will take them. When it became the fish on the cutting board, it was unbearable.

They brought the sword to the sword, and they had already smashed their stomachs. They were venting nowhere, and they were sent to the door. They faced dozens of warriors. They did not dare to shoot, but they were in a state of heaven. The mid-term warriors, they do not care at all, only the blood of the meditation can wash away their anger.

"Okay, I am definitely faster than you."

Although the robber knows that Ming is deliberately stimulating him, he still can't help but win the battle. He knows that the existence inside the chariot may be more difficult to deal with than the four Ashura Tianjun. He still chose the former because he already At the apex of the mid-term Tianjun, you can always break through to the end of the heavenly kingdom.

He is a young genius of the Tianren nationality. Once he breaks into the late stage of the Heavenly Kingdom, let alone deal with the general Tianjun Jingfeng martial arts, even if it is to deal with the genius level of the heavenly kings, it is still easy, if he deals with stronger, still It’s faster than the meditation, and I’m more interested in it later.

"Not necessarily, for the four waste Tianjun, the ten strokes are enough."

It’s very arrogant, because when he wants to come and can pull someone else, there is no such thing as a skill. However, this is not the case. The four Ashura Tianjun who brought the sword to the magic car are not bad. Unfortunately, they are afraid of death. And they want to let the other strong men of the Ashura tribe solve the swordsman.

They are not defeated, but they want to solve them within ten strokes. It is impossible. They really start to work. They know that he underestimated his opponent. The four emperors of the Ashura tribe seem to be one heart and attack at the same time. Defense is more difficult than he imagined.

"As long as he can solve his opponent, we can live, and with his strength, I want to come to no problem."

"Although I can't wait to cramp his skin, I still hope he can win, at least he wants us to pull the car, it won't kill us."

The four emperors of the Ashura tribe are ashamed and embarrassed because they need the sword to save them, and they can survive. The mid-term of the heavenly kingdom is stronger than their joint efforts. They used to feel that the foreigners who came in had no ability, now I realized that the previous ideas were very wrong.

"Isn't this lord not killing a few people, you feel that this lord is bullying, and the middle of the district, the king, wants to kill me, is the head kicked?"

The sword demon slowly came out of the chariot, and the robber standing outside was shocked. He thought that the chariot was a big man of the Ashura tribe. The result turned out to be a young human warrior. Want to know clearly, how can the Heavenly King of the Ashura tribe pull the car to the young warriors of the Terran.

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