The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 244: Sword magic VS robbery

"Who are you? Why Ashura will give you a cart."

The robbery did not immediately start. And gambling on the gamble. Has been left behind by him. Sword demon a young man. But it is possible to let the three Ashura mid-day monarchs and an Ashura late Tianjun pull the cart for him. Do not rob can not be curious. If there is Ashura let him pull the car. He would rather die than agree.

Or. The sword demon and the Ashura tribe have collusion. It is worthy of Ashura to show him good. Or. The sword magic has a means of looming. Can make Ashura's Heavenly King obedient. To say that the sword is the peak of the king. Robbery is definitely not believed. Not only because the sword is too young. Also because of intuition.

Twenty-year-old Yufeng Tianjun. The power of the Emperor is not without. but. The sword demon gives the feeling of robbery. It is the appearance of Tianjun in the early or middle period. Robbery is a young man of the Tianren. It has always been a rare enemy in the same industry. If the sword is really in the same state as him. He believes that there is no problem with defeating the sword.

"Who are you? What qualifications are there to ask this lord?"

The sword devil is on the verge of overlooking. It seems that the superior is questioning the courtiers. He used to be the first person in the world of Sword God. Hit the world invincible. Jianzong is the strongest force in the central territory. The other four major territories are even more powerless. And he is the patriarch of the sword.

The temperament on his body. Very unique. Robbery can't match. I can't compare it. The brow's brow wrinkled. Because he thought of one thing. There are old and old nirvana in the heavens. Perhaps the sword demon was once a peerless powerhouse. Now wake up. Everything starts from the beginning. Just like the magic heaven and the no-magic emperor.

"Heavenly people. Robbery. I don't know which power you are."

The robber did not care about the attitude of the sword. Because he thought that the sword magic is a peerless strongman Nirvana. I can't beat him a junior. Of course. unfortunately. He guessed it wrong. The sword magic is not a peerless power at all. Even if he was alive. It’s just the peak of the king.

On guts. The sword magic may be great. After all, Fengfeng Tianjun dared to kill the power of God. He did things that the host did not dare to do. On strength. Feng Feng Tian Jun is in the heavens. Not worth mentioning at all. It is also a bit of a position in the forces of the four products. To the second power. You can’t do it. Not to mention the power of one product and the power of the emperor.

"Jian Zong. Sovereign. Sword Magic."

The sword devil said one word at a time. Did not hide his identity. Now decided to create a sword in the heavens. Then. Start now. You can start the name of the sword. A young warrior who can learn from the world. They are all geniuses of major forces. They know Jianzong. It means that some people know the swords.

As for whether it will be an enemy. The sword magic does not care at all. As the saying goes. Run the monk. Run the temple. The sword demon has no temple yet. I want to run if I want to run. Tianjie Sanqian territory. It is boundless. Others want to find him. It is not a simple matter at all. The main and deputy heads of the various sects of Jianzong. All in other forces. Today's Jianzong. It can be said. Only the sword is a person.

"Jian Zong. Great tone."

The robbery took a high look at the sword. Dare to be the name of the sword. Absolutely great. unfortunately. He has limited knowledge. I have never heard of any swords. perhaps. Jianzong used to be a emperor. It has only been annihilated in the long river of history. The sword demon may be the patriarch of the sword. Or the elders of Jianzong.

"Since you are lucky enough to meet you. Then. Don't play a game. It's not a waste of opportunity."

Because of the preconceived influence. The robbers have already regarded the swordsman as a predecessor. It is to make the sword magic feel inexplicable. Robbery feels. Can play against Nirvana's peerless powerhouse. The benefits to yourself are enormous. Anyway, the current state of the sword is not high. If the same realm can't beat the sword. He can also break through to the end of the heavenly kingdom. Then compete with the sword magic.

"You still can't fight. Don't do it again. I will solve them."

Turned around. Shouting at the robber. The three Asuras in the middle of the sword and the one in the late days of the Ashura are obviously at a disadvantage. As long as it is a discerning person. I can definitely see it. Fighting the four heavenly kings of Ashura. It is a matter of time.

The three Ashura mid-day monarchs and one of Ashura's late Tianjun did not have a good-looking look. They dare not do it with the swordsman. It is because of the strength of the sword magic. Too powerful. did not expect. Now I meet a mid-term monarch. It is better than them. The age of the demon and the sword. Maybe even their fractions can't match. Are they really alive?

"What to do. Ask for help."

"Let a human warrior save us. Then we are much more humiliated."

"We give him a cart. It's for survival. Now for help. It's not for survival. Don't you want to die."

"Isn't it a shame to pull a car? Just don't be a shame. Life is the most important thing."

If they have the courage to fight. I will not pull the sword at all. Even in the Ashura tribe. They are equally bad. otherwise. Take their repairs. It is impossible to pull the car to the young patriarch. Not because they are not strong. But because they lack blood. Other Ashura simply looked down on them.

Just a moment. They will discuss it well. And the war and retreat. Go back in the direction of the sword. Although there are other warriors present. But other warriors simply cannot save them. The only thing that can save their lives. Only the sword magic. If the swordsman does not help them. Then they really don't know what to do.

"You have to fight. I can accompany you. Just. Can your friend stop? In front of me. Hit my dog. Really good."

The sword demon is a deliberate humiliation of Ashura's Heavenly King. Anyway, the four Heavenly Kings of Ashura are now afraid to refute. Don't say swords, they are dogs. Even awkward is hard to hear a hundred times. They can still accept it. To them. Living is the most important thing. It’s better to die than to live.

"Since you speak, then I will discuss it with him."

The robbery gave me a look. unfortunately. Ming just snorted. There is no intention to stop. They used to be hostile. If it is not because of the same as the Terran warrior. It is impossible to come together. The robbery makes you obedient. Totally impossible. What's more. The meditation is still angry. previously. Robbery and the swordsman inside the chariot. The meditation can only deal with the Ashura Tianjun who brought the sword to the magic car.

Fortunately, there are ways to rob. I don't know what to say to the voice. Mind nodded. Ashura Tianjun, who took the sword and pulled the car, was relieved. The sword magic really has the ability. The opening makes it stop. I did not continue to shoot. Change to them. Even if you are begging for mercy. I can't stop my hand.

The robber took a deep breath. Adjust your own state to the peak. Nine blood lines. It is like a river in the Yangtze River. The rush is endless. Thick blood. Climbing to the sky. It seems that we want to turn one side of the world into a sea of ​​blood. A pair of big hands. Flashing blood. It is like a blood agate. Crystal clear.

"The blood is not dry. Oath not to stop."

The red blood waves rolled. The waves are full of ten feet high. The robbers were shot in succession. The momentum is rising. From the **** sea. Drill a head of a beast. grimace in pain. Pounced on the sword. They are red. A root tentacle. Dancing again and again. It is like an octopus.

The number of beasts is increasing. A few heads from the beginning. To the next dozens. Hundreds of heads to the present. And the number is still increasing. Robbery thought that the sword magic is a peerless strong Nirvana. Naturally, no tentative attacks will be used. When you come up, you are going to be a school. Want to defeat the sword magic.

Want to defeat the peers of the peerless Nirvana. It is no easy task. It is like a beastless animal in the peak of the heavenly kingdom. Strong and outrageous. Whether it is Tianjun who comes in from heaven. Still the heavenly king of Ashura. Can't find anyone who can beat him. of course. No phase beast is not invincible. Because there is a forbidden land in the Shura community.

Do not say anything else. It is simply the existence of the magic hand forbidden. It is not that no beast can deal with it. The magic hand ban is only one hand of Iro. No phase beast is also not a once-in-a-lifeless emperor. Again. Even the heyday of the Emperor. Certainly not the opponent of Yi Ruo.

Ziwei Emperor. However, the supremacy that once dominated the three thousand territories. Still lost to Iro. The no-magic emperor is powerful. But it is not yet strong enough to dominate the three thousand territories. I can't beat Iru. Even in every era. The great emperor who dominated the three thousand territories. The strength is different. But you must not underestimate the Ziwei Emperor.

"Good martial arts. He is a Terran. It is so powerful in the middle of the world. If he becomes a martial artist in the heavens and kingdom. That is enough."

"Crap. The warrior of the Terran is awesome. Generally speaking, the Terran warriors in the same realm are not their opponents at all. Don't say that he has become a martial artist in Tianjun. Even if it is now. The general Tianjun dynasty is not the same. His opponent."

Robbery shot. It caused a lot of sensation. More and more warriors are in the distance. There is a king. There are also Tianjun. Like to watch the fun. It is human nature. Many other races are the same. They didn't mean to intervene. Just want to see the skills of the Tianren warrior.

"You don't want to be long-spirited. Destroy your own prestige. I think the sword demon is definitely better than the robbery. The sword demon can let Ashura's Tianjun pull the cart for him. And it is also the mid-term and the late Tianjun of Ashura. You feel robbery. Can you do it?"

"What happened to the Terran martial artists. We have been to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. Do you have other races to beat them? Our Terran is the master of heaven and earth. You are not satisfied. The swordsman is my human warrior. I think he is powerful. How. No. ”

Their argument. Of course, it does not affect the robbery and the sword. I just thought about it. After defeating the sword magic. Tell other warriors again. The sword demon is the niche of the peerless powerhouse. By the time. Others will definitely look at him. Waiting back to the Terran. He can also compare the meditation.

The sword and the brow are picking. It’s like two swords rising from the sky. The robbery of the Terran. It is indeed very powerful. It was not the one that was previously dealt with by Ashura Tianjun. but. The Great Devil is in the early days of the Heavenly Kingdom. Can defeat the robbery. How can he lose to robbery?

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