The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 245: Pick up a sword

"There is a sword."

Used by the swordsman. It is the three swordsmanship that the three dead masters passed to him. The three apostles can straddle one territory after another. The sword method pioneered. Certainly not bad. He has the kendo sentiment of the three dead masters. There is also the martyrdom of the Emperor. Together with the guidance of the Emperor. The three swordsmanship method has already been cultivated to another level.

What shocked other warriors is. The sword magic did not even draw a sword. It is just a sword. In other words. Robbed in the eyes of the sword. Still a bad one. If the sword is the peak of the heavenly kingdom or the end of the heavenly kingdom. They can still accept. The swordsman is the same as the robber. It is only the mid-term cultivation of Tianjun.

People. Overwhelming silhouette. Dense. Rubbing your shoulders. It seems that it is all sword repair. Go one by one. The number of them. More than the beasts that are drilled in the blood. Even a figure. Not an opponent of a beast. It doesn't matter at all. Because there will be dozens or even hundreds of personal shadows rushing up soon.

"Even if your blood is dry, you can't help me."

The sword magic shook his head. Say something. Let the robbery vomit blood. The robbery is proud of the school. In the eyes of the sword. It is a small skill. Especially after the hands-on. The repair of the sword demon was exposed. The same as the robbery. Mid-day Tianjun. The same repair is a duel. Robbery goes all out. The sword magic is an understatement. High judgment.

Fortunately, the robber thinks that the sword demon is the ancient strongman Nirvana. The eye of the sword magic. Not that he can compare. If you know it. The sword demon is just a warrior from the lower bound. Certainly cannot accept the fact that it is not as good as the sword. sometimes. I don't know the truth. It is not a good thing.

"how come."

"When the younger generation of the human race appeared such a powerful warrior."

"Do you know who he is? Which force comes from."

Don't say the warrior who thought that the swordsman would lose. Even the warrior who thought that the sword can win. The same is shocking. Just because of the same family. They only think that the sword can win. And even if it wins. Certainly not easy. Maybe it will be a tragic victory. however. The reality is different from what they imagine.

Frowning brows. Look carefully at the swordsman. A human genius that will allow Ashura to pull the car. Sure enough, it is extraordinary. If he was before. Certainly the same as robbery. Not the opponent of the sword magic. but. Since the opportunity to get a big deal in the Shura community. His strength is no longer the same.

"Our battle is just beginning. Just pick me up."

The robbery opened. Nine blood lines are like giant pythons that usually twist the body. Blood gas is rushing. The power of the sword magic. Aroused his war. He has always been very self-sufficient. The result is now the swordsman with his realm. Playing with him did not mean to draw a sword. Since losing to the Great Devil. He cultivated more than ever before.

"Blood swords."

Use the sword. Deal with the sword magic. Not only because the robbers are very powerful. Also because the robbery wants to be in the field where the sword magic is good. Defeat the sword. Bloody swords. The most important thing is blood. The stronger the blood. The power of **** swords. It is bigger. There are nine blood lines in the robbery. The blood is comparable to the emperor. Cast a **** sword, don't say to deal with the mid-term Tianjun. It’s okay to kill the peaks of Heaven.

The eyes of the robbery were closed. Put your index finger and **** together. Flat in front of you. Just blocking my eyes. When his hands are pulled open left and right. A pair of scorpions suddenly opened. There seems to be a sparkle in the scorpion. Sword and spirit. Nine blood lines follow one after another. Rush into his hands. Let his hands bloom infinitely.

suddenly. His hands are fastened together. The index finger and the **** that are close together are also closely connected. Countless **** swords. Rush to the sword magic. It seems that the sword is torn into countless pieces. Bloody swords. Certainly more powerful than the martial arts he used previously. otherwise. How to defeat the swordsman.

The three Ashura mid-day monarchs and one of Ashura’s late Tianjun were sweating for the sword. Change to their words. Can not stop the **** swords of robbery. It is not how much they care about the sword. But the sword magic once lost to robbery. They will not live their lives. The swordsman is now their life preserver.

"Shock sword."

The sword demon still has no sword. Instead, use the source of the sword. Gather a sword. Hold in your hand. He wants to have a clear relationship with another body. Yuanyuan origin is still less useful. The source of the sword is shaking. With a hundred meters of square space. They all shook up.

The spurt to the sword and the sword in front of him. I can't keep the speed at all. Instead, it slowly dissipated in the shock. Not only because of the sword sword's shocking sword style. Also because he used the idea of ​​destroying the sword. Robbery uses the sword to the sword. It’s simply stupid enough to be stupid. If the sword magic is full of force to promote the emperor sword. It can be said. No need to use any swordsmanship. Bloody swords can't hurt him.

"You just do it. I dare to challenge me."

Disdain, ridicule, and embarrassment. The attitude of the sword demon. The gas robbery took off. unfortunately. A robbery fire. Nowhere to vent. It is his own skill that is not as good as people. It is his own academic skills. It is his own self-reliance. Robbery who challenged the initiative. Who knows that the sword is far stronger than he imagined.

Two schools have been eliminated. The robbery was full of confidence. The result is not to defeat the sword. The sword magic is simply unscathed. unfortunately. There is no turning arrow in the bow. Since it has already been shot. Then. Must have a win or lose. Think about it in another direction. The robbery did not defeat the swordsman. but. Did the swordsman defeat the robbery?

"I didn't hurt you. But you didn't hurt me either. It's just half a catty. What qualifications do you have to ridicule me?"

The rebuttal of the robbery. Not without reason. There are even many warriors nodding. just. Silently shook his head. The truth and the robbery are absolutely different. The sword demon is after the robbery. Unscathed. The robbery was not injured. Just because the swordsman has not really started. From the battle to the present. The sword magic has not been taken seriously.

"You are so confident. Don't pick up a sword. How."

do not know why. The words of the sword demon. Let the robber feel a creepy feeling. but. It is a sword magic that robs the challenge. If there is no courage to connect the sword to the sword now. What are the faces of the world after the robbery? He is a genius. It is not a few wastes of Ashura. How can you not even dignity in order to live?

What's more. Although the robber feels that the sword is very strong. But certainly not strong enough to kill him. Say. If it really does not match the sword magic. The robbery can break through to the end of the heavenly kingdom. A breakthrough in a small realm. It is absolutely possible to increase the combat power of robbery. It must be different at the time.

"The sword is a sword."

The sword demon shot. It is the red face of the robbery. Because the sword magic not only did not pull the sword. There is no even meaning of using a sword. He is only referring to the sword. The index and middle fingers are facing the robbery. Silver sword light. It is coming. Scared a big jump. up down left right. Four rules. Just like a sword. Sharp and revealing. The sword is skyrocketing.

to be frank. It’s just a catastrophe in the middle of the day. The sword devil did not pay attention to it. Even if you don't need a sword. He is still sure. A trick to defeat the robbery. Previously let the robbery. Just to give hope. It is now possible to make robbery desperate. If it can kill. He will never be soft.

"not good."

The robbery felt an unprecedented danger. Quickly retreat at the fastest speed. Fortunately, he was prepared. Quickly show the defense to school. Use thick blood gas. Condensed into a thick wall. Only face the sword magic. Only to feel the terrible of the sword magic. His sword is angry. Unbreakable. His sword potential. Nothing to stop. His sword meaning. Destroy the sky.

Four **** roads. Condensed into two "ten" characters. Posted behind the wall. Robbery hands. Just right on the two "ten" words. The source of power poured out. Rolling in. The swordsman gave the pressure of robbery. It is too big. Even if it is defense. Robbery must go all out.

Just now. Robbery. The sword magic can be blocked by understatement. just now. Swordsman shot. The robbery has to show all the tricks. I still don't know if I can resist it. If the robbery thinks that the sword magic is about the same as his strength. Then his head can be changed with the pig. Anyway, almost.

"He really only has a peak in the sky. It's too strong. Even if it's a sword repair in a palace, you don't have to have such a fight."

"If the Terran martial artists are as strong as him, then there are other things in our race."

"Fortunately, the talents of the Terran warriors are mixed. Millions or even tens of millions of people. It is not necessarily a genius who can match him."

Even if it is the peak of the day. Ask yourself. Really fight words. They are probably not the opponents of the swordsmen. Fortunately, the sword and the devil are enemies. Not them. If you die in the middle of a mid-day. It’s just not dead. They are geniuses. But in front of the sword. There is no difference between me and me.


What makes the face of the robbery change is. Thick wall. A crack appeared. Then. One after another, a crack. Like a spider web. he knows. Rely on his defense. It must be unable to stop the sword of the sword. Fortunately, he made a decision. Retreat at the fastest speed. Since it can't resist. Then think of ways to avoid it.

"What happened? How did my sword get out of my own?"

"Not only you. My sword is also unsheathed. And it is not under my control."

A sword with a handle and a handle. It is like an arrow. Shooting at the robbery of the Terran. The reason is so. Of course it is because of the influence of the sword. Take the strength of the sword magic now. Forced to plunder the swordsman of Tianjun who was not prepared. There is no difficulty at all. of course. If the strength is stronger than him, Tianjun. Inevitably cannot succeed.

"What do you mean. Deceive me the Terran."

Cold face. I can’t wait for the Tianjun who spoke before. but. He soon understood it. It’s not that they want to intervene in the showdown between the sword and the robber. It is the sword method used by the swordsman. Affected their sword. He is looking for trouble. You should find the Lord. What is the use of finding them out?

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