The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 251: The ancients do not deceive me.

The sword demon first kills the robbers of the celestial beings, and then repels the celestial beings of the celestial beings. Before and after the two confrontations, it is said that the swordsmen are really unscathed, and the warriors present are absolutely unbelievable. In the late period of the Tianjun dynasty and the middle of the heavenly kingdom, compared with the peak of the heavenly king, it is only weak or weak, not a good deal.

They all agreed that the sword demon is pressing the injury down. If the sword demon really looks the same as it appears on the surface, there is no need to scare it. The sword demon dares to rob the life, and dares to speak in public to destroy the heavenly people. If he can kill the evil, he will certainly not be soft-hearted.

"Little brother, you call our brother, who wants us to kill you?"

I was unhappy and asked in the knife repair of the peak of Tianjun. Not every knife repair, carrying a sword, just a casual glance, ~m meditant certainly do not know that they are all knife repair. Moreover, many emperor forces, both knife repair, sword repair, and martial arts, did not know that the sword magic is cheating him.

"Don't you say that you are too far away, you have admit the wrong person, and you can't be so blind?"

In addition, the temperament of the sword of the Heavenly King was even worse. The saga of the confrontation with the sword and the demon was scared away by the sword, and they were obviously used once by the sword. They don't know what the origins of the meditation are, so fast they run, maybe they have been remembered by the meditation, and they have an enemy for no reason.

"Don't say anything that isn't calling us. You just shouted in the direction we were in. Even if I misread, my teachers and brothers can't all read it wrong?"

The third Tianjun Jingfeng knife can't help but interrupt, leaving no excuses for the sword. They are a large group of warriors, and certainly will not be afraid of a mid-term monarch. Because they came late, they did not see the situation of the swordsman and the robbery and the war. They naturally did not know the power of the sword.

Shendaoge, the emperor's power in the Tiandao domain, was created by a swordless **** in ancient times. Because the knives of the knives only receive the knives, they are all knives, and the swordsman is a sword repairer. It is absolutely impossible for them to be their younger brother. If it is not clear about the origins of the swords, maybe they have already started.

"You are a noisy person, I feel that you are good people, one by one, the road is hot, the road is not flat, and you will definitely help. The reason why you call you a brother is because you are older than me, it is not that we are from a force, I have no Pretending to be your younger brother."

Blinking the words, the sword is no expression, the look is serious, the face is serious, there is no smile. The warriors who had been present before had widened their eyes. I didn’t expect the swordsmen to be so shameless. It’s so great that they can shoot them. They have lived for so many years and they are really seeing for the first time.

The disciples of Shendaoge were equally at a loss, and the words that were originally prepared were swallowed up in their stomachs. The swordsman will make them a good boast, let them fall into the Shutai, if they are now on the sword magic, obviously unwilling to go, in the end, their skin is still too thin, and the sword magic is not at a level.

"Unfortunately, I underestimated the deterrent power of the brothers. I didn't expect the kid to look at you for a glance. I was so frightened. If I had the skills of my brothers, I would have broken the kid."

Continue to say good things, even to the sword magic car pull Axiro Tianjun, feel blush, but the sword magic is still expressionless. Speaking of the shamelessness of the sword, it is clear that he is demeaning, and it is simply shameless to the extreme. The sword demon still wants to continue to say that a Fengfeng Tianjun of the Knife Court has raised his right hand, and he has no intention of closing his mouth.

"The little brother is fangs. In fact, we are not malicious to you. Just want to ask, what is the origin of the martial art who just fled?"

A knife in the peak of Tianjunjing asked and smiled, completely different from the previous attitude. However, if the head of the meditation is too big, it can pose a threat to them. Even if the swordsman says that the sky is falling, the earth is rushing, and he will not let go of the sword. The battlefield of Shura was dangerous, and he didn't want to recruit more than one enemy.

"The Heavenly Terran, only in the middle of the heavenly kingdom, seems to be called Ming."

The sword magic did not mean to deceive the disciple of the knives, because there are other warriors present, if he tells lies, maybe it will be dismantled by other warriors, when the disciples of the knives will certainly not be polite to him. Moreover, deceiving the disciple of the knives is not good for him, and it makes no sense.

The disciples of Shendaoge looked at each other and finally recovered. The celestial beings are powerful, but the number of celestial beings is scarce. Every time they go to the celestial family in the world of Luo, they have less than 100 people. They have a lot of people, and there is no real hatred in the Ming Dynasty. It is unlikely that they will fight.

As for leaving the Shura community, they don't have to worry about it. The Tianren people are far away from the Tiandao domain. It is impossible to go to the Tiandao domain to find them trouble. Moreover, the Tiandao domain is the site of the Shendao Pavilion. As long as the warrior of the Tianren tribe is not a guilty conscience, it will certainly not kill the old nest of the Knife.

"If there are no other things for your brothers, I will leave."

Who knows if the disciple of Shendaoge will suddenly turn his face, and the swordsman thinks it is better to stay away from them first. In the middle of the three heavenly kings, Ashura and a late-stage Ashura quickly went to the chariot and prepared for the sword and the car. Only with the sword magic, they have a chance to live, pull the car and pull the car, it is better to die than to live.

The disciples of Shendaoge did not stop the meaning of the swordsmen. They did not know the identity of the swordsmen, and they did not want to inexplicably enemies with other emperors. It is a pity that the luck of the swordsman is not generally bad. The house leaks are even rainy at night, and the disciples of the **** knife are not stopped. It does not mean that there are no other warriors to block.

"Sword Demon, Sword Demon, if you are honestly staying in Taikoo City, we can't take you, maybe you can live to the end of your life. However, if you have to come to the Shura community to die, if we don't fulfill you, don't you? Waste your pains?"

"Last time in Taikoo Shing, you killed me the elders of the Taiyin Temple. Have you ever thought of today? There have been two big battles, and the consumption is not small? Is there still a wound?"

"I don't know how long you have been in the Shura community. Anyway, next year is your jealous day."

When the robbers of the Terran and the Swordsman started, there were disciples of the Taiyin Temple hiding in the distance. The only thing to know about the swordsman is the Tianwangjing disciple of the Taiyin Temple, because Tianjun rarely pays attention to the Tianzhang list. Originally they were ready to shoot and kill the sword. However, the strength of the sword magic shows them scared to death.

Fortunately, they did not rush to follow the swords, or they must have died under the sword of Wang Jian. When the sky is going to battle, the swordsmen are more powerful than them, but the extent of the power is limited. Now, the gap has not only shrunk, but has become bigger and bigger, even if they are together, it is still a dead end.

The Tianjunjing disciples of the Taiyin Temple are not far from them. They quickly invited Tianjun. Yin Qingyu is in the middle of the Taiyin Temple. Yin Qingyi’s cultivation is extremely fast. He is the birth daughter of the Emperor. Now, like the Sword Demon, he has the mid-term cultivation of the Heavenly King. In comparison, Su Yuyu and Gu Hong of the Ancient Emperor Palace, the speed of cultivation, will be slower.

"Taiyin Temple? The emperor's power in the ancient domain? So, is the sword magic a disciple of the ancient palace or the life-stricken building?"

I have to say that the Taiyin Temple is still quite famous. There are already military people who use the Taiyin Hall to speculate on the identity of the sword. Unfortunately, they guessed that it was completely wrong. The sword demon was neither a disciple of the ancient emperor nor a disciple of the life-stricken building. He not only killed the elders of the Taiyin Temple, but also killed the elders of the ancient emperor palace and the desperate building.

"Can he kill the elders of the Taiyin Temple? What is the mess? How does Tianjun kill the elders of the emperor's forces? Let the parents bury themselves?"

Unfortunately, their doubts are unanswered. The disciples of the Taiyin Temple know that they are wrong, and certainly will not explain the half sentence. The swordsman is thinking about how to get out of the way and is even less interested in explaining to them. They can only guess wildly, right? Only the swordsmen and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple are clear.

"His Royal Highness, it was a pity that I was unable to fight in the battle of the day. It’s a pity, not a match today, is it good?"

The swordsman's eyes flashed and he had an idea. His current situation is not suitable for a long time. Whether the disciples of the Taiyin Temple are one after another, or together, at the end, the loser must be him. Does the disciple of the Taiyin Temple hate him, he does not know, anyway, he knows that the disciple of the Taiyin Temple definitely wants his life.

He now only hopes that Yin Qing is a bit stupid and impulsive. As long as Yin Qingyi starts, he will take Yin Qingyi, and Yin Qingxi is a hostage. The disciple of the Taiyin Temple will definitely vote for the rat. There is a cloud in the old saying, and there is no brain in the chest. Yin Qing’s chest is still very big. If she is very clever, she can only say that the ancients are liar.

"You are in the middle of the heavenly kingdom, and I am also in the middle of the heavenly kingdom. You will not dare to fight with me?"

Without the answer from Yin Qingxi, the sword magic continued to stimulate the road. Yin Qingyi is the saint of the Taiyin Temple, and the birth daughter of the Emperor, synonymous with the invincibility of the realm. It’s a shame for her to compete in the list. If she can defeat the swords, she can be ashamed. The last day was the battle for the list, although the last one was Su Yuyu, but the most popular is the sword.

The disciple of the Taiyin Temple originally wanted to persuade Yin Qingyi, but after thinking of Yin Qingyi's temper, he had to close his mouth. Maybe the swordsman only has 40% to 50% of the fighting power. The sacred priest can not only vent his anger, but also play the prestige of the Taiyin Temple. They don't have to stop it.

"It’s ridiculous, is this holy woman still afraid of you?"

Yin Qingyi looked up and walked toward the sword, like a proud peacock. The two peaks behind her, Tianjun, looked at each other and prepared for it at any time. When Yin Qingyi defeated the swordsman, they took the sword and killed them. If Yin Qingyi is not the opponent of the sword magic, they have to shoot, not to give the sword magic the opportunity to hurt Yin Qingyi.

The sword magic only wants to sigh one sentence, the ancients do not deceive me, Yin Qingyi really no brain!

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