The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 252: Still not comfortable with the sword

The swordsman has successively confronted the robbery and the meditation. Yin Qingyi did not see it. However, as the saint of the Taiyin Temple, the biological daughter of the emperor, sometimes, can not retreat. Since the last day of the battle, I don’t know how many Taiyin disciples are chewing on their tongues.

The birth daughter of the Emperor is not only invincible in the same realm, but even worse than a warrior who is lower than her realm. It is not only Yin Qingyi himself, but also her father, who is sitting in the Taiyin Temple. If Yin Qingyi can defeat the swordsmen of the same realm under the broad public, others will definitely change her.

If the swordsman of the heyday, Yin Qingyi asked himself is not an opponent. Fortunately, the current swordsman is not in the peak state, Yin Qingyi has the opportunity to defeat the sword magic. It’s shameful to be in danger, but it’s worth it if you can kill the sword. The winner is the king, the loser is the beggar, not to mention a dead person.

After returning from Taikoo Shing, Yin Qingyi was a desperate practice. Of course, progress is not only the realm, but also the strength. If she didn't see the swordsman's power first, she must have thought that the other mid-term warriors were not her opponents. After all, she won the guidance of the emperor not long ago.

"The absolute palm!"

In the past, Yin Qingyi cast a sinister palm, and certainly there is no current power. The fifth level of the Taiyin origin, it seems that +6 will freeze the entire battlefield, the frost will plummet, and the snow will drift. The three roads are like a condensed ice cone, flashing the cold cold. In the middle of the Tianjun period, she only mastered three ways.

The palm of the white jade is chilly and cold, and the cold wind whispers and freezes into the bone marrow. Whether it is because the day of the list battle is ranked below the sword magic, or because the sword magic once killed the elders of the Taiyin Temple, Yin Qingyi can not find a reason to let go of the sword. What's more, she is still on the sword and feels an unprecedented threat.

The younger generation of the Taiyin Temple could not find the beauty that can be compared with Yin Qing. Although the ancient imperial palace and the life-stricken building have the same name as Yin Qingyi, Yin Qingyi has full confidence and will surpass them sooner or later. Only for the sword demon, Yin Qingyi did not have a little bit of confidence, because when the Tianzhang list battled, the sword demon showed an endless edge.

The sword demon did not talk nonsense with Yin Qing, because he had to fight with Yin Qingyi and beware of the Tianjun of the Taiyin Temple. When all his minds are in battle, there is a mind to fight with Yin Qingyi. If it is not good, saying the wrong words caused Yin Qingxi’s vigilance, and he was shocked by the grass, and he lost a lot.

Ren Wang Jian does not have any fancy, from the top down, to Yin Qingyi. The four roads are integrated into the blade, which is like upgrading the sword to the sword of the heavenly sword. Destroying the sword is like a smashing out of the world, like destroying the earth and destroying the world.

Frontal collisions, without any opportunistic tricks, are hard hits. Yin Qingyi’s palm strength is in the face of the sword demon. The sword of the person Wang Jian, even more than just opened Yin Qingyi's palm. Yin Qingyi retired and looked back at the eyes of the sword, full of horror.

It’s one thing to witness the swordsman and other warriors playing against each other. It’s one thing to really do it with the swordsman. Moreover, Yin Qingyi also guessed wrong, the sword magic is only expensive, and it is not hurt at all. The sword demon is a disciple of the Taiyin Temple, but his taboo is the Fengfeng Tianjun, not Yin Qingyi.

"I haven't seen you for a while. He is stronger than before. If he is not removed, what will happen to us in the future?"

"There is the Lord of the Taikoo Shrine, as long as he hides in the Taikoo Shrine, we can't take him. There is no way to meet him in the Shura world, and he must not let him escape."

"The more he is doing now, the more I feel that he is the end of power. Don't rush to start, let the temple of the saints say it before the snow."

The first confrontation, the sword magic took the upper hand, Yin Qingyi fell in the wind, the disciple of the Taiyin Temple was surprised, but it was not unacceptable. How strong the swords are, they have not seen it before, the saints can be unscathed under the sword of the sword, it is very rare. As for the identity of the eldest daughter of the emperor, they were thrown into the clouds.


Yin Qingyi did not say anything, it was to display the martial arts, so that her strength, get a hundred and twenty. Her pair of pupils, like two little black holes, swallowed everything. As long as her shackles cover the swordsmanship, the strength of the swordsman can be reduced by at least 20%.

The swordsman did not act rashly. It was not because he couldn't deal with the Taiyin world, but he was prepared to count it. He took Yin Qingyi in an instant, and did not give the opportunity to rescue Yin Qingyi from the peak of the Taiyin Temple. Now that he and Yin Qingyu are trapped in the Taiyin world, the peak of the Taiyin Temple will inevitably relax their vigilance.

First of all, the Taiyin world is so powerful that Yin Qingyi’s brothers have heard about it. Secondly, the Taiyin world has seriously affected their sight, and the figure of Jianmo and Yin Qingyi has become blurred. They feel that Yin Qingyi is no longer good, and he can protect himself in the Taiyin world.

"Sword Demon, Sword Demon, Taikoo City, you are out of the limelight, it is good luck, you have escaped a death. There is no Taikoo City Lord to save you in the Shura community. Now you have only one dead road. Before you die, do you understand one? reason?"

Yin Qingyi is very conceited and has spoken with the winner's gesture and the sword. When the Taiyin world comes out, the strength of the sword will be reduced by a few percent, and it will only become weaker. The first confrontation, she did not take advantage of the cheap, but she can feel that the strength of the sword magic is weaker than the robbery and the confrontation.

"What is the reason?"

The sword demon asked with a blank face, and did not know what was in Yin Qing’s mind. What Yin Qingxi’s current actions are, in his eyes, is to die. Yin Qingyi also thought that the life and death of the sword magic is in his hands, and the chest is not brainless, it is stupid to the extreme.

"The reason is very simple, it is to do the right thing with this saint, absolutely, absolutely no good end!"

When the words that have been brewing for a long time are said, Yin Qingyi feels refreshed. Then, Yin Qingyi was once again showing the yin palm, preparing to hit the sword magic in one fell swoop. The first confrontation, she did not use all the power, plus now is in the Taiyin world, she feels that the sword is not far from the death.

However, some people shot faster than Yin Qingyi, not others, it is the sword magic. The person Wang Jian is like lightning, and it is so fast that it is almost at the extreme. In the eyes of Yin Qingyi, the sword tip was constantly enlarged and enlarged. Yin Qingyan was so scared that his forehead sweated and quickly raised his hand to resist.

Yin Qingyi took out a piece of land symbol, condensed into a black flag, blocking in front of him. The man Wang Jian stabbed on the black flag, as if stabbing into the boundless sea, there is no threat to Yin Qingyi. Fortunately, the sword magic has long been prepared, and the left hand is referred to as a sword, squatting on Yin Qingyi's body.

Under the circumstance, Yin Qingyi’s dress left the three mouths. Fortunately, the dress she wore was a weapon of the ground, otherwise it was not just a problem of the dress being damaged. The sword demon looks awkward, because the black corset worn by Yin Qingyi has already been revealed. No brain is no brain, and the chest is real.

The machine can't be lost, the loss is no longer coming, the key moment, the sword magic will of course not be distracted. If Yin Qingyi calls for help, or screams, it will definitely lead to the peak of the Taiyin Temple. The swordsman must catch up with Yin Qingyi before they are alert.

Yin Qingyi in the middle of the Tianjun period, is not easy to deal with, but also in the Taiyin world, the sword magic is really not sure in the blink of an eye, Yin Qingyi won, unless Yin Qingxi lost his heart. The sword demon is sincere and the sword is dedicated to the sword, but it is not a good person in the bones.

Therefore, at the crucial moment, the sword and the magic light flashed, and the eyes lit up. I wanted Yin Qing’s heart to fall, saying that it was difficult and difficult to say, simple and simple. The life is important, the sword magic has not taken care of the other, quickly extended his left hand, pressed on the black corset of Yin Qingxi. It is not that he does not want to use two hands, but the right hand still holds the sword.


Sure enough, Yin Qingyi’s beautiful eyes are very big, and his eyes are full of incredible. She was still thinking about how to defeat the sword magic, **** the sword magic, did not expect that in the blink of an eye, not only completely in a passive position, but also occupied by the sword magic. She is a saint and a biological daughter of the great emperor. Who dares to be so disrespectful to her?

Perhaps it is a bad year, maybe it is bad luck, but she met a dare to disrespect her today. In Yin Qing’s eyes, it seems that there is a raging anger. In particular, the next sentence of the sword demon, is the violent violent jump of Yin Qing.

"I can't feel it, I don't have a sword to feel comfortable!"

In the end, I like the sword more, and I can say such the best. If the disciple of the Taiyin Temple knows, it will definitely unload the sword. The sword magic not only touched the Virgin Peak, but also evaluated one sentence, only the evaluation of the sword demon, and did not give the son of the Virgin.

Fortunately, the purpose of the sword magic has been reached, Yin Qingyi not only lost his mind, but also lost his reason, and even gave birth to the idea of ​​the same with the sword. Fortunately, the sword magic shot is extremely fast, the person Wang Jian has been placed on the neck of Yin Qingyi, Yin Qingyi can fully feel the cold blade.

Yin Qingyi, full of anger, is calm down after all. If he is not calm, he will not be touched by his chest, but his life will not be guaranteed. Although the method of the sword magic is shameless, it is effective and saves a lot of effort. If he gives the sword a chance again, he will definitely make the same choice.

"If you dare to take a step forward, just wait for your priest to collect your corpse!"

After the Taiyin world dissipated, the swordsman said coldly to the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. There is Yin Qingying in his hand, and the sword demon is full of enthusiasm. Who makes Yin Qingyi the birth daughter of the emperor. Even the disciples of the Taiyin Temple did not dare to let Yin Qingyi lose his life because of their great courage.

The disciples of the Taiyin Temple were shocked and stunned. The swordsmen were very satisfied with their reaction. It was not easy to win Yin Qingyu in such a short time. Just, their eyes, why are they staring at their left hand? Is there anything good about your left hand?

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