The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 253: Will be shameless to the end

"Bee, take your dirty hands, otherwise I will go with you."

"Let's relax, sway, and under the sun, it is cheaper for me to be a sacred woman."

"Birds, say good showdown, how can you make such a shameless thing."

The disciples of the Taiyin Temple are full of excitement. The other warriors are also amazed. They did not expect the confrontation between Jianmo and Yin Qingyi to develop to such a degree. The swordsman looks indifferent, and the eyes are more clear. How to look like a modest gentleman, the result It’s all illusion, it’s more than a rogue.

Some warriors are fascinated by martial arts, and some warriors are greedy and greed. However, they dare to watch the women’s **** under the eyes of the public. They are the first to see them. They have heard of the daring, but they are sorry. I have not seen it before, I only understand it today.

Yin Qingxi was furious and angry. Even if Wang Jianjia was on her neck, she still raised her right hand and hit her back with the sword. I don’t know if it was because of the feeling of dangerous subconscious behavior, or because the sword is deliberate, his The left hand increased the strength, and Yin Qingyi snorted with pain.

The white palm is like a jade, and it is on the belly of the sword. Fortunately, the sword is ready, hundreds of swords, blocking the attack of Yin Qingyi. Yin Qingyi’s pair of Liu Mei’s eyebrows are upright, and they don’t know that they are not hurt. Sword demon, or the left hand of the sword is not regular.

"You give me the truth, otherwise, I will cut off your head now."

The sword of the person Wang Jian is tightly attached to the neck of Yin Qingyu's snow white. The body of Yin Qingxi is tyrannical, but it is not strong enough to be able to hurt the sword. Yin Qingyi turns his head and screams angrily. Who is not honest?

"I used to think that you are a good man. I didn't expect you to be a mean and shameless erotic."

Yin Qingyi angered the swordsman while holding the left hand of the sword demon. He wanted to take the left hand of the sword demon from her chest. The sword devil struggled a little and gave up the resistance. As long as he could control Yin Qingyi, he would It’s a shame not to hold her chest.

"If I said that I didn't mean it, would you believe it?" The explanation of the sword demon is really pale to the extreme, not convincing. "Okay, I know you won't believe it."

Don't say Yin Qingyi doesn't believe it. The other warriors don't have the same belief. The explanation is useless. The sword magic is too lazy to continue to explain. Anyway, he doesn't suffer any loss. At most, others swear at him two animals. It doesn't matter. It has no influence on his kendo. It is imperative. It is far from the disciple of the Taiyin Temple to save his life.

"You want to take me as a hostage and threaten me to the Taiyin Temple disciple." Yin Qingyi's face appeared a touch of color, and the swordsman's actions have already made her out of anger, but in the eyes of the swordsman, Already a dead person, "I am the biological daughter of the Emperor. Do you think you can really kill me?"

Yin Qingyi has the life-saving card that the emperor gave her. Once the life and death crisis is encountered, the life-saving card will play a role. If the sword magic kills her, it is no different from finding death. Fortunately, Yin Qingyi’s life-saving card can’t be used actively, otherwise it’s Yin Qingyu. The mood just now, will definitely ignore it, urging the life-saving cards, the life of the sword.

"I want to use the Virgin's Highness to scare us. It is childish to the extreme. The daughter of the Great, can you kill if you want to kill?"

"Do we interrupt his dog leg first, or cut off his hands first, or pick off his hamstrings."

"I think I should first dig his eyes and then smash his hands. Who told him not to look at it, touched it and touched it."

One of the disciples of the Taiyin Temple spit in the air, and has been discussing how to torture the swords. Yin Qingyi has the blessing of the great emperor. There is no problem in safety. The more the swordsmen are tortured, the more happy Yin Qingyi is. If the swordsman escapes, Yin Qingxi will not They will let them go, even though they are both disciples of the Taiyin Temple, Yin Qingyi will not know how to treat them, but in the future they will certainly not have good fruit to eat.

"Who said that I want to kill you." The sword demon is still expressionless, but what he said, let Yin Qingyan look pale, "You said, the hall of the sacred woman of the Taiyin Temple, if not in the eyes, appeared in the eyes of other warriors. What expression would they be?"

No way, if shamelessly can save lives, the swordsman will definitely be unscrupulous and choose to be shameless. It will not work if you threaten Yin Qingyi with life and death. The swordsman can only change other methods. If you kill Yin Qingyi, the swordsman can’t do it, but it is destroyed. The clothes on Yin Qing’s body are just a piece of cake for the swordsman.

The swordsman did not depress his voice. Not only did Yin Qingyi hear it, but the disciples of the Taiyin Temple and other warriors also heard clearly. The other military forces’ eyes were shining, and they wished to scream the swordsman and let the swordsman complete his feat. The disciples of the Taiyin Temple may have the same thoughts as them, but they dare not show them.

"Miscellaneous things."

"Sven scum."

"The coat of animals."

The disciples of the Taiyin Temple did not know what to do except for the swordsmen, although they wanted to see the sacred body of the saint, but they understood that once they really saw it, they must Not long after the death, the sacred priest will certainly not allow, and the disciple who once saw her body is alive.

"Now you have two choices, one is to let the disciples of the Taiyin Temple not to act rashly, the other one, you know."

The sword demon is very close to Yin Qingxi. Near Yin Qingyi can feel the heartbeat of the sword demon. If the sword demon really wants to destroy Yin Qingyi’s clothes, the disciple of the Taiyin Temple must not be able to stop it. The previous speech, the sword demon has sealed Yin Qingyu, now Yin Qingyi did not have any resistance at all.

Yin Qingxi wants to unload the sword and the sword, three to feed the dog, and the remaining five to feed the dog. However, now she can only choose to compromise. She is not afraid of the sword and her life, because the sword is not going to be, But she is afraid that the sword will not let her go, she can kill the sword, and later can remove the disciples of the Taiyin Temple, but what other military personnel do.

"I... choose the first one."

From small to large, Yin Qingyi has not hated a person so much, and he wants to lick his flesh and his blood. However, the hero does not eat the loss before the eyes, the good girl is the same, the temporary compromise, for her, only good, no harm, she is The eldest daughter of the Emperor, the priest of the Taiyin Temple, and later there is an opportunity to get rid of the sword, no need to rush.

"Very good, knowing that the current situation is Junjie, you have finally made the right choice."

The sword demon is not to listen to Yin Qingyi, but to the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. The Holy Lady has already made a choice. As long as the disciples of the Taiyin Temple do not commit stupidity, they will certainly not violate the will of Yin Qingxi, even though they are the young genius of the Taiyin Temple. However, they can prove the hope of becoming an emperor, and they have reached the extreme. Offending the Highness of the Virgin is tantamount to finding a dead end.

"Bad boy, if you dare to hurt a sacred hair of the Virgin, even if it is to chase to the ends of the earth, I will still ruin you."

"This time, you are lucky, if there is another time, I will definitely not let you go."

"When we didn't change our mind, we rolled quickly and how far it was, otherwise, let you die without a place to die."

Yin Qingxi’s choice is the choice of the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. They really don’t mean to shoot the swordsman. However, because of the face, they will not let the swords go away, not to insult the swords, or to threaten the swords, or Scared the swordsman.

"I suddenly changed my mind. If they don't apologize to me, I will let them appreciate the body of the Virgin."

The words of the sword demon, Yin Qingqi body trembled, Yin Qingyi is really hateful and afraid of the sword, and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple are gloomy. I don’t know what I am thinking. I knew that what I said earlier would lead to such a big disaster. I will definitely close my mouth honestly.

They believe that escape is the thing that the swordsman has to do. I didn't expect that the swordsmen had to compete with them. Yin Qingyi is still in the hands of the swordsmen. No matter their strength, they are beyond the swordsman. The swordsman made them apologize. They can only apologize. Without Yin Qing’s opening, the disciples of the Taiyin Temple began to admit their mistakes.

"Sorry, for a moment of misunderstanding, if you offend you, please forgive me."

"Your appearance is handsome, handsome, and arrogant. At first glance, it is a generous person, and certainly will not care about us, right."

"I must have been drinking too much, and I will talk nonsense, and please don't take it to your heart."

Regardless of what they think, on the surface, they still have to sincerely apologize. The swordsmen have to re-examine them. It’s really a group of guys who don’t have the rhythm. The monks count the most fierce of them. Apologizing is also the most serious of their apologies. They are really shameless in order to please Yin Qingyi.

"I changed my mind again. It doesn't make much sense to apologize. If they are willing to kneel down, it is better to have a slap in the face and a slap in the face. I don't want to see how sullen they are in the face, just want to hear it. ”

Wen Yan, one after another, the Taiyin Temple disciples changed their faces, let them apologize, there is nothing, let them kneel and add a slap in the face, they certainly can not stand, but if they do not lie, or do not slap their own, may not The swordsman will be so mad that Yin Qing will not appear in front of them.

"Well, my eyes are blind and I can't see anything."

"I have a stomachache and I have to find a place to solve it."

"My head is so dizzy, help me, I have to faint."

One after another lame excuses, Yin Qingqi's forehead blue-strength jumps, but the swordsmen are not prepared to be true, if they are ready to receive, then entangled, there is no meaning, let alone, night long dreams, who knows the ancient palace and the desperate building Disciples will not jump out, Yin Qingying is in hand, can only threaten the disciples of the Taiyin Temple, the death-stricken building and the disciples of the ancient Emperor Palace do not eat this set.

"You are still doing what you are doing, pulling the car."

The sword demon entered the chariot and threw Yin Qingyu into it. The four Axiro’s Tianjun looked at each other and had to pull the chariot honestly and step by step.

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