The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 254: Real animal

"I heard that there is no, there is a beast in the battlefield of Shura. I don’t know which young disciple of the power, even in the eyes of the public, grasping the chest of the Holy Lady of the Taiyin Temple, I am not ashamed."

"You have to despise and despise, why do you look envious?"

"Crap, that is the chest of the Highness of the Virgin. I heard that the Lady of the Taiyin Temple is beautiful and beautiful, and you don't want to touch it."

Compared with the heavens, the Shura community does not know how much it is. The Shura battlefield is less than the Shura community. I don’t know how much it is. The swordsman’s work is quickly spread to all corners of the Shura battlefield. The swordsman knows that he will fight. Fame, but unfortunately, it is not a good name.

Originally, killing the robbery of the Terran, threatening to destroy the Terran, and scaring the heavens of the Terran, can make the sword magic famous, but the vast majority of the Solo people are young disciples, they feel Grasping the chest of the Virgin Mary is more powerful than the previous ones.

Lingdao is also in a bitter smile. Originally another body can be a good man. I didn't expect that the name of Shura’s battlefield would be stinking. After all, Jianmo and Lingdao are one person, one soul, and the sword is only superficial. It seems to be indifferent.

"That's good. My father made me both of my bodies turn against each other. If another body is too serious, how can I become an enemy from friends because of beauty?"

Although the battlefield of Shura is not big, but the battlefield of Shura has disciples from all major forces, Lingdao wants to act, and the battlefield of Shura is a very good stage. If it is in the heavens, it will play a lot of sensation, not like now. Can be spread across all major territories.

Of course, if the swordsman and the lingdao are silent, others will not pay attention to him. Fortunately, because of the rumored martial arts corridor, the reputation of the sword is due to the grasp of the priest’s chest and the sensation of the battlefield. If Lingdao and Jianmo fight, other warriors will definitely be interested.

The only headache for Lingdao is that the two physical realms are different. One king is in the peak of the kingdom. In the middle of a heavenly kingdom, it is impossible to achieve equal potential. When it comes to breakthrough, Lingdao is sure to break through. To the heavenly kingdom, only the Shura community is not suitable for breakthrough.

"When you meet another body, you want to play a game, or else, join hands with the Great Devil."

Now the big demon, it is the same as the sword magic, the middle of the heavens, but unfortunately, Lingdao understands that if he proposes to deal with the sword magic with the big demon, the big demon will certainly not agree, the final result is nothing more than The demon alone competes with the sword, and there is nothing in it.

Lingdao smashed the children of Lingjia, but did not get rid of the big demon god. In comparison, the sword magic enjoys a lot, not only the Ashura to pull the car for him, but also the beautiful woman sitting in front of the eyes, if this beauty does not eat It’s even better to look at him with a human eye.

"You are safe, can you let me go, anyway, you dare not kill me, what is the use of keeping me."

Yin Qingxi has not been idle, has been attacking the seal of the sword magic, although she is not the opponent of the sword magic, but the recovery strength is certainly hundreds of times better than the current situation, but fortunately she is a prisoner of enlightenment, even if it hates the sword Still, he did not offend the swordsman in words.

She hates swordsmen, and is equally afraid of swordsmen. It is not afraid of the powerful strength of the swordsman, but the shameless means of fearing the swordsman. A dare to hold her chest under the eyes of the public, and after being broken, the face is still not half a point. The person who changes is definitely not irritating. Even if you want to deal with the sword, you must take the shot with absolute certainty. Otherwise, you will fall into the hands of the sword and you will die.

"You have a self-knowledge, knowing that you are useless, and you are saved."

When the sword demon opened, Yin Qing’s suffocating half died. Fortunately, Yin Qingyi quickly suppressed the anger of the full face. Yin Qingxi deeply understood that now she is only a loss of the sword, who knows if the sword will be in battle. In the car, what to do to her, anyway, she is now unable to resist.

"Don't stare at me, a girl's house, why do you have to be like a tigress."

Losing Yin Qingyu, the sword magic is not a little psychological burden. After all, Yin Qingxi is surely thinking about how to break him down. In fact, how to deal with Yin Qingyi, the sword magic also has a headache, kill it, only to recruit yourself to kill It’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s hard to catch it.

Moreover, once Yin Qingyi is free, he will definitely look for disciples of the Taiyin Temple, and then let the disciples of the Taiyin Temple deal with the swordsmen. The swordsmen in the middle of the heavenly kingdom have not yet reached the point of invincible Shura, and the things that the tigers return to the mountains, the swordsmen do not want to do, let alone Still a tigress, the tigress is crazy, certainly more horrible.

"If you look at me again, I will auction you without a slap in the face. Although your appearance is normal, you are the sacred daughter of the Taiyin Temple. The biological daughter of the Emperor is definitely worth a lot of spiritual stones."

The spirit of the sword is really powerful. Yin Qing’s lungs are about to be blown up. Whether it is that she is pretty or not, she has to change her into a Lingshi, which is enough to vomit blood. However, Yin Qingyi has made the most The right choice, eye nose, nose view mouth, no longer holding the sword magic, who knows that the sword magic is a joke, or really have this.

"You said how big his courage is, after the hijacking of the saint, dare to let us pull him everywhere, is he not afraid of death?"

"Afraid, how can you not be afraid, who will not be afraid of death, if he is not afraid of death, he will be desperately fighting with those Terran warriors, why should the saints be taken hostage?"

"Then I don't understand. He can hide it now. Why do we want us to pull the chariot? Isn't he worried that other warriors will find him?"

"You care about what he does, he is dead, are we not free?"

The four Ashura Tianjun who took the sword for the sword, used the will to communicate, they could not speak out, if they were not happy, they would die under the sword of the king, they also hate the sword Because the swordsmen let them do the things that the beasts do, although they are pulling the cars to the young chiefs in the Ashura tribe, but pulling the cars to the young chiefs and pulling the cars to the human warriors is absolutely different.


At this time, there was a scream in the chariot, and the voice of the woman, Ashura’s Heavenly King certainly would not be mistaken. Then, the chariot swayed violently, Yin Qing’s curse, from inside. It was revealed that the four Ashura Tianjun showed a look that you understood and understood, and then continued to pull the car.

The things inside the chariot, of course, are different from those imagined by Ashura Tianjun. The swordsman is idle and has nothing to do. He wants to observe the emperor of the Taiyin Temple. Unfortunately, Yin Qingxi’s life and death are not given, and the woman is not done. The warrior confrontation, regardless of whether the opponent is male or female.

The sword can be used to fight a woman who has no power to fight back. He can't do it. Therefore, he had to put his hand on Yin Qing's chest again. Although Yin Qingyi has put the clothes together, the sword's hand is placed on it. Still able to feel the fullness of Yin Qingxi.

"You'd better kill me, or else, if you don't have me in the future, if I don't have you, no matter where you hide in the three thousand territories, I will find you, and then you will die if you torture."

Yin Qing 妍 忍 忍 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Her chest and right hand touched her sword, as if it was really better than which hand.

In the end, the swordsman held the sword in both hands, as if the result was obtained. Yin Qingyi did not know whether it was fortunate or to be angry. The result is self-evident. The sword demon thinks that Wang Jian is better, so both hands are placed on the sword. Even if Yin Qingyi’s repair was sealed, he still fought with the sword.

"If the rumors are correct, the chariot in front is the sword magic."

"The four Asura's Tianjun pulls the car, three mid-term Tianjun, and a late Tianjun, certainly not wrong."

"The time for the hero to save the beauty is here, let's go, save the saints of the Taiyin Temple. When the time comes, the saints of the Taiyin Temple don't say that they will give us the benefits of the big."

"I have heard that the saint of the Taiyin Temple is the first beauty of the ancient domain. I can see it today. It is really a good fortune."

One after another young warriors came to the place where the swordsmen were. They certainly did not come over to meet the swordsmen, but they were prepared to deal with the swordsmen and let the temple of the Taiyin Temple escape from the sea of ​​suffering. The rumors they heard were only swords. How shameless, how to shameless, how strong the swordsman is, they don’t know.

What's more, they are crowded, even if one is not an opponent of the sword, two of the three together, will certainly be able to fight the swords of the sword, the sword is only a Tianjun, among them mid-day, There are late Tianjun, and Fengfeng Tianjun, there is no need to fear the sword magic.

"No, how the chariots are so shocking, what the swordsman is doing."

"Have you heard the curse of the woman, will it be the sacred woman of the Taiyin Temple."

"A shameless person, dare to be in the broad daylight, to the sacred woman of the Taiyin"

In the latter case, he really couldn’t say it. He had seen the beasts and had never seen such a beast. Not only did he hold the chest of the Virgin under the public, but he also did this in the chariot. They don’t want to face things, they really want to rush into the chariot, and together with the sword demon, deal with the Virgin's Highness... No, it is to rush into the chariot, to deal with the sword demon, and to save the Holy Lady.

"Sword magic, hurry out, we are here to take your dog's life."

"If you are courageous, you will come out. I will fight you for three hundred rounds. I will not call you to cry and yell at my mother. I am not the genius of the Fire Palace."

"Get out of the way, we can wait for you without patience. If you know each other, we can give you a good time. If you don't know each other, we don't mind letting you know what is better than death." The first book from 17K novel network, the first Watch genuine content for a while!

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